The Earle family : Ralph Earle and his descendants (1888)

Earle family

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The Earle family : Ralph Earle and his descendants

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Born in 17th Century

Provo, UT: Operations Inc, Original data: Earle, Pliny,. The Earle family: Ralph Earle and his descendants. unknown: unknown, Printed for the family. Ralph Earle and his descendants. by Earle, Pliny, Publication date Topics Earle family. Publisher Worcester, Mass.

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The Earle Family Ralph Earle and his descendants. OCLC does not sell books and the actual content is not provided in our database. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. History and genealogy of the Earles of Secaucus. Preview this item Preview this item.

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Her obituary notice in the Worcester Spy said, "Aside from her own family circle, no one has cause to mourn more deeply than the slave, for whose interests her labors were untiring. He was the editor and publisher of the Massachusetts Spy from [called the Daily Spy after July 22, ].

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The offices were in the Butman Block on Main Street. He loved and enjoyed the sharp encounter of harmless wit.

Born in 18th Century

Although not a technical Garrisonian abolitionist, he was an early pioneer in Anti-Slavery movement first as a Whig, then as a Free Soiler. He tried to make Worcester County the stronghold of conscientious and determined political opposition to slavery. He served as Representative to the General Court in and He was elected to the State Senate in He was also a city alderman, postmaster, state commissioner on Indian affairs, and founder of the Horticultural Society.

He was a cashier of Worcester County National Bank.