A Twilight for Heroes

Now I only have the black sand. Do I have to use that? Can I find more Gray sand? What is the third color of sand? How am I supposed to do this quest?!? Use the black sand too - then go back to the Dank and Rusty Maze. It works out, and you'll get the 3rd type of 'sand'. Just remember the 'gray sand' when you need a password! I heard about the new servers and came back to the game. It is much less laggy now.. The biggest problem was that errors more often then not killed the char pane and the adventure pane quite efficiently, and this basically doesn't let you pass the quest.

As for the game, I still think the writing and jokes could be much better, and that the artwork is just plain terrible. Stock photographs and family photos totally break the atmosphere of the game. Ryme should really get hold of a comic book artist who would redraw all the pictures in Sin City style. UNLESS the real point of the game is that you are playing a deranged dude who fights ordinary people, senior citizens and small animals on streets thinking he is a superhero - in that case, kudos to Ryme for abstracting the game theme in such a perfectly subtle way.

Twilight Heroes is a browser-based, multiplayer role playing game designed and operated and released by American studio Quirkz Media in October Twilight Heroes is a FREE, web-based superhero role-playing game. Create a superhero character. Explore the city of Twilight. Fight villains, go on quests.

Third thing I don't like is the Auctions. They are terribly implemented in my opinion. The interface is clunky, and it's hard to trade items because they are either tied up in an extremely long auction process or ridicilously overpriced. Bottom line, with less lag I must admit the game got exponentially more enjoyable, and the good old KoL-ish addictiveness starts to show up.

I'm coming back to this and I hope it will grow in a damn fine game and that those GM script geniuses will start tweaking the interface a bit with instant-use and one-click rebuffing functions, because frankly, you just can't play without those. Glad to hear that things are working a little better. I haven't actually been on the forums, though I guess I should if I want a better sense of what goes on behind the scenes. For the record, I'd rather give hints than spoilers.

Oh, and if anyone wants one in-game, or if they implement a hero-team feature, you can give me a message: Man, Lag or no lag I getting in on the ground floor. I love KoL but it really gets my goat that I missed out on all kinds of "limited-time" goodies. Lag or no lag I'm sticking to it. Plus I am in the process of trying to make my own browser based game though not really anything like kol or this one and it'll be good to see what kind of hardships to look forward to.

Just in case people don't know it, at midnight Friday the game was taken offline to upgrade the servers. This is supposed to take a few days bad news but the lag issues and "" errors should be a thing of the past good news. The game is back online, without lag and it's a whole new ballgame. Of course once people start swarming in I guess it will not stay as lightning-fast as it is now, but still. Unfortunately, for some reason I cannot get pop-ups the good kind in the game any more, which is bad because it's the only way you can get journal hints or see what each item does.

I hope this gets fixed soon. It seems to be a standard "pick at random" algorithm. Currently, I cannot reach the servers. I must be stupid. I can't find the password for the sewers. I typed in 'grey sand' and 'gray sand' but neither of them worked. What is the password? Phoenix, you're more than likely not stupid: Spend a few more turns in the Maze and get a feel for the gist of how things go there Like take off your Sandals, and put them back on again to see how things change.

Twilight Heroes - Walkthrough, Tips, Review

He talked to you that way the whole time. This seems to be one of the most frequently asked questions I've run into; if they ever implement a hero-team feature, I'm going to start a hinty team, the "Irradianti" or something, and shed light on the one true path of all those who seek help. After running around in the maze for about five twilight days I finally used both, black and gray sand. It then took me another two days to realise why "say grand" does not quite work I'm not going to spell it out any further though, you'd hate me for it!

I want to thank everyone tt helped me. I can't believe I didn't understand the sewer password before. I can't log into the game I've created three or four characters and none of them work! OK the password for the sewers is not "say grand". So the password is not a true spoonism of "Gray Sand". The spoonism generator I found online says the spoonism of "Gray Sand" is "Say Grand" and vice versa.

So then what the hell is it then? If it is supose to resemble a command line can someone give me a clue? Okay, you're beating your head against the answer, but you know you'll have to think differently for it. Imagine the Min- er, Bind Mender is telling it to you aloud again. Say it aloud to yourself a few times and see if it hits you. He wants you to say grand! The password is freakin' grand! I'll be quiet now.

I helped the old lady by the tavern and she told me the name of the guy there but I forgot what the name is and I can't get her to come back to the tavern. Can anyone tell me what the pizza guy's name is? I'm stuck with nothing to do as well. I wonder if they just haven't gotten around to making more quests yet. Though I did just unlock a new area in the desert with supper tough enemies after gaining a level.

After the quests end, you can either try out new classes to see how they work - just transmogrify your starting talisman, you'll drop to level 1. Unfortunately, the quests don't get reset. You can also farm chips and collect merit badges which are similar to KoL trophies. One of the more popular and challenging ones includes.

But if you want some long-term fun, then TH still doesn't provides it, at least not in the extent KoL does. Has anyone else gotten to any more quests?

I'm pretty much just stuck gaining levels and hoping I'll be given a quest. I've played three characters on TH up to level 11, now, and I must say that this game has delivered a lot of entertainment.

Wolfgirl Okay readers, here is another fanfiction from yours truly, only with a twist, I have decided to cross Heroes with Twilight. Lag is still an issue, but if you get in before 8: Sorry, I haven't Update this story. Where else can you find some electronics to commandeer? The way that man looked at me had really gotten under my skin; customers didn't normally care enough to find out my first name, they certainly never asked for my last name, and the hungry gleam in this customer's eyes as he watched every move I made would have disturbed me even if it hadn't brought to mind things I couldn't bear to think about. All the other items that even come close to a Mr. UNLESS the real point of the game is that you are playing a deranged dude who fights ordinary people, senior citizens and small animals on streets thinking he is a superhero - in that case, kudos to Ryme for abstracting the game theme in such a perfectly subtle way.

Other players have been extremely helpful, the quests have been entertaining, and I feel rather fond of my three urban heroes. I've just started playing Kingdom of Loathing because of all the comparisons TH gets to it, and I must say that it IS extremely similar in mechanics, and there's no denying that KoL is an extremely rich, thoroughly developed game, while TH is clearly in its infancy. KoL also has its own voice in a way that few games I've ever played do. TH pales in comparison. TH is still a whole lot of fun. It's also easier, which I appreciate. TH was a good trainer for KoL, which might have been too intimidating for me to start with.

Twilight of Heroes

TH has more stuff now, and the lag problem is long gone. How about an "Updated and Improved" bump or something? It just ended up here at a bad time to begin with. I really enjoy this game a lot. I keep discovering new facets of gameplay as I wend my way through this world. Every couple weeks there's a reasonably large update, too. I'm here to stay! This game has come a long way since the introduction of the beta. It now has more than 9, players and the creator adds a new quests, zones, and fun objects constantly. Phonix, I'm at the same place you are! There are some talks about a secret place in the forum, but I cannot figure it out Where can you find a data plate, memory tube, and electronic cabling?

I checked the electronics store, but there weren't any. You cannot find some electronic parts in the crummy electronics store? Where else can you find some electronics to commandeer? Why not think it over while heading to the casino district? On some levels, there are no quests. Keep leveling, there should be a quest in your low teens. Also, if you get bored, you can always go for badges, or try transmogrifying. Harvest rare items and give 'em a helping hand. This definately needs a new review, the game is much better.

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For those that are wondering, there is a new quest that's available. Also, I don't know if anyone could do this, but the misleading complaints on the errors definately would make people NOT want to play. That isn't the point of this site, I'm assuming? If you ever need any ingame help, you can. Leave a comment [ top of page ]. All games mentioned or hosted and images appearing on JayIsGames are Copyright their respective owner s.

JayIsGames offers a free online experience with the best free online games. You can read our daily honest reviews and walkthroughs, play games, discuss about them. Since , we review every day only the best, including casual games, flash games, arcade games, indie games, download games, shooting games, escape games, RPG games, puzzle games, mobile games and much more. Don't just read reviews or play games on JayIsGames. Submit your game now and we might release it in homepage.

Use our game submission form. Check us back often! We add new games every day and only the best games! Free online and mobile games. By Jay November 6, Add to Favorites. Comments 78 Views 5, The following is a reader-submitted review by Gar: Same with me, Brandon! This game seems pretty cool. I can't wait til the servers don't lag so much. Very fun, and far more stable than earlier. And I'm already heavily addicted to KoL!

I think I will wait for the server issues to be fixed. But it does look real cool. OK I played around with it, so I'll put in my 25 cents. However, it is very much worth the effort. The game gets better as it goes!!! Its really not as good. I seem to be having trouble logging in.

This game provides examples of:

Does it require my forum username or my character name? Some more cents from me. But let me make a few points about the game. I could rebuke most of these above comments, but I don't really have the time There is a link in the bottom left that will get you to the last area patrolled. More specific spoilery info about the last patrolled link: I hate the sewer quest! I am totally stuck! Freddy, Don't panic, you've done the right thing.

There are lots of boxes containing chips!!! Just wanted to clear that up. Do I type in my hero's name and the password? What do I do? I did feel really stupid after finally working it out! I'm close to giving up. For the sewer password I've tried everything I can think of. Phoenix- One of those that you've tried seems to be a bit of command. For those having problems with the password say grand. But now does anyone know how you find out what is causing the University Protest? I loved the clerks reference on the docks. By the way theres a buncha savages in this town. Is it supposed to send out a verification email?

Because I never got one. If you don't, don't worry as a lot of people ask the question, even multiple times. Leah - Check your journal - it's all in there. But life isn't normal when you have a paper company tracking you where ever you go. I have been different ever since I was born, I was just like many of the others out there, maybe they have noticed, maybe not, but I knew I was different when I was able to heal whenever I was hurt.

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I have only met one other person like me, her name was Claire Bennet. I was only able to talk to her for a second before I had to get on the plane and head to Forks, a place where my father now lived. You see, when my parents were young, they decided to marry after high school, and then a year later I was born. It was 7 years after that, that I discovered what I could do, and then 5 years after that I was taken and then found a day later only to learn that I am now being tracked where ever I go just like the many others like me. Attention all passengers, we would like to thank you for flying American Express, you may proceed off the plane when the seat belt light is off.

Twilight Heroes

I waited until the light was off and grabbed my bags off the plane through the terminal hoping I would be able to find my father before I managed to succumb to any injuries…then again they would heal right away. Charlie's usual, was work, supper, and a game. And sometimes of weekend he would go down to La Push, a tiny reserve, and go fishing with his long time friend Billy Black. Yes, being a teenager who could stand being hit by a train and manage to walk out alive with the remains of blood, my blood, all over my clothes and not a single scratch on me.

Yes I was all good. I knew in my heart that my father still loves my mother dearly, but she decided that it was best if they separated, mostly it was her idea, my father loved my mother so much that he agreed and let her do what ever she wanted. Personally I think that he should have fought a bit.

My eyes widen suddenly at the spoken words.

  1. ;
  2. The Kidnapped Prime Minister: A Hercule Poirot Short Story.
  3. Croatia, Europe and the Twilight of Heroes!
  4. Orchestrating Inquiry Learning.
  5. Profiting From Pinterest [Special Report].
  6. Love, It Is!.
  7. A Slice of Trouble, Book Twelve (The White Witch Series, ()single book publication 12)!

I had only managed to contact him a couple times, but then lost track of him when he moved somewhere else. When we got to the house, I saw what my father had bought me, I was a big red truck, it wasn't to shiny, more like rusty, but I could tell that it was reliable. It was also a vehicle that wouldn't get me too noticed in Forks. While driving back with Charlie I had noticed that most of the cars in forks, were old and rusted like the one right in front of me.

He was standing by the front door, which was open, with my bags on either side of him. I ran up to him and gave him a hug. I started off by placing all my clothes in the dresser that was in my room, and some of my clothes on hangers. I then started getting all my books and miscellaneous stuff out and placing them where I needed them to be, and last but not least I took out one thing I hated the most, and two of my prize positions. I took out my alarm clock, the one I hated, set the time and placed it on the night stand that was beside my bed, and then placed my diary of misfortune "Accident," which had every single attempt at hurting my self in it, and the books I read so many times, and maybe other like me as well, Activating Evolution, By Chandra Suresh.

Supper with Charlie was uneventful only that he told me that I would be going to school tomorrow. I nodded and grabbed my plate and placing it in the sink to do the dishes. When Charlie placed his plate in the bubble, soapy water, I smiled at him, and told him to go watch the game while I cleaned the kitchen.