Communications and Technology for Violence Prevention: Workshop Summary

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Communications and Technology for Violence Prevention: Workshop Summary ( ). Proceedings. Communications and Technology for Violence Prevention. Communication and Technology for Violence Prevention: Workshop Summary is the report that fully explains this workshop.

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Communications and technology for violence prevention : workshop summary

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In the last 25 years, a major shift has occurred in the field of violence prevention, from the assumption that violence is inevitable to the realization that violence is preventable. As we learn more about what works to reduce violence, the challenge facing those who work in the field is how to use all of this new information to rapidly deploy or enhance new programs.

At the same time, new communications technologies and distribution channels have altered traditional means of communications, and have made community-based efforts to prevent violence possible by making information readily available. How can these new technologies be successfully applied to the field of violence prevention? On December , , the IOM's Forum on Global Violence Prevention held a workshop to explore the intersection of violence prevention and information and communications technology. The workshop - called "mPreventViolence" - provided an opportunity for practitioners to engage in new and innovative thinking concerning these two fields with the goal of bridging gaps in language, processes, and mechanisms.

The workshop focused on exploring the potential applications of technology to violence prevention, drawing on experience in development, health, and the social sector as well as from industry and the private sector. Communication and Technology for Violence Prevention: Workshop Summary is the report that fully explains this workshop.

Communications and Technology for Violence Prevention: Workshop Summary.

Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the view of the organizations or agencies that provided support for this project. Communications and technology for violence prevention: Simon, rapporteurs ; Forum on Global Violence Prevention, Board on Global Health, Institute of Medicine and National Research Council of the National Academies, electronic resource represents a specific, individual, material embodiment of a distinct intellectual or artistic creation found in University of Missouri-Kansas City.

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The statements and opinions contained in proceedings are those of the participants and are not endorsed by other participants, the planning committee, or the National Academies. Preventing violence against women and children: However, formatting rules can vary widely between applications and fields of interest or study. Because the topic is large and the field is broad, presentations at this event represent only a sample of the research currently being undertaken. You already recently rated this item.

This item is available to borrow from 4 library branches. Creator Blakeslee, Katherine M. Summary In the last 25 years, a major shift has occurred in the field of violence prevention, from the assumption that violence is inevitable to the realization that violence is preventable.

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As we learn more about what works to reduce violence, the challenge facing those who work in the field is how to use all of this new information to rapidly deploy or enhance new programs. At the same time, new communications technologies and distribution channels have altered traditional means of communications, and have made community-based efforts to prevent violence possible by making information readily available. How can these new technologies be successfully applied to the field of violence prevention?

ICT Integration Workshop 0 - Overview

On December , , the IOM's Forum on Global Violence Prevention held a workshop to explore the intersection of violence prevention and information and communications technology. The workshop - called "mPreventViolence" - provided an opportunity for practitioners to engage in new and innovative thinking concerning these two fields with the goal of bridging gaps in language, processes, and mechanisms. The workshop focused on exploring the potential applications of technology to violence prevention, drawing on experience in development, health, and the social sector as well as from industry and the private sector.

Communication and Technology for Violence Prevention: Workshop Summary is the report that fully explains this workshop "In the last 25 years, a major shift has occurred in the field of violence prevention, from the assumption that violence is inevitable to the realization that violence is preventable.