Das föderative System der Bundesrepublik Deutschland (German Edition)

Bildungssystem Deutschland

I am particularly interested in the German educational system, their secondary system, and their links to industry. Also, their commitment to the EU's Lifelong Learning agenda and the funding of their education system. I would recommend the following web resources to you for information on the German education system in general, with a focus on secondary education and the EU programme for Lifelong learning:. The chapters can either be downloaded individually, or you can access the complete file.

The information includes historical developments, current status, policy and reform developments, and the European dimension of education in Germany. Please note that this is a reference system, you will find a comprehensive information system regarding web-based resources here with links to the actual websites and official documents,.

  1. Das föderative System der Bundesrepublik Deutschland;
  2. Länderprofile Migration: Daten - Geschichte - Politik!
  3. Find a copy online.

Information on Education in Europe. This website can be browsed by topics, it is particularly useful with regard to comparative assessments, statistics and glossaries. The full text document can be downloaded from this site, it concerns educational indicators and figures relating to participation, administration, policy, financing of education in Europe , EURYDICE offers information resources on Lifelong Learning, too.

Eine zentrale Zusammenstellung aller Materialsammlungen zum Thema Bildung und Migration, die es auf dem Bildungsserver gibt, finden Sie auf der Seite http: Quellen zur historischen Bildungsforschung: Als Webkatalog verweisen wir lediglich auf entsprechende Datensammlungen. Schuldatenbanken finden Sie bei uns auf der Seite http: Eine Liste der Kultusministerien finden Sie bei uns auf der Seite http: I am a teacher in the USA doing graduate work in education. Could you send me sample schedules of a day in the life of a student in elementary, middle and high school?

I know you have different tracks for kids? I teach special education. Could you tell me more about your special education programs? I am also in search of literature in English such as brochures about the German School System. Do you have any information like this I could pass out to my fellow teachers?

There are 30 of us in my class. For general information about the German education system you can find resources on the following page: As we only link to resources on the internet we cannot send you any material in print. Some of the resources from the pages above are available as pdf-files.

On our server there is more information about special school education, but most of the resources are only available in German: Unfortunately I cannot provide a sample schedule for a school day. As school education is a domain of the federal states there are in fact 16 varieties of education systems. School organisation can therefore differ as well.

For more information about the school systems in the federal states Laender you can consult the respective education servers: I am a citizen in Hong Kong and I am interested in the education in Germany. I have surfed your website but couldn't find any information about the class size policy in German primary and secondary schools.

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Could you possibly help to send me the related information if any? Was any research done before the class size policy was implemented in Germany? Are there any websites about class size policy of the primarry and secondary schools in Germany that are written in English? But, as you may know, Germany is a federal country meaning that the States Laender are entirely responsible for all school questions: But I do not know a published policy according that question.

But when you have a look into the OECD publication "Education at a glance" you remark differences between countries and also how much money is spend in average per pupil etc There are a few publications on that question in German, but you probably will not get the articles and books in Hong Kong, I think. You find them in http: There is some research according to that question mainly showing, that class size does not matter for measured results of pupils knowledge.

1. Background

Das föderative System der Bundesrepublik Deutschland (German Edition) [Julian Nagel] on www.farmersmarketmusic.com *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Studienarbeit. Das föderative System der Bundesrepublik Deutschland: Auswahlbibliographie ( Schriftenreihe zur politischen Bildung) (German Edition) [Dieter Dörner] on.

But there are also contra dictionary results shooing that it is depending of the teaching methods used Some private schools have their policy formulated such as the Walldorfschulen according to Rudolf Steiner saying "Jedes Talent sollte in einer Klasse mindestens zweimal vertreten sein" and run therefore normally classes over 30 pupils In Discussion papers which are in full text in the Internet at http: I do also not know any formulated policy in German on that theme, but discussions by scientiest as the three titles you got.. As you may know there are a few variables for school such as money for school system, class size, number of teachers per teaching subject If money is the independent variable, meaning that politically fixed than one has to make it very rough, two possibilities: Or, when you prefer highly qualified teachers which will than get more salary, you only can increase the number of pupils per class The statistic at http: You have to look at the original because by mail it merges, but thus I can add a few explanations in English.

The high number of school types is due to the fact that it is a national German statistics and schools are entirely the policy of every of the 16 States Integrierte Gesamtschulen, see http: Berufsaufbauschulen a professionsl school fot professional upgrading Berufsschule im dualen System see: The earlier mentionned text under http: Folgende online-Publikationen konnte ich finden, die Angaben zur Berufsausbildung vor dem Studium enthalten:.

Die wirtschaftliche und soziale Lage der Studierenden in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland Informations- und Dokumentationssystem Hochschule http: Sonstige Quellen zur Hochschulstatistik: I am currently reading for a Masters in Education degree with the University of My main research area in School Based assessment in the secondary school exam. If so what work does this coursework consist eg lab work, internal test etc of and what is the weighting of such assessment on the final grade.

I was asked a similar question some time ago about English language exams in Germany. You can find the answer in our Wiki-information desk at: Concerning physics education I can offer you the Unified examination requirements for physics Abitur: Of interest should also be our collection of resources on education standards in Germany: For more detailed information you should contact the ministries of education of the federal states, as the education systems differ from each other: You can also try and contact the education servers of the federal states: For general information on the German education system see also: Empfehlungen und Diskussionen zur Zukunft des Bildungswesens http: Soziale Herkunft und Bildung http: Bildungsbenachteiligung in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland http: Position des Grundschulverbands, Arbeitsschwerpunkt: Neue Rollenverteilung bei der Bildung?

Allgemeines zum deutschen Bildungssystem http: Ich bin Student der Sozialen Arbeit und will in meiner Hausarbeit die Bildungspolitik der verschiedenen im Bundestag vertreten Parteien vergleichen und des weiteren die unterschiede zwischen dem dreigliedrigen Schulsystem und der Integrierten Gesamtschule ausarbeiten.

Quellen zum deutschen Bildungssystem finden Sie unter: Artikel aus unserem Wiki-Bildungslexikon: Positionen zur Bildung in Deutschland finden Sie auch auf der Seite http: Quellen zur Literatursuche finden Sie unter: Vereinzelt sind in der Datenbank auch Volltexte enthalten und verlinkt. Angaben zu Bildungsausgaben finden Sie ebenfalls in den Grund- und Strukturdaten: Bildungsweg finden Sie bei jedem Bundesland ein Schaubild.

Was muss man einbringen, was muss man belegen, etc.? Ist es zentral oder von der Schule selbst gestellt? Schulzeit am Gymnasium http: In der Regel erreichen Sie diese auf dem 1. Wenn Sie die Informationen dazu haben wir auf der Seite http: Dabei sind bereits viele Probleme im lexikalischen sowie terminologischen Bereich aufgetaucht. Informationen in englischer Sprache zum deutschen Bildungssystem finden Sie unter: Deutsche Auslandsvertretungen in China: Einen Versuch wert sind vielleicht auch die Auslandshandelskammern in China: I am a high school student with a project to find out what are the graduation requiremets of schools outside the US.

The recent debate around smoking ban laws is a case in point. In a national law was enacted banning smoking in public facilities, but the legislation that concerns smoking bans in restaurant and bars was transferred to the state level and resulted in a range of very diverse regulations, some of them complex, based on voluntary efforts with multiple exceptions for small bars, clubs and places holding traditional events [ 51 ]. Some innkeepers filed a lawsuit against the states' smoking prohibition at the Federal Constitutional Board. The court decided that such a law was in accordance with the German constitution because the government has the duty to safeguard the life and health of the general population.

However, it has to be guaranteed that the federal legislation ensures both equality and consistency for all parties involved [ 52 ]. In response to the built-in exceptions, such as the freedom to run so-called "smoking clubs" to which only registered members have access, a petition for a referendum was initiated in the state of Bavaria enrolment period November 19 th - December 2 nd.

The aim of the petition is a unified law for the protection of non-smokers without exceptions. An additional, related problem may be that there is no central agency for public health in Germany that could help coordinate prevention policies where suitable. In contrast, often programmes are continued, even though proved to be unsuccessful e.

Nevertheless, not all health topics are covered broadly. There are approximately funds of this kind in Germany, mostly organized at the state level. They have gained more legal rights recently to offer preventive measures to their customers.

In , insurance funds spent the highest amount ever for primary prevention: Substance abuse is not an explicit target of this programme, but is considered as one minor point within the scope of workplace health promotion and primary prevention activities within the "setting approach", e. The insurance funds are also allowed to incentivise their members through programmes such as monetary compensation or free fitness centre memberships.

Critically though, they can only finance these incentives from cost savings. This is unlikely to be a sensible economic requirement, as programmes that would still provide good value i. Given that customers are free to switch to another insurance fund, these programmes are rather used as marketing tools than as concerted prevention efforts. The overall lack of coordination and responsibility tends to produce a vacuum of interpretation sovereignty on prevention topics.

This might be one reason why in Germany industrial lobbyists have a strong influence on legislation and fiscal measures, arguably particularly so in the health field. The severely watered down legislation of the smoking ban in public places may exemplify the influence of the tobacco lobby [ 54 ], as may the industry's strategies to oppose the advertisement ban at the European level as well as managing to maintain the establishment of different tax levels for different types of tobacco [ 39 , 55 ].

By contrast, some other preventive measures, e.

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The decision process was accompanied by a large industry-funded media campaign. The case for greater public support for research on prevention, especially of the non-clinical sort, has already been highlighted above. Research on preventive interventions is subject to a market failure: From a sheer economic efficiency and not even from any moral or public health perspective, such knowledge is thus undersupplied compared to the social optimum.

Hence, government ought to step in and help promote the production of evidence that the population at large would benefit from, but cannot produce if decisions are left to "the market" alone [ 57 ]. The development of a sound scientific basis and structured financial support can improve the impact of healthcare, as appears to have been the case in the German rehabilitation services sector. The establishment of a long-term research programme has improved the recognition and outcomes of rehabilitation services - a traditionally rather neglected area.

Prevention research, especially in the non-clinical arena, poses its own challenges, arguably the chief one being the attribution of changes in health outcomes to the intervention examined [ 58 ]. Population-based interventions tend to be more complex than the prescription and intake of a drug, and the not flawless gold standard of evaluation in the medical field - the randomised controlled trial RCT - cannot easily be implemented.

Fortunately, though, there are other statistical methods that may allow the assessment of causality in such cases, but they have been underutilized in public health research to date [ 59 , 60 ]. A low public support for non-clinical research is of course not solely a feature of Germany but may well apply globally. While similar data do not exist for Germany, there is no reason to assume that the share is significantly higher in Germany. Nevertheless, there are also some positive trends: This programme is running from until and includes 60 research projects [ http: The Federal Centre for Health Education BZgA is a partner in this national comprehensive network to strengthen research in primary prevention, with the objective of establishing structures for sustainable primary prevention.

Tasks include process definitions, evaluation of combined results and communication to political decision makers, research community and practical institutions. In the intermediation between science and the practical field, the BZgA could play an even greater role. In Germany, substantial health gains could be reaped from the implementation of evidence-based, cost-effective preventive interventions and policies. However, applying the "three-streams" framework proposed by Kingdon [ 5 ], we showed that there are obstacles in the policy and politics streams that hinder substantial policy change.

While in the "problem stream" there is sufficient evidence to scale up prevention efforts in some public health areas in Germany, especially alcohol and tobacco, in general there is a comparative shortage of research on non-clinical preventive interventions. Some of the existing barriers in Germany are at least in principle amenable to change, provided the political will is sufficient.

However, political decisions tend to be driven by short term election period perspectives, and hence the long term horizons of many prevention policies may not always align with political decision-makers' time horizons. More research on prevention by itself is no panacea but could help facilitate more policy action. In particular, there is an economic efficiency-based case for public funding and promotion of research on non-clinical preventive interventions [ 57 ], in Germany and beyond, to confront the peculiar challenges that set this research apart from its clinical counterpart.

It is beyond the scope of the present article to exhaustively discuss all the options for a more concerted effort on prevention in Germany. We highlighted only selected key points where improvement seems necessary and feasible. This does not readily provide us with a complete positive model of how prevention as a whole ought to be institutionalised in Germany or any other country.

With wide variation in how prevention is delivered and institutionalised across European countries [ 62 ], a single optimal model has yet to emerge. While lack of the perfect model is no excuse for inaction on prevention in Germany, completing the picture of the features of such an ideal model of a national prevention policy should be high on the public health and social science research agenda. For this purpose international cross-country comparative research, rather than a single country case study would seem one promising approach.

UW and MS conceived the article and prepared the first draft. Both contributed equally to the paper. MGG helped further revise and finalise the draft. TAB contributed to the production of the first draft and subsequent revisions. All authors contributed to the drafting of the final version. All authors have read and approved the final manuscript. National Center for Biotechnology Information , U. Published online Aug Author information Article notes Copyright and License information Disclaimer.

Received Jan 25; Accepted Aug This article has been cited by other articles in PMC. Abstract Background Recent years have seen a growing research and policy interest in prevention in many developed countries. Discussion We review the evidence on the considerable existing scope for health gains from prevention as well as for greater prevention policy efforts in Germany. Summary In Germany, there are substantial health gains to be reaped from the implementation of evidence-based, cost-effective preventive interventions and policies. Background Recent years have seen a growing research and policy interest in primary prevention and health promotion in many European countries and beyond.

Here we make use of two inevitably imperfect proxy indicators for the extent of "preventive efforts" expended to date in Germany: Alcohol Germany ranks second among the EU countries in terms of per capita alcohol consumption [ 10 ]. Prevention policies Smoking The European Tobacco Control report confirms a low degree of anti-tobacco policy implementation in Germany [ 15 ]. Open in a separate window. Alcohol A report [ 14 ] comparing the policy efforts in different European countries found that Germany alongside Romania had the lowest effective, purchasing power-adjusted tax rates on alcohol.

Development of Asylum Laws

The economic focus Some might argue that part of the reason for the apparently low efforts on prevention in Germany and elsewhere might have to do with poor expected 'value for money' to be had from any preventive interventions. Smoking There is substantial evidence on cost-effectiveness of policies to prevent and reduce tobacco consumption, even if much of this evidence comes from outside Germany [ 20 ].

Alcohol Several international systematic reviews have consistently shown alcohol taxation, drunk-driving interventions e. For instance, on the basis of their systematic review of cost-effectiveness evidence for primary prevention of cardiovascular diseases CVD Schwappach and colleagues [ 30 ] found that 1 Only very few studies assessed non-clinical broader health promotion interventions targeted at obesity, physical inactivity or dietary intake in children or young adults.

The focus of society With seemingly few existing prevention efforts coupled with at least significant evidence on what could be done in the specific areas mentioned and partly beyond , the question arises of why one observes this contrast. A preference for "individualism"? History Another potential obstacle to more prevention and health promotion arguably consists in their negative connotation with aspects of public health activities during the Third Reich era , often defined by the term "Volksgesundheit" [ 47 , 48 ]. The federal system and its actors Germany's public policy in many areas, including healthcare, follows a federal meaning shared sovereignty rather than a centralised decision-making process.

File:Bundesarchiv B 145 Bild-F078267-0023, Bonn, Ministerpräsidenten mit EU-Kommissar Delors.jpg

A brief overview of the German Statutory Health Insurance system. Particularly powerful industrial lobby The overall lack of coordination and responsibility tends to produce a vacuum of interpretation sovereignty on prevention topics.

More of Berlin Germany Bundesrepublik Deutschland February 2010

Summary In Germany, substantial health gains could be reaped from the implementation of evidence-based, cost-effective preventive interventions and policies. Conflicts of interests The authors declare that they have no competing interests. Authors' contributions UW and MS conceived the article and prepared the first draft. Pre-publication history The pre-publication history for this paper can be accessed here: Reducing health care costs by reducing the need and demand for medical services.

The Health Project Consortium. N Engl J Med. Economic costs of ill health in the European Region. Lifetime medical costs of obesity: Some features of WorldCat will not be available. Create lists, bibliographies and reviews: Search WorldCat Find items in libraries near you. Advanced Search Find a Library.

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