Follow Your Heart: The Map to Illumination

Follow Your Heart: The Map to Illumination -- PACKAGE

Seeking the truth, especially in a world saturated by a divisive media, can be tricky. Seeking the truth about what's going, even with a keen intellect, will only carry one so far. Experiencing the Infinite Through the Finite. Join Susanna Bair in a longer meditation that explores the subtle realms within. Tuning into the field around the physical body, you might observe the boundaries of the body merge with the vastness of the universe as you become more away of the Susanna and Puran Bair discuss from their view and their experiences in teaching meditation what one can reasonably expect from short, medium, and long-term practice of Heart Rhythm Meditation.

The benefits start at the level of revitalizing the Clean The Three Stages of Love: Building loving relationships, especially romantic relationships, is a progressive process analogous to the three stages of human development Mind, Heart, and Spirit. Relationships pull us from our own view of how the world works and enable, maybe Puran Bair gives a short meditation inviting you to expand your sense of self by tuning into the inner emotional qualities of the heart.

In the search for a partner or a relationship, one recognizes the qualities of another by understanding that attraction comes from the shared qualities of two hearts. The mind sees differences, but the heart sees the radiance of the other Three Primary Areas of Life. IAM Heart co-founder Susanna Bair leads this guided meditation to help you apply meditation to your life.

It is possible to improve your life in three primary areas: Health, Relationships, and Accomplishments. In what area is the most pressing Clean The Map to Illumination Part 3 of 3. Clean The Map to Illumination Part 2 of 3. Clean The Map to Illumination Part 1 of 3. Puran Bair speaks gives a mystical interpretation of the symbols presented in the Christmas Story.

Susanna Bair guides you in a deep meditation of beauty, surrender, and majesty. This meditation is will touch your heart.

Clean Sleeping Better Through Meditation. Are you having difficulty sleeping? This talk may put you one step nearer your recovery of deep and heartful rest. Puran Bair, co-founder of IAM Heart, discusses the many factors that influence irregular sleep and provides a powerful Energetic frequencies influence physical reality in a major way!

What does it mean to follow your heart?

The Elements Can Heal You. Susanna Bair brings gentleness, compassion, and beauty to the awakening process. This is an ideal practice to do in the morning, as it brings you from the ethereal realm of sleep into The Importance of Concentration.

  1. Follow Your Heart: The Map To Illumination?
  2. The Technique of Heart Illumination!
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  4. Culadasa – Modern Science and Buddhist Wisdom?
  5. Heart Awakening – Heart Light Illumination on Your Ascension Path!
  6. The IAMheart course -- The Map to Illumination.

Concentration is the first "stage" on the way toward creating a meditative state of consciousness. First concentration, then contemplation, THEN meditation! Engaging the mind with the various tasks which are required to breathe Clean Do More, Stress Less!

Book, Audiobook, and Meditation double-CD set

How is it Useful? Believe it or not, "enlightenment" is a real thing. Yogis, sages, and mystics of many traditions have presented different methodologies for attaining this great state of consciousness marked by inner luminosity, stillness, and radiance. Clean Guided Meditation 6: Meditation is not a religion. Meditation is not a belief system. Meditation is a methodology for changing one's outlook on where the boundaries of the "Self" really lie.

Practitioners often notice subjective or even measurable improvements Part 1 of 2. Puran Bair discusses the psychological and physiological forces at play when an individual incurs stress and the biological symptoms thereof. Heart Rhythm Meditation is the tool to help correct and restore our cells from stagnancy and other Clean Guided Meditation 5: A guided meditation leading you into the next step in proper instruction for meditation: Deepening the breath allows one to rejuvenate, circulate, and de-stress. Powerful, controlled, and slow contraction and expansion of the Holding your breath in meditation is just one of many techniques to purposefully intervene into the breath.

Susanna Bair uses the analogy of deep-sea diving to explain how Heart Rhythm Meditation can be used to gain awareness, even mastery, over Clean Guided Meditation 4: Meditation requires attention and builds focus.

Modern Science and Buddhist Wisdom

The first thing in beginning meditation practice is to attend to one's breathing: Then we give the mind something to focus on: Heart and Breath Connect Us. All meditation instruction in the world involves at least an awareness of the breath. Instruction to pay close attention to the intricacies of the in-flow and out-flow of breath is central to any meditation practice.

Clean "Quantum Healing" Part 2 of 2. What is The Breath? Breath is a fundamental aspect of our being. Susanna Bair explains through practice of conscious breath in meditation, one may gain clarity and understanding of the breath's role in our lives. Conscious, diaphragmatic breathing in rhythm with Clean Guided Meditation 3: Susanna takes us into a space where we can listen to the "music of life" by following the breath's connection to the heart.

Freedom Call - Follow Your Heart

What is the Heart? The human heart is so much more than a pump! Susanna Bair reminds us of the heart's connection to thoughts, emotions, and the unconscious. Where does the heart come from and what becomes of it when we pass away? Clean "Quantum Healing" Part 1 of 2. Clean Guided Meditation 2: Concentration on Inner Rhythm.

Susanna elegantly calls your attention to the fundamental rhythms of life - breath and heartbeat - in this guided meditation for beginners. Puran and Susanna are spiritual masters and lineage holders in the tradition of Universal Sufism as taught by Hazrat Inayat Khan. Abu Nasr as-Sarraj died described the path of spiritual development through Step 9, though in a way that can only be understood by those who have been through it.

The Yogi Patanjali described a sequence of meditations from dharana concentration through seven levels of samadhi , which describes a small portion of the path in great detail.

The Nine Steps of the Path to Illumination

In the 20th century, Erik Erikson, Daniel Levinson and Clifford Anderson described their research into adult psychological maturity, but psychological maturity is far from the end of the path. Their studies end at Step 5 of the Path because they didn't consider what's possible in spiritual maturity. Furthermore, spiritual maturity does not correlate to physical age.

The Process of Becoming 2. The Three Big Questions 3. The Benefits of Each Step 5.

By IAM Heart

All meditation instruction in the world involves at least an awareness of the breath. Help others be calm by bringing more peace to your heart. Yogis, sages, and mystics of many traditions have presented different methodologies for attaining this great state of consciousness marked by inner luminosity, stillness, and radiance. Living with your heart open means living life connected to your heart energy center. Always grateful to you.

Mentoring at Each Step 6. Life as a Journey 7. The Greatest Statement 8. Knowledge, Competency and Trust Overview of the First Five Steps The Steps of Relationship