How to Profit from Buying and Selling Antiques

Flipping Antiques – Buying Low to Sell High

Research your market to make sure it hasn't reached the saturation point, and that you can find the goods you want to sell.

Buying Right

The most important thing with flipping your antiques is making sure you can do it for a decent percentage of the purchase-price. Search for pieces at garage sales; estate auctions; flea markets and antique shops. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. The best way to transfer money overseas. Terrine or casserole wild boar - Porcelain.

Write your business plan. Most antique businesses fail because they lack a well-articulated plan.

How to Make Money Off of Reselling Antiques

Determine where you'll get start-up cash, your schedule for starting your business and who your competition is. Develop a marketing strategy based on how you'll reach your target consumer base. For instance, plan to advertise in inexpensive local publications such as your local newspaper, or in regional and city magazines read by an upscale audience. Decide where to set up shop.

Container Shipments

If space allows, and your home is easily accessible from major roads, consider selling antiques from home during the start-up phase to save money. The homey atmosphere can actually be an advantage with antiques, as long as you decorate tastefully in a style that fits your wares. If renting a store space, look for a spot in a well-trafficked area, preferably where people will walk by and window shop. Make sure your target market frequents the area and that no direct competitors have set up shop nearby. Joining an antiques co-op or renting space in an antiques mall are other options.

  1. How to Make Money Selling Antiques & Collectibles.
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  3. 10 tips for making money from antiques - Telegraph.
  4. 10 tips for making money from antiques?
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Dealers with knowledge and passion for their collection attract customers. Research what is popular to buy and sell in your region, then work to amass a collection worth shopping for. Another avenue for selling antiques and collectibles is to sell them to interior decorators, designers and home stagers.

Selling Antiques & Collectables on eBay for Profit Auction Pickups

Frequent home shows and design conferences to learn who caters to clients that desire your wares. You can also make money renting items to home stagers who work with high-end clientele. Just make sure you have a good contract in place with provisions for damage or loss.

The difference between a shop full of merchandise and a shop that sells can be as simple as staging. Yes, you can pile stacks of similar items on long, dusty shelves waiting to be discovered.

  • How to Make Money Off of Reselling Antiques |
  • Flipping Antiques – Buying Low to Sell High | Throughout History.
  • How to Flip Antiques for Profit - Catawiki;
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However, arranging goods in charming vignettes will allow your customers to envision how the items would look in their home or office — which is much more conducive to making a sale. Likewise, for an antiques or collectibles dealer, window dressing is everything.

A blog about antiques and history (formerly 'Not Yet Published')

Buying and selling antiques can be a fun and profitable hobby. Learn the essential tricks for finding great bargains and tips for selling them. You've heard it before: buy low, sell high. With the rise in popularity of treasure hunting and flipping antiques for profit, we asked two of our.

Choice pieces should be strategically set up to draw customers into the shop and make your business a visual jewel in your town. Terry Mulligan has been writing since Rise in wills disputes over illegitimate children. Here, we look at what novice antiques investors should watch out for, as well as some of the investments the experts believe could generate the best returns in years to come. Just like any market, fashions and tastes change over time. This means that something that is not valuable now may become so in the future, and vice versa. Furniture that hasn't been restored, preferably with provenance, is likely to be among the best investments.

How to Make Money Selling Antiques & Collectibles | Your Business

John Hansord from Hansord Antiques said: These should be seen as a year investment. Be wary of signs of over-polishing or damage, as this will have an impact on value. Mark West, a specialist glass dealer, said: Large sculptural items from the late 19th century through to Art Deco are a good investment, having seen gains of probably up to 50pc in three years.

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Rather than being tempted by what's popular now, they suggest trying to spot the next big thing; for example, natural pearls went up dramatically five years ago, but Mediterranean coral is starting to go up now. Rare items are usually the most valuable, so invest in antiques that are unusual.

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If you suspect something is a fake, resist the temptation to buy until you can get confirmation that the piece is authentic. A spokesman from dealer Van Kranendonk Duffels, which specialises in European and American antique jewellery, said: Anyone checking jewellery must have a loop [eye glass] to be able to see properly. Restorers use clever techniques to repair antiques, which can easily go unnoticed by the untrained eye.