Invincible T08 : Loin de ce monde (French Edition)


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La Joconde a une soeur jumelle! Paris en chansons, l'exposition. A la sortie de l'exposition "Paris en chansons", vous en aurez beaucoup! Paris en chansons, l'exposition qui met de bonne Elle devait dans cet esprit commencer par composer un dictionnaire. Article original en anglais: Important personalities in alternative news, or the counter-narrative, have spilled a lot of ink recently on the imminent possibility of nuclear war between the US and Russia.

Before considering the issue more closely, it is essential to clarify certain basic principles on which we should all agree as a premise for this analysis. Except for Pearl Harbour, Americans have never fought or seen the devastation of a domestic war against a peer competitor. According to our trusted analysts, it is precisely the disturbance of this delicate balance that could lead to the real threat of war between NATO and Russia. The question to ask is the following. Is it really possible to decisively alter MAD? The short answer is, no. As already explained in point d , there is no chance now, and probably will not be in the future, where a state can hope to carry out a nuclear attack without receiving a retaliatory response from a nuclear-armed opponent.

Logic then leads us to ask a simple question: What purpose does this chatter over the supposed nullification of MAD, thanks to the missile shield in Europe that gives an alleged advantage to Washington, serve? The Kremlin has vehemently denounced this NATO effort, well aware of the psychological pressure that this move is meant to place on them.

And this is the only tangible benefit NATO could derive from this, this psychological pressure of an existential threat hanging over the Russians. It is yet another infamous attempt by Washington to play with fire without getting burned. A strong response from Moscow has been forthcoming, and this is what has developed over the last few months in particular: It seems clear that Moscow has manifold possibilities before it as well as the actual ability to actively disabuse any misguided attempt to alter the balance enshrined in MAD.

Maybe to save the dollar from the true economic crisis that threatens to annihilate American hegemony? What wealth prospects could the oligarchs of Wall Street and the City of London ever have once their main partners Europeans, Americans, Russians, Chinese are reduced to ashes? All those who claim to the contrary have not examined the issue seriously enough. I would like to bring to the attention of the kind reader some issues that we often take for granted.

The real industrial profit for the military industrial complex, working hand in glove with Wall Street and London, stems from the preparation for war: This is the basic guideline for American military spending doctrine. Do you think that Raytheon and Boeing would derive higher profits from a nuclear exchange with tens of millions of deaths? Unlikely, least of all because those who finance them common citizens paying taxes would themselves be reduced to ashes. If a nuclear exchange is not convenient for anyone, and if MAD cannot be altered willy-nilly, then why does NATO continue to fan the flames, raising the scenario of thermonuclear conflict?

To intimidate Russia with the ridiculous hope that Moscow will step back from the global arena in which it has been playing the leading role in the last months and years. The constant state of pre-alert as a harbinger of war for billion-dollar contracts for the US arms industry. Placing troops and weapons in distant countries is a way to project power and at the same time make those nations feel important within the Atlantic alliance with the added benefit that these governments will provide lucrative contracts for the US defense industry.

The second point is the essence of this analysis and continues in the wake of the previous questions. The answer for Russia is simple: Implement countermeasures that, while painful, are necessary and in the long term will be positive and decisive.

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Encourage local production with reduced imports. And, especially, decrease the importing and exporting of goods using the US dollar. A military doctrine does not differ much from the following basic principle: It is obvious that when Putin recently pointed out the danger that Romania will face, having decided to accept elements of the missile shield in their country, he was addressing the issue pointed out above in a , which carries a lot of historical weight and significance.

Many analysts note how the West has a really hard time understanding the Russian mindset in a scenario of existential crisis. They are not wrong to say so, but the conclusion they reach is excessive in my view, especially when they claim that a Russian preemptive strike on the European missile shield is possible in order to prevent what seems to them an inevitable US nuclear first strike.

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The problem with this thesis is that according to the information at our disposal, there simply are not enough elements to this scenario to make it probable or even possible, especially in relation to a Russian preemptive strike. But it is always carried out in a proportionate way, accompanied by unceasing diplomatic overtures to Europe and the United States.

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Realistically, Moscow is well aware that the military build-up on its borders is not a significant threat and nor is the missile shield. But this does not automatically mean that the time has come for a final showdown of nuclear Armageddon. Major analysts of Russians think-tanks have reached the same conclusions as set out above, namely, nuclear war is not convenient for anybody, especially NATO.

The negative effects of such a conflict would not be limited to Russia. We must remember that the best deterrent, along with MAD, is a nuclear arsenal that is intact, functional, and is ready and deadly. Moscow, however, has an excellent opportunity to pursue a military doctrine based on modernization, preparation for conventional and non confrontation with NATO, increasing its zones of influence in Asia, the Middle East, North Africa, the Caucasus, the Baltic and Black Seas the, Pacific Ocean, the North Pole and elsewhere.

Of course the danger of an accidental confrontation leading to nuclear escalation is a possibility that hangs over humanity, but even in this case, it seems difficult if not impossible to imagine that there would not be a phone call between Moscow and Washington to clarify an accidental situation and thereby prevent tens of millions of deaths.

The engine of the conflicts are money and power. A nuclear war would lead to the exact opposite: A nuclear war would mean the end of civilization as we know it, would mark the end of the financial profits, war, industry, energy, banking and other sectors of the global economy. It would mean the end of all hegemonies, regional or global.

The next time you read alarming news that speaks of an imminent Armageddon, take a deep breath and ask yourself who would benefit from such an eventuality? Now you know the answer. Sanders claiming he intends continuing his nomination quest to the July Democrat convention is meaningless hyperbole.

Expect no floor fight. Concession followed by endorsing Clinton could come any time. The same scenario repeats each electoral cycle. Party faithful rally behind presidential nominees, losing aspirants among them. His phony rationale will likely be to keep Trump from succeeding Obama. Our nominee is Mrs. Senator Debbie Stabenow D. He has no chance to persuade unelected party insider super-delegates to switch allegiance from Clinton to him. Sanders toward embracing Clinton , stressing he can further his policy agenda while unifying the party to defeat Mr.

Sanders notoriously caves when pushed. Endorsing Clinton will strip the mask off his hollow populist rhetoric, rendering it empty, meaningless. Endorsing Clinton will betray millions of loyal supporters, showing he backs what he campaigned against, making him complicit in her high crimes. World peace hangs in the balance. Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. Henrique de Campos Meirelles: Em o FleetBoston fundiu-se com o Bank of America.

Depois de ter sido afastado por Dilma em , Meirelles retornou. On the 3rd June, news broke that the UN, in an unprecedented move of righteous human rights protection, blacklisted the Saudi Coalition for the killing and maiming of thousands of children in Yemen since the start of the war of aggression in March The United Nations has blacklisted the Saudi-Arabia led coalition for killing and maiming thousands of children in Yemen. Within days, the Sauds had reacted and violently, in the way they do best.

Webistan The following report in full from the Daily Star [Reuters] and a flurry of reports in mainstream media demonstrate quite clearly who holds the UN purse strings and is perfectly happy to throttle any dissenters with them if necessary. The United Nations announced on Monday it had removed the coalition from a child rights blacklist — released last week — pending a joint review by the world body and the coalition of cases of child deaths and injuries during the war in Yemen.

That removal prompted angry reactions from human rights groups, which accused Ban of caving in to pressure from powerful countries. They said that Ban, currently in the final year of his second term, risked harming his legacy as U. A fatwa is a legal opinion used in Islamic Sharia law. In Saudi Arabia fatwas can only be issued by the group of top, government-appointed clerics and are sometimes commissioned by the ruling family to back up its political positions.

Responding to the allegations, Saudi U.

On Monday Mouallimi described the annual U. The main Saudi complaints were that the U. Several diplomatic sources said that the U. Several diplomats cited the U. Another diplomatic source said the recent spat between the U. He noted that when Morocco demanded the expulsion of dozens of civilian staff in the U.

Security Council failed to rally behind Ban with a strong show of support. Originally published on June 2, the annual U.

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N and Saudi panel. Claiming the retraction of the findings is a moral failure that goes against everything the U. N is meant to stand for, he added:. Following the US presidential elections, the next administration must adopt a new and realistically balanced policy toward Israel and the Palestinians to bring an end to their conflict in the context of a comprehensive Arab-Israeli peace based on the Arab Peace Initiative. Throughout the primary campaign, Sanders articulated his position concerning the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, stating that:. What is admirable about his stand is not that it is new, but that it is articulated by a significant presidential candidate.

Although he has failed to secure the nomination of the Democratic Party, he has become a major political force and the presumptive nominee, Hillary Clinton, must seriously take into account his position on this critical issue. Many American politicians who support the policy of successive Israeli governments are, in fact, exploiting Israel for their own benefit. They want to draw not so much the votes of the Jewish community and their financial contributions, but the tens of millions of votes of the critically important evangelical constituency, whose support of Israel, for religious reasons, is unwavering.

The fact that the Palestinians and the international community have failed to compel Israel to change direction does not suggest that the Israelis are winning. Israel is, in fact, only digging itself into an ever deeper hole from which it will be unable to climb unscathed. This is what both Sanders and the French initiative want to avoid, as the Israeli-Palestinian conflict cannot be wished away.

Direct involvement of the US and the EU continues to be essential to changing the dynamic of the conflict, provided that careful lessons are drawn from past failures. Given the intense hostility, hatred, and total lack of trust between Israel and the Palestinians, the resumption of direct or indirect negotiations will lead to nowhere as neither side is able to deliver the major concessions that will be required to reach an agreement without full public support.

For these reasons, the French initiative, with the backing of the next US administration, must support a process of reconciliation between Israel and the Palestinians that precedes formal negotiations. Although the June 3 meeting in Paris left the prospect of convening an international conference to revive the Israeli-Palestinian peace process later this year somewhat ambiguous, the participants have nevertheless agreed on a positive joint communique.

The US, in conjunction with France and the EU, should develop the mechanism that would establish a process of reconciliation to advance the prospect of peace, and to that end create a commission of reconciliation. This commission should consist of individuals who are apolitical, greatly respected in their community for their integrity, and hold no formal position in their government.

These individuals must be unbiased representatives, skilled in their profession, deeply committed to peace between Israel and the Palestinians — seeking no reward or compensation — and devoted humanitarians. As such, the combined talents and creativity of the Commission will be unsurpassed, their power of persuasion will be formidable, and their unbiased perspective will make them a major force in advocating for the reconciliation process. In addition, a fair-minded Israeli and Palestinian, who are fully committed to peace and with a deep knowledge of the internal affairs of their respective communities, would act as general counsel to the commission.

The process of reconciliation undertaken by the commission should include scores of people-to-people interactions that would begin to mitigate some of the distrust between the two sides and pave the way for substantive negotiations 18 to 24 months down the line. In this regard, Senator Sanders should insist that the Democratic platform reflect this new approach, and if Hillary Clinton becomes the next President, she must commit herself to pursuing such a course.

Simultaneously, as I mentioned a number of times before, the Arab Peace Initiative should provide an overall umbrella under which an Israeli-Palestinian peace based on a two-state solution is negotiated in the context of a comprehensive Arab-Israeli peace, which a majority of Israelis and Palestinians would fully support. By raising the need for the US to play an even-handed role to find a solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, Sanders has introduced a new critically important paradigm that the next administration must adopt, and in conjunction with the French initiative, they can create a much better prospect of ending the debilitating and explosive seven decades-old conflict.

Friday last week marked the death of arguably the greatest and most beloved Black athlete in history: No sport has exploited athletes, particularly Black athletes, quite like boxing. The very first boxers in America were African slaves. White slave owners would amuse themselves by forcing slaves to box to the death while wearing iron collars.

Even after the abolition of slavery, boxing became the first sport to be desegregated so that white boxing promoters could continue to exploit Blacks and make money from the deep racism in American society.