Love Poems and More From the Heart and Soul of Man

From My Heart

I still think about those special times we spent together. You gave me a ring and I still have it. Now I listen to your songs and live by your rhymes. It is commonly said that us women are complex in nature while men remain easy to understand and simple.

See a Problem?

Whatever be the reason backing the comment, in relationships both men and women follow slightly diverted paths. What men look for in relationships is not actually what motivates us women to fall in a relationship. The difference in mentalities, desires, passion, expression levels, etc. Women get time to be settled in a relationship, but if settled down, they remain so dedicated and sacrificing for it; while men jump into relationships so easily and get out of it with some easiness.

However, experts say that if provided with requirements and if matched with his desires, even men ardently remain in relationships! This poem speaks for me. I met my boyfriend five years ago and we are together for eight months now. He is everything I need. I can't imagine how my life would be without him. He is so good to me and I love him endlessly. He writes poems about me, but I'm not the type that writes. I'll read this to him. Sitting in this magical place under the winter lands as the snow falls into the wet ground, crying and hurting as my life turns to darkness. Not caring what's ahead, the drugs have been banished, friends come and go, but family remains safe.

As time passes by, darkness seems to start fading away to the point I can see clearly. The snow fades away to a bright sun shining day. My fears have passed and I can finally move along as I fly past many oceans and rivers. Like Tinker Bell, I can take you to a place you will always be safe and all the animals and insects will play with you and keep you safe from all harm. Words can't describe how I feel about you. Yes, my dearest little boy, you will always be my first born, my little angel.

This is a beautiful poem for your baby boy, and my heart goes out to you because I understand your pain, my dear. I lost my first born and my second born I won't tell you that you'll get over this pain that feels endless, but it does lessen with time. I have my first boyfriend right now and this really reminds me of him and those words hit me and I miss him without being near him.

Me and my boyfriend are now 6 weeks together and that is a blessing by itself!! My girlfriend sent me this poem a few months ago. She died last week from an accidental overdose and now I cherish these words so much. I miss her so much and I find comfort in these words. My girl died a couple of days ago from a car crash. Semi slipped and crushed the car. I feel your pain. May God forever look over their souls.

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Sorry for your loss. My sister Lori passed three years ago on my son's birthday from an overdose. And this remind me of her: Hello, I just got married yesterday and I read this poem to my husband during our ceremony. He is very artistic and always knows the right thing to say and I always have the hardest time with words.

I wanted to say something that truly expressed my feelings about him and us and this poem was perfect. The funny thing is that he choked up and I was able to be the one to speak. Thank you for sharing your poem, its absolutely beautiful and made our wedding that much more perfect! I am 60 years old.

I have met men in different times of my life. But not loved like I do now, I have never felt this good. I feel like a real woman. I feel good from the inside to the outside. I met this awesome man. He treats me like his princess. He makes me laugh ,like I never laughed before. I like that kid side of him.

He sings to me almost every night playing his guitar. I look at his eyes and I can see through them. I love his smile. It's about honouring those who serve in what they believe to be a just cause - the red white and blue cause of democracy and freedom. It is vital that poets write about it because it is about heart, the heart of the nation, and our collective heart, Western values.

It is vital that those who go off, perhaps to die, are honoured by poets like Charles Johnson. So I was moved. I saw those faces getting onto that plane. We feel those looks. That said, this collection is very much about home, the poet's home and his inner feelings, his personal home within. I am sure she would feel proud to be so movingly remembered. It is as if we, too, know her. There are many tender love poems and quite a few about lost love and the sadness of being alone.

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The poet has loved intensely. He nails the passion, too, '.. I finally let down my walls and felt your endless love come rushing through.. But he is not all luvvy dovvy, roses are red - though he does write sweetly about the sweet power of roses. We both want to be with her, to share her carefree lustfullness, but also feel sorry for her, and ashamed that we want her. Above all we see her. She is real, alive to us through the poet's eye. Millions will recongise the feeling in those three cutting jabs. These poems could easily make great songs, with lines like, '.. I see her in the vase on the table and the rug down the hall..

These are achingly sad, but in an achingly beautiful way because they capture life and articulate how we feel. The ability to do this is a gift. Charles Johnson has this gift and writes with great clarity about these little big things, universal themes. The want of love is a theme he returns to often. Even a couple in their eighties underscore his aloneness. And - pause to catch my breath - when it all goes wrong and love is gone, he is never bitter, and hopes for the very best fot the lost lover, '..

I am happy knowing you will be happy.. We all need there to be such marriages, just like we all need there to be Ma Bells to show us how to live well, to be happy with our lot. There is not one syllable of selfishness in Charles Johnson's writing. I also had some great laughs as I read this collection.

Love Poems and More From the Heart and Soul of Man

He remembers his dad teaching him how to fish. He remembers Uncle Bule a simple but blessed man, with a passion for red. Much as Christ caught Barabbas' eye and the boys stepping onto the plane looked back, so too Charles Johnson the poet catches Charles Johnson the man looking back over his life, not in one momnent but in lots of little moments over the time it has taken him to collect his lines.

I drew comfort and instruction from this. Comfort because it shows a life lived to the full with a positive outlook. And insttuctive because it made me think about my own life and made me think I should remember some of the lines in the poems.

Poem For The Man I Love

Love Poems and More From the Heart and Soul of Man (Volume 1) [Charles Johnson] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. This amazing. in hopes people will enjoy this book of poetic words I've sown” ― Charles Johnson, Love Poems and More From the Heart and Soul of Man.

I didn't even notice as you started to change.. The collection is very much a man poetry for men. I think hard men who might think poetry has nothing to do with their lives could be moved and benefit from reading these poems, which may show them that it is not a bad thing to be in touch with our feelings. And young men of bad attitude could well benefit from reading this collection because they might learn how to grow into better men. I would have these poems read in jails. I believe poetry can change lives, especially poetry such as this which is not about counting syllables, making pretty patterns or constructing grand metaphysical schemes.

We are dealing with something far more important - the heart. And what is any poetry without a beating heart? Feb 20, Bill Brown rated it it was amazing. Wow there are a lot of poems here, I was pleasantly surprised at the variety of topics covered. I am a true lover of poetry in many forms. I started reading poetry at an early age and writing it soon after. In my opinion, some of the greatest poems are written about love. For many years I have read poetry to my wife to keep the flames of romance glowing. I was happy to see that this book was a true success.

It was Wow there are a lot of poems here, I was pleasantly surprised at the variety of topics covered. It was more than just romantic. There was sections that simply amazed us both. Give birth and let out into the world the dreams Of your own unique, unrepeatable Cosmic Being. If not born for any other purpose..

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Be born to dream, be born to love Be born to fashion a better world. Dreams and dreamers never die From Heaven you will see your dreams come true You will reincarnate, inspire and energize new dreamers The dreams of our beautiful Planet of Dreams will never die Until we become the paradise we were always meant to be And are about to joyfully become.

There is no better way to express feelings of love, than with a beautiful poem. Love is patient, Love is kind Through Jesus Christ, love you will find. Love does not envy, It is not puffed up Seek Him with your heart, He will fill your cup. Love does not behave rudely, does not seek its own Be kind to others, for this God has shown. Love bears, believes, hopes and endures all things, Give love to all and blessings God brings.

Love can always conquer Whatever discord brings and love can also cover a multitude of things. What is cold and lifeless, now lost all hope and died, for love can breathe new meaning and give it back new life. For love is always worth it no matter how much the price, for love will be much stronger when we trust in Jesus Christ. So let God have full reign, let Him live within your heart then you will know true love, for this He will impart.

We love because He first loved us, On that we can depend A verse of the Bible near and dear To the broken hearted His love He does send. For God so loved the world That the greatest sacrifice Was His one and only son Who paid the ultimate price. I was there, yet you did not see Me the times you did cry I wrapped you in My loving arms and wiped the tears from your eyes.

Every prayer — I heard, and answered every cry for help — I came I cast down all your enemies and brought them all to shame. You are My beloved son whom I have set free I removed your chains of darkness because you believed in Me. I am in you and you in Me Non can take us apart Where are the words to express my love?

They are written on your heart. At work or at play Offer words of kindness to others To the cashier, the barber The bus driver and new mothers. Jesus is the example That we all should follow Love is the ultimate gift To give those in good times and sorrow. A home made from love Is what God intends Filled with all of our family Love is not blind nor pretends. The recipe is simple The ingredients are clear Keeping God close is essential For love to be near. These Inspirational poems and stories are all positive words of wisdom to uplift your spirit and give guidance to living a life of love, peace and happiness.

Blessed are they who understand My faltering step and shaking hand. Blessed are they who know my ears today Must strain to catch the things they say.

Blessed are they who seem to know My eyes are dim, my mind is slow. Blessed are they with cheery smile Who stop to chat for a little while. Today upon a bus I saw a lovely girl with golden hair; I envied her… she seemed so gay… and wished I were as fair. When suddenly she rose to leave, I saw her hobble down the aisle; She had one foot and wore a crutch, but as she passed a smile. And then I stopped to buy some sweets. The lad who served them had such charm, I talked with him. He said to me: Then walking down the street, I saw a child with eyes of blue.

He stood and watched the others play; It seemed he knew not what to do. With ears to hear what I would know. For each time you smile You will find it is true Somebody, somewhere will Smile back at you.

6 Spiritual Poems about Life

That will be the beginning. He feels intensely and lives as he feels. From each a mystic silence Love demands. How Do I Start? Thank you for sharing your poem, its absolutely beautiful and made our wedding that much more perfect!

And nothing on earth Can make life more worthwhile Than the sunshine and warmth Of a beautiful smile. Poetry has a way of expressing things that we often find difficult. I hope you enjoy this collection of some of poems about loved ones who have passed away. Another leaf has fallen, another soul has gone. He leaves the fragrant blossoms, and lovely forest, green. And gives us new found comfort, when we on Him will lean. Life is just a stepping-stone A pause before we make it home A simple place to rest and be, Until we reach eternity.

Everyone has a life journey, A path to take with lots to see God guides our steps along the way, But we were never meant to stay.