Shifting into Purer Consciousness ~ Integrating Spiritual Transformation with the Human Experience

Everything is happening simultaneously which makes our multidimensional soul a parallel experience. Everything is energy or frequency.

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Shifting into Purer Consciousness: Integrating Spiritual Transformation with the Human Experience [Yvonne Perry] on *FREE* shipping on. Shifting into Purer Consciousness ~ Integrating Spiritual Transformation with the Human Experience - Kindle edition by Yvonne Perry. Download it once and.

Light is coming to the earth now to assist with this shift because barriers or force fields that once prevented us from receiving the light needed to open all 12 strands of DNA. Those who are here as light workers are codes carriers--we hold blueprint material in our soul's frequency that we are emitting and anchoring in the earth and universe.

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This is broadcasted through light language songs, words, symbol writing, dancing, gesturing, and other artistic renderings we are creating as we are awakening. Posted by Yvonne Perry at 9: Monday, July 20, Website for Spiritual Growth. I invite you to visit my website to learn more about walk-ins , empaths, light language , and spiritual growth in this time of rapid change. There, you will find free audios , videos , upcoming events , helpful energy services , and articles to help you on your spiritual path.

Yvonne Perry is available as a spiritual coach. Everyone likes the convenience of walking into a place and getting instant service. We have walk-in medical clinics and walk-in hair salons where we can obtain services without having to wait. We walk into a restaurant and a server takes our drink order. A few minutes later we are sipping our favorite beverage, and our food comes to the table soon after.

It was an advertisement for walk-in tubs. The water would spill out when you open the door! I am still waiting for my walk-in closet to start putting my clothes on hangers—but overall, Earth life as a walk-in soul is a grand experience. Even though we do have spirit beings to assist us, souls walking into an adult body, with all its quirks, conditioning, and dysfunction, may not get a grand welcome from humans upon arrival—certainly not like a soul entering as a sweet little newborn. No baby showers, designer nurseries, or parents and grandparents oohing and cooing over us.

Most of our friends and family do not even know we are here, much less that the soul they celebrated when this body was born has left the building. Many times, the body that a starseed soul walks into has some type of disease, injury, or emotional imbalance. Additionally, the walk-in soul may feel disoriented, confused, and confined as it acclimates to expressing itself in a human body. By the way, a starseed is a soul who originated off-planet in another dimension and then incarnated into human form on the Earth plane.

An earthseed soul navigates through life using only the lower three chakras governing survival on the planet. A starseed functions through the upper and lower chakras and is able to access and bring multidimensional reality into its Earth life experience. Whenever a new owner takes possession of a property, there is work to be done. The walls may need to be painted, the flooring may need to be replaced, or the bath or kitchen may need to be completely remodeled. It is often the same with a soul exchange.

Within the first twelve hours of walking into this body in , I left a year marriage. I also left organized religion, changed jobs, moved to a new location, stopped playing piano something I had loved all my life , and experienced a huge change in personality. If you think you are a walk-in, chances are you can look back on your journey and see a time when you went through multiple and sudden changes that drastically shifted the direction of your life.

These are common situations that a natal soul may set up as an exit point. Even though things seem to shift very quickly after a walk-in occurs, there is likely a transition period during which the walk-out and walk-in souls temporarily swap places to help both souls get accustomed to their new places and roles. For more information about walk-ins or soul exchanges , or to receive coaching, energy work, or galactic light language readings from Yvonne Perry, please see http: Posted by Yvonne Perry at 6: There are many life-changing events that can mimic a walk-in or soul exchange.

After describing what a walk-in is, I feel it is important to define what a walk-in or soul exchange is not. A walk-in or soul exchange is not the same as a near-death or other spiritually-transforming experience, soul activation, mid-life crisis, Kundalini awakening, or dark night of the soul. It is not an ET or angelic visitation, or the baptism in the Holy Spirit. It is not the same as channeling a spirit being, having a dissociative episode, or getting a download of higher vibrational energy.

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However, a soul exchange can certainly occur during any one of these experiences. Here is a little more information about each of these experiences.

Activations and Downloads Our soul is perfect, regardless of what we experience here on Earth. From time to time, you may receive a download of spiritual information or higher truth. These downloads are similar to how our computer automatically updates its software or operating system.

This occurs as the body is able to receive, anchor, and function with the faster vibration of the monad, oversoul, and advanced versions of your soul. Activation of Light Languages Part of the work that walk-ins are here to do is to restore communication between humans and galactic beings.

We do this as we begin to connect with our divine source within our Sacred Heart, maintain and keep our personal energy field clear of emotional or mental debris that disrupts the cellular communication of the body. There is a level of supernatural speaking known as a light language, spirit language, or star language that carries frequencies of light that contain cosmic or galactic information.

A lot of walk-ins and people who are not even familiar with the walk-in concept are spontaneously receiving this language. The Native Americans have known about star languages for longer than there has been a Pentecostal denomination. There are similarities between the experience of being baptized in the Holy Spirit, evidenced by the speaking in tongues, and the activation of these light languages.

Shifting into Purer Consciousness by Yvonne Perry

Impartation or Energy Transfers A fully-integrated walk-in can gracefully carry accelerated cosmic frequencies, maintain his or her personal space about inches surrounding the body , and hold open a field of energy for others to access. People can sometimes feel this energy emanating from a high-vibe soul.

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The Bible talks about the impartation of gifts. Kundalini energy is hot and expansive and can be triggered unexpectedly. Do not be surprised if it ignites sensual feelings or sexual desires; Kundalini is primordial energy from which all things are created. Perhaps your soul has received a download from an ascended master, or your twin flame has merged with your energy.

Shifting into Purer Consciousness

Might that explain the sudden changes you are experiencing? You may be one of the millions of people who are spiritually growing faster than your body can tolerate. What you are experiencing is a normal response known as ascension symptoms.

Regardless of what has happened, you may need help integrating these higher frequencies that are now available to you. Shifting into Purer Consciousness shares how the author integrated the accelerated frequencies of several quantum leaps she has taken on her spiritual path. Once she learned to manage the human experience of spiritual transformation, she became active in working to anchor her light body and help the earth and others ascend.

Kindle Edition , pages. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. You may be one of the millions of people who are spiritually growing faster than your body can tolerate. What you are experiencing is a normal response known as ascension symptoms. Learn how to manage these symptoms and anchor your light body while you help the Earth and others ascend. Shifting into Purer Consciousness is astonishing in its breadth and depth of knowledge i You may be one of the millions of people who are spiritually growing faster than your body can tolerate.

Shifting into Purer Consciousness is astonishing in its breadth and depth of knowledge in what it means to be a spirit being in human form at this particular time. A truthful and candid a discussion of the human condition and ascension consciousness. Within these pages, you will discover that vital guidance to help you on your ascension path.

Paperback , pages. Published May 15th by Write On! To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Shifting into Purer Consciousness , please sign up. Be the first to ask a question about Shifting into Purer Consciousness.

Shifting into Purer Consciousness

Lists with This Book. This book is not yet featured on Listopia. Aug 14, Libby Maxey rated it it was amazing. It has not been easy. There have been very few guides and multitudes of detractors, mostly good Christian folks here in the Bible belt who have been trained to believe that Jesus "did it for them. To those of you who are awakening to ascension in your own lives right now, you are blessed beyond measure to have Yvonne Perry's most excellent guidebook to light your path and explain what's going on in your body, mind and spirit.

I only wish I could have had this book 20 years ago so I didn't have to learn all about it the "hard" way!