13 Gay Colonies

Gay and Lesbian Kingdom of the Coral Sea Islands

Compare for instance Ghana and other African countries with a British colonial legacy. And in Uganda and Zambia , the maximum penalty is life. The spread of criminalisation during the British colonial period was not centrally co-ordinated. Instead, a number of variables — including in several cases the fact that a colonial administrator happened to have dealt with the introduction of a criminal code in their previous posting — seem to have been relevant to why a particular criminal code was introduced into a territory, or why one was introduced at all.

This is why colonial Ghana, then called the Gold Coast, received a completely different colonial-era criminal code from British administrators from the other colonies. For example, we also investigated whether former British colonies are less likely or slower to decriminalise on average than the former colonies of other European imperialists. We compared several former British colonies such as Singapore, Uganda and India, that still criminalise homosexual sex with another group of former colonies that have made significant strides toward greater social inclusion of their sexual minorities — among them South Africa, Belize, and Fiji.

Based on our research, we argue that the evidence in favour of the claim is inconclusive at best. Among former colonies with laws like these, former British colonies do not seem to have decriminalised homosexual conduct any more slowly than colonies of other European states. Where Uganda actively and frequently persecutes LGBT people, for example, Singapore penalises them much less regularly. Pets in Victorian paintings — Egham, Surrey. The history of pets and family life — Egham, Surrey.

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Available editions United Kingdom. Uganda has some of the most severe anti-gay laws in the world. Britain cracks down From onwards, the empire spread a specific set of legal codes and common law throughout its colonies, among them laws proscribing male-to-male sexual relations. EPA-EFE Although these laws are superficially similar, they were drafted very differently and specified penalties of varying severity. So why the difference? The Queen's Vernacular , it's called, which documents centuries of what we called ourselves.

Do you know that men loving men does not require the sexual act to qualify them as homosexuals? My American Heritage unabridged dictionary lists two definitions for homosexuality: Why, then, do most academics, indeed why does everyone, insist on this second definition over the first?

This definition makes it all but impossible in many cases to claim a person as gay. Gay history gets eliminated as if we never existed. Perhaps this is why this second definition rules. By the first of these definitions, every person in Professor Godbeer's book would qualify as homosexual, certainly to me, with or without the word. Just because his research has not uncovered smoking cocks does not mean these loving friendships weren't shooting themselves off all over the thirteen colonies and into the Louisiana Purchase soon to come. How does Godbeer know that most of the intimate friendships he describes were sexually chaste?

He has no more evidence to prove his case than do those, like me, quick to discern orgies in colonial beds. The argument goes both ways. If one side cannot wave Monica Lewinsky's semen-stained dress, neither can the other side wave immaculate bed sheets. I do not understand why historians and academics, including gay ones, especially gay ones, refuse to believe that homosexuality has been pretty much the same since the beginning of human history, whether it was called homosexuality, sodomy, buggery, or had no name at all.

Isn't it time for us to put a stop to this nonsense that produces retrograde books like this one, another in the long line of what I call the Doris Kearns Goodwinitis School of History As Highway Robbery? Doris is among the most visible and vociferous of our assailants, herself hell-bent on preventing us from claiming Lincoln as one of our own. Doris, if you recall, believes Lincoln could not have been gay because lots of men slept together in the same bed for four years and lots of men wrote love letters full of passion and caring, just like the plethora of ones in Godbeer's book.

Homo Sex in Colonial America

I wonder if Doris ever actually saw that bed Abe and his lover, Joshua Speed, slept in for four years. It was a very narrow bed, I slept in wider ones in boys' sleep-away camp , and there is no way that two big men could have slept in it except in each other's arms. Gay people are victims of an enormous con job. This has been going on for too many years. It is time to call its bluff and grow up. This means recognizing that we have been here since the beginning of the history of people.

This means accepting that men loving men, men having sex with men, has been here since the beginning of history. And that every single correspondent quoted by this Professor Godbeer knew what I am talking about. If they didn't write about it, well who knows why not. I must say that many of these young men sound to me like what we used to call weenies, wimps, sissies, wusses, whatever expression you want to use for the guys who never got chosen for the team.

There is not a butch, or masculine sounding fellow among them. Read enough of their endless platitudinous meanderings and you long for some real men to come along and stop their whining and grab their crotches and plant a deep long kiss, avec tongue. We have known how to do all this from the very start of And please don't tell me that I'm guilty of applying today's "sensibilities" to something that happened over years ago. You bet I am, and so what? Godbeer tries very hard to convince us of this.

I'm meant to take this Godbeer seriously? What kind of gay history are they teaching down in Miami?

  1. Gay and Lesbian Kingdom of the Coral Sea Islands - Wikipedia.
  2. Die Jugendgerichtshilfe § 38 JGG (German Edition).
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They've been out in the sun too long. Gender studies has gone to their heads.

Sodomy was against the law and depending on the moment in time or place, punishable by death. The rest of the gay sexual repertory seems to have been acceptable enough to keep you alive, but not that acceptable that you wanted to tell Dear Diary about every jot and tittle. Judging from how much Godbeer quotes from them, much of this romantic friendship stuff appears to have been whipped up by, of all things, newspapers, "for the love of one's country.

Go to bed with your best chum and shoot the shit and be an example for all America. No, I can't prove much of what I am going on about. Just as no historian can disprove it. So why do we let Dick and Doris take us on such low roads? Such "scholarship" as Doris and Dick are going on about says more about modern "interpreters" than it does about what they are claiming to have discovered.

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  • Britain cracks down.

And since there is evidently much written about friendship, noble friendship, and very little written about sexual love between men, then that is what Godbeer is writing about and puffing up into something so huge that it is quite hard to buy, in the John Locke sense, who believed man should accept what he is and take joy from it.

John Locke was a big deal in those days, to men who could think for themselves. That is, putting two and two together and not coming up with two and a half. Just because they can't locate the hard stuff does not mean that same sex sex did not exist.

An uneven landscape

I'm meant to take this Godbeer seriously? However, swimming, reef walking, lagoon snorkelling, bird-watching, seashell-collecting, and shipwreck-exploring were all gay government-sanctioned non-economic activities. In this new book, Godbeer is hell-bent on convincing us that two men in colonial America could have exceedingly obsessive and passionate relationships he calls them, variously, "sentimental," "loving," "romantic" replete with non-stop effusive correspondence that rivals anything in Barbara Cartland, and spend many a night in bed together talking their hearts out, without the issue of sex arising in any way. A penis has never been something that you pick up and put down and put away idly without consideration. Savings clauses, introduced to ease transition at the end of the colonial era, decreed that British laws could not be changed after independence. In fact, his book is overflowing with statements that provoke in me the same angry responses I have when I read Doris when she attacks the love of our Abe and his Joshua:

Even Ron Chernow and James R. Gaines in their respective well-regarded biographies of Hamilton, Alexander Hamilton , and Lafayette, For Liberty and Glory , in laying out all the intertwining relationships between Washington, Hamilton, Lafayette, and John Laurens Hamilton's great love admit they could have all been having sex.

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Of course, each says he doubts it and of course no reasons are given for this position but at least they admit the possibility, which in this day of Goodwinitis, is a tidge of progress. But Godbeer says, not in a footnote, "Yet we cannot simply assume that men who loved one another must have wanted to have sex The man is a coward and simply not up to fighting off the Goodwinitis that is murdering our past, should he only recognize her highway robbery for what it is.

In fact, his book is overflowing with statements that provoke in me the same angry responses I have when I read Doris when she attacks the love of our Abe and his Joshua:. Strictly speaking, men who practiced sodomy during this period did not engage in homosexual acts, any more than the planter giving his wife 'a flourish' was engaging in a heterosexual act.

What with all those Mathers, Richard and Increase and Cotton, and Jonathan Edwards, all rushing around ranting about any kind of sex being a sin, I think gay men were probably scared shitless of what they might be feeling and thinking, much as much of today's youth in similar situations often feel.

But from where comes the idea that we were so innocent and unschooled then? If ancient Greece knew about homosexuality and the England of George III knew about it, why couldn't we in New York or Boston or especially Philadelphia, a hot town in those days, have known about it? Yet again, let's get real here, please. It has been proved that chimpanzees can be homosexual. Chimpanzees have even been seen to cover their erections when they don't want to be seen by other chimps.

Well this book is filled with monkeys covering their erect penises, courtesy of the author. It is frightening to read in his footnotes how many citations from other academics Godbeer has corralled to support his non-fucking theories. Gore Vidal calls these people "squirrel scholars.

The Demographics of Colonial America

Godbeer get ready for it even insists that this is what made America great, this pitching in all together now one two three let's hear it for the creation of the American Republic, showing the world that we are All Together in our hearts and strong, loving, romantic, sentimental, " patriotic ," friendships, this exhibition of blood brotherhood, as D.

This perfervidness is perhaps where Joseph J. Ellis found his notion of Washington, Hamilton, et al as a band of founding brothers.

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13 Gay Colonies - Kindle edition by Ryan Oeters. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note. March 15 marks an unusual milestone: It's been years since the first U.S. soldier was thrown out of the Army for being gay.