Cherished — One Woman’s Journey to Love and Be Loved

Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Refresh and try again. Bethany is Currently Reading. Bethany is currently reading. Oct 23, The Adrenal Thyroid Revolution: Sep 22, Jul 04, Bethany is now friends with Justin McSharry. Dec 13, If by Mark Batterson. Bethany wants to read. We like for people to believe we have our act together while we are struggling on the inside.

Bethany is a successful professional woman who seems to have it all together. She has created a life that works for her by keeping busy, being knowledgeable, doing her job with perfection, and having high expectations for herself and others. Although this way of being had previously served her, she got to a place where it no longer worked for her. Her realization of this led her through a journey of self-discovery.

This book is her journey. Bethany meets a gentleman who introduces concepts that totally rock her world! She starts the process of living in the question, by asking herself hard questions and pushing through until the answers are revealed. Based on what she is learning, Bethany thinks back through her life experiences and re-evaluates everything that she knows to be true.

I love Kelli and Brian's relationship and there love story. I also loved Cyd and Cedric' s, gave me hope. Beautiful God's grace and mercy are amazing. The gifts from God in the form of forgiveness is amazing. Lord I'm amazed by you. Real good very inspirational. Plus could see how this could really minister to people. In there time of need. Oct 11, Marsha rated it it was amazing Shelves: I've never met a Kim Cash Tate novel I didn't absolutely love. This one is no different. She is a gifted minister of the Word of God through her writing. The storyline could be any one A reminder that no matter what, when we look to Jesus, we are offered forgiveness through mercy and grace.

Such a true to life storyline.

About the Book

Loved the main characters and how God changed their their s Lives and situations. Inspiring , and well written. Aug 06, Michelle rated it really liked it Shelves: I have a lot of thoughts about this book. First of all, it made me cry a few times.

Yeah, like the tears rolling down your cheeks kind. I get a bit misty eyed sometimes when I read, but not usually real tears. I have never suffered like Kelli had, but there was just something about her grief and healing that was very inspirational. I loved how the characters all focused so much on prayer and seeking God's will for their l More like 4.

I loved how the characters all focused so much on prayer and seeking God's will for their lives We should all be like that. It made me think of "The Cosby Show" from the 80s and how it was criticized by some as being unrealistic. The way I saw the show was the it introduced to viewers how families could communicate and act. Not that families did that, but it was an inspirational example to me when I was a teen.

What if you could…

“What does it mean to truly KNOW the unfathomable love of God and learn to fall If people read Cherished: One Woman's Journey to Love and Be Loved, then. Cherished: One Woman's Journey to Love and Be Loved can help you to get where you've always wanted to be. Discover how to live in the question by asking .

But life tends to be more like the "Roseanne" show from the 80s. Kids are snarky and disobedient and the communication is anything but positive. I couldn't stand to watch that show when I was a teen because everyone was so disrespectful. So the author did a Cosby spin on what could have played out like a Roseanne show.

People could have been more hateful, rude and ugly. They could have wanted to make the other person suffer to the extreme. But how do you show healing that way? So technically some things wrapped up in a fairly tidy fashion But that doesn't mean it couldn't be inspirational in that it shows how people can support each other, pray for each other, forgive each other, etc.

Yes, there were imperfect characters and realistic scenarios, but healing was the emphasis in this novel. I couldn't help admiring that. I found the romantic aspects of the novel quite good. I loved how realistic Heather's emotions were and how her transformation was truly a miracle.

If Heather had been real, I'm not thinking things would have played out quite as nicely. She became kind of child-like in her innocence, but then again, she was "born again" and that is supposed to give us all a fresh start. In real life the baggage tends to sneak back and hang on more than it did in Heather's life, but I still admired her. I hope there is a third book starring Heather. And I adored Logan. I want to see how her life plays out in a third book. The message regarding Kelli and Miles was good. Faith is important in any relationship. Do you really want to be praying for the man you love for years hoping he will go to church with you and find God?

If you love Jesus, is loving Him and hoping the man you love will change when that man doesn't love Him, too? I also loved the realism with the guy Ace. There are some wolves in sheep's clothing out there ironically I have a book with this title myself and that was how I saw Ace, the drummer. Sadly, many women who are band chasers give them what they shouldn't, and this just perpetuates the sin. It's hard to say more without posting any spoilers. I loved the men in this book. How I wish all men were the same way. But one can dream, right? Thankfully I have a great husband myself.

If nothing else it shows single Christian women what a man can be like and to aim higher than just accepted love on a surface level. Last, the coolest message in this book was the one about taking risks. If we keep our pain to ourselves, there is no healing. If we keep our healing to ourselves, then we can't help others to heal.

The message is clearly that God wants us to humble ourselves so He can use us, even our mistakes and bad choices, to help others know Him more. That's my review and I'm sticking to it. All in all, a great book! Sometimes the mistakes we make in our life can act as road blocks. They can prevent us from ever seeing our true potential and pursuing the dreams we were meant to fulfill. I read the most amazing book that sets out to show you through fictional characters just how those road blocks can prevent us from finding our purpose in life and what God wants for us to become.

The three characters who Sometimes the mistakes we make in our life can act as road blocks. Kelli London has always dreamed of becoming a songwriter and glorifying God with her songs of praise. But after falling into sin, she walks away from her dreams. Heather Anderson's life has spun out of control - first an affair with a married man and then a one-night stand with the drummer of a popular Christian band. Broken and alone, she discovers the only one who can save her.

Brian Howard grew up as a science geek. But after making the worst mistake of his life after high school, he finds forgiveness in Christ and is being led down a completely different path. Now he must choose whether to continue pursuing his PhD in biochemistry or become a full time Christian rapper. This novel shows readers that God can still use them in spite of their worst choices. He doesn't just forgive them, they are truly cherished.

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  6. Cherished by Kim Cash Tate!

We can be embraced by the same great love when we learn that true forgiveness for ALL of our sins is right before us. Through these characters we see how they struggle to resolve their own personal conflicts and find a way to finally forgive themselves. I think this book is very relevant to our times because so often we feel like a choice we may have made so long ago, is the very thing we can't be forgiven for. When we do that, we can see what God's future is for us and how we can move forward with nothing holding us back. Especially in today's world, we find our value in the wrong things, be it a job, a title, the things we own, what we do, who are friends are, and most of all what we think of ourselves if often times so wrong.

Self Esteem issues for women is at an all time high, with teen suicides, bulimia, anorexia and eating disorders dictating what is acceptable for society. I would rate this book at 4. Aug 03, Patricia Kemp Blackmon rated it it was amazing Shelves: Kelli London is a broken soul. Even though she had spent much of her teen years in church it has been seven years since she has attended a service.

She had also abandoned songwriting a gift God had meant for her to use. Then she moves to St. Louis after college in hopes of finding employment and to spend some time with her two brothers and their wives. Her brothers have joined an amazing ministry at Living Word Community Church and she decided to join them at church.

Kelli starts opening her hear Kelli London is a broken soul. Kelli starts opening her heart but is somewhat of a Doubting Thomas. But her sister-in-law Stephanie believes in the power of prayer and is not willing to let Kelli give up on what they have prayed for.

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We all need to find someone to disciple us back into the fold and encourage our new journey. Then things get even more complicated for Kelli, her high school sweetheart Brian seems to be attending the same church she is attending. Old wounds open fester. But over time and much prayer she begins to heal.

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In this story you will also read about Heather her story I felt was similar to that of Mary Magdelan's. Purity is encouraged and taught all through the writings in this book. Kim, the author, definitely has a winner here in this book. She brings the characters alive. So much so that I felt a part of their lives. She shows that God has a plan for everyone. It is just that you have to open your heart and follow the path he has cut for us.

Prayer groups, circles or buddies is much encourage in this story. Some say prayers just aren't answered as fast as the author has portrayed. But I say they can I have experienced it in my own life. It is just that you really need to be careful how you pray because God has a great since of humor, not answering quiet how you had meant him to.

But it is the path he has chosen for us and is up to us whether we choose it or not. This book really opened my eyes then my heart to be more open to God and ask him to lead me on the path set for me. An important fact in this book is being willing to forgive. Not just each other but ourselves. It is a beautiful story one I will treasure. Disclosure of Material Connection: I was not required to write a positive review.

The opinions I have expressed are my own.

Who This Book Is For

Nov 04, Janette Fuller rated it really liked it Shelves: Kim Cash Tate has written a powerful Christian fiction book about forgiveness, redemption and restoration. The women in "Cherished" learn that God loves them and He will forgive them if they turn to Him in repentance. This is a story about a group of friends and family members who were active in a large church in St. Kelli has recently returned home to St. Louis after living in Texas for several years.

She dreamed of being a Christian singer and songwriter when she was in high school. How Kim Cash Tate has written a powerful Christian fiction book about forgiveness, redemption and restoration. However, she became romantically involved with her boyfriend and got pregnant. Brian, her boyfriend, refused to accept any responsibility for the situation and Kelli was left to fend for herself. She decided that having an abortion was her only option, but she kept this a secret from her family and friends.

She has not seen Brian for many years and she does not think she will ever be able to forgive him. Heather's life was shattered when she had an affair with a married man and was forced to leave her beloved church. She then had a one-night stand with a singer in a popular Christian band and was devastated when she found out that he had a girlfriend and he had no desire to have a relationship with her.

These women were confused, lonely and broken. Kelli and Heather became friends and learned that they had value and were worthy of love and redemption.