Musings of Love and Life

All of this makes our lives more fulling and exciting. We begin to thrive, not merely exist. We are not knocked down or broken any longer by the winds of change, and we smile as the breeze drifts across our skin. It is time to step into your power, toss the masks aside and embrace fully your authenticity. You have a life experience, and perspective which is uniquely yours. Do not dim the fire in your soul to a flicker, but rather let it blaze. Express who you truly are, your quirks, your presumed flaws, and your gifts.

All of these components are the mosaic of your being, they are a work of art that is yours alone.

ASMR It is what it is - This is life - Late night musings

Do not worry what others opinions are. No matter where you are on your journey, there will most likely be someone, somewhere judging you. You will find freedom in realizing that their judgement has so much more to do with them and where they are on their journey than it does with you. People who tend to judge others harshly, many times are doing so in an attempts to boost their own ego, or grasping onto straws to try to feel confident.

Show them compassion, and dance on through your journey, to the beat of your own music. This is a process I have been undergoing intensely recently. I have been shedding the cloaks and masks of what I feel society and others want me to be, and have been sharing and being much more of my true self. I have learned to let my concepts of perfection fall by what wayside. The trick is to become perfectly free in being yourself while speaking and living your truth. In that manner we all reach perfection of self. There is a spark within your being, a sanctuary where your true self resides.

Like a bird in a cage, it is time to free it and let it take wing. I cannot tell you how to do this, or what it is to live YOUR truth… because that is a journey for you alone to take. I can, however, share with you that the freedom and joy which sets in when you truly embrace your authenticity and revel in your unique presence is unmatched.

The Amazing Power Of Love: Quotes And Musings

You may find some things coming up for you as you go through this process. Some old fear-based programming, trauma, or deep emotions for example. Feel them, but release them because they no longer serve you. Do not worry about things you have no control over, but rather shift to a place where you embrace all the things that you can make positive steps toward changes and work toward them with full momentum.

Replace your fear of the unknown, with exhilaration for the many adventures unfurling before you. So I invite you to join me, on this journey toward authenticity.

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I hope each of you takes time to find the beauty in your being and the glory which surrounds you in nature, in others, in art, and a multitude of other aspects. Things have been pretty intense recently. Both the joyful moments, and the more sad or lower moments seem, to have been washing over me with a great deal of intensity.

I have found that balance is key, and that is is important not to get engulfed in negativity. I do not want to become engulfed in this state of being. One does not have to be artistically inclined to express themselves. It is not necessary that you express yourself in a manner with the intent to impress anyone else. There are various ways that one can express themselves creatively. Some of the ways I have personally found joy through expression are: These outlets are the ones that work best for me, but there are a multitude of others which may work for you.

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Get creative, and do what feel right for you. One that may seem unfamiliar or challenging.

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This can be a great way to broaden your horizon and discover facets of your being that you were previously unaware of, or new gifts to embrace and share. The key is to express YOUR truth.

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I hope that each of you finds this freedom through self expression, and hope that it allows you to step even more boldly into your truth and help to create a life of authenticity and joy. When the world seems to be falling all around us, the most courageous thing we can do and be… are people who love fiercely, and fearlessly. Chaos has been swirling around so many of us; myself included. At which point I have come to a crossroads: To love one another fiercely, and tremendously — without condition, judgment, or expectation, this is the way to bring about true unity.

Recently, I have found myself struggling at times to withstand the negativity which seems to be all around me. Within my personal life, and the lives of so many around the world. I see pain, and struggle, and despair. I empathize — for I would like to ease all of this pain and strife; but at times feel helpless. Until I came to the realization, that though I am one person, I can have a great impact.

A single loving act toward another, a random act of kindness towards someone, and any form of active loving and expression, creates ripples. Like a pebble cast into the water, these ripples affect the current. Loving actions affect the lives of all those that are touched by them, and they are forever changed. A kind word, an attitude of compassion, or a simple hug; can mean far more than we may even comprehend. I know, for many, this is a time of great struggle and dissent.

Personal Musings At Midnight On Life & Love

Ok, this one might have to top the list of fave posts! Hilarious Canada Air episode, even though I know you probably weren't feeling the humor in it while you went through it: I adore the format you chose to tell us about hour trip, and I cannot wait to read about all the other days and sights! Too much fun, it was! I love this post.

Sorry you had a bad trip over but it's a good read. You're a great writer, Leah. Whenever I go to the bookstore and pass the romance section, I scan the authors, hoping to see your name. We just have to start with our shared beliefs and accept that life is about compromise. And once we do, we can all sit down and have a beer together. Or wine, or whiskey, or even Fireball. I can compromise on that, too. This is what it actually looks like when Syrian refugees are accepted into a western nation. If you truly fear terrorist attacks on American soil, barring Muslims from entering the country is pretty much the most misguided solution you can go with.

If you have a site at WordPress. The toolbar is visible only to you, and only when you are logged into a specific editing section. The amount of offense some people took at the rainbow was disheartening. If you could successfully hide a part of yourself — have a good life, employment, faith, and family — why would you change? What would make you risk it all? What price would you pay to be authentic? This is the central question posed in Presenting Lisa , a film about the transformation of a man named Larry to a woman named Lisa.

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As a bisexual woman, I already contend with stigmas concerning my sexuality. Maybe mainstream America will finally get it. I consider myself lucky.

I live in a society where outright racism is generally not tolerated. Then again, that just means that racism is more insidious now. I am not taking a black-or-white stance get it? Instead, I will wade into the muddy gray waters this topic inevitably swirls up. I will weigh the pros and cons as logically as I can. I will share the information my personal research has uncovered, as well as the insights I gained as an educator at SeaWorld.

One of the things that I have been thinking about is how great it feels to be in my thirties. No question about it. We see how they persevered despite the setbacks. Or Bill Watterson, or even Mike Rowe.

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We booked through a travel agent and reserved five nights in one of Bora Bora's famous overwater bungalows. We paid for everything four. Musings of Love and Life eBook: Rose Jiménez: Kindle Store.

Ultimately, these folks had talent. When you meet someone for the first time, you have everything in the world to talk about.