Magical Musical Kingdom Nursery (Musicaliti Nursery Book 1)

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Linking with the KS2 Geography curriculum, all four songs are catchy, easy to learn and cover key topic facts - in a fun way! Perfect for assemblies, concerts and for enlivening topic work.

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FREE downloadable resources are available and include whiteboard lyrics, tuned and untuned percussion parts and teaching notes. Little Arabella Miller 2: Johnny Works With One Hammer 2: Fooba Wooba John 2: Take Me Out to the Ball Game 2: I Went Upstairs 0: John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt 1: Skip to My Lou 2: Sur le Pont d'Avignon 1: The More We Get Together 2: Miss Mary Mack 2: Old MacDonald Had a Farm 2: Zum Gali Gali 1: From Wibbleton to Wobbleton 0: This Little Light of Mine 1: Make New Friends 1: A Sailor Went to Sea 1: The Bear Went Over the Mountain 1: One Misty, Moisty Morning 2: Rain on the Green Grass 0: Go In and Out the Window 1: Row, Row, Row Your Boat 1: Polly Wolly Doodle 3: Sally Go 'Round the Sun 1: Whether the Weather 0: White Coral Bells 1: This Old Man 2: Two Little Blackbirds 1: Ten in the Bed 2: I've Been Working on the Railroad 2: Head and Shoulders 1: Home on the Range 3: Itsy Bitsy Spider 1: The Ants Go Marching 3: Jack and Jill 1: Say, Say, Playmate 2: The North Wind Doth Blow 0: Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star 2: The eagerly awaited follow-up to the best-selling Why Beethoven Threw the Stew.

What did Haydn's wife use for curling-paper for her hair? What did Schubert do with his old spectacles case? Why was Dvorak given a butcher's apron when he was a little boy? Why did Tchaikovsky spit on a map of Europe? Why did Faure find a plate of spinach on his face?


And why did Handel waggle his wig? In Why Beethoven Threw the Stew, renowned cellist Steven Isserlis set out to pass on to children a wonderful gift given to him by his own cello teacher - the chance to people his own world with the great composers by getting to know them as friends. In his new book he draws us irresistibly into the world of six more favourite composers, bringing them alive in a manner that cannot fail to catch the imagination of children encountering classical music for the first time.

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Once again the text is packed with facts, dates and anecdotes, interspersed with lively black-and-white line illustrations, making this an attractive and accessible read for children to enjoy on their own or share with an adult. Each story has a theme related to fabric, and is supported by activities in music.

The activities are flexible and can be enjoyed in the classroom in the course of creative work in music, drama, DT, and language. The Singing Storycloth is a collection of eight song-stories from around the world, collected and retold by Helen East. Each story has a theme related to fabric and is supported by activities in music. Helping children to think about how people may feel in different situations helps to develop empathy and compassionate behaviour, developing their ability to plan ahead and think before speaking.

Talking about the different ways that we treat people we know and people we do not know can both help the child to decide the appropriate time to make a comment, as well as helping to broach the subject of approaching strangers and becoming aware of personal safety. Self-control is a valuable management skill that will take them far. A secure child wants to do things for themselves. As children learn about their environment and routine, what is expected and what is not acceptable, they naturally try to take on jobs, particularly those that involve and affect them.

However, when there is little time to choose an outfit and then battle with buttons or zips, independence can be a huge source of frustration for any parent or carer trying to balance child-rearing with the external responsibilities of traffic, and uncompromising work or school hours. Taking time to read, helping themselves to food or drink, even tidying away on their own all have their place, and it is well worth the early time investment to allow opportunities for learning these skills, while finding the right balance. In all these situation, explanations at child level work much more effectively than over-ruling their judgement.

Helping children to understand that sometimes help is needed in order for them to do other things is a valuable lesson, not only to spare you precious minutes, but also to encourage and develop teamwork and co-operative skills. Sharing the load by compromising on which jobs you do and which job your child can do is a useful pattern for negotiation and delegation. Wednesday, 8 June Education theorists. I am loving the ideas that I am coming across tho, and today it was the turn of Paulo Freire.

This is one "name" see blog on Bruner for more on why "name" is in quotation marks that I came across at the beginning of my master's, and never stood still long enough to fully understand and appreciate his contribution. He was totally into equity of opportunity, and had a well-thought-out plan to restore this through education.

His ideas involved teaching modern education in a culturally suitable way to those unable to afford it, the oppressed, which not only makes it more relevant but also returns a sense of value and humanity. While "oppressors" we're urged to consider their role in oppressing others, he put the responsibility of becoming an example of taking a stand on the shoulders of the "oppressed".

The culturally relevant angle makes me think of the Finnish education system that so many in England aspire to, and how, by creating a culturally-relevant system, they were able to significantly advance their academic ability as a nation. Putting in considerable hard work, they found a way to build and unite not only education but the teaching profession.

Frustratingly, English teachers appear to be more interested in merely replicating a system than applying principles, despite the considerable difference in the sizes of the nations involved, as well as the vastly different levels of diversity. Even comparisons with China and Japan have resulted in attempts to transplant systems instead of applying principles. England needs a system that works for the English, not a cut-and-paste job!


Next, thinking about a few groups in which I have been involved, these are processes that are either not well known at all, or completely ignored. It makes me wonder about the application of simple respect, founded on relationship as opposed to attachment. It's a lot to think about, and I am considering using my findings towards a paper in its own right, using principles. British education , critical pedagogy , Finnish education , Paulo Freire. The new book that I'm still! So, in the last few weeks I've been looking at "names", literally, "names" and "ideas".

Familiar "names" from my very first teaching lectures in , through to completely new "names" and exciting "ideas" that I've not yet come across because of slightly different fields or interests. At one of my first academic conference presentations, I was challenged on a "name" that I automatically engendered as "him" - my challenger had actually met "her". Right then, I had a delayed realisation that these "names" belonged to people, real people who lived and worked and, from most of my recent searches, also died. So it was with a weird sensation of "achievement" that my notes on Jerome Bruner last week did not include a death date, instead, including references to him still teaching at NYU as of October , when he turned Jerome Bruner, from educational psychology in teacher training in Johannesburg, ; Jerome Bruner from child development undergraduate readings in Bolton, In fact, I referred to his longevity just last week, while I tried to motivate my mother to eat a little more, walk a little more, well, make the most of doing what she can while she can, I guess.

And then, this evening, what made me look him up again?

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Just a week after re-researching his ideas and enormous, yet "controversial" contribution to education and psychology, ideas that are now virtually taken for granted? I'm not sure why I looked him up again, perhaps the fact of not having written a single word again today. And thinking about his influence and longevity. And thinking about educational disruption. Thinking about the effect his ideas have had, he totally disrupted the norms, thinking and expectations of his day. Based on his personal experience of learning and relearning, after being born blind and then recovering his sight at the age of 3, he researched and then challenged the system in which he found himself, the system in which he had been educated, a system of which he had become a product.

And, thankfully, he did not have the attitude of "well, if it was good enough for me My next thought was, how has this event missed the news? How have I not seen this yet? It happened, now, 3 days ago, how Until searching a little deeper, and boom. An obscure, academic obituary, a Facebook post that didn't happen to appear on my feed.

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And again, like with so many other "names" of people with great "ideas" who had relatively recent death dates within my lifetime, for example , I am irrationally frustrated that our paths never crossed. And then I think to myself, I had a chance. At one stage last week, I thought about finding his email address, asking him about his thoughts on my ideas on the development of music making in young children.

But then, life happened. No problem, I thought last week, I'll get to it once things settle down a little. After all, my attempts to contact "names" has been haphazardly hit-and-miss. Some replied immediately, others have still not done. Some, I have travelled miles to see, forced myself to introduce and discuss my work with them, only to be given the name of someone else who may be more "appropriate".

Yet, others have been significantly selfless, overflowingly generous with advice and recommendations. Who is to say what Jerome Bruner would have made of me? So, it is in a bitter-sweet, pensive state of mind that I wish him well, grateful for his contribution, inspired by his legacy. Monday, 6 June Another day, another 0. I have put down both have and make as descriptors as I could have not done some things to ensure that I could write. Like checking on ill family.

Getting shopping for other family. Catching up with long-standing customers. Collecting forgotten flyers to be distributed before the first session tomorrow. They all work together but in different ways - and if they're all working correctly, then, yes, I will have time to write.

Sometime life does feel like one large investment. The music sessions I held today were interesting - reminding me about how differently people value experience.


One mum said, on hearing her friends were off to the park this morning to make the most of the good weather: It sets up our week! No, if it's on, we have to be here. I know that most marketing advice would recommend that I interrogate what she was coming for and use it as a marketing tactic. But I suspect that it will be the same thing that brought my only toddler to my session today. And the same thing that keeps my 10 weekly primary guitar students signed up.

And kept my previous customers bringing back new cousins as their own children got older. There seems to be something about a certain type of parent that says "my child will gain skills through music that they won't in their other activities. Music sessions , Parents , priorities , values. Sunday, 5 June Not a word. Looking after family, getting on to next family, home in time to get last-minute washing done school tomorrow! - Technology Info

I did get the feeling that sometimes we find ourselves in an interesting or challenging position, not for our own benefit, but actually to help someone else get into their proper position. Saturday, 4 June Only today. But I found some new and exciting thinkers on education, interesting studies from Lauren Sosniak! She studied how top pianists developed, from their first "fun" lessons, to the middle years of "possession by music" y , to the final, intimidating, preparation by master teachers y.

Interesting how the first teachers were well-loved, the final teachers were feared - but by then, they were thoroughly committed to their instrument!