Scarlet Threads, Part One: Babylon in Bible Days

If he was educated, he knew Greek, and Greek language, and Greek customs, and Greek culture, and Greek philosophy and art and science and literature — everything Greek. For the first part of the interbiblical period, Palestine was under the Ptolemies, and it was very quiet and the high priests ruled.


But in B. One of them, Antiochus Epiphanes [Antiochus IV Epiphanes BCE], took his army and he offered a sow on the great altar there in the temple court before the sanctuary, and he took the juice of that sow and he poured it all over the sanctuary to defile it. Upon a day, there was a cowardly Jew in the little town of Modin, about seventeen miles northwest of Jerusalem. And that cowardly Jew was about to bow down and to worship at the shrine of Jupiter Olympus, and when he did, there was an aged priest by the name of Mattathias [d.

He lifted up his arm and he slew that cowardly Jew, and he lifted up his arm and he slew the emissary from Antiochus Epiphanes who was demanding the worship of the Hellenistic heathen god. Then this man, Mattathias, took his boys, and they lived in the mountains and they carried on guerrilla warfare. The first boy of that aged priest Mattathias was named Judas Maccabaeus [d.

The Scarlet Thread Through the Bible (Part 3)

And Judas Maccabaeus, leading that guerrilla band, to the amazement of the world and to the astonishment of any student of history, he won Jewish independence from Antiochus Epiphanes. And when Judas lost his life, Jonathan [Jonathan Apphus, d. And when Jonathan was killed, Simon [Simon Maccabeus, d. And Simon the Maccabaean founded the Hasmonean, the Maccabaean dynasty.

And they were fussing and fighting in a civil war over who would reign and rule over Judea,. The Hellenistic Jews were called Sadducees, and those who were very much opposed to Hellenism were called Pharisees. And there are the Pharisees who are very strenuously devoted to the law and against any kind of foreign oppression. And there are the Sadducees who love to do business with Rome or with anybody who will provide them the emoluments of their office and keep them as rulers and leaders among the people.

In the seed as of one, in the seed of Abraham, shall all the families of the earth be blessed [Genesis Why does He come? White, the other day, mentioned to me after one of our services a very famous theological book by Albert Schweitzer [].

Now, Albert Schweitzer, the doctor in the French Cameroon in central Africa, he is a great scientist without doubt. He is a great musician, without doubt. He is a great philosopher, without doubt. He is a great humanitarian, without doubt, but he is not a Christian as I call a Christian.

Now, that is the thesis of Albert Schweitzer. To us who believe the Bible and to us who preach the Word of God, it is the exact and diametrically the opposite. Our Lord came into this world to die for us sinners [Romans 5: And his death is not one of those cheap burlesques, nor is it a divine comedy, nor is it one of those infinite tragedies like the nemesis that follows after those in the Greek gods and in the Greek world who are to be destroyed.

He came into the world to die. And as He began His ministry, He began His ministry under the shadow of the cross.

John raised his hand and introduced Him: Think what that meant to any Jew: And when the Greeks came to see Him from afar: And in the Last Supper, He said: When we preach the cross and when we preach the blood and when we preach the sacrificial death of Christ, we are preaching the meaning of His coming into the world and the great redemptive plan and purpose of God. Then He appeared to the rest of the women [Matthew Then He appeared to the two on the way to Emmaus [Luke Then He appeared to Peter alone [Luke Then that night, that Sunday night, He appeared to the ten disciples, Thomas being absent [John Then the next Sunday night, He appeared to the disciples, all eleven of them [John The Lord met with His disciples at night , and He revealed Himself to His disciples at night , and He spake to them out of the book of Himself at night.

He met with his disciples at night. Then He met with the seven at the Sea of Galilee [John And it was then, at that ascension, that the disciples came to Jesus and said: And the Lord said: There is a kingdom coming. There is to be a parenthesis between the rejection of the King and the kingdom and the time when King and kingdom shall come from God out of heaven. And in this period of time, we call it the Age of Grace. We call it the Age of the Holy Spirit.

We call it the Age of the Church. And in this dispensation — this time of grace — Jew, Gentile, male, female, bond, free, all of us are invited to belong to the household of faith in the church, the church of Jesus Christ [Galatians 3: And the Lord said to His disciples: He will bring in the kingdom. Men will be dividing up. We all are invited in the love and grace of Jesus to belong to the same household of faith. Come, come, come" [Matthew And so they began.

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Then second, the Gospel is preached by Phillip, a Hellenist, to the half-Jew, to the half-breed, up there at Samaria [Acts 8: Then third, the Gospel is preached to a temple proselyte, a full Jewish proselyte in Gaza, to the Ethiopian eunuch [Acts 8: And then next, the Gospel is preached to a proselyte of the gate, to a centurion at Caesarea [Acts And then, in the eleventh chapter of the book of Acts, the Gospel is preached to out and out idolaters, to heathen worshippers — to Greeks who come out of their idolatry into the glorious faith of the Son of God [Acts And finally, the Lord says: And Paul goes out and proclaims the Gospel message to the whole, wide, civilized world.

So the Gospel begins to expand over the then-known earth, first by Peter, who is an apostle to the circumcision, who delivers the message to the Jew [Galatians 2: Then the bridge between Stephen, a Hellenist, who says God was worshipped by Moses on the back side of the desert [Acts 7: And they slew him [Acts 7: All a man has to do to be saved is to turn, to repent, to give his heart and love to Jesus, and God will save him forever: For with the heart one believeth unto a God-kind of righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation" [from Romans Come "for whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved" [Romans So he went on his first missionary journey, went from Antioch down to Seleucus, the port city at the mouth of the Orontes, then crossed over to Cyprus [Acts Then they went back down to Attalia and to Antioch again as their first missionary journey [Acts But they had trouble on their hands because they were preaching that a man could be a Christian just by trusting Jesus [Acts Then came the Jerusalem conference in Acts 15 when the Jews said: You got to be baptized, you got to keep this, you got to do that.

And they had that big conference in Jerusalem [Acts Then the Holy Spirit sends them down to Troas [Acts And that night, Paul sees the Macedonian in a vision: So he crosses the Hellespont. He goes through Neapolis.

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He goes to Philippi [Acts He goes to Apollonia and Amphipolis and then to Thessalonica [Acts And then he crosses over to Ephesus [Acts And he goes up to Jerusalem and then back to Antioch. And the second great missionary journey is done. And then after a while, he starts on the third one. He goes by land again, retracing his steps in Asia Minor [Acts And the whole world is turned upside down, or right side up, in his great, marvelous ministry at Ephesus [Acts And all Asia hears the Word of God [Acts Then he goes to Macedonia [Acts And at the end of two years, having preached to Felix [Acts And as a true child of Babylon it plays its part well.

Its hatred of and persecution of both Jews and Christians is well documented. The counter-reformation, the Renaissance, John Calvin, and more It will bring all its people together in Trent, Italy, and discuss the reforms, perhaps suggest a few of its own, but at any event, make a very specific statement to all present and Slowly, ever so slowly, the papacy emerges.

The church looks strangely different. When she lashes out at the Jews who were her first members, and her Savior, we know things have evolved the wrong way The man is to be "Peter. Though this study concluded in the 's, the conclusions are the same today. World religion is coming. Romanism and its cronies will make it up.

Bible believers will be excluded. Is it right to judge, to expose error, to name names? I give you their solidly Biblically-based answer: Those who are faithful in exposing Eventually people get it: You must come out of Babylon. Here is the story of those first heroes of the Protestant Reformation, who saw Babylon, protested, and were forced out. Thank God for them.

How was Rome involved in the political and military crisis that was World War I?

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And what influence was there on the world by certain apparitions that allegedly occurred? He refers to the leaders of the Reformation as "Enemies of the Cross of Christ. Rome-Babylon has been with us for many centuries now. From giddy power over empires to its present place of "holding on", Babylon promises to be with us until her program is fulfilled Revelation The "Golden Age" of the Papacy.

As the new millennium dawns over Europe and the world, Rome tightens its grip. It seems every Pope is trying to outdo the last in wickedness and power plays. Vatican 2 made a difference. For better or worse, a form of unity has set in. Protestants and all religions flock to Rome while many others leave her for good. When the dust settles: A one-world church, and a true church To introduce you to that meeting, I give this clip from the Random House Encyclopedia, p.

Hitler and many of the leaders surrounding him had been raised in Catholicism, with its ugly hatred of the Semites. The rest is history The Hapsburg Dynasty has crumbled. Rome is worried about its future prospects. And if Christ is not in what we are observing, we must warn. And as the Lord leads, we must also "come out from among them, and be separate.

As a Hebrew Christian I have been confronted many times by fellow Jews, and accused of being converted to Catholicism, a Roman religion that they know to have been responsible for the beating and murder of millions of victims, Jew and Gentile alike. Of course, their accusations are correct, as far as Romanism is concerned. The historical evidence of crimes and atrocities committed against my people in the name of Christ, is well documented.

December 31st, 1961 @ 7:30 PM

I had a tough time convincing them that my personal faith in the Messiah, Jesus, had nothing to do with Catholicism, and that I had not suddenly become a Roman Catholic. I knew, of course, that their own confusion did not originate from the teachings of Jesus, but was brought about by the anti-Semitic actions of a people, both Catholic and Protestant, who, throughout history, claimed to be Christians but in fact were not.

This study has increased my faith by opening my eyes to a clearer understanding of this false religious system, steeped in deception that has plagued mankind from the beginning of time. What Isaiah calls a "garment of praise" Isaiah There is, for example, the scarlet cord that Rahab was asked to hang from her window, so she could be saved by Joshua at his return.

A scarlet thread was to be interwoven throughout the garments of Israel's priests. Red is the color of wine, as in the new wine promised by Jesus. And above all there is the stream of blood that flows from our greater Joshua, our great High Priest, the One called Jesus. Prostitution, the royal priesthood, the blood. Scarlet threads somehow woven into the fabric of the plans of God. Here is a lesson on the historical and very real "Babylon", in every culture, in every age.