Defending our Mother in Faith: Aisha

He ordered all his followers at Medina to join it at once, not excepting even the renowned companions to join it at once. Only Ali, who was required to remain with him at Medina, was exempted. The malady, although gaining ground, did not confine Muhammad entirely to his house. He used to move into the mosque, through the door of his apartment, to lead the prayers. After about a week of his summoning the men to the Syrian expedition under Osama, he perceived that the progress to join the camp at Jorf was very slow and poor, therefore, he once again addressed the people to join the Syrian expedition.

The sickness of Muhammad was increasing every day, and the Syrian expedition, weighed upon his mind, and continued saying to those around him, " Send off quickly the army of Osama. Knowing that Muhammad's end was near, the companions were reluctant to leave Medina at such a critical time and fearful that, if they absented themselves, Ali might step uncontested.

In sum, the army of Osama could not depart from Medina during the time of Muhammad. Assuming the responsibilities of the caliphate he was confronted with the problems that some of the tribes who had already embraced Islam broke off, many tribes declined to pay Zakat and false prophets emerged to take advantage of the situation. Hazrat Ayesha RA at this is reported to have uttered that the problems faced by my father if had befallen on Jibal-ur- Rasiat it would have shattered.

However, credit goes to him who with courage and resolution overcame them. His first priority was to dispatch the expedition to Syria under the command of Osama bin Zaid originally ordered by the Holy Prophet but delayed due to his SAW death. It was a critical juncture for him. In the wake of alarming condition he was advised not to send, but he did not yield and without hesitation dispatched it in order to execute the wishes of the Holy Prophet. He was so much concerned that he himself came out of Madina to see the expedition off which soon returned graced by victory.

It boosted the morale of the Muslims very much The following is an email sent to me by brother Amir Abdul Rahim ; may Allah Almighty always be pleased with him. Was Muhammad a child molester? Wed, 20 Mar The discussion of Muhammad's marriage to Aisha has recently come up on a muslim message board, with the usual cries of 'Muhammad was a pedophile' coming from the usual anti-Islam lobby. In order to answer this filthy slander, I went to a police website detailing the traits of a pedophile , and this is what I came up with.

It seems that, even by today's standards, Muhammad could not be considered a pedophile. Okay, lets have a look at the psyche of a typical pedophile, and see how much of it fits Muhammad shall we? Many pedophiles, although by no means all, do not have a great sense of capacity for adopting a sexual demeanor towards adults or those of their own age or older. They feel unhappy and fearful at the prospect of sexual behaviour with adults and hence turn to children due to the fact that they are unable to have the strength of personality to seek adults for sexual demeanor.

When considering treatment therefore it is important to establish and develop a higher sense of self-esteem in such individuals. As well as being married to Aisha, he was also married to many other women during his life. He wasn't certainly suffering from low self-esteem. Therefore, this does not apply to Muhammad. Many pedophiles find it extremely difficult to deal with the impulsive nature which inclines them towards sexual behaviour to children. They simply cannot control their need for engaging children in sexual practices.

They might be said to suffer from an obsessive-compulsive condition. Here again treatment would involve developing better impulse control and of course redirecting the sexual inclinations. As has been mentioned before, Muhammad waited for at least two years before consummating the marriage.

Therefore, this point of 'lack of self control' does not apply to Muhammad. Also, fasting during Ramadan requires abstention from sexual relations. Why would Muhammad practise this if he had no self-control? Many pedophiles deny there is anything wrong with having sexual relations with children and many will in due course paradoxically deny having carried out such practices should they be confronted.

  • That Time Aisha’s Honor Was Questioned — and She Prevailed.
  • That Time Aisha's Honor Was Questioned — and She Prevailed | Muslim Girl;
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It is vital to change the attitudes of such individuals much as in the lack of empathy with their victim. Muhammad never once denied having sex with his wife. Also note the use of the term 'victim'. Aisha could not be described as a victim. Many pedophiles have carried out minor or major acts of pedophile behaviour in the past and this has led to habit as well as the obsessive-compulsive nature of the act towards children. It is vital here to promote alternative habits i. Muhammad has no history of pedophile activity whatsoever.

Also, as I pointed out, all of Muhammad's other wives were adult, and there is no evidence of him being obsessed with children. Therefore, this doesn't apply to Muhammad. This has led them to view sexual behaviour with children rather than adults as acceptable especially if this has been practised upon them by a member of the family in the past. Where this is the case appropriate therapeutic efforts must be made to develop understanding of what they are doing wrong and what they must do to change. Despite being illiterate, Muhammad had a reputation for being a very bright young boy, an excellent trader, and an extremely wise man.

Therefore, this point does not apply to Muhammad. Many pedophiles are lonely individuals who live on their own and have found it difficult to establish relationships with adults, especially for sexual purposes. Some suffer from psychological problems and even psychotic illnesses. Here intensive treatment and monitoring is in order.

Muhammad wasn't suffering from depression when he married Aisha. Also, low self-esteem, loneliness, and difficulty to establish relations could not be attributed to Muhammad. They merely imitate what they experienced and continue their activity considering it as appropriate since it was done to them.

Yaser Birjas - When Aisha (RA) Broke The Plate

I have demonstrated that, despite the fact Muhammad married a nine-year old girl, he could NOT be considered a pedophile. The following is an email that was sent to me by sister Janet , who recently embraced Islam; may Allah Almighty always be pleased with her. Article on marriage of Aysha saws to prophet Muhammad saws Date: Mon, 11 Mar Thank you for your informative article on the marriage of Aysha, peace be upon her, to prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him. I don't think I'm yet finished with this article, as I clicked on a topic.

Did you also research the average life span years ago in the Middle East? The gypsy, or romany people, of Indian descent who now for the most part occupy eastern Europe, arrange their children in marriage.

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According to Christian resources, Mary was when she had Jesus. I was breathless then, and when my breathing became all right, she took some water and rubbed my face and head with it. Pubescence, the second stage, is characterized by the proliferation of sex cells and near completion of the secondary sex characteristics Thornburg, Neither a camel nor a sheep was slaughtered on behalf of me" So not only does science teach us that young girls are not mature just because they have had first menarche, but science teaches us that teen, or worse yet, pre-teenage girls should not be bearing children.

They arrange the children the age of 9 to be engaged for 3 or 4 years before they are married. Thanks again for this article, which I found looking up Aysha on a searchnet. I am a new Muslimah in the U. Life years ago was very rough in the too hot desert. From my personal knowledge, the average life span back then was 50 years. People used to die from all kinds of diseases. Both parents of Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him for instance, died natural deaths before he even knew them.

After she gave birth, she died when he was 2 years old I believe. Muhammad was the only child of his parents. Muhammad was raised by his mother's female servant, Saadiyyah, and by his uncle father's brother Abu Talib, who later stood up for him and protected him when Muhammad declared to be Allah Almighty's Messenger at the age of The case of Mary the mother of Jesus comes to mind, in non biblical sources she was between years old when she conceived Jesus. Joseph was a much older man.

A year after his wife's death, as the priests announced through Judea that they wished to find in the tribe of Juda a respectable man to espouse Mary, then twelve to fourteen years of age , Joseph, who was at the time ninety years old , went up to Jerusalem among the candidates; a miracle manifested the choice God had made of Joseph, and two years later the Annunciation took place.

Also, this paragraph was sent to me by brother Mike , who embraced Islam recently; may Allah Almighty always be pleased with him: Joseph, Mary's Husband is believed to be around Mary was only 13 when she married Joseph. When she first was arranged with Joseph she was between 7 to 9 years old. According to the " Oxford Dictionary Bible " commentary, Mary peace be upon her was was 12 years old when she became impregnated. So if I want to be as silly and ridiculous as many of the Christians, I would respond to them by saying that Mary was psychologically and emotionally devastated for getting pregnant at a very young age.

And speaking of "child molesting", since most Christians believe that Jesus is the Creator of this universe, then why did GOD allow himself to enter life through a year old young girl's vagina? In other words, we Muslims would never make fun of Christianity through such childish topic like this one as many ridiculous Christians do make fun of Islam through our Prophet's peace be upon him marriage. It is quite hypocritical of Jews and Christian to criticize the marriage of Aisha. Talmud Jewish scripture says: From the Talmud, Pesachim a ". As we discussed, in biblical times adulthood could refer to the age of Puberty or even younger age.

That article on Catholic Encyclopaedia obtains its information from early. The Catholic Encyclopaedia goes on to conclude " Joseph was an old man at the time of marriage with the Mother of God. When we read the Bible, we learn about some Prophets marrying many wives, even hundreds of wives in some cases.

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Let us look at some of the verses from the Old Testament: And knowing that the Bible's Old Testament allowed before for men to have sex with girls who were at the age of 3 , then it wouldn't surprise me that those Prophets who had wives for instance, had many very young "teenage" girls before as their wives. It wouldn't surprise me if they too had wives that were younger than Mary when she got pregnant, and younger than Aisha when she got married. Since there are so many wives that those Prophets married hundreds of wives , then how would anyone know that they didn't marry young women as our beloved Prophet peace be upon him did with his marriage to Aisha peace be upon her?

When we read the Bible, we learn about some weird pornographic teachings that are certainly not appropriate for anyone with morals to read. You will read for instance, about Solomon's wife's vagina tastes like wine for him! You will also see examples of Prophets sleeping with their neighbor's wives, such as the following: David watches a women bathe, likes what he sees, and "goes in unto her.

From the roof he saw a woman bathing. Meanwhile, rumors were spreading like wildfire about her and getting worse as they travelled from person to person and down the grapevine. When she was well enough to leave her home with her nurse at night, the rumors were revealed to her by her Aunt. When it was confirmed by her parents, she fell even sicker and spent the entire night crying. All she could say was what Yaqoub AS said to his sons — that she would have patience and belief that all would be okay by God.

The ayats that were revealed are, even to this day, powerful in their message and guidance. Verses revealed in Surah An-Noor These ayats are the foundation of justice for how we treat one another in mankind. These ayats go to prove that starting rumors and accusations about one another is incredible harmful and wrong, but that in the face of accusations being spread to you or about you, the best option is to stop speaking entirely and remove yourself from the situation.

Our belief in God and Islam depends on how we treat and talk about Muslims and if there is no evidence, the accused must be believed as completely innocent. Even if something seems true or easily proven to be, we must understand that only God is the only judge that matters. We should put ourselves in the situation of those who are the subject of the rumors that are spread.

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The next time we deal with a bunch of girls spreading rumors about us, we can draw inspiration from Aisha RA. The strength that Aisha RA showed in the face of immense hardship — hardship that was felt by a completely demoralized Ummah — is incredible. Instead of trying to defend her innocence, or respond with anger towards those who mocked her character, she decided to keep silent and wait for her innocence to be proven. That type of complete faith is something that we can look at and learn from today. The next time people attack Islam and Muslims in the face of all the Islamophobia and hateful rhetoric that we are constantly being assaulted with, we can take comfort in the fact that this is not the first time Muslims were ridiculed.

Defending our Mother in Faith: Aisha - Kindle edition by Ibn Iftikhar. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like. Since the revelation of the Qur'an, Aisha has been accused of being a victim, people have slandered her and many have made accusations against her. The first.

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