Secrets of Worship

The Secrets to Powerful Worship
Archived Entry

Even fewer still, in my view, are distinctly called to lead worship as a vocation. And yet I perceive that even fewer still, of all those leaders, have learned the real secret to the most effective worship leading on planet earth today. In fact, some worship leaders who are less skilled and naturally gifted can make up for any lack by applying this Secret. Conversely there is a lightness, or a less substantial authority, in others. That Secret is not just experience, musical giftedness or leadership calling.

What Great Worship Leaders Do

Its definitely not about popularity. Something far more powerful is at work. Like Moses in the Tent of Meeting, the secret place is where we are fed by a regular, ongoing encounter with Christ—then carry authority into the world because of it.

  1. Savage Eden;
  2. The Secret To Leading Your Best Worship.
  3. Il sangue e il traditore: Le storie di Terre dAnge - La saga di Imriel [vol. 2] (Italian Edition).
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The most effective worship leaders on planet earth today have a Secret Life with God that is larger, and more substantial, than their public life with God and people. These people regularly worship, and deeply pray, with their instrument—before an Audience of One. Some worship leaders have made their secret life with God the steady standard and foundation for their public worship leadership life.

The public expression of worship, or even the preparation for the public expression of worship, has become enough for them. Tuesday, December 18, I want to talk about an aspect of worship leading that sounds like common sense, but we lose over time.

The Secret to the Most Effective Worship Leading

No need to get nervous. Simply evaluate your personal worship leading. Are you more mindful of you and your leadership or God and His glory? But the more you focus on beholding God, the more powerful it is. Because people connect with worshipers. They want to run with you into the presence of God. There are worship leaders who are great at beholding God but lack the talent and leadership to engage a room in that experience. They step into a room and notice that God is there.

  • All the Pleasures of the Season (A Archer Family Novella).
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  • The House in Banes Meadow (Ray Corngrower Series Book 2).
  • The Secrets of Worship.

They are struck with awe. They are filled with desire for His presence.

Bible Secrets To Worship

Can a Christian Drink Alcohol? And that's not something that should be done lightly. Are you more mindful of you and your leadership or God and His glory? And ye shall eat in plenty, and be satisfied, and praise the name of the LORD your God, that hath dealt wondrously with you: All this came because of his hard work and faithfulness over the years. Many worship leaders are skilled in leading worship.

They awaken the room with their passion. It can be raw, no holds barred, lay-it-all-on-the-line worship. They are often overcome by the presence of God and are moved to tears. The essense of their stage presence is that they are desperate for God. They know that since Jesus is alive, anything is possible. Public worship is simply an extension of their private devotion behind closed doors. They look beyond sunday , preparing their hearts on Monday morning, worshiping Jesus.

Know your Audience Preparation — Your preparation should include knowing your audience, preparing your band, crafting a setlist, and taking care of details. Ask, what do these people need to connect with Jesus? Who am I leading for? What songs, Scriptures, graphics, lighting, and creativity will serve them best? Know your God Performance — Let me just free you up. Let me challenge you to worry about that earlier. Get ahead of the game. The better you prepare during the week the more effective your weekends will be. Weekend worship is game time.

Focus exclusively on beholding God. Are you more focused on leading or beholding God?

Then, what would it take for you to be more preoccupied with the glory of God when you lead worship? Love the article…an excellent resource and gift to the Body of Christ.

Bible Secrets To Worship

My challenge is balancing these two areas when the unspoken expectation is on the flawless execution and presentation. The anointing is not diminished and flows freely however, presentation seems to have the edge. I totally understand this tension.

The Secret That Keeps Men From Singing in Worship

I tend to get distracted when the instrumentation is not in sync. A tight band is super important. What would you suggest for leaders who are having to train their volunteer musicians? Something special happens with that simple shift in thinking.

So many take the idea of focusing on God as an excuse for not trying to improve. What ended up happening was worse than if we just played a CD instead of instruments. I have struggled with this proposition as a band member and as a leader.