The Book of Shite (Annotated & Illustrated)

By scrutinizing how this collection of ghost tales was referenced within Zen Buddhist commentary, this article sheds light on the significant role of annotations in popularizing New tales in Tokugawa society. Akinari Ueda Chamber Anthony H.

[KAITO,Miku,MEIKO,Rin, Len]"The Legend of Walhallia" english sub [romaji in the description]

Collcutt Martin Five mountains: Heine Steven Shifting shape shaping text: Keene Donald World within walls: Klein Susan Allegories of desire: You Qu Ma Y. Pastreich Emanuel The observable mundane: Sakaki Atsuko Kornicki P. Patessio Mara Rowley G. Idema Monks bandits lovers and immortals: Republicans brace for long battle against Donald Trump.

Invisible Cities

Which is just a marvelously tone-deaf construction never mind the irony of a GOP hack calling somebody else a white country club guy. With such a lightening rod presidential nominee, down-ballot candidates would face tremendous pressure to turn their backs on Trump in order to win their respective elections, Davis said.

Anyone else perceive a real fall-off in journalistic literacy? I was going to quote more from the Biss article but I gave up because there were just too many inane and self-righteous parts to do it justice. The cynical part of me thinks that this is just a white woman who wants to get on the TNC gravy train. Next stop, Pulitzer ….. However, only a fraction of white men meet that standard. And, just to sweeten it a bit, the guilt is not moral, but tangible, which is why any giveback is not charity but rather an installment on a debt that can never be repaid.

Which is why concepts of Original Sin and good works are fully applicable. But to my tastes he way of writing about it is insufferable. Like explaining that Rachel Dolezal was not born in the Caucasus — Good Lord — however she might have mentioned that the Tsarnaev brothers were. They will, however, spend a lot of time self-pleasuring themselves with how bad they are.

In , she moved to Iowa City,………..

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Buy The Book of Shite (Annotated & Illustrated): Read Books Reviews - Amazon. com. Tue, 13 Nov GMT the book of shite pdf -. First published in , The. White Book is recognised as a reliable source of.

Apparently her experiences teaching in NYC public schools were profound enough that she felt the need to move to Iowa City. Christian cultures recognize the sin within themselves, and have a way to deal with it: Perhaps this is why Germans could acknowledge their war crimes, and the Japanese cannot. The Japanese have no way to lay down the burden once they acknowledge their wrongdoing, except committing suicide.

The self-destruction of the West depends on our Christian acculturalization. The pattern has been hijacked by internal enemies. Growing up I remember that some of the Italian and Jewish kids in my town definitely seemed darker than the rest of us of more Northern European descent. What happened is that my foreign ancestors learned to speak English and found that a particular girl on the next farm over, despite her French heritage, was really cute and raised a lot of chickens.

The rebuttal is that it is self-evidently false. That statement that Biss made is directly analogous to saying: For what she said to be true, babies would have to be brought by Storks, rather than being conceived by men and women copulating. One would think they are, wink-wink, trying to suggest that Jews do control everything and we have to get down on our knees and grovel. Btw, the fact that there is no controversy about such groveling goes to show how sucking-up-to-Jews has become such a norm in American politics. Btw, I used to cringe at stuff like this, but I think they should even go further.

When something is turned into a mad cult, shakier it will become as mindlessness can survive for only so long. So, to black America and their self-appointed white guardians like Eula Biss: Twenty or thirty years of being relentlessly harangued that white men are to blame for all the worlds evils will make you start self-identifying as white. He was a personally vicious racist. The lady is onto something when she says there is no such thing as whiteness. Blacks are incidental to racism today. Racism is a weapon whites use against each other. I enjoyed the story about her son being saddened about the Ingalls stealing land from Indians.

They have little to no idea that white men are people too! White men have their problems, humiliations, setbacks just like anyone else. They think that all white men go through life like this parody of walking in NYC as a woman:. I would predict that, after rubbing shoulders on this continent for years, the back-migrated Europe would be well integrated.

I also would predict that the abandoned Americas would not be so successful. We would just have to make sure we took all the fissile material with us. The following video is relevant in the circumstances, especially considering her fluffy-headed nonsense in the original article about native Americans:. He found that human genes are more likely to vary within populations than between populations. For any one gene, a white American might have more in common with a black American than with another white American.

If we look at other animals, we see this kind of genetic overlap not only between races but also between many sibling species, which are nonetheless distinct anatomically and behaviorally. The problem here is the assumption that genetic variation within a population is comparable to genetic variation between populations. In fact, the two are qualitatively different.

When a gene varies between two populations the cause is probably a difference in natural selection, since the population boundary also separates different selection pressures. Conversely, when a gene varies within a population this variation is less likely to have adaptive significance. Economists have shown that immigrants become more productive when they move from their home countries to the United States. These are privileges in a very real sense — they accrue to people in the U. Actually, being psychologically appealing is much more important. As whites get persecuted by non-whites on one hand and cut out of jobs by affirmative action on the other, white identity politics with or without Nordic runes and brown shirts will rise.

Already has started with Trump. What seem like all-important ideas are embraced or rejected by power-brokers as they see fit. Politics and status jockeying conveniently distract and exhaust the masses while the powerful do as they please. The USA no longer has the white majority necessary to support a fascist party, I think. Half of the country is always left of center anyway. Possibly an Asian caucus if they can get enough people together. Steve, have you checked this out? It might be an interesting view of the future, though I find it incredibly depressing to contemplate.

The freaks who write stuff like this are more alien to me than any black American. They compare 1 or 2 genes of one student with 1 or 2 genes of another and say you more closely related to some Amerindian in the rainforest than you are to your cousin. This is because genetic analysis based on 1 or 2 genes is so vague as to be meaningless. Most people of partial black descent identify as white or other identities and not black.

Hispanics and Arabs are the most numerous examples of this. This allows privilege to be apportioned in rough measures such that it aligns with contributions made to the social welfare and infrastructure from each group. The slavery thing is their only way to excuse a lack of black performance—must be the legacy of slavery, etc. I suspect that whites in South Africa had an elevated sense of their whiteness compared to whites in America. Being Sherman is not who you are. Reduce a community and subset of whites to nothingness.

But if she were to explicitly state what she has implied, how would that fly with the SPLC and other keepers of the Narrative orthodoxy? Is it just me or is that bit routinely misinterpreted? Early Eddie Murphy would be considered a sell-out today, because he often mocked uptight blacks finding racism at every turn. Most whites in the US thus no longer have ethnic identities and increasingly have a general white identity. American blacks were in this position from the get go, since they were grouped together and mixed as soon as they were brought over as slaves and lost connections to their various tribal and ethnic groupings back in Africa.

Many people would applaud their courage. And America, for its part barred those not considered white from immigrating from the start. Mexicans of yore never gave a damn about the region because it is a vast desert. White cooperative civilization made the desert bloom. The idea that Mexicans can inherit the American Southwest is self-cancelling nonsense. Mexicans will evacuate and chase after whites! Mexican street level culture is brutally honest about the gringos: Gringos are necessary for Mexicans to live a modern life. And Fred Reed as well, based on recent articles about how amazing is the nation south of the border.

Some of those left wing pundits were right when they claimed that some well placed positive roles for gay characters in Hollywood sitcoms did more to advance gay rights than all the pontificating and bloviating by any pundits.

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Not to diminish that achievement, but somebody like Roger Ailes and Rupert Murdoch needs to develop a distribution channel to do some quality entertainment and dramas with RealTalk themes. Because of political correctness, the quality of our stories suffers and ethnic minority performers are stuck playing cartoon hero roles that often lack the depth and range of moral complexity of being an interesting villain for example.

Also all the narrative that always makes the corporations the root of all evil. Is it any wonder that people vote the way they do with that kind of propaganda poisoning their minds? Make the lawyer a venal destroyer of technology, progress and joba that antagonizes the noble entrepreneurs.

I guess the recent film version of Atlas Shrugged was pretty heavy handed and difficult to swallow making it a flop. They should keep trying. Eventually they might get the formula right. Right, moreover some of the things that kid is supposed to have said are just laugh out loud funny. Women on the other hand have this annoying tendency to couch everything in something that came up with their children: Or is that only something white people do? At five he would be in kindergarten, and many are half days to begin with. What was he possibly missing out on? Nap time after the milk and cookies?

So take it up with them. Pure Sub Saharan Africans are extremely genetically distant from Caucasians.

David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits and the Art of Battling Giants by Malcolm Gladwell – review

Notice that in her novel, many of the bad guys have girlfriends, mistresses and pickups, while the morally good male characters have to go without sex for years at a time, sometimes their whole lives, until one of the superior women deigns to have a sexual relationship with one of the men as a reward for good behavior.

It reflects their sexual reality. Best hope the rest of us figure it out soon. That really shows how the demographics are changing. She relates very mundane experiences in a very meaningful way watching a YouTube video, telling her son a story, getting a bank loan. Was able to inject multiple references to herself in every sentence yet keep the narrative flowing. I found myself eagerly anticipating each new paragraph like a forbidden chocolate treat encrusted with bits of almond.

All that was required to put this across was a sufficiently heartless exploitation of the essential goodness in people, so that they would seek self-sacrifice to compensate for their feelings of guilt. The self-sacrifice obviously made available to them in this inside-out environment is some form of treason. This simple argument attacks one of the major flaws in leftist theory that liberals tacitly agree to never bring up among themselves. What can they say? Eula Bliss has black cousins.

Bliss grew up with black relatives. This is why she thinks the way she does. Rachel Dolezal is racially white, but she is culturally black and assimilated into the black race. She married a black man and has black children. She cannot come back to the white race. Also, she grew up in a house where her white biological parents adopted black kids. I blame her parents for some of her problems. Shaun King is black. He has a white mother, black father. He is racially black. Eula Bliss is white, but again, because of the intermarriage in her family she is acting out of family loyalty.

Most whites will disown their family members for marrying blacks or Asians. She grew up in a liberal family that accepted miscegenation. With Bliss and Dolezal we are witnessing white racial degeneracy. He is white but married an Asian Chinese. He writes many anti-white articles because he has Asian children. Again, because of their degeneracy, they blame racially conscious whites for the problems blacks and Asians have.

Who decides which are inadmissible? The person you are arguing with of course. For people ostensibly interested in first principles they are amazingly unable to critique anything. Interesting how he tries to bully the kid out of a position that he was obviously bullied into the bully is even right there herself on the video egging him on.

Reception of J. R. R. Tolkien

Reason alone is not enough, though he provides that as well. Nor would have offering the kid a defense from the bullies, I suspect. You raise another question: Biss and her fellow leftist travelers are claiming whites owe a debt, but, they only have the right to speak for themselves. But Arab or Ottoman slavers or aborigines on Australian shores looking at shipwreck survivors might have considered them such. Or at least the same race or related races. And since evolved common sense usually produces the right answers in the social domain ; this implies that, when it comes to solving social problems, the most intelligent people are more likely than those of average intelligence to have novel but silly ideas , and therefore to believe and behave maladaptively.

It seems to me that my white privilege is nothing more than being given the genes for high IQ, low time preference and love for Western style civilization. We owe nothing to anyone, having paid more than our share of taxes while producing goods and services for our fellow citizens. As Left-collectivists double down on their predation of the productive, sooner or later we will say enough is enough. Many know the tragedy of the commons dilemma often quoted in Austrian economic theory. In this situation, the commons is destroyed.

How is it destroyed and how is it maintained? For a commons to exist, the group must pay a cost: In the grazing sheep example of the tragedy of the commons, the herders allow the field to be overgrazed and destroyed for all. Each herder who does not overgraze the field pays an opportunity cost. He has the opportunity to grab all the resources for himself, and deprive them to the next guy.

When he only grazes responsibly, he forgoes the opportunity to grab all the resources for himself. Forgoing this opportunity is the opportunity cost. If everyone forgoes the opportunity cost, the commons is maintained, if they do not pay the opportunity cost, the commons is destroyed. In a normative commons, each person who forgoes the opportunity of breaking the norm, then pays the cost of maintaining the norms.

So, when one lives in a White area, common areas such as shops markets will likely be open for browsing, because the norm of behavior is to not steal. Each time a White goes into a store and does not steal, he pays the opportunity cost, equal to the value of the items not stolen.

By paying this cost, the norm of keeping shopping areas open to browsing is maintained. Areas with large numbers of Blacks experience increased incidence of crime. In these areas, the risk to shop owners or other providers to allow Blacks free access exceeds the benefits of open browsing with a main benefit being increased economic velocity. Thus you see convenience stores with no common area, that only sell what can be passed through a bullet-proof teller window.

The commons has been destroyed. Or perhaps someone will follow Blacks through a store to make sure they do not steal, while allowing Whites to browse freely, in this case the normative commons is extended to White co-ethnics, but not to Black co-ethnics. The Whites are the beneficiaries of this normative commons, because they as a group pay the opportunity cost of maintaining it. It is common knowledge that Black cab drivers will often drive past Blacks and pick up White passengers instead.

This White privilege is accrued to the White ethnic group because the members of the group tend to forgo the opportunity to rob the Black cabbie. Black cabbies understand this and accord the privilege to the White ethnics who will maintain the normative commons. Blacks could earn this privilege by paying for it through maintaining the normative commons.

Unfortunately for them, enough of them create the tragedy of the commons for their own co-ethnics by abusing their privilege and not forgoing the opportunity cost. Privilege is said to be unearned though I doubt any form of privilege is really unearned. White privilege is not unearned. It is bought and paid for through the cost of maintaining the normative commons.

To insist that the privileges accorded to Whites who maintain the normative commons , be accorded to ethnic groups who do not pay the cost of maintaining the commons is futile: Call it racist if you want. It is simply the market at work. Whites as a group defend this normative commons vigorously, using education, shaming and other tactics. Most middle-class Whites will have definite memories of how they were taught not to steal, and why stealing is wrong.

Though certainly none of the lessons included the concept of a normative commons or informal institutional property. I put the commas in the wrong place, my bad! A prison work program. Your ancestors carved the nation of the wilderness and you would give it up? What did that do for the Boers? With whom are you going to sign the treaty guaranteeing that you will be secure in your new former homeland?

Such abandonment of vital space can only hasten your downfall, and attract the curses of your descendants. Nobody ever immigrated to reduce their population. Whites would be the first to try it. I figure that about a hundred thousand dollars plus one way first class airfare plus about five thousand in incidental expenses is the right offer. Not all blacks would take it, but the vanguard of those with severe enough grievances against our society might. We would also wind up paying the target countries something to take them, but it could be rolled into the foreign aid we give them already.

White South Africans are acutely conscious of themselves as either Afrikaner or British, or one of the other groups Jews etc. Including that at any point in time, subpopulations of species will differ markedly according to their history of reproductive isolation and their selection by a wide variety of natural and social features within that isolation. Was it because Darwin was a white guy? Is it because whites create societies everyone else is envious of, and wants, but cannot create for themselves, so want to move to? Is it self-hatred on the part of those who realize this, but can produce nothing but covetousness, resentment, and rage?

Are there maybe men behind curtains, pulling levers to blame whites while all too happy to occupy white cultures and tribally claim way more than their share of power and wealth? Tango, white privilege is a straw man. Someone coached and taught and enabled and rewarded them in demanding an ever-increasing share of what they cannot create, using guilt and violence as levers. Whites used to respond to this with a sense of unified resistance and refusal to kowtow.

The rules were changed in , based on a bunch of claptrap about the blanky slaty nature of humans, and egalitarianism, and bolshie poses about caring about the common man, and such. Remember what Bernie Sanders did in college before moving to a farm in Vermont?

more on this story

I actually never understand why so many people think that Ayn Rand is just about greed and selfishness, or something like that. December 5, at 4: Where the Rivers Meet litical, economic, ecological, and cultural place the Sea: I found myself eagerly anticipating each new paragraph like a forbidden chocolate treat encrusted with bits of almond. The ones that work best are about not being a Goliath.

Subtropical genomes cannot comprehend: Nature owes nobody anything. I read that when I was in third or fourth grade. My favorite fake story about the wisdom of children was in the Huffington Post, when some first-grade kid heard his parents discussing gay marriage. I actually never understand why so many people think that Ayn Rand is just about greed and selfishness, or something like that.

Or maybe I just interpreted her books differently — or incorrectly. That was an eye opener. I went looking for more info and found this on a site about cults and brainwashing:. Then the confused white fellow had to confess all of that in public self-criticism sessions. Then, to make amends, he had to do something like snitch on a fellow prisoner, or memorize and espouse Communist dogma. And then it went on and on like that until a few prisoners had switched sides. This is an exact match for what this woman is doing; induction of guilt, and an offer of atonement by committing treason against the other whites.

Not race, but too many police shootings. During the first half of the eighteenth century, they [Osage Indians] were a major supplier of Indian slaves to the French. Hearts with one purpose alone through summer and winter seem enchanted to a stone to trouble the living stream. I had similar thoughts earlier this year when Jennerpalooza was at its height: The Germans are continuing to punish themselves for it. They are willing to lose their country over it, in addition to being the butt boys of Israel and whoever else cashes in that transferable moral claim on German largesse.

As if the German lives lost, the rapes, the expulsions and the Communism were not punishment enough. That way lies madness. I do recall the Spike Lee movie School Daze. It ends up destroying the belief that race-mixing can reduce conflict since when there are no whites to target, the darker blacks compete against the lighter skinned folk. Welcome to the Dark Cyberpunk Future. Here the media is not responsive to viewers but corporations of old dried up worthless detritus due to their endless greed pathological deviance and self absorbed clueless irrelevance to the man on the street.

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The working class struggles paycheck to paycheck, the young care not for the decaying society built on the swamp of false idols and fake ideals and the politics are as meaningless as the lives of those involved in it. Reality TV is an endless celebration of voyeurism and sick degeneracy. In this backdrop, the downward spiral of ratings and subscribers signals the end of the efficacy of information overload. The media is now grasping at straws. As you can see any claims of higher intelligence or even marginal intelligence are completely untrue. We can all see it now as the new strategy of this worthless alien invader is to go Full Retard.

Whether it ends in War or simply a final separation between those tired of being blamed and exploited and those who at this point can no longer survive anymore due to their rancid and criminal natures, it has reached the end. Con games can only go so far, and Full Retard is just way too far for anything. Specious claims without justification and continuous blame for the innocent is how it ends. When you reach a point where those who are cheated and exploited and discriminated against are constantly told they are privileged, and those who are nothing more than parasites who contribute absolutely nothing and steal everything they have are called victims and oppressed, you see it ended at Full Retard.

Actually the one-drop rule was made law after the Civil War, and it was not really a black decision. It was a legal one. There was a black fire department in the s, in Mobile, that sent to Philadelphia for a special Marid Gras float to be made. This was a department for mulattos only. Not true since , or at least , especially regarding Asians. Especially back in the 60s, 70s, and maybe 80s, vociferous disapproval followed by reluctant acceptance would probably be most common.

The Unz Review - Mobile. An Alternative Media Selection. All None Exclude Blogs. Recently from Author Siphonaptera "In a World Hide Comments Leave a Comment. December 5, at 9: Yeah, what I remember most about that skit was the white bank official saying, "here -- take all the money you want! Or don't -- we don't care! I don't remember every detail of that skit, but I do remember coming away with a contrary interpretation: Murray couldn't get over how damn nice white people were to each other, how polite, how considerate, on an everyday mundane level.

It's also enlightening that they admit they don't know there is difference between giving and loaning. I remember seeing it long ago and taking it for satirizing the notion of what is now called "white privilege". His joke about landing in the airport in Texas and taking the sky-hop's offer to load his bag as a confrontation made "What-a black man can't have a bag in Texas?! Of course Murphy stopped being funny about the time he started coming off more racially "aware"--in Harlem Nights you could actually see the Funny leaving his body.

But I just don't see how the bit works the other way--that is, which is more absurd: I've come to the conclusion after long observation that objectivity, like irony and self-deprecation is something black folks just don't do, or at least don't do well, and it takes objectivity to see exactly where the joke is. December 5, at I suspect that the origins of this idiocy track back to Lewontin. Blank I agree that the mainstream media is starting to sound a lot like Pravda, but I'm not sure how close we are to the final collapse. That's how far the left is pushing things -- I am starting to worry that the inevitable correction will be so extreme that it will swing right past me and veer off into an equally nutty variety of right-wing lunacy.

It's getting privilege for looking like some of the people who built this country whether or not those were your ancestors while people directly descended from another group of people who helped build this country do not get this privilege due to their appearance. I'm not saying I buy into this theory insofar as it's peddled by the left , but that's the argument you have to critique, not the caricature you made up.

As in, "D'Kwaun be owed the sum of 1,, Honkeys. One of my sadder life lessons is that an idea needn't have any predictive capacity, explanatory power, or withstand polite reasoned scrutiny in the so-called marketplace of ideas to gain political credibility. I'm pretty confident the phrase will enjoy popularity in some circles, though. I suspect it's a sucker's game to actually argue with someone who believes in "white privilege", because the mere questioning of its existence may be construed as evidence that it does.

Someone at iSteve posted a link to an interesting essay on "white privilege" awhile back. It is titled, "White Privilege as Normative Commons. It's one reason the rents here are skyrocketting. I think you are missing a very important point: The only real interesting thing in my mind is how come it's whites who get scapegoated for nature's rules. All the white claiming it's "WASPs" who do this We can try to understand that grassy bulk, but it's a misapplication of reason. What the race-card-players are calling "white privilege" is evolutionary outcomes they cannot create but want The concept of "debt" has no meaning in nature.

Days of Broken Arrows says: The so-called 'White privilege' workshops etc are aimed mainly at academics: The conference is unique in its ability to bring together high school and college students, teachers, university faculty and higher education professionals, The slavery thing is their only way to excuse a lack of black performance--must be the legacy of slavery, etc. Hate groups are legal, you just get spied on by the FBI. Doorway Looks like she's branched out into fiction writing here They had Nicholas Wade, but he had to retire after writing that book.

Freedom's just another word Didn't work, but I give him credit for trying. She should have her degree revoked for making such an incredibly absurd claim as she did. In , she moved to Iowa City, Jack D I will personally buy this woman and her child and and her baby daddy one way tickets to Liberia if they agree to renounce their US citizenship. Please "get [your] son out of this country"! You know white people are never going to change, so what's the point in sticking around, living in Exile in America? It is nice to see that liberals don't just rely on modern comedians to form their views of the world, but still sometimes think back to the days when comedians were actually funny.

This gives Gladwell his theme. The strong are often surprisingly weak, if looked at from the right angle. People who seem weak can turn out to be surprisingly strong. Don't be a Goliath. Dare to be a David. Gladwell illustrates these lessons with a characteristically dizzying array of stories, the subjects of which range from high school girls' basketball to child murder and the Holocaust.

Most of them are great stories. The trouble with the book is that they are not great illustrations of his chosen theme. The ones that work best are about not being a Goliath. A particularly moving chapter describes the mistake made by Mike Reynolds, a Californian whose daughter Kimber was murdered in by a man out on parole for car theft. Reynolds's response was to propose the three-strikes-and-you're-out law, which made life sentences mandatory for anyone convicted of three offences, no matter how minor the last.

He got his law passed by referendum under California's quirky political system. It proved a costly and counter-productive disaster. It did nothing to stop violent crime but it put massive strain on the criminal justice system. It was manifestly unjust. Reynolds believed that the best way to fight back on behalf of his daughter was to call on the most powerful weapon he could find: But his law made the state clumsy and half-blind.

The most powerful weapon turned out to be a useless one. The error we often make is to double-down on strength when we think that we need something more effective than what we've got. Yet past a certain point, extra-strength becomes self-defeating because it is too crude and inflexible. Gladwell gives a compelling version of the same argument in relation to school class-sizes.

Big classes 35 and up are known to be bad for kids. So it's good to make them smaller. But many schools keep making them smaller on the assumption that more of what works must be better. There is good evidence that small classes 18 or fewer are also bad for kids, because the child-teacher dynamic becomes stale and unimaginative. Somewhere in between is what keeps everyone on their toes. But the true lesson here isn't don't be a Goliath, it's don't be a Philistine — the army that sent Goliath into battle for them. The simple moral is choose your weapons carefully. The real problems arise when Gladwell gives his examples of some modern-day Davids.

There is a tension at the heart of his version of the David story that he never resolves. Is it really a story about David at all? One implication of the sword versus sling mismatch is that any one of a host of Israelite slingers could have beaten Goliath. With the right training, we could all do it.