Desktop Yoga

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Press down from your heels, trying not to move the feet in toward your chair or use your arms, and make your way up to standing. Repeat 5 to 10 times. Your desk can support your yoga pushups! Blasting out a few of these strengthening movements throughout the day reminds the muscles around your neck to relax, while energizing the arms, which tend to go soft during the majority of the day.

Get up out of your chair for this!

Rest your hands about shoulder width distance on the edge of your sturdy desk, and step your feet back so your torso is a diagonal line to the floor. Your feet firmly placed, inhale as you bend the elbows to a degree angle, hugging the elbows in towards the ribs. After the above pose, opening the chest and shoulders is a MUST! You will also reap the benefits of ironing out the rounded upper back posture seen in those of us who spend most of our time seated across a computer screen.

Set up the same way here as you did for Chaturanga above. With your arms straight, lower your hips toward the desk, refraining from sinking in the lower back by using the strength in your legs. Stretch your chest between your shoulders and gently tilt your chin upwards while sliding the shoulder blades down the back.

7 Yoga Poses You Can Do at Your Work Desk to Relieve Stress

Hold 5 to 10 breaths. Instead, use your desk to support this spine-lengthening and hamstring-stretching final pose. Place your hands shoulder width distance or wider at the desk edge. Step your feet back until your feet are directly under your hips as you create a pleasant feeling traction for your spine.


Cup your hands and gently place them over your closed eyes. Let the warmth and darkness soothe your eyes. Take several long and easy breaths as you imagine the tiredness being released with your out-breath, and energy and vitality returning with your in-breath.

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First make a tight fist and feel the tension. Then, let go and release all the tension and tightness. Stretch your fingers and palms out as much as you can.

Desktop Yoga Asanas - Guided by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Take your time to really feel the stretch. Let your hands and fingers relax gently on your lap for several moments. Hold your arms out in front of you and bend your wrists so your fingers point to the sky. Next, point them toward the earth.

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  • Desktop Yoga.
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Make sure your chair is pushed away from your desktop so that you can sit on your chair and stretch both arms and hands straight out toward the desk. Place your fingers on the desktop or on your knees.

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Next, lower your head as you arch your back up just like a Halloween cat while breathing out. On the next in-breath, raise your head and chest up while you curve and stretch your back in the other direction. Continue up and down, breathing in and out as you go. Rest and relax for a few moments with your arms resting on your lap. Kick your shoes off, stretch your legs out in front of you and begin moving your feet around in a big circle.

Let your feet, ankles and calves get in on the act. Are you still breathing?

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Share the gallery Pinterest Facebook. The most important part of each exercise is to become aware of your body and breathe. Repeat it twice and come to the centre. Lift the heels and stand on the toes and pull the whole body upward. Sit straight on a chair, bend your right leg, interlock your fingers and hold your knee.

Now circle your feet around in the other direction. Next, point your toes forward and then back toward your head. Do this several times in a row. Then, lift your legs up and move the balls of your feet from side to side.

2. Wrist and Finger Stretches

Try these 7 yoga desk stretches adapted for the workplace. You can get up out of your chair, relieve stress, and refresh yourself with this. Do these simple office yoga poses without leaving your work desk so you can stretch your muscles and joints, reduce stress, and re-energize in an instant.

Hold for a few seconds. Place your palms on your hip sand stretch your torso backwards.

Relieve stress with Desktop Yoga chair exercises

It is very important to keep your spine flexible and supple. Twisting the back helps the blood circulation in the torso. Hold for a few seconds while breathing normally. Most of your energy is drained through your eyes; so keep them closed for 30 secs. And the, rub your palms together and take the warmth to your eyes palming. This is easily done by closing your eyes; and taking 11 deep abdominal breaths — your stomach expands when you breathe in and returns to the normal position when you exhale.

Desktop Yoga: Yoga you can do right now!

The slower and deeper you breathe; the more calmness and clear-mindedness you will experience. Total Yoga is a balanced style of Yoga that focuses on Fitness training and Mindfulness practice equally. Your email address will not be published. Yoga you can do right now! Yoga Stretch Routine Office: Sitting Dwikonasana Sitting Dwikonasana: You will feel tremendous relief doing this pose! Hamstring Stretch Hamstrings stretch and Padahastasana: It makes me want to see more. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published.