Let Chocolate Be Your Friend: What Your Mother Didnt Tell You as a Child

The bizarre lies mothers tell their kids: ‘Crying makes your head fall off’

Being calm and reasonable might actually impress your parents and help you get what you want in the long run. Organize your argument before approaching them. Think about what you want and why.

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Is it an object or an experience? Once you know what it is, ask yourself the following questions. They will prepare you for the conversation ahead: Why do you want this? Why should your parents get it for you? If you can't think of a good answer, then don't ask your parents yet. To know what is a "good" reason to your parents, look at what they value.

Depending on differences in culture and family this could be many things. Helping with family business and caring for siblings may impress some parents, whereas efforts in school and extracurricular activities may convince other parents more effectively. Figure out when they have praised and appreciated your actions; these are "good" reasons to get you what you want. It's also possible that some parents will be more impressed by logical arguments.

Some "good" examples may be that it will help you progress in school, prepare you for adulthood, or help you grow as a person. Reasons that focus on self-centered, or irrational wants will be less convincing. Look up retail prices. Check eBay, Amazon, and other used goods vendors for lower prices. If it is an experience, look for cheap travel options, as well as inexpensive places to stay. When you go to your parents and present all this information, they will know you care not just about what you want, but also about their resources.

Work out how long it would take you to save up half of the cost, as well as the entire cost. If your parents are willing to split it, these numbers will come in handy during your conversation. If you feel certain it's something you won't get, try to accept that possibility. If you succeed, you'll feel much more appreciative. If you end up being right, it will help you let go of any hard feelings towards your parents. Offer to do more chores as a trade.

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Meet this head on and offer to work for what you want. They will likely respect you showing dedication and effort. Pay for half of what you want. Get a part time job to earn money. If you are too young to work legally, ask your parents if you can earn money doing small jobs for them. Save any money you earn until you have enough to pay for half of what you want or to pay for gas on a trip somewhere. Come to your parents once you have all you need.

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Showing them you can plan, work, and save on your own may convince them. Is there a specific topic you have trouble with in school? Follow through by studying and improving your grades. Show your parents the results. Ultimately, your parents want you to succeed in life, grow smarter, and set yourself up to thrive as an adult. See if you can make a deal with them that for each class you raise one grade level, you will get a certain gift. Do what they ask of you the first time. They wonder why they have to ask many times for children to act. Take a shower when they ask, clean up your room when they say.

Follow their lead and they will feel respected. As you meet their wants and needs, over time this will make them more likely to fulfill yours. As you figure out all of the things your parents want you to do on a regular basis, start doing them before they ask. Set the table once dinner is almost ready, vacuum the house, or mow the lawn. Acting without having to be told is even more impressive and appreciated. If you follow this step consistently, your parents may begin to appreciate and respect your efforts more. This will benefit you any time you want something from them.

Take on small responsibilities. Instead, offer willingly to take charge of small tasks around the house that normally your parents would do. This is another long-term strategy to show your parents that you want to give back to your family and help it grow and sustain itself. Ultimately it will contribute to getting what you want with less resistance.

Any housework your parents normally do that they wouldn't ask you to do is a possible choice. Make sure you feel capable and know how to safely perform any chores before asking to take them on. Typical chores like cleaning, caring for pets, and mowing lawns are also good choices. Just like you, your parents have many needs. The more they are met, the more likely they will be open to giving you what you want.

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Take time to understand what they need and give it to them in any way you can. Chose responsible, trustworthy friends so they do not worry as much. Parents want to feel respected, and heard. When they are upset with you, listen to what they are saying and try to understand. Parents need their children to know who they are.

It takes most kids until they are grown to see their parents as people.

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Take time to ask about their lives. Not only will it make them more likely to give you what you want, but it will help build an open, communicative relationship. Make them feel confident as parents. Be friendly and polite around their friends or the parents of your friends. Engage in conversation with their friends, answer all the questions they ask you, and try to be as interested as possible. Show respect and politeness to your elders not just the elderly, but all people who are older than you. It looks like you feel entitled to what you want, and this kind of attitude can upset your parents.

This step applies to all your interactions with your parents. Be happy with what you have. Take stock of all the things your parents have already provided for you. Appreciating what you already have will make you happier in the long run and also show your parents that their gifts are not wasted on an ungrateful child. Include your email address to get a message when this question is answered.

Already answered Not a question Bad question Other. Tips Show your parents that you have responsibility to get what you want, and don't give them a reason to not get you what you want. It shows them you can handle it. Always plan what you are going to say. This way you look like you know what your are talking about, making you seem more mature to your parents. Don't go on and on about it.

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It just becomes annoying and makes them less convinced. Wait until you do something good, and use that as your reason for why your parents should get it for you. If you have been bad or misbehaved, then do not ask straight after the incident. It won't work as you will be in their bad books for quite some time. Also don't say sorry and ask at the same day, as they will think you are only saying sorry to get your desire.

Don't ask them when they are on the phone. Make sure not to expect an immediate answer. Sometimes parenting is strictly about survival. Not only that, I mopped the floor with you. That bald-headed whiny little shit. But in the meantime, your sleepy fish will be totally reinvigorated as soon as the pet store opens. And make no mistake — it is a lie. We can strive to protect our kids all we want, but shit happens. If gunmen walk into the school, a driver crosses the double yellow line, or armed robbers break into our house, then parents are hard-pressed to be able to keep this promise.

Yes, we need a lock on the bedroom door. What time will so and so be here? Son, you played great during basketball practice. Basketball was rough and my oldest, well — he tries very hard. Daddy Files recently posted.. Nice list, I wish I could still use some of them. When the kids get just a bit older and can read life changes again. I have definitely told some of these.

Thanks for exposing me as a liar. Miles to Go Before I Sleep.

Because Dads Are Parents Too

Colleen with the threat of castration wins the day! She gobbled them up and asks us for them all the time. I convinced my 9 year old for over a year that I was a ninja before I had kids. I had very special lie detecting skills from my training. I, NOW, tell my daughter the same thing when she complains about the crispy, overcooked food! When my girls dress themselves and I tell them they look beautiful. You look ridiculous and will absolutley get made fun of at school. So get in the car. It started with them sneaking food items and I only used it at first when I knew for certain they were lying.

Now I know when they get scared to come up to me when I ask to smell their breath!! And I completely agree about Caillou. They quit making diapers. This is the last pack. You will need to go in the toilet. This worked fantastic until I 15 mo later when I told the same lie. I had to explain that first they quit making them for girls and then they quit making them for boys. Your tongue is black. You must be lying. Only people who know the truth can see that your tongue is black. When I was little and we had just moved into a new house, my room had dancing teddy bear wallpaper and I really wanted Barbie.

My dad sat down and wove an elaborate tale about the bears helping barbie when she got lost in the woods and to thank them, she taught them how to dance. I fell for his crap again. They only finally painted the room after I moved out and they offered to let me stay with them until my husband got back from deoloyment, because I was 32 weeks pregnant. You guys have some awesome and hysterical lies. You have to have a bagel with mommy. Only the drive thru works this early. The rest is closed. Sorry hun, the toy store is closed today.

See those pretty lights on the tree? Cause he can see you. My Mom told me sound attracts lightning and we needed to be quiet while it was raining. I grew up in Florida. I was quiet a lot. Pretty brilliant if you think about it. I believed this until I was almost I just remembered something my parents did. They told me the only radio station was Oldies I believed that until I was When she tells me off next days I apologise and say I did but she was asleep. Depends on the time of year. When my two eldest boys were little, we were pretty well broke both in diapers , so I told them the ice cream truck was the music truck..

Where do I come from. Well we caught you when you were a baby monkey. No serious monkey knows he is from my tum. Son the muffins you baked with your mom a delicious but inside of me they tasted like they were burnt. My wife knew I was lying. I convinced my 5 year old that if you walk across the street by yourself you will die. Almost 20 years ago, we took the kids on a trip to DC.

I watched as my kids stood in front of the white house, their little hands gripping that rod iron fence in sheer unadulterated awe. We got to the car and my daughter put her little hand on her chest and she was almost in tears: Oh my God, MOM!

Lies and cheats

But it takes a lot of us mothers of sons a few years, maybe decades “She said she didn't want a party,” my friend Anne reminded me Pick your battles, my Aunt Lorraine used to tell me. If your daughter-in-law asks you not do something, as in, “Please don't give the children chocolate before they go to. She didn't want my family in the hospital or over to the house. However, you are clearly devoted to your children, and their future happiness.

Shame on my kids. I have had numerous relationships with liars — friends, lovers and even family. If someone truly wants me as a friend, they have to demonstrate their trust. And, it goes both ways. Funny shit Bullshit recently posted.. The best and most effective way to build trust with your kids, is to be honest with them. With age appropriate answers of course.