Die E-Mail. Eine Bedrohung für analoge Kommunikationsformen? (German Edition)

Blogging and critical Internet culture. Frank Lobigs Frank Christian May Thomas Weber Konrad Scherfer Hrsg. Klaus Neumann-Braun Martina Schuegraf Mediale Interaktionen am Beispiel von Musikfernsehen und Internet. Hans-Ulrich Wagner Franz Steinfort Schriftsteller und das neue Medium Rundfunk. Irmela Schneider Tanja Thomas Hrsg. Medienkultur und soziales Handeln.

Medien — Kultur — Kommunikation. Das Versprechen mobiler Freiheit. Zeitschriftenlese afp Jg 38 Nr 5 Coelln, Christian von: Zwischen Presserecht und Rundfunkrecht. Zu Auswirkungen des Internet-Fernsehens auf das Urheberrecht. Das Angebot der Rundfunkanstalten im Internet: Zur Langzeitarchivierung digital aufgezeichneter Werke und ihrer urheberrechtlichen Einordnung und Beurteilung. Zum Verbot kontextneutraler Fotos. Systemtheorie als Innovation in der Kommunikationswissenschaft: Pfarrbriefe als zentrales Medium kirchlicher Basiskommunikation: Bedeutung, Probleme und Empfehlungen.

Is There a Link?. Young adults are the most highly connected age group, but that does not mean that their Internet uses are homogenous. Detailed analyses of user attributes also reveal that online skill is an important mediating factor in the types of activities people pursue online. Testimonials Versus Informational Persuasive Messages: Drawing on the notion that framing is a cognitive process in which the message affects how individuals weigh existing considerations i.

The results suggest that the framed news stories failed to change issue opinions directly but did alter the importance of the considerations used to make judgments on relevant issues. Specifically, individuals tend to react to strategy frames by discounting partisan affiliation as a primary consideration, turning to other salient alternatives when making judgments. The current research looks at formal differences in news presentations and how they affect causal attributions of news readers and subsequent support for agents in the news and policy preferences.

In Study 1, verb voice was manipulated in four news stories with one key agent; when active voice was used to describe actions relative to an event, that agent was more seen as the cause of that event than when passive voice was used. Self-disclosure was selected for analysis, given its central role in the development of cross-group friendships and related reduction of negative bias towards the outgroup.

In view of previous research on factors that mediate the decision to self-disclose to the outgroup, and using the Disclosure Decision Model as a guiding framework, the authors hypothesized that outgroup contact would be a key determinant of disclosure but that contact would be mediated by degree of trust and attraction for the outgroup, as well as by strength of ingroup identification.

The findings supported these predictions. The results are discussed both in relation to the importance of communication facets of social identity theory and in light of wider policy implications for cross-group communication in Northern Ireland. Extending the Emotionin-Relationships Model to Conversation. It begins by theorizing about how interference and facilitation from partners may predict features of message production and message processing. Then, it reports the method and findings of a study in which married couples engaged in two videotaped conversations.

Multilevel modeling results revealed that interference from partners corresponded with uncoordinated conversation, disaffiliative messages, unfavorable cognitive appraisals, and negative emotional reactions. With a few exceptions, facilitation from partners shared the opposite associations with the dependent variables.

The article concludes by assessing the value of ERM as a theory of interpersonal communication. Communication Network Evolution in Organizational Communities. Traditionally, evolutionary theorists and researchers have examined organizational populations that comprise organizational communities by focusing on their properties rather than on the networks that link them.

However, a full understanding of the evolution of organizational communities requires insight into both organizations and their networks. Consequently, this article presents a variety of conceptual tools for applying evolutionary theory to organizations, organizational communities, and their networks, including the notions of relational carrying capacity and linkage fitness. It illustrates evolutionary principles, such as variation, selection, and retention, that lead to the formation, growth, maintenance, and eventual demise of communication and other network linkages.

The article concludes with suggestions for potential applications of evolutionary theory to other areas of human communication. Through a Public Darkly: Reconstructing Pragmatist Perspectives in Communication Theory. This dimension is central to pragmatist perspectives on the formation and functioning of publics and I propose that we reconstruct pragmatism as a tradition of communication theory in light of this fact.

First, I reexamine the historical emergence of pragmatism in communication theory and I suggest James Carey was unable to challenge positivism or objectivism from within a pragmatist tradition. Third, I resituate the Dewey—Lippmann debate within the context of a pragmatist tradition to demonstrate how deeply their differences turn on problem formulation. In conclusion, I connect the pragmatist tradition to contemporary work on problematization to address the limitations of each perspective. A Discursive Approach to Skillful Activity.

Rethinking the Nature of Communication Silences. When people spend much time watching television, their partners are also likely to spend a lot of time in front of the television. Finally, we found a strong socialization effect of parental viewing in the family of origin. However, research on both phenomena still suffers from overlapping definitions and resulting measurements that do not distinguish between PSI and PSR.

It is derived from a theoretical model that specifically focuses on PSI. It is capable of displaying both the intensity and the dimensionality of PSI. It can be applied to measure both positive and negative PSI across all TV formats, without changing the item wording. In sum, the PSI-Process-Scales may offer a valuable alternative for researchers in the field, specifically if they want to assess parasocial processes that take place throughout TV exposure.

Online and print newspapers in Europe in The political economy of Croatian television: Separating TV ads from TV programming: This applies still further to endeavours to incorporate advertising messages into programming. In order to identify problems associated with doing away with the separation principle, it is meaningful to adopt a perspective that brings together theories and findings which are genuinely embedded in economics and communication science.

Such a perspective shows that appealing to the self-regulating forces of the market is nonsensical in a sector where market failure is the rule as opposed to the exception. And when it comes to media competence of television viewers, audience research and research on media effects indicates that expectations with respect to the advertising effectiveness of product placement are unlikely to be met. Counter-Revolution in Canadian Copyright Law?. Challenges in a Globalized World. Human Rights and the Internet.

Balancing Marketplace and Regulatory Regimes. Strafrechtliche Folgen von Ping- oder Lockanrufen auf Mobiltelefone. Neues zum Subunternehmervertrag im IT-Recht. Regionalisierung der TK Regulierung: Der vorliegende Beitrag beleuchtet diesen grundlegenden neuen Ansatz und erste internationale Beispiele dazu I. So unstreitig der Einwilligungsvorbehalt im Kern ist, so problematisch ist die praktische Umsetzung im Detail. Auswirkungen der Rechtsprechung zum internetbasierten Videorekorder auf das Webhosting. Targeting, Television and Networking: An Interview with Samuel Weber.

New Media, Networking and Phatic Culture. The Labour of User Co-Creators: Emergent Social Network Markets?. Can this phenomenon just be explained as the exploitative extraction of surplus value from the work of users, or is something else, potentially more profound and challenging, playing out here? Does consumer co-creation contribute to the precarious conditions of professional creative workers?

This article draws from ethnographic research undertaken from to with Auran games a game development company based in Brisbane, Australia to engage with debates about the status of user co-creation as labour. The article argues that as a hybrid and emergent social network market these relationships introduce a form of creative destruction to labour relations in the context of the creative industries.

Community Informatics, Local Community and Conflict: This article therefore aims to contribute to the development of CI as a field of study by analysing forms of internal conflict within Moseley Egroup — a CI initiative developed in Moseley, Birmingham UK. Ultimately it is argued that conflict is an inherent part of local community and is important to CI for a number of reasons. Conflict impacts on the appropriation and social shaping of internet technology by local communities, and has broader implications on the extent to which CI regenerates localities and empowers citizens.

In this sense conflict is identified as a productive force, shaping and reshaping both local community and internet projects mobilized in its name. Conflict also draws attention to the contested and mutable relationship that exists in CI between the online spaces that are created and the localities they are set up to serve. It is concluded that conflict and forms of social struggle within communities should form a central part of the developing CI research agenda. Multimedia Storytelling at British News Websites. Using Blogs to Create Cybernetic Space: Examples from People of Indian Origin.

By examining several blogs it is argued that for people who have to move from place to place and undergo the diasporic experience, the anxieties of movement and placelessness produced by diaspora can be partly managed by entry into the cybernetic space produced by bloggers. Specifically, this article examines blogs maintained by people of Indian origin who produce a sense of spatial identity through their blogs. A previously unconsidered factor is that of cross-gender competition. Societal penalties for breaking these norms are severe for both males and females.

This article suggests that the virtual certainty of cross-gender competition might be a factor in deterring females from digital game play. The ease of transgressing traditional play taboos in virtual words, however, allows both males and females to explore and possibly transform rigid gender configurations. Policy implications for using play as a way to break down stereotypes and encourage the participation of females are discussed. While the US government pushes for the further liberalization of audiovisual services under the umbrella of the General Agreement on Trade in Services GATS , other countries are less enthusiastic.

The conclusion is that the liberalization of audiovisual services will prevent several media regulation measures: Newspaper Readers in Europe: Innovation or Normalization in E-Campaigning?: The article addresses this research gap through a longitudinal content and structural analysis of German party websites in the and national elections. The results provide empirical evidence of a twofold development of federal e-campaigns: On the content level, however, the major parties also adhered primarily to traditional offline strategies such as metacommunication or negative campaigning normalization.

Kelly, Fortuyn and their Challenge to Media Governance. Satellite cultures in Europe: As satellites become major global industries and advance technologically, providing a variety of services, including broadcasting, telecommunication, internet applications, meteorological data and military intelligence, they contribute, this article suggests, to structurally multilayered forms of satellite cultures within an emerging European public sphere. The advances in the technology of satellite communication has, the article argues, created a platform for new, interesting flows of trans-European communication.

Governance, globalism, and satellite. Satellite industry and the digital age. The authors, with expertise in pan-European legal and regulatory regimes, suggest ways in which public interest can be safeguarded. Arab communities and satellite Communication in Europe. The symbolic power of transnational media: It argues that the symbolic power of transnational broadcasting consists primarily in its capacity to manage the visibility of suffering so as to reproduce the moral deficiencies of global inequality.

However, under certain conditions, technological as well as symbolic, satellite news stories might be able to produce a sense of moral agency that transcends geographical and cultural boundaries, thereby constituting cosmopolitan communities of emotion and action. This North American Hydroclimate Synthesis NAHS examines regional hydroclimate patterns and related environmental indicators, including vegetation, lake water elevation, stream flow and runoff, cave drip rates, biological productivity, assemblages of living organisms, and salinity.

Centennial-scale hydroclimate anomalies are obtained by iteratively sampling the proxy data on each of thousands of age model realizations and determining the fractions of possible time series indicating that the century-smoothed data was anomalously wet or dry relative to the BCE to CE mean. Results suggest regionally asynchronous wet and dry periods over multidecadal to centennial timescales and frequent periods of extended regional drought.

Most sites indicate drying during previously documented multicentennial periods of warmer Northern Hemisphere temperatures, particularly in the western U. Two widespread droughts were documented by the NAHS: Major hydroclimate reorganizations occurred out of sync with Northern Hemisphere temperature variations and widespread wet and dry anomalies occurred during both warm and cool periods.

We present a broad assessment of paleoclimate relationships that highlights the potential influences of internal variability and external forcing and supports a prominent role for Pacific and Atlantic Ocean dynamics on century-scale continental hydroclimate. Use of polymerase chain reaction helped to establish that the most frequent among naphthalene utilizing bacteria, isolated on the territory of Belarus, are Nah -plasmids of IncP-9 incompatibility group and those with indefinite systematic belonging.

With the help of classical test of incompatibility, restriction and sequence analyses three new subgroups within the IncP-9 group were discovered zeta, eta and IncPlike replicons. Conducting of restriction analysis for amplification products of nah G and nah Ac genes allowed us to reveal, in addition to known sequences of stated determinants, two new types of nah G gene. During the past decade, significant advance has been achieved in the mechanisms of NHE3 regulation.

Based on the reductionist's approach, an understanding of NHE3 regulation has been greatly advanced. More recently, confirmations of in vitro studies have been made using animals deficient in one or more proteins but in some cases unexpected findings have emerged. The purpose of this paper is to provide a brief overview of recent progress in the regulation and functions of NHE3 present in the luminal membrane of the intestinal tract.

Experiments on cold-trap regeneration by NaH decomposition. Cold-trap regeneration may be very important in future LMFBRs because of the expected high hydrogen source from the steam generators. Several methods of cold-trap regeneration were considered, but the simplest and least expensive appears to be decomposition of NaH under vacuum at elevated temperatures. Experiments were done to assess the feasibility of this method for cold-trap regeneration. The evolved hydrogen was converted to water by a CuO bed and collected in a weighing tube. We have recently characterized the presence of this ubiquitous transporter in the apical domain of confluent epithelial LLC-PK1 cells.

In this study, immunological analysis provided evidence that SOS1 localizes to the plasma membrane of leaves and roots. To characterize the transport activity of this protein, purified plasma membrane vesicles were isolated from leaves of Arabidopsis. However, exchange activity was induced when plants were grown in mm NaCl and increased with prolonged salt exposure up to 8 d. Hydrographic and navigational analysis of Lower Oder shipping conditions — case study of the backflow occurrence. Full Text Available One of the significant limitations of inland waterway transport on the Oder River is the water level.

Its variability determines the minimum clearance under the bridges and thus the maximum drought of moving vessels. An important factor affecting the water level in the Oder River is the phenomenon of wind backwater. Certain pressure field distribution situations may affect in an increase of water level on the coast and thereby block the outflow of river waters.

In this paper an example of the limitations of inland navigation in the estuarine part of the Lower Oder under the weather conditions on the southern Baltic Sea in autumn is presented. Based on data the weather and navigational conditions of the area of the Lower Oder were assessed. Occurring winds, currents and changes in water level has been analyzed. In the situations of unfavorable raise of the water level in the river, inland navigation is redirected to the section of Regalica River, and a section of the port of Szczecin region is closed. This causes obvious difficulties and results in prolonged ships routes.

Additional obstacle that take place here is an arbitrarily determined time of railway bridge span lifting in Szczecin Podjuchy. Photodissociation of NaH using time-dependent Fourier grid method. A five-state molecular expansion, with the inclusion of two-electron translation factors, is employed to calculate the charge exchange and neutralization cross sections.

Transitions at the first two pseudocrossings between the energy curves, practically determine the cross sections in the energy range 0.

We also show that the widely used multichannel Landau--Zener theory is totally inadequate, to treat these transitions. I - Theory of generalized holography and the development of NAH. Because its underlying principles are so fundamental, holography has been studied and applied in many areas of science. Recently, a technique has been developed which takes the maximum advantage of the fundamental principles and extracts much more information from a hologram than is customarily associated with such a measurement.

In this paper the fundamental principles of holography are reviewed, and a sound radiation measurement system, called nearfield acoustic holography NAH , which fully exploits the fundamental principles, is described. Eine Bestandsaufnahme der feministischen Theoriebildung wird vorgenommen und — durchaus vorhandene — neue Perspektiven werden aufgezeigt und diskutiert. Water-Quality Objectives and Cost-Effectiveness. We applied a systems approach framework to critically evaluate whether existing water-management measures achieve water-quality objectives for the river and lagoon systems.

Our simulations reveal that the existing water-quality objectives for the river and the coastal waters are not sufficiently complementary. We suggest new water-quality threshold concentrations, which are in agreement with the European Water Framework Directive, and we calculate acceptable maximum nutrient loads for the Oder River. These calculations suggest that external nutrient-load reductions in the river basin alone seem insufficient to achieve good water quality in the lagoon. A comprehensive eutrophication management approach should also include internal nutrient-retention and nutrient-removal measures in the lagoon.

We focus on mussel farming, i. The economic model describes costs and benefits of mussel cultivation depending on the the farm size. We included additional potential sources of income such as water-quality tax or emission certificates. Therefore, the general transport mechanism of NhaA exchangers is currently well characterized. However, much less is known about NhaB exchangers, with only a limited number of studies available. For comparison we also characterized the activity of KpNhaA1 and KpNhaA2 and found that the three exchangers have complementary activity profiles, which is likely a survival advantage for K.

This underlines their importance as potential antibiotic drug targets. The naphthalene is an abundant and toxic compound in oil and has been used as a model for bioremediation studies. The steady-state kinetic parameters for oxidation of aliphatic or aromatic aldehydes catalyzed by 6xHis- Nah F are presented. The active site of Nah F is highly hydrophobic, and the enzyme shows higher specificity for less polar substrates than for polar substrates, e.

A salicylaldehyde molecule was observed in a deep pocket in the crystal structure of Nah F where the catalytic C and E are present. Moreover, the residues G, R, W96, F99, F, F, and Y were thought to be important for catalysis and specificity for aromatic aldehydes. Understanding the molecular features responsible for Nah F activity allows for comparisons with other aldehyde dehydrogenases and, together with structural information, provides the information needed for future mutational studies aimed to enhance its stability and specificity and further its use in biotechnological processes.

  • Victor Klemperers Tagebücher (German Edition);
  • nah oder fernwirkungstheorie: Topics by www.farmersmarketmusic.com.
  • Sekai no Fusigi Kinoko-2 (Japanese Edition)?
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  • American Jihad.

Cells grown in the presence of NaCl and amiloride displayed an increased antiport activity. These results suggest the addition of more antip Full Text Available The paper presents the analysis of spatial changes of groundwater retention for a part of the Oder valley situated below the barrage in Brzeg Dolny.

The change of groundwater retention is presented in spatial terms for vegetation periods of years: The database was made interpolating the groundwater table elevation for the area in question. On this basis, differences between ordinates the groundwater table were calculated. The next step was to obtain the spatial distribution of groundwater retention states and its analysis. The results show significant changes in the states of groundwater retention on the selected portion of the valley in the individual growing seasons. According to formation of changes in status of groundwater retention relative to the distance from the Odra river was analysed.

Ohgaki, Ryuichi; van Ijzendoorn, Sven C. In recent years, a. Calculation of radial couplings in the model-potential and pseudopotential approaches: We present an extension of the analytical method of Macias and Riera to calculate radial couplings, to include model potentials or local and nonlocal pseudopotentials, in the Hamiltonian. As an illustration, energies, couplings, and momentum matrix elements are presented and discussed for the two-effective-electron NaH quasimolecule, as a stringent test case.

The increase in activity of the antiport by the presence of amiloride was correlated with the enhanced synthesis of a tonoplast kDa polypeptide. The increased synthesis of this polypeptide was detected not only upon exposure of the cells to amiloride but also when the cells were exposed to high NaCl concentrations. Polyclonal antibodies against the kDa polypeptide almost completely inhibited the antiport activity.

Despite its physiological and pathophysiological importance, high resolution structural data of NHE1 is missing, and even though several binding partners and phosphorylation sites of the NHE1 regulatory domain are known and many more suggested In this work, in silico analysis revealed two structured and two intrinsically disordered regions in the regulatory domain.

A divide-and-conquer approach was used to identify subdomains Full Text Available The finalisation of the construction of the Malczyce barrage is planned for Damming of the river will cause a change in the water and ground conditions in the adjoining areas. The paper analyses the influence of the water level in the Oder River dammed by the barrage on groundwater table level in the left bank valley.

We report here the synthesis of an amiloride analogue that can be photoactivated and labeled with I. This analogue covalently cross-links a kDa protein of bovine renal brush border membranes. Using His tagging of Mrp proteins, we showed complex formation by the mrpABCDEFG gene products by pull-down and blue native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis analyses. This is the first molecular evidence that the Mrp is a multicomponent antiporter in the cation-proton antiporter 3 family.

When lungs were subjected to 45 min of ischemia followed by 30 min of reperfusion, the capillary filtration coefficient Kfc increased significantly, resulting in a change in Kfc delta Kfc of 0. Addition of hydrochloric acid to the perfusate before ischemia at a concentration sufficient to reduce perfusate pH from 7.

They have major roles in supporting cation and cytoplasmic pH homeostasis in many environmental, extremophilic, and pathogenic bacteria. In order to move toward a greater mechanistic understanding of these unusual antiporters and to rigorously demonstrate that they function as secondary antiporters, powered by an imposed proton motive force, we established a method for purification and functional reconstitution of the seven-subunit Mrp antiporter from alkaliphilic Bacillus pseudofirmus OF4. Full Text Available Autism imposes a major impediment to childhood development and a huge emotional and financial burden on society.

Loss-of-function mutations in eNHE cause hyperacidification of endosomal lumen, as a result of imbalance in pump and leak pathways. Here, we summarize evidence for the importance of luminal cation content and pH on processing, delivery and fate of cargo and on the surface expression and function of membrane receptors and neurotransmitter transporters, drawing upon insights from model organisms and mammalian cells. These studies lead to cellular models of eNHE activity in pre- and post-synaptic neurons and astrocytes, where they could impact synapse development and plasticity.

The study of eNHE has provided new insight on the mechanism of autism and other debilitating neurological disorders and opened up new possibilities for therapeutic intervention. The crystal structure, obtained at pH 4, of NhaA, the main antiporter of Escherichia coli, has provided general insights into an antiporter mechanism and its unique pH regulation.

Here, we describe a general method to select various NhaA mutants from a library of randomly mutagenized NhaA. The selected mutants, AP and FC are described in detail. Surprising for an electrogenic secondary transporter, and opposed to wild type NhaA, the rates of AP and FC are almost indifferent to membrane potential. Detailed kinetic analysis reveals that in both mutants the rate limiting step of the cation exchange cycle is changed from an electrogenic to an electroneutral reaction.

Dabei kommen unterschiedliche Auffassungen zur bildungsbezogenen Auseinandersetzung mit Medien sowie mit Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien in den Blick. Hermann Lotze is a neglected figure in the history of psychiatry although it has been claimed that his early views were influential, for example, on the young Griesinger. Trained as a physician, psychologist and philosopher he saw better than many the impending epistemological crisis that was to affect disciplines such as psychology and medical psychology as they were being taken over by the natural sciences.

The problem he endeavoured to resolve was double-headed. On the one hand, Lotze believed that the mechanisms proposed by physiology and other relevant natural sciences were essential to the explanation of human behaviour provided that its meaning and context were respected; on the other, he wanted to do away with the mysterious metaphysical explanations such as 'vital force' which in his time were still popular in biology.

The solutions he eventually offered can understandably be seen as a weak compromise and one which statisfied no one. It is likely that Lotze remained, in fact, a metaphysician as can be ascertained by studying his concept of Seele soul, mind into which he packed enough furniture to make many believe that he was an idealist thinker. This paper discusses some of these issues and justifies the choice of classic text, namely, Lotze's illuminating Introduction to his book Medicinische Psychologie oder Physiologie der Seele. Beurteilung von praktikumsbegleitenden Weblogs von angehenden Lehrpersonen.

Die Studierenden beurteilen den Einsatz von Weblogs jedoch unterschiedlich. Dabei ist wenig bekannt, welchen Einfluss die Vergabe und das Erhalten von Peerfeedback auf den Beurteilungsprozess von praktikumsbegleitenden Weblogs sowie auf den Umfang von Blogpostings haben.

In situ hybridization with an antisense probe against NHE2 in gill sections revealed a strong mRNA signal from a subset of interlamellar and lamellae cells. We developed dogfish-specific polyclonal antibodies against NHE2 that detected a approximately kDa protein in Western blots and immunologically recognized branchial cells having two patterns of protein expression. These data indicate that posttranslational adjustments of NHE2 and other transport systems e. Limited proteolysis with thrombin and deletion mutant analysis revealed that the 8-azido-ATP-binding site is within the C-terminal cytoplasmic domain of NHE1.

To abolish the activity of other cellular pH-restoring systems, cells were incubated in bicarbonate-free Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium buffered with HEPES. Flow cytometry was used to determine pHi with 2',7'-bis- 2-carboxyethyl and-6 -carboxyfluorescein acetoxymethyl ester or 5- and-6 -carboxy SNARF-1 acetoxymethyl ester acetate, and the appropriate fluorescence ratios were measured.

The calibration of fluorescence ratios versus pHi was established by using ionophore nigericin. The activity of NHE was calculated by a kinetic flow cytometric assay as the slope at time 0 of the best-fit curve of pHi recovery versus time after intracellular acidification with a pulse of exogenous sodium propionate. The kinetic method allowed determination of the pHi-dependent activity of NHE in cell lines and primary cell cultures. NHE activity values were demonstrated to be up to 0. The inhibition of NHE activity by the specific inhibitor ethyl isopropyl amiloride was easily detected by this method.

The assay conditions can be used to relate variations in pHi with the activity of NHE and provide a standardized method to compare between different cells, inhibitors, models of ischemia by acidification, and other relevant experimental or clinical situations. The linear regression coefficients ranged from 0. Today almost every library with historic collections faces the question of digitisation. Preliminary infrared measurements of CsH 2 PO 4 and its composites indicated that hydrogen bonds breaking and formation were detected between to cm -1 , while the rotation of phosphate tetrahedral anions occurred between and cm Solid acid composite CDP appeared as the composite with the highest conductivity that is 7.

Thermal stability of the solid acid composites such as temperature of dehydration, melting and decomposition were investigated. The addition of NaH 2 PO 4 lowers the dehydration temperature of the solid acid composites. Deriving the dissociation energy of its ground state. The absolute vibrational quantum number is identified by comparing the vibrational energy difference of this experiment with the ab initio calculations.

The outer well with v up to 34 is analyzed using the Dunham expansion and a Rydberg-Klein-Rees RKR potential energy curve is constructed. To address this issue, we overexpressed zNHE3b in Xenopus oocytes and characterized its activity by electrophysiology. Soil pollution caused by polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons PAHs is threatening human health and environmental safety. Investigating the relative prevalence of different PAH-degrading genes in PAH-polluted soils and searching for potential bioindicators reflecting the impact of PAH pollution on microbial communities are useful for microbial monitoring, risk evaluation, and potential bioremediation of soils polluted by PAHs.

In this study, three functional genes, pdo1, nah , and C12O, which might be involved in the degradation of PAHs from a coke factory, were investigated by real-time quantitative PCR qPCR and clone library approaches. The results showed that the pdo1 and C12O genes were more abundant than the nah gene in the soils. There was a significantly positive relationship between the nah or pdo1 gene abundances and PAH content, while there was no correlation between C12O gene abundance and PAH content. Analyses of clone libraries showed that all the pdo1 sequences were grouped into Mycobacterium, while all the nah sequences were classified into three groups: Pseudomonas, Comamonas, and Polaromonas.

These results indicated that the abundances of nah and pdo1 genes were positively influenced by levels of PAHs in soil and could be potential microbial indicators reflecting the impact of soil PAH pollution and that Mycobacteria were one of the most prevalent PAHs degraders in these PAH-polluted soils. Principal component analysis PCA and correlation analyses between microbial parameters and environmental factors revealed that total carbon TC , total nitrogen TN , and dissolved organic carbon DOC had positive effects on the abundances of all PAH-degrading genes.

Driver assistance - Firstly a contribution to primary safety or rather to comfort? Vertrauen in neue Assistenzsysteme ist deshalb das subjektive Erleben von Assistenzsystemen. Werden sie eher als ein Komfortgewinn, wie es der Hersteller primaer aus produkthaftungstechnischen Gruenden gerne moechte, oder als eine Entlastung im Hinblick auf das eigene notwendige sichernde Verhalten erlebt?

Besteht dann gerade in der zuletzt genannten Tendenz eine neue Gefahr? Nicht unerwaehnt darf in diesem Zusammenhang die juristische Problematik bleiben. Fuer Vorgaenge, auf die der Fahrer tatsaechlich oder vermeintlich keinen Einfluss hat, die also fuer ihn quasi selbsttaetig ablaufen, kann er nicht oder nur eingeschraenkt zur Verantwortung gezogen werden. Die Haftung fuer den nicht kompensierten Schaden wird dann dem Hersteller des betreffenden Systems zugeschrieben.

Durch an den Eigenschaften und Faehigkeiten des Menschen orientierte Bedienung von neuartigen Assistenzsystemen kann somit unerwuenschten juristischen Folgen weitgehend vorgebeugt werden. The molecular basis of this selectivity is unknown. We combined protein structure modeling, site-directed mutagenesis, phenotype analysis and cation efflux measurements to localize and characterize the cation selectivity region. A three-dimensional model of the ZrSod transmembrane domain was generated based on the X-ray structure of the Escherichia coli NhaA antiporter and primary sequence alignments with homologous yeast antiporters.

The model suggested a close proximity of Thr, Ala and Val from transmembrane segments 4, 5 and 11, respectively, forming a hydrophobic hole in the putative cation pathway's core. A series of mutagenesis experiments verified the model and showed that structural modifications of the hole resulted in altered cation selectivity and transport activity. The negative effect of the AT mutation can be eliminated by introducing a second mutation, TS or TA, in the preceding transmembrane domain.

Our experimental results confirm that the three residues found through modeling play a central role in the determination of cation selectivity and transport activity in Z. They carry out an assessment of the state of feminist theoretical development and they point to and discuss new perspectives, all of which exist today. However, the book does not clarify its specifically pedagogical profile as compared to the contributions from sociology, philosophy, political science, and history. Checklisten, Kriterienkataloge oder Evaluationskonzepte?

Checklisten und zum anderen um Evaluationsverfahren. Traditionalismus, Avantgarde oder Postavangarde? Musik an der Schwelle der zwei Jahrhunderten. CE - Biochemistry Impact factor: EE - Microbiology, Virology. The deduced amino acid sequence of M-Nha protein consists of residues with a calculated molecular weight of 58 Da and a pI of 5. It had a hydropathy profile with 10 putative transmembrane domains and a long carboxyl terminal hydrophilic tail of amino acid residues, similar to Nhap from Synechocystis sp.

The m-nha gene in the antiporter-negative mutant E. Scatchard analysis of the binding of [ 3 H]MIA to tonoplast membranes revealed a high affinity binding component with a K d of 1. Photolabeling of the tonoplast with [ 3 H]MIA revealed two sets of polypeptides with a different affinity to amiloride and its analog. Scatchard analysis of the binding of [3H]MIA to tonoplast membranes revealed a high affinity binding component with a Kd of 1. Photolabeling of the tonoplast with [3H]MIA revealed two sets of polypeptides with a different affinity to amiloride and its analog.

Using a train drawn by a locomotive engine or a taking a railway-motor train? In the field of passenger rail traffic extending from urban transport to long-distance railroad different requirements lead in the past to different developments with regard to forming a train. Using trains hauled by a locomotive.

Using a push and pull train or a adistributed power train, and had to be decided with operational and economical considerations in mind.


Nevertheless, besides factual and objective arguments there are also arguments to be attributed to the level of training and to emotions. Therefore, the author finally tries to arrive at an assessable conclusion by means of a comparison of the life cycle costs of two real trains running under comparable operational conditions. Fuer beide Varianten gibt es typische Anwendungsfaelle.

Im Personenfernverkehr koennen beide Zugarten fallweise Vorteile fuer Betreiber und Fahrgaeste haben. In vergleichender Perspektive richtet die Autorin ihr Hauptaugenmerk auf die Arbeitsweise sowie die Eigen- und Fremdwahrnehmung von Bloggern und Journalisten, um Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede herauszustellen und ihre je spezifische Funktion innerhalb der der heutigen Informationsgesellschaft einzugrenzen.

Intermittent hypoxia IH has been shown to exert preconditioning-like cardioprotective effects. It also has been reported that IH preserves intracellular pH pHi during ischemia and protects cardiomyocytes against ischemic reperfusion injury. However, the exact mechanism is still unclear. Neonatal cardiomyocytes were first treated with repetitive hypoxia-normoxia cycles for days. Cells were then acid loaded with NH4Cl, and the rate of pHi recovery from acidosis was measured. We found that the pHi recovery rate from acidosis was much slower in the IH group than in the room air RA group.

Full Text Available Hypoxia ischemia HI-related brain injury is the major cause of long-term morbidity in neonates. One characteristic hallmark of neonatal HI is the development of reactive astrogliosis in the hippocampus. However, the impact of reactive astrogliosis in hippocampal damage after neonatal HI is not fully understood. The noncompetitive excitatory amino acid transporter inhibitor TBOA showed a similar effect on blocking the glutamate release. Therefore, blocking sustained NHE1 activation in reactive astrocytes may provide neuroprotection following HI.

Initial experiments determine suitable calibration procedures for use of the BCECF fluorescent signal. The steady-state intracellular pH 7. Full Text Available Alzheimer's disease AD is characterized by progressive cognitive decline and neuropsychiatric symptoms. Increasing evidence indicates that environmental risk factors in young adults may accelerate cognitive loss in AD and that hydrogen sulfide H2S may represent an innovative treatment to slow the progression of AD. Under footshock with SR stimulus, amyloid deposition, tau protein hyperphosphorylation, and microgliosis were highly increased in the stress-responsive brain structures, including the hippocampus and amygdala, of the AD mice.

These biochemical hallmarks and pathological presentations were all alleviated by the semi-acute administration of NaHS in the AD mice. The divorce rate occurred in post-tsunami Aceh have increased sharply, especially in Central Aceh district by The results of this Revealing isomerism in sodium-water clusters: Soft ionization of sodium tagged polar clusters is increasingly used as a powerful technique for sizing and characterization of small aerosols with possible application, e.

Understanding the structure and photoionization of the sodium doped clusters is critical for such applications. In this work, we report on measurements of photoionization spectra for sodium doped water clusters containing water molecules. While most of the previous studies focused on the ionization threshold of the Na H 2 O n clusters, we provide for the first time full photoionization spectra, including the high-energy region, which are used as reference for a comparison with theory.

As reported in previous work, we have seen an initial drop of the appearance ionization energy with cluster size to values of about 3. Simulations at elevated temperatures show an increased abundance of isomers with low ionization energies, an entropic effect enabling size selective infrared action spectroscopy, based on near threshold photoionization of Na H 2 O n clusters. In addition, simulations of the sodium pick-up process were carried out to study the gradual formation of the hydrated electron which is the basis of the sodium-tagging sizing. Different particle size ranges of standard Ba 14 CO 3 were assayed by gel suspension counting in Cabosil scintillation cocktail and in NE following solubilisation in EDTA-tetrasodium salt.

Subsequent losses of activity over 7 days with the emulsion-type scintillators was greater from the polyethylene vials. Addition of phenylethylamine to the NE and Unisolve cocktails gave the true activity levels for all vials with no loss of activity over 6 days. The relationship between counting efficiency and channels ratio was not sufficiently precise for predictive purposes.

Full Text Available Neocaridina davidi Bouvier, is an exotic freshwater shrimp originating from Asia and often kept as a pet in amateur aquarium cultures. Herewith, we report on the second finding of N. The species was found in samples collected in , and in the thermally polluted canal connected to the River Oder , south of Gryfino, in the vicinity of the Dolna Odra Power Plant. The findings spanning more than a decade suggest that N. Following the finding of Atyaephyra desmarestii Millet, in , Neocaridina davidi is the second freshwater shrimp species found in the River Oder and in Poland.

Maintenance of a stable cell volume and intracellular pH is critical for normal cell function. The aim is to provide a comprehensive overview of the mechanisms and consequences of stress-induced stimulation of these transporters with focus on the heart, brain, and blood. Both transporters can be important regulators of cell volume, yet their activity also, directly or indirectly, affects the intracellular concentrations Measurable quantity or a problem of general risk acceptance?

Eine Systemgroesse oder eine Frage der allgemeinen Risikoakzeptanz? Having different disciplines give different meanings to one same word is not unusual; using the word 'risk' in an environmental context has its specific importance. The classical definitions of 'risk' as the possibility of an adverse incident have been projected in the environmental and human health study areas. Risk-acceptance and risk-preference are general factors of the everyday life and even find a role in economics.

However, their use as parameters in the field of environmental hazards should be avoided, or at least be defined as to their meaning. The environment is a complex system of mass fluxes and interdependencies that can be observed and described but not regulated in its global dimension. Technology assessment has here a specific task in defining precaution as the prevention of hazards as well as the 'repair in advance' of potential environmental risks of global dimensions. The globe as a whole and many of its parts cannot be subjected to 'end of the pipe' repair strategies.

Es werden die klassischen Definitionen eines Risikos, d. Es wird die These vertreten, dass spezifische Formen der Risikoakzeptanz und Risikopraeferenz sehr wohl Faktoren der persoenlichen Lebensgestaltung sein koennen und auch in wirtschaftlichen Unternehmungen definierbare Groessen sind, dass sie aber fuer vom Menschen angestossene Veraenderungen in der Umwelt und hier insbesondere im Bereich der stofflichen Vorgaenge in den globalen Dimensionen nicht eingebracht werden koennen oder wenigstens eine sehr eigene.

Diabetes was induced in rats by administration of a single i. After 7 d, diabetic rats were further treated with insulin or 1,dihydroxycholecalciferol [1,25 OH 2D3] for an additional d. Moreover, alterations in the serum levels of 1,25 OH 2D3 may, at least in part, explain this enhanced antiporter activity and its correction by insulin. While most of the previous studies focused on the ionization threshold of the Na H 2O n clusters, we provide for the first time full photoionization spectra, including the high-energy region, which are used as reference for a comparison with theory.

The appearance ionization energy is determined by isomers with fully solvated sodium and a highly delocalized electron cloud, while both fully and incompletely solvated isomers with localized electron clouds can contribute to the high energy part of the photoionization spectrum. Simulations at elevated temperatures show an increased abundance of isomers with low ionization energies, an entropic effect enabling size selective infrared action spectroscopy, based on near threshold photoionization of Na H 2O n clusters.

Full Text Available The blended of raw petroleum is an operation that can be optimized and it is based on a great quantity of knowledge and experience. The planning of these operations consists in obtaining a mixture of components with different properties and specification as octane, flow, level of sulfur etc. This is considered important in this type of industries, since their profitability depends on finding the good mixture, due to the variability of the prices in the final products.

Herpes simplex virus 1 HSV-1 is an alphaherpesvirus that has been reported to infect some epithelial cell types by fusion at the plasma membrane but others by endocytosis. HSV-1 internalization required neither endosomal acidification nor clathrin- or caveolin-mediated endocytosis. HSV-1 internalization furthermore required the function of pactivated kinases that contribute to macropinosome formation. However, in contrast to some forms of macropinocytosis, HSV-1 did not enlist the activities of protein kinase C PKC , tyrosine kinases, C-terminal binding protein 1, or dynamin to activate its internalization.

After initial replication in epithelial cells, herpes simplex viruses HSVs establish latent infections in neurons innervating these regions. Upon primary infection and reactivation from latency, HSVs cause many human skin and neurological diseases, particularly in immunocompromised hosts, despite the availability of effective antiviral drugs. Many viruses use macropinocytosis for virus internalization, and many host factors mediating this entry route have been identified, although the.

Hydrolysis of each phosphate salt gave a specific pH that affected the purity and morphology of the prepared Ag3PO4. The Ag3PO4 prepared from. CT urography in women with primary or recurrent pelvic tumors. Background and initial experiences; CT-Urographie bei Frauen mit primaeren oder rezidivierenden Beckentumoren. Hintergrund und erste Erfahrungen. German guidelines advocate diagnostic imaging for local recurrence and metastasis while there are no recommendations for primary tumors. As excretory urography has been replaced by the excretory phase of computed tomography urography CTU in many institutions, two independent observers retrospectively evaluated CTUs of primary or recurrent female pelvic tumors to rule out associations between CTU findings and subsequent urologic measures.

It appears that CTU is a sensible pre-therapeutic test for the urinary tract for primary and recurrent female pelvic tumors. Deutsche Leitlinien befuerworten bildgebende Untersuchungen bei Lokalrezidiven und Metastasen; fuer Primaertumoren gibt es keine einschlaegigen Empfehlungen. Da das Ausscheidungsurogramm durch die Ausscheidungsaufnahme der CT-Urographie CTU weitgehend abgeloest ist, wurde bei weiblichen Beckentumoren oder deren Rezidive der Zusammenhang zwischen CTU-Befunden und nachfolgenden operativen urologischen Massnahmen retrospektiv von 2 unabhaengigen Auswertern geprueft.

High salinity is a major abiotic factor that limits crop production. The dwarfing apple rootstock M. Differences in salt tolerance between transgenic and wild-type WT rootstocks were examined under field conditions. We also compared differences when 'Naganofuji No. In contrast, that density was significantly decreased in leaves from grafted transgenic plants. Therefore, we conclude that overexpressing plants utilize a better protective mechanism for retaining higher photosynthetic capacity.

Furthermore, this contrast in tolerance and adaptability to stress is linked to differences in stomatal behavior and photosynthetic rates. Salinity causes multifarious adverse effects to plants. Plants response to salt stress involves numerous processes that function in coordination to alleviate both cellular hyperosmolarity and ion disequilibrium.

Predicted amino acid sequence similarity, protein topology and the presence of functional domains conserved in SbNHX1 classify it as a plant vacuolar NHX gene. The SbNHX1 cDNA has an open reading frame of 1, bp, encoding a polypeptide of amino acid residues with an estimated molecular mass Transcript increases gradually by increasing the treatment duration at 0.

This study shows that SbNHX1 is a potential gene for salt tolerance, and can be used in future for developing salt tolerant crops. Full Text Available [english] In some applications statisticians are confronted with values which are reported to be below a limit of detection or quantitation. These left-censored variables are a challenge in the statistical analysis. In a simulation study, we compare different methods to deal with this type of data in statistical applications. These include measures of location, dispersion, association, and statistical modeling. We illustrate the application of the multiple imputation approach and the Tobit regression with an example from occupational epidemiology.

Wir illustrieren die Anwendung der multiplen Imputationsmethode und der Tobit Regression anhand eines Beispiels aus der Epidemiologie der Arbeitswelt. The expression and function of NHE3 must adapt to acid-base conditions. The goal of this study was to elucidate the mechanisms responsible for higher proton secretion in proximal tubules during acidosis and to evaluate whether there are differences between metabolic and respiratory acidosis with regard to NHE3 modulation and, if so, to identify the relevant parameters that may trigger these distinct adaptive responses.

We achieved metabolic acidosis by lowering HCO 3 - concentration in the cell culture medium and respiratory acidosis by increasing CO 2 tension in the incubator chamber. We found that cell-surface NHE3 expression was increased in response to both forms of acidosis. Analyses of the Nhe3 promoter region suggested that the regulatory elements sensitive to metabolic acidosis are located between and bp, where two consensus binding sites for SP1, a transcription factor up-regulated in metabolic acidosis, were localised.

We conclude that metabolic acidosis induces Nhe3 promoter activation, which results in higher mRNA and total protein level. At the plasma membrane surface, NHE3 expression was increased in metabolic and respiratory acidosis alike, suggesting that low pH is responsible for NHE3 displacement to the cell surface. Evidence for its Molecular Origin. The present study is aimed at understanding how the interactions between sugar molecules and phosphate ions affect the glass transition temperature of their mixtures, and the implications for pharmaceutical formulations.

Molecular dynamics simulations were also conducted to investigate the microscopic interactions between sugar molecules and phosphate ions. The hydrogen-bonding characteristics and the self-aggregation features of these mixtures were quantified and compared. The hydrogen-bonding interactions between trehalose and HPO4 2- were found to be stronger than both the trehalose-trehalose hydrogen bonds and those formed between trehalose and H2PO4 -.

In contrast H2PO4 - ions served only as plasticizers, resulting in a lower Tg of the mixtures than trehalose alone, creating large-sized ionic pockets, weakening interactions, and disrupting the original hydrogen-bonding network amongst trehalose molecules.

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Results transcripts showed both salt responsiveness and a significant influence of AtNHX1. Fifty-seven of these genes showed an influence of the antiporter across all salt treatments, while the remaining genes were influenced as a result of a particular duration of salt stress. Conclusion While part of the AtNHX1-influenced transcripts were unclassified, other transcripts with known or putative roles showed the importance of AtNHX1 to key cellular processes that were not necessarily limited to the salt stress response; namely calcium signaling, sulfur metabolism, cell structure and cell growth, as well as vesicular trafficking and protein processing.

Only a small number of other salt-responsive membrane transporter transcripts appeared significantly influenced by AtNHX1. Full Text Available Apoptosis resistance is a hallmark of cancer cells. Typically, bile acids induce apoptosis. However during gastrointestinal GI tumorigenesis the cancer cells develop resistance to bile acid-induced cell death. To understand how bile acids induce apoptosis resistance we first need to identify the molecular pathways that initiate apoptosis in response to bile acid exposure. Our data suggests that suppression of NHE by endogenous or exogenous inhibitors may lead to apoptosis resistance during GI tumorigenesis.

However, its contribution to QN resistance seems to vary geographically depending on the genetic background of the parasites. Here, the role of this gene was investigated in in vitro QN susceptibility of isolates from Viet Nam. Method Ninety-eight isolates were obtained from three different regions of the Binh Phuoc and Dak Nong bordering Cambodia provinces during Among these, 79 were identified as monoclonal infection and were genotyped at the microsatellite pfnhe1 ms locus and in vitro QN sensitivity data were obtained for 51 isolates.

Parasite growth was assessed in the field using the HRP2 immunodetection assay. Results Significant associations were found between polymorphisms at pfnhe1 microsatellite ms and susceptibility to QN. Interestingly, area with the highest median QN IC50 showed also the highest percentage of isolates carrying the pfnhe1 haplotype 7.

Conclusions The haplotype 7 which is the typical Asian profile is likely well-adapted to high drug pressure in this area and may constitute a good genetic marker to evaluate the dissemination of QNR in this part of the world. Acute chest pain represents a very common clinical occurrence and at the same time poses a severe diagnostic dilemma. It can be due to an acute life-threatening event such as acute cardiac infarct, or a relatively harmless condition of pain and illness e.

This often unclear symptomatic, behind which there can always be a life-threatening disease leads to an exaggerated grouping of patients into emergency cases and to an increased number of inpatients for observation. The diagnosis of acute coronary syndrome with no initial ECG changes typical for ischemia is especially problematic. The availability of modern multidetector computed tomography is becoming increasingly more important for radiologists in the diagnosis and clarification of acute chest pain. In this article the clinical difficulties and radiology options for the diagnosis of patients with acute chest pain will be presented and possible future algorithms for diagnosis will be discussed.

Diese oft nicht eindeutige Symptomatik, hinter der immer auch ein lebensbedrohliches Krankheitsbild stecken kann, fuehrt zu einer Uebertriagierung der Patienten in Notaufnahmen und zu einer grossen Anzahl an stationaeren 'Absicherungsaufnahmen'. The concentration of reactive metal hydride Met-H reducing agents can be determined in NaH can also be determined. Dicer, therefore, is a critical enzyme involved in the biogenesis and processing of miRNAs.

Jacob ist ein echter Pionier in Sachen One-to-One-Kommunikation auf Basis von Das hat unsere Vision beflügelt, eine Brücke zu bauen zwischen Print als Analog-Medium und der digitale . By Andreas Weber | Click to access german version . e-mail marketing, etc. need to be in on the talks to be able to act powerfully. Nun, die Geschichte der Kommunikation und speziell von Print ist gespickt mit Irrtümern. .. Diese intuitive App sendet eine E-Mail direkt vom Gerät mit den By Andreas Weber, Head of Value | Original German Version (Note: The translation was Yes, there are shifts from analog to digital – in particular when it comes to.

Several biological processes are controlled by miRNAs, including the regulation of T cell development and function. Changes in cell volume were measured using the forward scatter in flow cytometry, and ROS production utilizing 2',7' -dichlorofluorescin diacetate DCFDA fluorescence. Spielend Lernen oder ernstes Spielen? Full Text Available Rezension zu: Serious Games, Exergames, Exerlearning: Zur Transmedialisierung und Gamification des Wissenstransfers.

Using basis sets of quadruple zeta quality, multireference configuration interaction calculations with Davidson correction were carried out to obtain the ab initio energy points. The neural network method is used to fit the PES, and the root mean square error is very small 0. There is no threshold in the reaction due to the absence of an energy barrier on the minimum energy path.

When the collision energy increases, the ICSs decrease from a high value at low collision energy. The DCS results show that the angular distribution of the product molecules tends to the forward direction. The root mean square error of the new PES is only 4. Based on the new PES, dynamical calculations have been performed using the time-dependent quantum wave packet method.

The direct abstract mechanism is found to play an important role in the reaction because only forward scattering signals on the differential cross section results for all calculated collision energies. The purpose of the present project was to characterise the pollutant freight of suspended matter and suspended-matter-borne sediments in the Oder river system on the basis of large samples drawn at selected sampling sites. One of the major goals was to assess and draw up a balance of the transport regime of suspended matter between the compartments water, suspended matter and sediments.

Special attention was given to the composition and structure of suspended matter as well as to the distribution of trace elements in the various components. Furthermore, the study was intended to provide ecology-related information on the basis of selected biogenic components. Statements on the time course of pollution of estuarine waters and the Baltic Sea by way of the Oder can be derived from a characterisation of current fluviatile solids suspended matter and suspended-matter-borne sediments and determination of their quantitative proportions.

The following research strategy was derived from these goals: Dabei gilt die besondere Aufmerksamkeit der Zusammensetzung und der Struktur der Schwebstoffe sowie die Spurenelementspeziation an die unterschiedlichen Bestandteile. Weiterhin werden oekologische Aussagen. Detergent resistant membranes "lipid rafts" were isolated by floatation of Triton X-incubated small intestinal BBM from a variety of knockout mouse strains in an Optiprep step gradient. The use of acid sphingomyelinase-deficient mice, which have altered membrane lipid as well as lipid raft composition, allowed us to test the validity of the lipid raft concept in vivo.

Calcium hypophosphite has been widely used as an anti-corrosive agent, flame retardant, fertilizer, assistant for Ni electroless plating, and animal nutritional supplement. High purity calcium hypophosphite can be synthesized via the replacement reaction of sodium hypophosphite and calcium chloride. Radioiod oder thyreostatische Medikation bei der Primaerbehandlung der Immunhyperthyreose.

Klinik und Poliklinik fuer Nuklearmedizin; Hunsche, E. Lebenszeitbezogen wurden die medizinischen Leistungen auf 30 Patientenjahre hochgerechnet. Sofern diese Annahmen nicht vorlagen, wurde die primaere RITh in von durchgefuehrten Modellrechnungen zur kosteneffektiven Entscheidung. Konservative Therapieversuche der Rezidivhyperthyreose besassen eine stark kostenhebende Wirkung. Metabolic acidosis was shown to correlate with deterioration of renal function in patients with rhabdomyolysis. At 24 hours after the glycerol injection, rats were sacrificed by decapitation.

Control rats were injected with normal saline. Following the treatment of glycerol, creatinine clearance was significantly decreased, and high anion gap metabolic acidosis developed. Immunohistochemical analyses confirmed the immunoblotting data. In conclusion, the coordinate up-regulation of NHE3 and NBC1 may play an adaptive role against the metabolic acidosis in glycerol-induced rhabdomyolysis.

The authors of this book have chosen examples from their individual life stories to illustrate the interpretative character of technology. Hypoxia and extracellular acidosis are pathophysiological hallmarks of aggressive solid tumors. Regulation of intracellular pH pHi is essential for the maintenance of tumor cell metabolism and proliferation in this microenvironment and key proteins involved in pHi regulation are of interest for therapeutic development.

Carbonic anhydrase 9 CA9 is one of the most robustly regulated proteins by the hypoxia inducible factor HIF and contributes to pHi regulation. While increased sensitivity to acidosis for cell survival in 2-dimensions was not observed, clonogenic proliferation and 3-dimensional spheroid growth in particular were greatly reduced. NHE1-ko significantly reduced tumor cell proliferation both in normoxia and hypoxia while CA9-ko dramatically reduced growth in hypoxic conditions.

Overall, these genomic knockout results strengthen the pursuit of targeting tumor cell pH regulation as an effective anti-cancer strategy. Freshwater FW fishes actively absorb salt from their environment to tolerate low salinities. The ca2a and ca15a mRNA expression were salinity-dependent; they were upregulated in 0. Immunohistochemistry demonstrated cytoplasmic distribution of CA2a and apical membrane localization of CA15a. Furthermore, cell surface immunofluorescence staining revealed external surface localization of CA15a. Full Text Available The freshwater climbing perch, Anabas testudineus, is an euryhaline teleost and an obligate air-breather with the ability to actively excrete ammonia.

This study aimed to obtain, from the gills of A. Efforts were also made to elucidate the type of ionocyte that Nhe3 was associated with in the branchial epithelium of A. As these ionocytes also expressed apical Rhcg1 and basolateral Rhcg2, which are known to transport ammonia, they probably participated in proton-facilitated ammonia excretion in A. In conclusion, the branchial Nhe3 of A. Enhanced Salt Tolerance Conferred by the Complete 2. Soil salinity is one of the most challenging problems that restricts the normal growth and production of rice worldwide.

It has therefore become very important to produce more saline tolerant rice varieties. It also shows that inclusion of the complete un-translated regions UTRs of the alternatively spliced OsNHX1 gene provides a higher level of tolerance to the transgenic rice. Two separate transformation events of the OsNHX1 gene, one with 1.

The transgenic plants with these two different constructs were advanced to the T3 generation and physiological and molecular screening of homozygous plants was conducted at seedling and reproductive stages under salinity NaCl stress. Both transgenic lines were observed to be tolerant compared to WT plants at both physiological stages. Transformation with the complete transcripts rather than the CDS may therefore provide more durable level of tolerance. Dissection or irradiation of the axilla in postmenopausal patients with breast cancer? Long-term results and late effects in patients; Axilladissektion oder Axillabestrahlung bei postmenopausalen Patientinnen mit Mammakarzinom?

Die Prognoseparameter waren in beiden Gruppen gleich bzw. Bei massivem Befall oder weniger als acht entfernten Lymphknoten wurde die Axilla zusaetzlich bestrahlt. Die zusaetzliche Radiatio hatte keinen Einfluss auf die Morbiditaet durch die Dissektion 26 vs.

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An additional capacity for anion flux has been observed for a few systems. Mrp is unique among antiporters in that it requires all six or seven hydrophobic gene products MrpA to MrpG of the mrp operon for full antiporter activity, but MrpE has been reported to be dispensable.

Here, the membrane complexes formed by Mrp proteins were examined using a cloned mrp operon from alkaliphilic Bacillus pseudofirmus OF4. The operon was engineered so that the seven Mrp proteins could be detected in single samples. Membrane extracts of an antiporter-deficient Escherichia coli strain expressing this construct were analyzed by blue native-sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Mrp complexes of two sizes were identified containing all seven Mrp proteins.

The results suggested that interactions among the proteins of heterooligomeric Mrp complexes strongly impact antiporter properties. Radiation protection claims that its regulations, policies and approaches are based on scientific evidence. If due to progress in science and technology new knowledge is added, it must be given to whether or not the existing radiation protection implementing is still appropriate or whether or not modifications need to be made. However, radiation protection is not just a matter of science. Continuity, consensus, accountability, public perception, communication and social acceptance play an important role in radiation protection as well.

Thus, as new scientific evidence should be taken into account, not only the adequate implementation of radiation protection has to be discussed, but also their impact on the public perception and acceptance. It is one major challenge for all who are involved in radiation protection, to find an appropriate balance between these two aspects.

Presents study results examining recruitment practice differences between coeducational and gender segregated secondary schools in Germany.

Discusses the impact of organizational form on teacher judgments, achievement in specific subjects, school subject-related interests, and school commitment. Reports that under conditions of free school choice,…. The so called peaceful use of atomic power is an ideology specifically apt for appeasement in an illusionary way: In this context the civil use of atomic power appears as an instrument of social control. Steel or aluminium; Stahl oder Alu.