Netherworld III: Once Bitten Twice Dead

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Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. Brandilynn Payson has been through some tough times since dying, and she's ready to take a break from the drama of the paranormal world. It's time to pick her one-and-only, and Brandilynn is distraught that she will have to lose one of the men she loves.

Once Bitten

Adding to the Brandilynn Payson has been through some tough times since dying, and she's ready to take a break from the drama of the paranormal world. Adding to the heartache, a new threat has come to Fulton Falls. Norms and paranormals alike are being attacked by an unknown menace and turned into zombies.

Ghosts are disappearing all over the netherworld. The mystery deepens as a devoted friend betrays her. Then the man she thought she could always count on turns his back on her. And when Brandilynn faces off with an ancient evil that leaves no survivors, she becomes the one thing she fears most. Sexually explicit scenes and adult language may be offensive to some readers. Kindle Edition , pages. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up.

To ask other readers questions about Once Bitten Twice Dead , please sign up. Be the first to ask a question about Once Bitten Twice Dead. Lists with This Book. This book is not yet featured on Listopia. Sara rated it it was amazing Nov 20, Catherine rated it really liked it Jun 08, Gunda rated it really liked it Aug 22, Wendy Woolley rated it really liked it Jan 30, Stephen Arthur rated it liked it Jan 19, T rated it liked it Apr 04, Debra Schlesener rated it it was amazing May 04, Alice Lewis-Ramos rated it really liked it Jan 21, Emily rated it really liked it May 18, Tracy rated it it was amazing Sep 21, Speltslambert rated it really liked it Oct 07, Jeanette rated it really liked it Oct 01, Desiree rated it it was amazing Apr 08, Doina Alexandersen rated it it was amazing Nov 23, Ashleygibson rated it really liked it Jul 23, Marga Urban rated it really liked it Jan 29, Devanie rated it liked it Aug 08, Mary rated it really liked it May 31, Karen Lindeman marked it as to-read Sep 28, Natasha Morgan marked it as to-read Dec 20, Tawania Etheridge marked it as to-read Jan 15, Nancy Walters marked it as to-read Mar 12, Deborah marked it as to-read Mar 16, Tina Jones marked it as to-read Mar 31, Patricia James marked it as to-read Apr 20, Daniela marked it as to-read May 18, And the only way to keep each other safe is to trust in an instant connection that could be their greatest strength--or the perfect way to destroy them both.

Paperback , pages. Published March 1st by Brava first published February 16th Guardians of the Dark 2. New York State United States. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Once Bitten, Twice Dead , please sign up.

Once Bitten

Be the first to ask a question about Once Bitten, Twice Dead. Lists with This Book. Flipped thru the numerous sex scenes! Jul 15, Tracy rated it did not like it. I had such high hopes for this one. When a book is described as a "zombie romance" how can you not? Sarah Petit is a police officer in New York who goes to an empty warehouse to investigate a "disturbance" and is attacked by a gang of zombies.

She survives and it is discovered that she is one of the few people who are immune to the military invented disease that turns people into zombies. Enter the Aw, man. Enter the very handsome Green Beret who is also immune and asks Sarah to help him head up his top-secret covert mission to destroy all things zombies. Yeah, because that happenes.

First let's start with the cover, which I think is hysterical, but what a missed opportunity.

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Don't even get me started on the outfit. Well, OK, let's get started there. And, hello, she's carrying a dagger. For a zombie killing spree? But how much better would this cover have been had Sarah's heaving bosom been groped by a leering zombie over her shoulder? Come on, that would've been gold. Plot aside, because it's so bad and not worth discussing. There were only 4 zombie scenes in the whole book and only one of them was a good one.

My biggest problem with this book was all the romance. Now I like a good sex scene as much as the next girl, but when the hero is and I'm quoting here "spanking her clit and announcing "I've got what this greedy pussy needs! Way too many sex scenes and waaaay too much really vulger dirty talk. I've got to wonder how big the zombie romance market really is. A for originality, but don't waste your time, ladies. View all 3 comments. May 14, Beth rated it liked it Shelves: As this is a Bianca story - much smut to be flipped past - but a fun story about trying to stop small testing outbreaks before it becomes a national problem.

Like popcorn tasty but not all that filling or nutritious. Sep 07, Lisa Kessler rated it really liked it.

Netherworld III: Once Bitten Twice Dead

I have never read a paranormal romance with zombies before! I thought it was very cool and creepy the way Bianca built her military world around the zombie outbreak They worked together so well, with Sarah keeping her independence even when pared with such a dominant male. Really enjoying this series. I never read the original version as the titles and descriptions didn't sound appealing but this later updated version did and I am finding it to be quite fun! Apr 27, TinaMarie rated it really liked it.

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This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, click here. Not my favorite genre, in fact I normally dislike zombie stories but it was suspensful and didn't totally turn me off. Oct 08, Christyn rated it did not like it Shelves: I wanted to like this a lot more than I did, in fact I may have settled for liking it period - the best I can say was that I didn't really hate it. This could because I had such high hopes for this and just felt disappointed by what we got. Point is I kind of regret spending the near 3 hours I did reading this book when there are so many other books I want to get too.

The pacing is too slow with a lot of unnecessary whining by the heroine , there isn't nearly enough action or zombies in it and I wanted to like this a lot more than I did, in fact I may have settled for liking it period - the best I can say was that I didn't really hate it. The pacing is too slow with a lot of unnecessary whining by the heroine , there isn't nearly enough action or zombies in it and it just didn't work for me. Sarah isn't particularly the kind of character I thought she would be, and that I really wanted her to be. There were times she went on about how males felt the need to 'shield' her and coddle her and how people underestimate her.

But it was forced at best because her fears seemed mostly unfounded - not to mention not even a quarter into the book and she's all fatalistic about the currently nonexistent romantic relationship she has with Xavier about he's going to leave her when it's all over and break her heart, and I'm sitting here going huh?

Truthfully - she annoyed the snot out of me. There was quite a bit of moaning over how she couldn't be with Xavier. As for her skills - I was not impressed. I mean were told she's this highly trained trained in my opinion - nothing 'highly' about it officer, and yet the only time she manages to do anything is in the first scene and when she has the dart gun.

She does find some information during their 'investigation'. She fights back but it's ineffectual at best leading her to being saved by Mr. I expected a stronger heroine - not one that ends up having to constantly be saved. She does some but truthfully it could've been a lot better. Perfect - Xavier, he's not only a uber-hot soldier, he's a genius with computers, heir to a presumably wealthy father who owns a company dealing with computers , not to mention he is apparently a god in bed - oh and immune to the virus like Sarah.

He is the perfect man, sensitive to Sarah's needs and desires, but not apparently a very good soldier. I don't get how he could have missed the trap at the house the first time, or how he could have let Sarah get grabbed for that matter how she let herself get grabbed especially as she was supposed to be right behind him. Not to mention losing the civilian girl that had been bit? Oh and lets not forget the evil Sellars managing to get the drop on them both and while Sarah was facing him at that and how he was able to knock Xavier out and kidnap Sarah - again.

Don't even get me started on the zombies and the virus - it doesn't explain very well how the virus works and why only so few are immune? How long does it take for full infection to take effect if administered via experimentation rather than biting? As for the serum that may or may not help after someone is bitten - not enough information there either. There weren't nearly enough Zombies or people dying to really classify this as a true zombie book in my opinion.

Seriously, no casualties beyond some nameless passerby's. And how did the whole football team get infected?

I know some college kids are dumb but I'd think after the first couple were bitten on the rest would quickly figure somethings not quite right. And have you every seen a bunch of football jocks alone? I mean really alone? There are always people around - girlfriends, coaches, parents, etc. Beyond that there were only a few zombie scenes and they were all relatively short. The sex scenes were longer and more elaborate then the zombie scenes. Another thing, how did the zombies suddenly acquire at least a modicum of cognitive function? I was under the impression at the beginning they had none?

How would Sellars even be able to create something that gave them increasing cognitive function so that they were able to follow orders and even speak? Was it something that he had going on for a while because I find it very hard to believe he managed it in a number of days? I didn't like it, it may be different for another reader - but this wasn't for me. TO be honest its not looking like I'm going to finish this book. I picked it up on a whim and I'm kind of regretted I spent any time reading it when I have so many other books I've been wanting to read.

Why I dont like this book: Sarah, is not all that likable. She seems to have self esteem problems as well as some unfounded at least they are not explained all that well trust issues as well as daddy issues. I dont want any more of your issues! Xavier, has the opposite pr TO be honest its not looking like I'm going to finish this book. Xavier, has the opposite problem, he is just to damn likable.

There is nothing wrong with him. He has no committment issues, he decides he could commit to Sarah in less then 24 hours with no internal struggle. He's handsome, heir to a fortune, wicked smart computer genius , special ops military with a rock hard body and treats women with respect and lets them do their thing with out going all alpha on them.

The plot line is just kind of lame. This book is supposed to have zombies in it, but you only get a few pages of zombies and a whole bunch of Sarah whining about why she cant be Xavier. I did a lot of eye rolling over Sarah's internal struggle and found myself annoyed often. I havent even gotten to any sex scenes as of yet, but I read in another review that they were super cheesy, something about slapping on Sarah's "parts". That review did not make me want to rush to the "good parts". Leave the cheese for the crackers I'm going to eat later and out of my novels.

Mar 18, Darcy rated it really liked it Shelves: I haven't really hard much about this author, picked up the book to help complete a challenge, and man am I glad that I grabbed this one.

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The world that this book is set in is one much like we are used to, only the Navy has managed to create zombies while trying to create the ultimate soldier and the situation is slowly getting out of control. In New York, Sarah encounters one of these zombies and is brought to the attention of the government as she is one of the few that are immune to the bite I haven't really hard much about this author, picked up the book to help complete a challenge, and man am I glad that I grabbed this one. In New York, Sarah encounters one of these zombies and is brought to the attention of the government as she is one of the few that are immune to the bite and they want her on their team to help fight as she is a cop too.

Sarah is startled to find out that there really are zombies and from here the story ramps up like crazy. Sarah's government contact is a Green Beret named Xavier, and right from the start the sparks fly between the two of them. While they fight the zombies professionally they fight their attraction to each other too, but luckily for us they don't fight too hard which leads to some great scenes between the two of them. We also get to the the government conspiracy and how things are getting set up for future books.

I can't wait to get my hands on the next one seeing the commander fall hard, and also to see what will happen with John and Sam who hopefully will come into play in later books. Jan 10, Kathryn rated it it was amazing Shelves: The author opens up the story for us by sending one of the highly trained, immune agents out to meet the female officer that has been bitten and survived the toxic bites. Expecting nothing more than an awesome electricity between the two main characters the author does not disappoint.

Xavier and Sarah have a lot of work to do. And it has nothing to do with the attraction between them. They have to unravel why the zombie infestation is spreading in this small communit Zombies. They have to unravel why the zombie infestation is spreading in this small community, and why is it mutating?