Nobleza obliga (Spanish Edition)

nobleza obliga

Nobleza Obliga\ Comedia En Tres Actos y En Verso

The series, filmed at the Palacio de la Magdalena in Santander , is set in an early 20th century aristocratic hotel during the reign of King Alfonso XIII and is centered on the mysteries that involve the owner's family and the hotel servants. The events take place in — in Spain, near a town called Cantaloa.

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The working-class Julio Olmedo arrives at the luxurious Grand Hotel to visit his sister Cristina, who works there as a maid and who has recently been promoted to floor manager. Julio is told by a waiter that Cristina was fired for theft a month before, a story Julio does not believe.

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He is convinced something happened to her at the hotel and there was a coverup. He takes a job there as a waiter under the name Julio Espinosa to investigate his sister's disappearance.

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Together Julio and Alicia work to uncover the secrets of the Grand Hotel. Julio Olmedo arrives at the Gran Hotel to look for his sister Christina.

When he learns that she has been fired for theft and no one has any idea of her whereabouts, he joins the hotel as a waiter, with the help of Andres. Here he meets Alicia Alarcon whom he eventually falls in love with. The couple however cannot be together as Alicia is engaged to Diego Murquia the manager of the hotel.

At the end of the season she marries Diego despite being in love with Julio. As of June , episodes can be streamed on Netflix with English subtitles.

Hulu is showing the first season with English subtitles. Italy's Rai 1 premiered an adaptation directed by Luca Ribuoli on 1 September The Italian version consists of six episodes of two hours each, whereas the German broadcast has been divided into twelve one hour episodes.

Nobleza obliga | Spanish Translator

It is the first Egyptian series to air on Netflix. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

  1. File usage on Commons;
  2. Amengual, Claudia 1969-?
  3. "nobleza obliga" in English;
  4. Soul Soliloquy!
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