Odium (Dead Saga Book 1)

When hell claws its way up from the dark depths of the earth, and the dead begin to walk again, for several people the zombie apocalypse doesn't just mean the end of the world as they know it, it is also the beginning of a brave new life for them. In the third installment of the Odium series, having distanced herself from Mikey, Nina is on a mission. She's seeking a woman who could be the answer to all their problems Travelling alongside Nova, the two women are faced with countless threats and inexplicable circumstances But Nina is changing, feeling the strain of this life, and beginning to rethink the choices she's made and the woman she's become.

Sometimes a book goes temporarily out of print - and sometimes no audio version has ever been recorded. Audible wants to give you the most complete selection we can and we'll keep adding series and filling in gaps as quickly as possible. En route to find their friends, Nina and Michael find so much more. Finding a new purpose in life isn't easy, but Nina is realizing that she's stronger than she believes and needed more than she knows.

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The Dead Saga 8 books in series. Nina's Story Publisher's Summary. Nina's Story Odium 0. The Dead Saga By: Add to basket failed. Please try again later. Its insides spill onto the blacktop with a sound somewhat akin to vomit hitting the ground, but it comes for me regardless of its loss of intestines and capacity to hold any of my fine meaty face within it.

Something else I liked? People are pretty clueless! Sure, they learn as they go.

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  • Audio Book Reviewer | Odium (The Dead Saga Book #1) by Claire C. Riley.
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But when people suggest a bite won't turn you, I had to scratch my head a bit and wonder where this author was going with it. As it turns out, she's pretty damn smart and used their ignorance for some awesome action, drama, and gore. Odium definitely hits all my marks for what I look for at the end. I cheered, I laughed with some snarky characters, I saw some very original ideas, I got grossed out, scared, and happy.

Claire C Riley writes a pretty striking story, and hell, I'm still excited about it! If you are into zombies you better be , then check out Odium! I'm definitely moving forward with this series! Odium is my very first Claire Riley book and will not be my last! She obviously has no problems killing off characters, burning bridges, and symbolically letting the empire win the ground war for Endor! This story was hilarious and horrifyingly descriptive, engaging as many senses as possible without employing a scratch-and-sniff cover and a free bucket of congealed ooze.

Zombies are disgusting, messy, gross, and on their better days they tend to offend Odium is my very first Claire Riley book and will not be my last! Zombies are disgusting, messy, gross, and on their better days they tend to offend the olfactory organs in ways no one should ever know about. But you will, with every ooze, squish, and splash of gore! There are more f-bombs than an invading army would use, a sarcastic and guarded main character that drags us along through a broken world infested by deaders zombies, walkers, etc etc. The story has great pacing that gives you just enough time to catch your breath before something stinky hits the fan.

Missed a lot of sleep reading this book, it was one of those books that I kept saying just one more page and 2 hours later I would put it down. This is a great novel, an exciting story, an emotional roller coaster with fear, tragedy, horror and romance. The way the story is written it makes you feel like you are living the apocalypse with them and through out I felt like I was also f Missed a lot of sleep reading this book, it was one of those books that I kept saying just one more page and 2 hours later I would put it down.

My journey with them felt exciting and somewhat tiresome, with Claire painting a picture of a marvelously bleak dystopian future where the world belongs to the 'deaders' and the 'evils' of society. My mind was left wondering what if the world came to end, what would I do, what of my loved ones?

Definitely one of my favorites in the zombie genre. The book is well-written and well-edited. The characters are fully developed - the good, the not so great, and the bad in all. Both strengths and weaknesses are explored and add to the depth of each character.

See a Problem?

The best part is that this isn't your typical zombie story with those who have been planning for years what to do in the event of a z-event or have kick-butt survival skills. The main character, Nina, is just an average female who manages Definitely one of my favorites in the zombie genre. The main character, Nina, is just an average female who manages to survive against the odds. I really enjoyed this one and can't wait for the next in the series. I started reading and was not sure if I liked this book so decided to put it down for a few weeks and see if it was just the wrong time to read it.

I am so glad that I did! When I started again, I thought this book was great. At first I wasn't sure about Nina but as I read more, I saw her for the honest, bitchy, lonely, and scared character that made her human, and I liked that in her. Looking forward to the next book. I wrote this review a couple years ago. It all still applies now that I've re-read it. There are only 3 or 4 so that come to mind when I think of a zombie book that I actually enjoyed and could really get in edit: There are only 3 or 4 so that come to mind when I think of a zombie book that I actually enjoyed and could really get into.

This is one of them. To me, they usually feel repetitive and depressing. In my mind, there are only so many ways a zombie apocalypse can go. Now before you crucify me, read on. Odium is not a book like the rest of them. Of course it is the same when it comes to the undead trying to eat the living and what is left of humanity is trying to find a way to survive. Emily Rose is a picture of purity and innocence. Nina is who I think I would be like if I were to live this story. She is snarky, and hides behind sarcasm to protect her heart.

She knows enough to get by and can protect herself in a pinch. The story is told from her point of view. We are introduced to several other characters that, for the most part, are the people I would want to meet if I end up in this situation. Of course there are jerks, but life would be too easy if all the jerks conveniently got eaten by zombies. Just remember that sometimes, there are worse things out there than the zombies. Claire Riley is a jerk.

I wanted things to work out for some of them, and others I would love to have seen thrown to the zombies after being mildly tortured. She almost made me cry! She did such an amazing job of writing these characters that I really felt like I could feel what they were feeling and understand why they were doing the things they did. She lets us see through their eyes and feel their pain. She shows us how they have learned to adapt and appreciate the little things. She teaches us that maybe we as a people should really slow down and think about what we have and how lucky we are to have those things and the people we care about.

She makes you think about how you would react and feel if you were in that situation. One paragraph will be the dark evil that is life at that time, and the next will show the light of life that still grows. Not all authors can make you feel so much in so few pages. Her zombie story itself is a little bit different. It was a nice change. Not drastic, but different enough to give it that unique spin that sets it apart from other zombie books.

Aside from loving her characterization, and liking the uniqueness of the zombie virus, something else I liked was one of the ideas for shelter. At the beginning of the book, Claire also gives you a quick idea of where she got her ideas for the characters. I thought that was a nice touch in giving the reader a little bit more into her head and why she did what.

My ONLY complaint about this book was the ending. It was not, in any way a bad ending. It just felt somewhat abrupt. Whether you like zombie books or not. This book is worth every second that you spend reading it and then some. I cannot wait for the next one! If I could give this book more than 5 stars, I would.

Aug 03, Jade C. The story of how I discovered Claire C.

The Dead Saga

Riley and her book Odium The Dead Saga 1 is stranger than fiction. Anyway, the same day the ARCs went out, one of my beta readers told me to stop the presses! It was too late, and I was afraid that she or her readers might think I was trying to ride her coattails or confuse readers, when it was just that I'd had no idea.

I wrote a blog post just to clear the air and let it be known that that was not my intent at all, that it was a crazy coincidence. Anyway, mutual readers contacted her and she reached out to me. I discovered that Ms. Riley is a wonderful, warm human being, and—after chatting about our books—she and I agreed that probably the only things in common between our two books are 1 zombies and 2 a bad ass main character by the name of Nina.

I am glad to have met her albeit virtually. Anyway…that meeting felt like fate, so I bought Odium that day. The story was great. Odium was not like that at all. Every time I got comfortable, Riley pulled the rug out from under me. This book ends in a cliffhanger. The characters…where do I begin? I liked her character.

Odium (The Dead Saga Book #1) by Claire C. Riley

I also really liked Mikey. Yes, I could practically see and smell them…and to think that black is—er, used to be my favorite color… One of the things I personally need most from a book is realism—believability. Do I think zombies will ever walk the earth? We, as readers, simply have to suspend our disbelief of, perhaps, one element and then let the author take us on a journey, and Riley is a hell of a storyteller. I will definitely read the remainder of the books in the series, and I highly recommend them. I even recommend this book for my romance reader friends, because there is a strong romantic storyline that made my heart swell.

The story itself earned five stars but I am too easily distracted by punctuation because, in my head, I am always editing, always grading, and it will sometimes pull me out of the story, but I know not everyone has issues with that. Again, I highly recommend this book. Now on to book two… Odium is a tight little zombie apocalypse novel about a woman named Nina. The story starts off with our protagonist in what I would consider a town enclave, but all is not rosy on this side of the fence. Unfortunately, undead humans trying to rip brains out of your skull aren't the biggest worry for Nina, but the shit stains that rule the town are.

Nin Odium is a tight little zombie apocalypse novel about a woman named Nina. Nina leaves the enclave with a young teenager in tow, and the story follows them as they meet another band of survivors, discover a group called the Forgotten assholes as well , and deal with the lies and deceit that are part of the human condition.

This story is obviously set up to be part of a series, the ending leaving off with many questions unanswered. Besides the current plot still left open, we're left to wonder how the Zombie Apocalypse started, exactly what happened between Nina and her husband Ben, and everyone elves stories to boot.

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Editorial Reviews. Review. "Claire C. Riley is a name you need to add to your list. She may very well be the best writer you have never heard of but need to.". From USA Today Bestselling Author Claire C. Riley comes the first book in the intense post-apocalyptic series, ODIUM. Bringing life, love & survival together for .

Not a bad thing per se, but with a novel this short I think it would have benefited from having more to it. My biggest issue with the writing was that many of Nina's decisions seemed quickly reached, without due thought put into them. The POV is told from her view, so we get a running commentary on most everything with Nina's voice. I honestly really liked this about the story, Nina has a wicked sense of humor, and is pretty down to earth, even while caving in some zed head.

What bothered me were situations like at the very beginning. When Emily is about to be booted out the town, Nina decides to go with her. We get a quick glimpse why from her thoughts and it's more thoroughly explained later but I felt it was too rushed. Perhaps more back drop should have been written out, just a few pages of right before the incident, showing up the squalor and unhappy citizens or something. Also, she caught feelings for Mickey pretty fast.

I don't mean "omigawdIloveyoulet'shavebabies" thankfully, but they go from shotgun in the face to trusting in two blinks and a shake. Sure, there were zombies at the door, but from choosing the lesser of two evils you don't start trusting immediately. There was one error I saw, on page 41 Nina and Emily are in a house and this happens: So what's that first house doing with electricity anyways?

I looked again, but I didn't see mention of any generators or anything. All in all, I found this to be a 3. While Nina making decisions in a manner that seemed flippant and not well thought out bothered me, I was still intrigued. Why do maggots and bugs avoid zombie flesh but bacteria is obviously having no trouble? The zombies are all pretty much rotting away, is there an end in sight? How on earth did this happen anyways?

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Will Nina save the townsfolk from the Forgotten, end up saving humans from themselves? Looking forward to the next one. Hey, book on GR! The book opens after the end of the world. Zombies have taken over and life as we know it is gone. Nina is living behind the walls of a protected city, but not for long. She steps up and follows the girl, Emily, beyond the walls into the unknown beyond. I love that the story starts well after the beginning of t The book opens after the end of the world.

I love that the story starts well after the beginning of the end. Finding food, transportation and supplies is not so easy as walking into the local Walmart. Looting and pillaging has long since passed, and now finding even a single can of food is lucky. The book is also full of colorful analogies. There is so much brackish blood and violence, and it fulfills that deep-seated primordial darkness that lives inside all of us. I have already dug into the sequel, and I know I will be harassing Claire constantly for the third installment.

A copy of this book was provided by the author in exchange for an honest review. FangirlMoments and My Two Cents.

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How often did we use to take things like this for granted? I am not a fan of horror novels or zombie books in fact I have only read one other zombie book ever but I do love The Walking Dead so I was game to give thi "Life offers such little pleasures these days I am not a fan of horror novels or zombie books in fact I have only read one other zombie book ever but I do love The Walking Dead so I was game to give this book a try after reading some recommendations.

This was a super cool, but more romantic version of that series, with a few surprises and twists. When Nina first sets out beyond the walls to be a protector for Emily as she is cast from the city but more importantly to gain her own freedom she is fearful but determined to get them to safety and find a better life for them.

Along the way they meet, hook-up with various others who will come and go and end up in an unexpected place much worse than the city they ran from. This is a cleverly written story of survival and humanity Riley vividly paints a futuristic world filled with despair but also gives glimpses of hope Live every day like it is your last Don't take what you have for granted, because it could all disappear in the blink of an eye LOVED this book and am ready for the next because it's not over at all Odium by Claire C Reilly is an extremely well written story.

As I write that I am a bit amazed that I feel this much about a book I was completely prepared to dislike. You see I am not big on books about zombies so was not really expecting much from this one. But a friend asked me to read and review this book written by a friend of hers. You know those friend of a friend situations, I know you do.

Your asked to do something you don't really want to do but you do simply because of who asked you. So there I was reading a book about zombies even though as a rule I don't care for zombie stories. And low and behold it is really good. I mean really really good. The story is so well written that even I an anti zombie book reader cannot find fault with it. It has an excellent storyline, superb story telling. I could not even find fault with the grammar! And this by a relatively unknown author! The dialog is well written and believable. If there were going to be a zombie apocalypse this is how it would be in my mind.

On top of that I found each character to be believable. As if they were someone I used to know or live next door to or dated. It was so realistic that I sometimes had to quit reading because it was too creepy! One night my husband worked extra late, I was reading as is normal and actually got so scared I ended up sleeping with the light on. I know, I know it is ridiculous for a 50 year old women to sleep with the light on due to a scary story. But there I was too afraid to turn out the light! If you like scary, gory zombie apocalypse stories this is a fabulous one.

Probably one of the best written books I have read in the last year. Claire C Reilly's Odium get today. It sneaks in and takes everyone and everything you ever loved, until you're left with nothing at all. And the person standing in the aftermath is forever changed. Even after finding a protective haven amongst the chaos, Nina learns that the worst monster is mankind itself.

A heart is broken and humanity is slipping away. But for Nina, catastrophe has made her stronger. If she wants to keep breathing, she has to be. After all, being hard is the only way to survive. It's better to die by the gun than die by the dead. Nina's life was irrevocably changed when humanity's dead began to rise. Now, she lives behind the walls. The barricaded cities, erected by the government to protect the remnants of civilization, have become a brutal dictatorship- causing the inhabitants within to starve, steal and claw for survival. Life behind the walls has become as terrifying as roaming the zombie-ridden landscape beyond.

When hell claws its way up from the dark depths of the Earth, and the dead begin to walk again, for several people the zombie apocalypse doesn't just mean the end of the world as they know it, it is also the beginning of a brave new life for them. For some it offers freedom, for others a deeper torment and unforgiving life than they ever thought possible. The coward, the street rat, the hero, and the lovers, everyone has their place.