Planspiele - Lernen im Methoden-Mix: Integrative Lernkonzepte in der Diskussion (German Edition)

Mathematical argumentation and proof — Supporting a complex cognitive skill. Eine Betrachtung von Forschungskompetenz, wissenschaftlichem Argumentieren und dem Umgang mit wissenschaftlicher Originalliteratur. Forschungsforum organisiert auf dem Inferring mindful cognitive-processing of peer-feedback via eye-tracking: The role of feedback-characteristics, fixation-durations and transitions. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning , 31 5 , Collaborative learning in higher education: Research Papers in Education , 30 2 , Communication of Feelings in the Digital Era. Games and Culture, 10 1 , Examining value creation in a community of learning practice: Methodological reflections on story-telling and story-reading.

Moving beyond case studies: Applying social network analysis to study learning as participation in communities of practice. Research and Practice, 1 2 , Enhancing diagnostic competence with self-explanation prompts and adaptable feedback. Medical Education, 49 10 , — Social mobility through mathematics proficiency for English language learners. Journal of Social Change, 7 1 , Eine Interviewstudie zur Schnittstelle zwischen bildungswissenschaftlicher Forschung und professionellem Handeln im Bildungsbereich. Unterrichtswissenschaft, 43 3 , The development of scientific thinking in elementary school: Child Development, 86 , — British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 33 , 57— Sense of community in academic communities of practice: Higher Education , 69 2 , Generative online learning communities: The effect of peer participation perception on the acceptance and use of conceptual artefacts.

Finding open-ended learning environments on the Internet: Automated dialogue assessment in academic virtual communities of practice. Computers in Human Behavior, 47 1 , An inventory for primary school. Frontline Learning Research, 3 4 , 56— Does working memory training transfer? A meta-analysis including training conditions as moderators. Educational Psychologist, 50 2 , — Nutzung von Evidenz im Bildungsbereich: Auswirkungen digitaler Medien auf den Wissens- und Kompetenzerwerb in der Schule.

GameLog — Gamification in der Intralogistik. Analyse von inhaltlichen, formalen und systemtechnischen Erfolgsfaktoren. Analyse der Wissenskommunikation in einer Matrixorganisation. Explicit fun, implicit learning in Multiplayer Online Battle Arenas: Methodological proposal for studying development of cognitive skills using commercial video games.

In Proceedings of VS-Games Apprenticeship and school learning. Model for analyzing value education in schools in Germany. Planspiele und Serious Games - Basis einer neuen Lernkultur. Murillo Montes de Oca, A. Supporting integrative interdisciplinary research discourse: A case study analysis.

Herausforderungen, Erfahrungen, Perspektiven S. Fostering dimensions of self-determination theory by moderate constructivist designed e-tutor training programs. Madrid, Spain, March , Informal learning in online knowledge communities: Predicting community response to visitor inquiries.

Predicting newcomer integration in online knowledge communities by automated dialog analysis. Online knowledge communities as student-centered open learning environments: How likely will they be to integrate learners as new members? The International Society of the Learning Sciences. Trends and issues of the empirical research of the years How does time shape a virtual community of practice?

The impact of peer feedback on mathematical reasoning: Informal feedback practices in the workplace: A study of perceptions and feedback experiences. Interaction and engagement mediating perceived learning outcomes of group learning activities. Core and periphery in learning communities: Do they value experienced participation differently? Conceptuele review van modellen voor het ontwerp van groepsleeractiviteiten in het hoger onderwijs [Conceptual review of model for the design of group learning activities in higher education].

A meta-analysis on intervention studies. Fostering Scientific Reasoning in Higher Education: Learning and Instruction ] Engelmann, K. Eine metaanalytische Betrachtung der Effekte von Interventionen auf wissenschaftliches Denken und Argumentieren. Paper presented at the 3. Structured briefs Help to communicate research more efficiently to practitioners. Vortrag auf der 3. What kinds of resources do teachers rely on in their professional practice? Implementation model for the gamification of business processes - A study from the field of material handling. Current Practical Value Education in Germany.

Model for analyzing value education in institutions. Wertebildung in Sozialisationsinstanzen — eine empirische Erhebung in Deutschland. Vortrag auf der Formative assessment practices in mathematics education among secondary schools in Tanzania. Der Effekt von Scaffolding und des Timings kognitiver Modellierung auf den Fertigkeitserwerb in empirischen Forschungsmethoden.

In Druck / in press

Effects of scaffolding and the timing of modeling examples on skill acquisition in science education. Value education in the context of STEM — a project to integrate values. An implementation approach on value education in organizations. Implementation of work-oriented training on values in organizations. Implementing training measures in organizations to foster value education.

Can basic psychological needs be fostered by a moderate constructivist designed online training programs? Do moderate constructivist e-tutor training programs foster dimensions of self-determination theory? If scientific reasoning is what the tests test, then what is scientific reasoning? Chicago, IL, April , A structural equation model of distinct components and their influencing factors. Influences of primary-school scientific thinking: Understanding the recursive nature of mental states and inhibitory control.

How assessment for learning promotes self-regulation, co-regulation and shared regulation. Psychological need satisfaction via gamification. Using gamification to foster motivation and performance in the workplace. Improving diagnostic competence by peer feedback on erroneous diagnoses. Fostering second language skills of primary school students with a migratory background. The role of basic cognitive functions and fluid intelligence for knowledge acquisition in learning environments with varying degrees of instructional support.

Bucharest, Romania, April , Umgang mit wissenschaftlicher Evidenz im Bildungsbereich. Symposium auf der 3. A perspective across domains. Using PowerPoint in lectures: What explains the speech suppression effect? Certainty in evidence-based decision-making in own and other domain. Praxis Schule, 4 , 6— Eine Initiative der Stiftung Fairchance. Leitfaden "Naturwissenschaften, Technik und Werte".

Praxis Schule, 4 , Improving early detection of childhood depression in mental health care: Psychiatry Research, 3 , — Unfolding perspectives on networked professional learning: Exploring ties and time. Frontline Learning Research, 2 2 , Legitimate peripheral participation in communities of practice. Participation support structures for newcomers in faculty student councils. Journal of the Learning Sciences, 23 2 , Scientific Reasoning and Argumentation: Advancing an Interdisciplinary Research Agenda in Education.

Frontline Learning Research, 2 3 , Getting immersed in teacher and student perspectives? Facilitating analytical competence using video cases in teacher education. Instructional Science , 42 1 , Promoting medical competencies through international exchange programs: BMC Medical Education, 14 1 , Why it is hard to make use of new learning spaces: Technology, Pedagogy and Education, 23 1 , Effects of collaboration scripts and heuristic worked examples on the acquisition of mathematical argumentation skills of teacher students with different levels of prior achievement.

Learning and Instruction, 32 , Evaluating social interaction and support methods over time — a pilot field study. Leeres Versprechen oder echtes Potenzial?. Non-significant intention—behavior effects in educational technology acceptance: A case of competing cognitive scripts?. Computers in Human Behavior, 34, Designing Smart Knowledge Building Communities.

Interaction Design and Architecture s Journal, 22 , British Journal of Educational Technology, 45 1 , Learning with video-based examples - Are you sure you do not need help?. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 30 6 , Towards an open software architecture for interleaved knowledge and natural language processing. Applied Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics, 7 1 , Where is the evidence? A meta-analysis on the role of argumentation for the acquisition of domain-specific knowledge in computer-supported collaborative learning.

Psychologie in Erziehung und Unterricht, 61 1 , Fostering diagnostic competence in different domains. Der Einfluss von Fehlern. Nachhaltige Entwicklung im Bildungsbereich. Grand Challenges in Technology Enhanced Learning: Outcomes of the 3rd Alpine Rendez-Vous. Chapters in Books and Peer-Reviewed Proceedings. Effects of peer feedback content and sender's competence on perceptions and mindful cognitive processing of written peer feedback: An eye tracking study.

Communities of learning practice: Balancing emergence and design in educational setting. Learning and becoming in practice Vol. Evolution of communities of learning practice in higher education: Collective units of analysis.

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Learning and becoming in practice: The interplay of domain-specific and domain-general factors in scientific reasoning and argumentation. Learning in or with Games?. Theoretische Grundlagen, empirische Befunde, praktische Anwendungsfelder S. Creating a reference data set for satellite image content based retrieval. Frascati , Proceedings of the conference on Big Data from Space pp. Publications Office of the European Union. Implementation model for developing training measures to foster values in an organization.

Towards a pattern language for Cognitive Systems Integration. Personale Faktoren im Feedbackprozess. Theoretische Grundlagen, empirische Befunde, praktische Anwendungsfelder [Feedback and evaluation: Theoretical foundations, empirical findings, practical implementation] pp. The role of content support and transactivity for effects of computer-supported collaboration scripts on domain-specific learning: How do learners process information in lectures? The role of projected slides and type of Note-taking. The application of eye tracking as a link between peer feedback characteristics, perceptions and performance.

The intended, implemented and experienced curriculum]. Experienced and observed value creation in communities of learning practice: Looking at the same scene from within and outside the box. Linking leadership behavior to ethical and performance outcomes: The leadership development model.

Heitzmann N, Wershofen, B. Effects of Scaffolding with Self-Explanation Prompts. Argumentieren mit Evidenzen im Bildungsbereich. Kompetenzen der Bewertung von Studien. Konferenzbeitrag auf der 2. In which contexts of application do teachers use products of educational research as a resource? Findings from an interview study. Kompetenzen der Nutzung wissenschaftlicher Evidenzen im Bildungsbereich — Validierung eines Messinstruments. Konferenzbeitrag auf dem Lowering the bar for evidence-based practice in teaching — what structured abstracts may contribute. Eine Interviewstudie zur Schnittstelle zwischen bildungswissenschaftlicher Forschung und professionellem Handeln.

Involving student assessors in direct-performance assessment: A qualitative content analysis of provided feedback.

Current value education in Germany. Actual Practical Value Education in Germany. Nachhaltige Entwicklung in der Grundschule: Entwicklung und Analyse von drei Lerneinheiten. Der Effekt des Zeitpunkts kognitiver Modellierung und Scaffolding auf den Fertigkeitserwerb in empirischen Forschungsmethoden. A case study for user evaluation of a CBIR tool: An application of open-ended feedback with comment clustering and inductive categorization. Paper presented at the Image Information Mining Conference: Implementation of a work-oriented training on values in organizations.

Planspiele - Lernen im Methoden-Mix: Integrative Lernkonzepte in der Diskussion (German Edition) eBook: Sebastian Schwägele, Birgit Zürn, Friedrich . Planspiele - Lernen im Methoden-Mix: Integrative Lernkonzepte in der Diskussion on See all formats and editions Hide other formats and editions Paperback; Publisher: Books on Demand (September 17, ); Language: German; ISBN ; ISBN ; Product Dimensions.

An implementation approach of a training on values in organizations. Implementation von Wertebildung im Kontext von Weiterbildung. Value education in german organizations — an implementation model. Poster presented at the Bochum, Germany, September , Understanding the nature of science and understanding experimentation in elementary school: Cognitive influences and advanced theory of mind.

Paper presented at the 2. Factors facilitating conceptual understanding in experimentation. Structure and relations to general cognitive development. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Developmental Section of the British Psychological Society, Amsterdam, Netherlands, September , A latent variable model and relations to general cognitive abilities.

The future of self-assessment: Known unknowns and probable directions. Strijbos Chair , The future of self-assessment: Considered reflections on new directions. Feasibility of Gamification to Foster Learning and Working Motivation - A design-based research study in intralogistics. Vortrag auf der 2. Vortrag auf dem 8. Argentinischen Deutschlehrerkongress, Rosario, Argentinien, Symposion Deutschdidaktik, Basel, 7. An interactional framework for feedback as a dialogue: The role of inter personal factors.

Entwicklung und Validierung eines Messinstruments. What explains the speech suppression effect of computer-based slide projections? Vortrag auf dem Joint meeting "Seeing eye to eye: Do cross-domain skills of scientific reasoning and argumentation exist?. Wirtschaftspsychologie aktuell, 21 3 , Defining and characterizing the concept of Internet Meme. Toward a script theory of guidance in computer-supported collaborative learning. Educational Psychologist, 48 1 , Orchestration is nothing without conducting — but arranging ties the two together!

A response to Dillenbourg Stability of attitudes and participation in online university courses: Gender and location effects. Computers and Education, 68 1 , Educational technology acceptance across national and professional cultures: Educational Technology Research and Development, 61 4 , The impact of a rubric and friendship on peer assessment: Effects on construct validity, performance, and perceptions of fairness and comfort.

Studies in Educational Evaluation, 39 4 , Feedback perceptions and attribution by secretarial employees: Effects of feedback-content and sender characteristics. European Journal of Training and Development, 37 1 , Psychological Perspectives on Motivation through Gamification. Interaction Design and Architecture s Journal, 19 , How to support prescriptive statements by empirical research: Educational Psychology Review, 25 1 , Presenting theoretical ideas prior to inquiry activities fosters theory-level knowledge.

Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 50 10 , Computer-supported collaborative learning with digital video cases in teacher education: The impact of teaching experience on knowledge convergence. Computers in Human Behavior, 29 5 , Bedingungen, Prozesse und Wirkungen.

Schulinspektion als eine Form externer Evaluation. Bedingungen, Prozesse und Wirkungen S. Fostering learning and collaboration in a scientific community — evidence from an experiment using RFID devices to measure collaborative processes. Learning across Levels of Space, Time, and Scale: Collaboration scripts in computer-supported collaborative learning. Die Idee und ihre Umsetzung S.

A multivocal process analysis of social positioning in study groups. When instruction supports collaboration, but does not lead to learning — the case of classroom and small group scripts in the CSCL classroom. The role of drop-out in virtual collaboration.


International Association of Technology, Education and Development. Collective Information Sampling S.

Information Pooling Paradigma S. Antecedents of teachers' sense of responsibility. Fostering requirements of education for sustainable development in primary schools. An approach for the implementation of a work-oriented training on values in organizations. Narrative skills of school starters with migration background — analyzing a two years lasting language training program.

Learning to argue in mathematics: Cognitive processing of written peer-feedback: Kognitive Verarbeitung von textbasiertem Peer Feedback: Converting beliefs into practices. Collaborative learning in teacher education: Intended, implemented and experienced curriculum. Admiraal Chair , Samen leren en samen werken van aanstaande docenten [Collaborative learning and collaborative working of intending teachers]. Building an effective community of learners: A longitudinal study in higher education.

Fostering learning in a scientific community through access to community knowledge. The development of collaborations in a scientific community — evidence from an experiment using sociometric RFID devices. Instructional support for vicarious learning in teacher education.

An integrative review of literature on the learner in the digital era. Many terms to characterize students in the digital era: Time for a unifying concept. Validation of a model and evaluation of instructional suppor t. When error-explanation prompts and adaptable feedback cannot support the learning of diagnostic competence. Schnittstellen zwischen Unterrichtsalltag und empirischer Forschung: Vortrag auf der 1. Does domain-general argumentation competence exist?. A framework for incorporating implementation fidelity in educational evaluation studies. Performance-based assessment for diagnosing beginners: The viability of involving peer-raters.

The viability of involving peer-rates. Effects of small group collaboration scripts and classroom scripts. Effects of the dropout on group performance in virtual settings. Evaluating virtual collaboration over time — a pilot field study. Providing support for collaborative online learning — an evaluation field study. Poster auf der Fostering knowledge and attitudes in the context of education for sustainable development in primary schools. How collaboration scripts are internalized: A script theory of guidance perspective.

Improvement of value orientation by work-oriented training in organizations. Work-oriented training in organizations for improving value orientation. How do we want to work tomorrow?


Modelling hierarchical levels of understanding. Instructional support for vicarious learning in medical education. Fostering second language acquisition in primary schools — implementation and evaluation. Poster auf der Tagung Zwei t: Development of an instrument that measures observable leadership behavior.

Advances in the analysis of discourse in computer-supported collaborative learning. Collaboration in a scientific community of practice: Effects of accessibility of community knowledge. The model of argumentative knowledge construction: Peer feedback to support collaborative learning: Unlocking the promise within. From research instruments to classroom assessments: A call for tools to assist teacher assessment of collaborative learning. Bewertungen von Leistungen von Erstsemesterstudierenden in einem performanzbasierten Assessment: Ist Peer-Rating eine Option?

Is peer-rating an option? The impact of CSCL scripts on the acquisition of knowledge and skills: Is there synergy of domain-specific and collaboration support in fostering argumentation skills?. A negative effect of projected slides on learning in lectures with and without note-taking. Does PowerPoint foster learning? First Experiences with Urinary Sediment and Haemostaseology.

Educational technology acceptance from cross-cultural perspective: Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 11 4 , — From A to Z. Empfehlungspapier zur Didaktik der Aus- und Weiterbildung in der Evaluation. Case-based learning in virtual groups — collaborative problem solving activities and learning outcomes in a virtual professional training course. Interactive Learning Environments, 20 4 , Developing segmentation and classification schemes for fully automatic analysis of online discussions.

Online conceptual artefacts and their acceptance among adult users. Knowledge sharing and educational technology acceptance in online academic communities of practice. Campus-Wide Information Systems, 29 2 , Communities of practice in academia: Testing a quantitative model. Learning, Culture and Social Interaction, 1 2 , Online help-seeking in communities of practice: Modeling the acceptance of conceptual artifacts.

Theoretische Modelle und empirische Befunde". Collaborative mobile learning in situ from knowledge building perspectives. Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, 21 1 , Vicarious learning during simulations: Is it more effective than hands-on training?. Medical Education, 46 10 , Collaborative argumentation and cognitive elaboration in a computer-supported collaborative learning environment. Instructional Science, 40 2 , Slide presentations as speech suppressors: When and why learners miss oral information. Fostering the analytical competency of pre-service teachers in a computer-supported case-based learning environment - a matter of perspective?.

Interactive Learning Environments, 20 6 , Theoretische Modelle und empirische Befunde. Play for children, work for parents! Patterns of educational technology acceptance over generations. Legitimate peripheral participation in academic communities of practice — How newcomers' learning is supported in student councils.

The Future of Learning - Volume 2: Short Papers, Symposia, and Abstracts pp. In Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences. Implementation process of a knowledge management initiative: Curriculare Herausforderungen bei der Integration von Planspielen. Integrative Lernkonzepte in der Diskussion S. Learning in or with games? Quality criteria for digital learning games from the perspectives of learning, emotion, and motivation theory. Transfer in der beruflichen Weiterbildung. Traditionslinien und Perspektiven S. Using heuristic worked examples and collaboration scripts to help learners acquire mathematical argumentation skills.

Effects of small-group collaboration scripts and classroom scripts on online search competence during a Biology inquiry unit. Computer-Supported Inquiry Learning pp. Ruhr University of Bochum. Effects of support methods on virtual collaboration — a subjective evaluation. Evaluating the effects of support methods on virtual collaboration.

Evaluating virtual collaboration and support methods over time — a pilot field study. Orchestrating computer-supported collaborative learning: Effects of knowledge sharing and shared knowledge. Auswahl, Konzepte, Lernarrangements, Erfahrungen. An acceptance model for conceptual artifacts. Friendship in the reliability of non-rubric and rubric-based peer assessment. Assessment and Evaluation Conference. Wie wenig Instruktion ist zu wenig? Learning and Professional Development Conference. Scripting science inquiry learning in CSCL classrooms.

Different collaborative learning settings to foster mathematical argumentation skills. Werteerziehung im Deutschunterricht pp. Continuous monitoring for IT governance with domain ontologies. Emerging standards and protocols for governance, risk and compliance management. Documents, Data and Advanced Web Technologies pp. Developing a coding scheme for analysing peer feedback messages. Effects of computer-supported collaboration scripts on domain-specific and domain-general learning outcomes: Fostering online search competence in an inquiry learning curriculum: Effects of continuous and faded collaboration scripts.

Building upon what is already there: The role of prior knowledge, background information, and scaffolding in Inquiry Learning. Knowledge Management for Projects. Similarities to sleep apnea. Identifying discrepancies between expertise and expert status in academic virtual communities of practice. Medical qualification online Quomed — An innovative and interactive online CME programme for general practitioners. De invloed van het onderwijsontwerp op leeropbrengsten van samenwerkend leren op Pabo's.

Employee oriented implementation of an expert finding tool. The acceptance of Wikis as collaborative authoring tools within corporate settings.

A program theory driven perspective on training evaluation. On the interrelation of evaluation and knowledge management — A systematic analysis. Kompetent Argumentieren mit Evidenzen - Kompetenzmessung in den Erziehungswissenschaften und der Medizin. Learn how to teach sport through observation.

A cross-cultural view of educational technology acceptance. The influence of culture and infrastructure availability on educational technology acceptance: Sense of community in academic communities of practice. The development of conceptions of science in elementary school: Understanding theories, designing experiments and interpreting data. Paper presented at the 8. Inquiry Learning with elementary school children: Prior or subsequent presentation of theoretical background information? Effects of feedback-content and sender-characteristics on feedback perceptions and attributions of secretarial employees.

Graduate students' rationality and academic motivation.

Rationality and control in academic settings. The role of prior knowledge, background information and scaffolding in Inquiry Learning. Computer-supported case-based learning for pre-service teachers: Effects of hyperlinks to conceptual knowledge and multiple perspectives. Genossenschaftliche Werte in der Weiterbildung. Evidence-based practice in education requires quasi- representative designs. The Brunswik Society Newsletter, 27 , Virtual mentoring in communities of practice in an online university: Technology acceptance, technology use and perceptions of the learning process.

International Journal of Arts and Sciences, 4 16 , Multidisciplinary cooperation in education: European Educational Research Journal, 10 1 , Online-Diskussionen in der Hochschullehre: Webbasiertes Forschendes Lernen im naturwissenschaftlichen Unterricht. Psychologie in Erziehung und Unterricht , 58 4 , — Fostering argument justification using collaboration scripts and content schemes.

Learning and Instruction, 21 5 , — E-tutorial support for collaborative online learning: An explorative study on experienced and inexperienced e-tutors. Stretching the limits in help-seeking research: Theoretical, methodological, and technological advances. Learning and Instruction, 21 2 , Computer-supported collaborative inquiry learning and classroom scripts: Effects on help-seeking processes and learning outcomes. A quantitative model for the analysis and evaluation of the collaborative structure of a knowledge building community.

Structuring CSCL through collaborative techniques and scripts. Teaching the rectal exam with simulations - reduction of inhibition and acquisition of knowledge. Medical Education, 45 10 , Peer review-based scripted collaboration to support domain-specific and domain general knowledge acquisition in computer science. Computer Science Education, 21 1 , Aktives Lernen durch Argumentieren: Unterrichtswissenschaft, 39 3 , — Assessment of computer-supported collaborative learning. From guided to self-regulated performance of domain-general skills: The role of peer monitoring during the fading of instructional scripts.

Learning and Instruction , 21 6 , The effect of vertical-horizontal individualism-collectivism on acculturation and the moderating role of gender. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 3 1 , Learning and Instruction, 21 2. Use of learning strategies by students in an online-course at university — A situation-specific perspective on the use of self-regulate learning. Problems and Promises S. Intergenerative Wissenskommunikation in Betrieben und Organisationen. Kompetenz- und Wissensmanagement im Mittelstand S. Orchestrating Web-based collaborative inquiry learning with small group and classroom scripts.

Case-based learning in a virtual professional training — collaborative problem solving activities and outcomes. Supporting virtual collaborative learning using structuring methods. Theoretical and practical perspectives pp. Differences between experienced and non-experienced European e-tutors when fostering collaborative online learning.

Differences between experienced and non-experienced e-tutors. E-tutorial support for virtual collaborative learning in practice — an explorative field study. An international project on supporting online collaboration: A framework for the development of classification schemes for automatic classifications of online discussions.

Eine explorative Studie des Umgangs mit kulturellen Artefakten in musikalischen Wissensgemeinschaften.

Medical Education, 46 10 , International handbook of the learning sciences. Designing Smart Knowledge Building Communities. The role of content support and transactivity for effects of computer-supported collaboration scripts on domain-specific learning: An interactional framework for feedback as a dialogue: The effects of cooperative learning and feedback on e-learning in statistics. Herausforderungen, Erfahrungen, Perspektiven S.

Verifying a quantitative model of communities of practice in a computer users' community. Wie gut sind die guten alten FAQs? Help-seeking in communities of practice: Design and evaluation of a help system supporting knowledge sharing. Educational technology and culture: A software assurance evidence approach to cloud security. Rule-enhanced domain models for cloud security governance, risk and compliance management. Requirements metadata driven dynamic configuration of business processes.

Concepts, opportunities and challenges pp. Quantifying qualities in collaborative knowledge construction: The myth of over-scripting: Can novices be supported too much?. How can current approaches to the transfer of technology-based collaboration script for research and practice be integrated?.

Supporting argumentative knowledge construction in face-to face settings: From graphical learning designs to computer-supported collaboration scripts: A rapid development process. Preventing over-scripting effects in computer-supported collaborative learning by adaptable scripts. Context based classification for automatic collaborative learning process analysis. The role of argumentation for domain-specific knowledge gains in computer-supported collaborative learning: Explaining the effects of continuous and faded scripts on online search skill: The role of collaborative strategy practice.

Virtual mentoring in communities of practice in an online university. Creating, modifying, and sharing representations in communities. Bedarf von Wissenskommunikation in einem Unternehmen: Konzeption und Implementierung von Gelbe Seiten.

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Vortrag auf der 7. Evaluation of a successful training program. Yellow Pages richtig konzipieren und erfolgreich implementieren. Vortrag auf den 7. During my work I realized that many problems in projects can be traced back to a lack in communication, collaboration and distribution of important information. The key causes of these problems are based both on a personal and a technical level.

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Especially due to the technical background, I am a valued partner for engineering companies, public and private clients, government agencies, educational institutions as well as non-profit organization. My particular strength is experience-based learning. Skip to main content. Synergies, obstacles, solutions published in German: BIM in der Projektsteuerung: