A Walk with My Father

Dance With My Father
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It will stick with you for the rest of your life. As some of you may have seen in other articles on the site, such as our review of Transforming Loss , grief has the power to change you, depending on what you make of it.

Dance With My Father Lyrics

But what may not always be articulated as clearly is that grief can never be tossed away completely, regardless of how old someone is when a loved one is lost. The song itself was an immediate chart-topper that struck a chord with countless radio listeners who would phone in constantly requesting the song. In these few lines, the clarity and adoration of these memories of a young Vandross create a powerful image that solidifies the deep impact that family can have on us, even if our time with them is brief.

Grief can never be tossed away completely, regardless of how old someone is when a loved one is lost.

Season of Life

"Dance with My Father" is the title track to singer and songwriter Luther Vandross' thirteenth studio album. With Richard Marx, Vandross wrote the song based on. In the dark evening, my father and I walk down the road to the old house where my grandmother lived.

Although I have not lost my father, I did lose my grandfather at a very young age, and thus, my memories of him are very brief and incomplete. But despite that, when I do think of him and hear other family members tell stories about him, I do still feel a loss for never having gotten to spend as much time with him as I would have liked. These memories of a young Vandross create a powerful image that solidifies the deep impact that family can have on us, even if our time with them is brief. Grief is nothing, if not complicated, and the pain that we feel is often reaffirmed when we share it with family members.

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Before me stood two tall doors that would soon be opened. We have come such a long way in becoming a stable, successful, and happy family. Refresh and try again. As a woman that has had major struggles in her life, the poems in this book open up my eyes a little more about myself and where I go i I am still a newcomer to poetry. I really love this song beyond verbal expression, the lyrics and the music they are strong for sure. General Comment i totally agree with you.

Sometimes it can be much harder to see our family dealing with this pain than it is when we bear it ourselves. Find the full lyrics here: I saw a concert of his years ago and loved seeing him. I did not know this song — thanks so much Kimberly for bringing my attention to such lovely lyrics.

Yes thanks for pointing that out!


I actually saw one of his concerts years ago, even though my blogger Kimberly who wrote this, has no idea. I was thrilled to see she included a Vandross song.


My name is Jackiee. I was 19 when I gave birth to my son Cameron.

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When Cam was 2 months old, I was a single parent and had been thrown out of my house. I had absolutely no idea how to be a parent, or even if that was a role I could really handle. I began looking into adoption. I was told it was a home for young woman and their children to go, when they had nowhere else.

Walking with My Father

I looked into it and decided I would give it a try, seeing as I would do anything to be the parent my son needed. It was the best decision I ever made. I also grew so much, not only learning how to be a mom, but how to be a responsible adult and role model for my child as well. Now at age 24, and Cameron 4, we successfully live on our own, and have for 2 years.

Dance With My Father - Fathers Day Cover