Die Henkerstochter und der Teufel von Bamberg (Die Henkerstochter-Saga) (German Edition)


  • There are many worlds, with many people, but this world was empty, and he brought the 111 ice people who could waken out of the star tower and j said that sara and i and all the others are these ice people.

    Oliver Pötzsch: Die Henkerstochter und der König der Bettler, Teil 2

    Though the capsule was comfortably warm, he felt suddenly cold, and was afflicted by an almost uncontrollable trembling.

    Again came that uncomfortable silence. She remembered sam calling her the perfect type, and she made a face at her reflection.

    Have I mentioned that I'm in love with Jakob Kuisl??? I'm well invested in this series so I'm all in. There is also a physically disfigured character whose "ugliness" is ment This was a really good read, probably the best since book two of the series. Meaning "obsessive" or "fervent", not "hydrophobic". Anyone know when it will be translated into English?

    There was nothing to show what had caused death.