Guide to Electric Scooters


One of the largest benefits of electric scooters is that they are very cost-effective to use. Think about it, the cost of using an electric scooter is lower than traditional scooters. Plus, you don't have to spend extra money on expenses such as parking lot bills and bridge tolls. Electric scooters have a low maintenance cost and registration, license costs, and insurance costs aren't even required for them. Its power is generated through electricity which means that it doesn't emit gas into the air like other vehicles.

Because of this, electric scooters are great and fit or purposes such as indoor usage.

Electric scooters are perfect for those who are conscious about their environment. Most gas powered models run on fuels such as diesel, petrol, or fuel. But, electric scooters don't release dangerous carbon monoxide or burn fossil fuels. Also with reducing pollution and smoke , lowering your carbon monoxide emissions also improves the air quality.

This limits the chances of greenhouse gas effect and global warming. So, electric scooters are definitely eco-friendly. Electric scooters can be charged through in the comfort of your home. Compare that to gas-powered scooters where you have to drive them to the gas station and manually refill them with oil. This can cost you a lot of money in the long run.

Electric scooters are thoroughly tested by their manufacturers before they are sold to the public. As with any motorized vehicle, you want to make safety your main priority. Here's a list of a few safety tips to follow when you're out on your electric scooter. As uncool as helmets appear, they are just as important as the electric scooter itself. It's scientifically proven on bikes, scooters, and motorcycles that using a helmet will save your life. Beyond helmets, other forms of personal protective equipment such as safety goggles, wrist guards, heavy jackets, gloves, and boots will keep users from getting hurt in the event that you fall down from your scooter.

You'll also want to make sure that you and your scooter comply with the state's rules. Since electric scooter regulations vary from each different state, make sure that you'll obtain the right information. For example, in Colorado you can use electric scooters that have a max speed of 30 MPH in bike lanes. Some places, such as Oregon, don't require you to have a special license to drive a scooter. We suggest that you check with your local DMV to make sure you're eligible to use your scooter before hitting the road.

The frame and fork are the main part of your scooter's construction. Electric scooters with frames and forks made of plastic or thin steel sheets are known to warp, bend, or even break during everyday usage. That's why we suggest you buy an electric scooter with a more sturdier construction. Scooters that have forks and frames made out of thick plated steel or tubular steel are more robust. They have continually proven to have most reliable, toughest, and the most sturdy form of electric scooter construction.

Your electric scooter's power comes from batteries. The batteries are self-explanatory and work similar to many others. Place the battery charger in a scooter before plugging it into a wall outlet. To make sure that you get the most life out of your scooter's battery, you should recharge it after each ride. If you leave the battery partially charged for a certain amount of time, it will lower your battery's lifespan. If you don't plan on using your scooter for a long time period, just charge it once in a while; even if it isn't being used, the battery life will drain even if you're not riding the scooter.

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When it comes to electric scooters, people tend to overlook the brakes. You have to remember that the weight of the rider plus the scooter itself, combined with the battery's weight is under a heavy load. To stop all of this excessive weight, a high-quality braking system is necessary. Every electric scooter comes with front or rear brakes. Sometimes, they have disc brakes that have a good braking performance. A scooter with only one brake isn't as good as an electric scooter with two brakes. Thus, a dual braking system is required as it allows you to stop the scooter almost instantly.

The appearance and feel of your electric scooter is essential. Check the estimations first before buying and look for the following things:.

These are the questions and issues you need to weigh in and consider when shopping for your first electric scooter. Asking these types of questions will ensure that the next electric scooter you buy is one of high-quality. Electric scooters are cheap and affordable as they do not consume gasoline or any petroleum-based fuels, so are environment friendly. Here are some of the leading manufacturers of the electric scooters:. Razor is the top brand in the market because of their longstanding history with developing innovative scooter products.

It's an American manufacturer and designer of electric transports and other personal transporters. Get a scooter from this company if you want the best functional electric scooter that money can buy. You should look into Glion Dolly if you want another reputable electric scooter brand. Unlike the Razor brand whose products are for both children and adults, Glion Dolly designed their scooter strictly for adults.

Glion Dolly's scooters are foldable and can reach speeds up to 15 MPH. We suggest getting a scooter from Glion Dolly if you want a modernized electric scooter that you can take with you. For commuters, this is the right manufacturer for you. Just because you've bought your electric scooter, doesn't mean you're done just yet. Electric scooters can be expensive, and undergoing proper maintenance saves you money on annual repairs. It's recommended that you take care of your electric scooter to ensure that it lasts for a long time. Maintaining your scooter's battery is one of the most important things you can do.

Here is a list of some tips that you should read so you can take better care of them:. Your electric scooter batteries can last for up to years or longer if they are properly maintained. To get the most life out of your electric scooter, make sure your recharge them each time you're finished riding it. After short trips, you can recharge the batteries immediately.

Best Electric Scooters 2018

But with longer rides, it's best to wait at least 30 minutes to let your batteries fully cool down before recharging them. Don't leave your batteries partially charged. Doing so causes the batteries to reach internal oxidation and lowers the overall lifespan of the battery pack. When you have to replace electric scooter's batteries, make sure to replace all of the batteries at the same time and ensure that they are organized by brand.

If there are different brands of batteries that are mixed together, it will lose its overall charge due to internal oxidation. Once in storage, you need to recharge your electric batteries every 30 days.

Electric Scooters Buying Guide

If they aren't recharged every three months, the batteries will tend to deteriorate and have a lower mileage range than if it was maintained correctly. Don't throw your old scooter batteries in the trash. Send your old scooter batteries at your local recycling center that accepts old automotive parts.

Alternatively, you can find an auto store that accepts your old batteries for correct disposal. Once your recycle your old scooter battery, it will be made into completely new batteries again.

Brief History Of Electric Scooters

Electric scooters buyers guide. In the $ through $ price range Razor electric scooters, bikes, and carts have some of the best design features and. Read reviews and buy the best electric scooters from top manufacturers, including Glion, Razor, QIEWA and more.

Besides your battery, you need to know how to fully repair your electric scooter in the event that an emergency happens. First, start by inspecting the motor. See if there are any disconnected wire connectors or wires. You'll want to gently tighten every wire and wire connector that are connected to the motor. Did you find something that looks melted or burnt? Chances are your electric scooter is overheating.

When overheated, the electric motor could have caused the insulation of the vehicle to melt the electromagnetic wires. Or perhaps your electric scooter isn't running at all? You'll want to smell the speed controller, electric motor, and the other electrical compartments. Is there something that smells like burnt rubber or plastic? That means your coils are overheated, and there could be damage towards the speed controller.

If your plastic insulation is melting the magnetic winding, then it will short circuit and destroy the electric scooter's motor.

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Most brand name electric scooters will have high quality chrome however many smaller brand name ones may have inferior quality chrome. For example, we have an old eBoarder chrome-plated scooter frame which was stored outside for over 10 years and it has zero rust on it and look like brand new. On the other hand we have a Scoot-N-Go frame that has been stored outside for just 2 years and it's chrome is completely rusted through and flaking off. Electric scooter manufacturers can make a little more profit if they substitute another less expensive metal for chrome when they are plating their parts, however those parts will quickly start to rust after being put to use.

EGT Scooter Singapore How to choose your 1st electric scooter

Chrome that rusts right away is not real chrome. Real chrome does not begin to rust for a very long time after it is exposed to the environment. Buying a scooter made by a well established manufacturer is one of the best ways to insure that you get one with real high quality chrome. Electric scooters with a few plastic body parts here and there to cover up sharp areas are okay however electric scooters which are completely encased in plastic bodies tend to have a shorter life than the exposed frame type, unsurprisingly due to broken plastic body parts. Larger adult driven street legal electric scooters with plastic bodies work well because their drivers are experienced and take care not to damage the body.

However smaller electric scooters driven by children should probably have exposed metal frames to prevent damage to the scooter when it is treated roughly or gets into an accident.

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If a new electric scooter that you want to buy is available locally and reasonably priced you should consider buying it locally because if any parts are missing or if it is broken or damaged when you take it out of the box then you can usually take it back and return it or exchange it for another one. For used electric scooters craigslist is usually the best place to find local people in your area who are selling them.

What Are Electric Scooters?

They are motorized and can cause serious risks to pedestrians while they are on the walkways. Which one is right for me? To make sure that you get the most life out of your scooter's battery, you should recharge it after each ride. However if you are looking for an electric scooter which is truly quiet then belt drive is the only way to go. Chrome that rusts right away is not real chrome. They're cheaper, more portable automotive vehicles than cars.

When buying a used electric scooter you should determine the condition of the battery pack by asking the seller how old the scooter is, and if they ever replaced the battery pack. It is also a good idea to give the scooter a good test ride to determine the range that the battery pack provides. Electric scooter batteries which have no power in them at all, or which have just enough power in them to faintly turn the motor or illuminate an indicator lamp are almost always too worn out to be able to recharge and use again. If a used electric scooter's battery pack is old or worn out you can usually buy the scooter for a lower price and save enough money to buy a new set of batteries with a warranty.

Most electric scooters with under Watts of power will have slow acceleration, low speed, and will be quickly challenged by hills.

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  • Electric Scooter Buying Guide -

For good acceleration and speed an electric scooter with at least Watts of power is recommended. And for uphill riding you are going to need even more power. Electric scooters with Watts or more of power are recommended for most uphill riding conditions. An electric scooters ride time and range depends a lot upon the condition of the battery pack. Electric scooters with new battery packs usually have around a 45 minute run time on flat ground, and much less range in hilly areas.

That usually equates to around ten miles of riding on flat ground with a good battery pack. There are basically two types of electric scooter companies - ones who design their own scooters, and ones who do not. The companies who do not design their own scooters buy standard issue factory designed electric scooters and have their logos placed on them. These type of companies all have the exact same electric scooter models with different names and company logos on them.

The quality of these types of electric scooters can vary widely depending upon the factory they were built in and the quality of the parts that were used to assemble them. Companies who design their own electric scooters tend to be larger and more established companies. These type of electric scooter companies have total control over the design and manufacturing process of their electric scooters.