The Foundation Was Shaken

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shake/rock the ˈfoundations of something

Should I lease or purchase an auto? Rental insurance does not cover damage from earthquakes. This blog and website are made available by the publisher for educational and informational purposes only.

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It is not be used as a substitute for competent insurance, legal, or tax advice from a licensed professional in your state. By using this blog site you understand that there is no broker client relationship between you and the blog and website publisher. We All Make Mistakes!

Evaluating your auto coverage. But there is only so much I can do on my own.

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shake the foundations of (something)

To date, the foundation together with our partners at The Michael J. Under the weight of its transgression earth falls down. To rise no more! The fragility of the earth reminds us of the fragility of our own lives.

AC/DC - Shake Your Foundations (from Fly on the Wall Home Video)

We do have choices in life, but as the prophets of old remind us, not everything is in our control. It often takes a devastating quake , tornado, war, flood or loss of a loved one to wake us up to the realities of life, to wake us up from our slumber, so that we might begin wrestling with the uncertainties of life. In it, he called on his audience to consider the devastating power humanity had recently unleashed on itself. He reminded the congregation that humanity now possessed the tools of its own destruction.

But, even though science had given humanity the tools to shake heaven and earth, Tillich asked the question — is this our right? Charles Scribners, , ]. A Call to Prophetic Ministry. Prophets understand that their audience might not like what they have to say.

Jeremiah told God that he was just a boy and therefore too young to take up such a calling. No one would listen to him, so why bother, and besides, even if people listened, prophets were rarely received well by the people.

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Now Jeremiah did accept the call, but he also got the treatment when his fellow citizens stuffed him in a cistern and had him carted off to Egypt. The thing God is, God can be persistent, and so God reminded Jeremiah that he had been created for this purpose. Yes, God told him: Do you hear the contrast between the call to tear down and the call to build up?

Both are placed in Jeremiah's hands. According to Hebrews 12, God called another prophet named Moses, and when Moses heard the voice of God he trembled with fear — largely because the voice of God shook the earth. As for us, the word of God comes in a different way — as Hebrews puts it:.

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We have received an invitation to enter the holy city, the dwelling place of God, to share in the heavenly worship with the gathered saints of God, having Jesus as our mediator and guide. A Sifting of the Eternal.

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The Book of Hebrews reminds us that we should treasure that which is eternal — much as Jesus spoke of placing our treasure in heaven Luke As I think on what is important in life, what is lasting, what is eternal, my mind goes back to the Baldwin Hotel. One was built on solid rock while the other was built on silt and mud. The question raised by our text this morning concerns our response to the ways in which God shakes the foundations of our lives.

What will survive, when God sifts our lives? What is built on solid rock?

  1. Foundation Shaken.
  2. shake the foundations of (something).
  3. Shaken, Not Stirred Committee.