PowerShell for SharePoint 2013 How-To

Administering SharePoint 2013 with Windows PowerShell 3.0

To load a module into your PowerShell session, use the Import-Module cmdlet like so:. What we SharePoint administrators need to know is that, for whatever reason, the Microsoft SharePoint product team cleaves to the Powershell v1 snap-in motif to deploy the over cmdlets included in SharePoint Thus, we instead must issue the Add-PsSnapin cmdlet to load the Microsoft.

Perhaps these admins feel that there is something "special" that the Management Shell gives you that you don't get by using a standard PowerShell session. Take a look at the screenshot below; I'm about to show you something interesting and cool.

PowerShell™ for SharePoint® 2013 How-To by Steven Mann

In the Target field, we can see that the shortcut actually calls the PowerShell runtime environment and opens a script file named sharepoint. As you can see in the lower-right of the screenshot, all the sharepoint. Sure, there is a little bit more code.

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For instance, the Set-Location statement puts your current working directory to your home folder path. The first two lines of the script file evaluate your PowerShell version, and if you are running a version greater than 1 a no-brainer, really , the PowerShell session is configured to reuse execution threads ; this prevents multiple PowerShell sessions from wasting system memory.

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Thus, we see that you gain no real practical advantage by invoking the SharePoint Management Shell, Instead, simply customize your PowerShell profile to set up the environment and load the SharePoint snap-in, and you're good to go. A new feature introduced in Windows PowerShell 3. This is, at least on paper so to speak , a great idea because in my experience the Microsoft SharePoint product team tend to be a bit sloppy and inconsistent in their SharePoint PowerShell documentation.

As a matter of fact, the SharePoint PowerShell help is not even available locally by default. You'll need to run the following cmdlet on your SharePoint server in order to download the help files from the Internet:. Once you've updated your local PowerShell help and loaded the SharePoint snap-in, you can invoke the Get-Help aliased to help cmdlet in the usual manner:. Another new feature is the Online parameter of Get-Help , which bypasses your local PowerShell help files and retrieves the presumably latest and greatest content directly from Microsoft's content servers:.

Please forgive my negative attitude toward the woefully incomplete and error-laden SharePoint PowerShell online help. I will try to give Microsoft the benefit of the doubt that they will correct the errors and expand the help system as the SharePoint product matures. The SharePoint object model's naming convention is, for the most part, logically implemented. Sadly, this consistency model breaks down at the list and document library level. That is to say, SharePoint RTM includes no built-in PowerShell cmdlets to facilitate the easy creation of document libraries or lists.

Using PowerShell in SharePoint 2013

Instead, we must turn to third-party developers who possess knowledge of the SharePoint application programming interface API. For instance, Himanshu Kumar wrote a handy PowerShell script to create a document library; try it out and let me know how it works for you in the comments portion of this blog post. Some PowerShell statements can be incredibly destructive to your SharePoint farm if they are run against your production servers without full testing. I'm very grateful that Microsoft provides us with the Whatif parameter to run a "pre-flight check" on our code before executing it for real.

Basically, the WhatIf parameter allows the PowerShell runtime environment to parse your code, but prohibits the statement s from actually activating in your farm. If your code contains any syntax problems, then WhatIf will catch 'em.

good tutorial to learn using Sharepoint with powershell - SharePoint Stack Exchange

If you made an addressing mistake, WhatIf will catch that as well. However, if your code works, then you'll simply receive your PowerShell prompt back with no errors. By the way, the WhatIf parameter is a built-in component of PowerShell versions 2, 3, and 4, and is therefore available to any PowerShell module or snap-in, at least in theory. This parameter is not in any way exclusive to SharePoint This tool is built into Windows Server , although it needs to be installed:.

I love the ISE because the tool includes debugging, syntax highlighting, syntax help, code completion--in other words, all the features you expect in a development tool.

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Join the 4sysops PowerShell group! Find expired certificates in Azure using PowerShel So far, Michael Pietroforte has 1 likes for this comment. So far, Bruce Gavin has 1 likes for this comment. So far, Ruben Zimmermann has 1 likes for this comment. Michael Pietroforte commented on Why Microsoft is using Windows customers as guinea pigs — Reply to Tim Warner 2 hours, 32 minutes ago. I really don't envy DevOps engineers who have to work with Windows clients these days. If you connect successfully, you will be returned to the command prompt without error.

To see what commands are available, we can use Get-Command and pass it the module Microsoft. You can get the full list on TechNet.

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It can return a single site with the —Identity parameter or it can filter a list of them with the — Filter parameter. The Filter parameter does server side filtering and can be used with the case sensitive operators -like, —notlike, —eq, and —ne. You can also run it without any parameters to return all site collections.

It would be nice to see the full URL and when thinking about upgrades it would nice to see the CompatibilityLevel either 14 or We can do this by piping the output to Format-Table ft and specifying the desired fields. To get this data, you need to add the —Detailed parameter.

Using Windows PowerShell with SharePoint 2010 and SharePoint 2013

The syntax of the server side filtering can be a bit tricky. The key thing to remember is that the operators are case sensitive so they must be lower-case. Put the expression you are searching for in braces.

One thing you may have noticed is that there are not any commands to create subsites. Currently only site collections are supported. This cmdlet takes a heap of parameters. Note that you still have to use the preset managed paths available to you in SharePoint Online. It can also optionally take the —NoWait parameter was well. Deleted site collections get moved to the site collection recycle bin. SharePoint Online also has the concept of deferred site collection upgrades.