A Guide to Planting and Equipping an Apple Orchard

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How to Plant a Home Orchard

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But this is an incomplete answer. The apple is a package of seeds. Within each apple are seeds designed to produce more apple trees. Fruitful churches produce more and better disciples. Like the apple tree, every church contains seeds that can produce more churches.

Healthy churches multiply churches.

  1. A Guide to Planting and Equipping an Apple Orchard - Robert Atkinson - Google Книги.
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  3. Church Planting - The Most Successful Form Of Church Growth.
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The relationship between gospel proclamation and church planting is so intimate it cannot be divorced without doing violence to the mission of the church. The primary mission of the church is to proclaim the gospel and gather believers into local churches where they can be strengthened in their faith and made effective in service. God has placed within all churches the potential to grow and reproduce.

In fact, church planting is the most effective means of evangelism and church growth. Would you rather have 1 church of 1, or 10 churches of ? Which will reach more people for Christ? Christian Schwarz surveyed over 1, churches from 32 countries and 6 continents. He discovered that small churches averaging 51 in attendance were 16 times more effective in winning new converts to Christ than megachurches. Having more entry points into the kingdom of God increases the possibility of people coming to faith in Christ.

Ron Gladden, a church-planting leader, asks: More restaurants increase the possibilities of more people eating out. The same is true for churches. If there are more churches, there is a greater potential for reaching more people with the gospel. The Valley Foursquare Church is a small congregation in southern California with an average attendance of Yet in the past 6 years they have helped establish more than 20 multiethnic churches.

The total attendance of 15 of these churches is more than 2, New churches have life and are vitality attractive to the unchurched person.

Enrichment Journal - Enriching and Equipping Spirit-filled Ministers

We are aware of the need for new churches throughout the world. But 70 percent of people in the United States have no meaningful church relationship. The harvest fields surround us. Many people will not be reached without new churches. I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields!

They are ripe for harvest" John 4: List the churches in your area. Find out the seating capacity of each one. Total the number of available seats. Double that number, assuming that two services are needed to hold all the people in every congregation. Compare that number to the total population in the area. You will have a very conservative estimate of the number of people who still need to become disciples of Jesus. Unless your Jerusalem is extremely small, there is probably a need for at least one more church in your local area.

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There are undoubtedly many people who will not or cannot be reached by existing churches because of limitations relating to style or physical capacity. Think about increasing your local disciple-making capacity by establishing the need for new churches near your home base. Jesus said, "Open your eyes and look at the harvest.

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The harvest is also diverse. A motto for many urban centers across North America could be: Walk our streets and tour the world. In the United States, daily newspapers are printed in more than 45 languages. Over groups of foreign origin live here.

One church cannot reach everyone. Rick Warren says, "It takes all kinds of churches to reach all kinds of people. But even when the same language is spoken, there are incredible differences.

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Clay Soil [North American Edition]. Theirfor, even if you are an advanced player and are looking up a question that relates to a more general catagory, check the simplest sections for your question first. Smaller churches think they need to get bigger before giving birth. We are unable to find iTunes on your computer. Using "Magic" flowers C. G covers some importent but complext details in the plant management system of the game and should be read by everyone.

Congregations that are effective in reaching baby boomers are often not as effective reaching Generation X. I discovered this while I was pastoring a primarily boomer church. Dieter Zander, one of our interns, had a vision for reaching people in their twenties. He said the established church did not relate to younger people. The music was too slow and too soft. Sermons about marriage and raising kids and other boomer topics did not relate to single, young people.