Chat Texting & Game Abbreviations

The Most Used Internet Abbreviations for Texting and Tweeting

To navigate this lengthy guide, you can scroll through the following list or go directly to a specific letter using the following links:. Direct message Twitter slang. E-mail address Twitter slang. Used to represent the gesture of "smacking your forehead with your palm" to express embarrassment or frustration.

A social meme taking "feelsbadman" to the extreme. This references the DC super hero Batmanbecause he witnessed the murder of his parents. Follow Friday Twitter slang. Online auctions see more auction abbreviations. Privately owned vehicle originally used to differentiate an individual's vehicle from a military vehicle. Please Retweet Twitter slang. A photo that is taken of oneself for social media sharing definition. Meaning free stuff and giveaways from tech tradeshows definition. Throwback Thursday Twitter slang.

Thanks for the follow Twitter slang. Thanks for this tweet Twitter slang. Tweet me back Twitter slang.

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Trending topic Twitter slang. Voice over Internet Protocol definition. A link posted to a subreddit that was already shared on a different subreddit Reddit. The world's first text message was sent from a computer to a cellphone by British engineer, Neil Papworth on December 03, Webopedia's chat abbreviation and online lingo page is frequently updated. If you have a comment about this page or would like to suggest a chat abbreviation for inclusion, please connect with us on Twitter or Facebook and send a message!

As you may know, many people skip studying this part of a website because of the complex law terms and long sentences. I found a bundle of other gifs and memes with this abbreviation. SOML — Story of my life. What does SOML mean in texting? If you see this kind of abbreviation posted near a specific link, then do not click it. Most likely, NSFW acronym will lead to some sexual, nude, brutal or violent content banned to view at your working place. It refers to even more offensive and shocking content which can possibly cause mental harm.

116 Teen Text Terms Decoded for Confused Parents

This refers to someone who was the first to publish a post. You can always find the larger list of internet abbreviations and other shortened words on the web.

Huge List of 1,513 Text and Chat Abbreviations

When a player says he or she is OOC, it means their concentration pool is all used up. If you say something is FTW , then it can be splendid, amazing, perfect, etc. People stopped using long beautiful transition words or phrases like nevertheless , notwithstanding the fact that because it takes too many taps to write them. The majority of the expressions you see above are not acronyms, but rather shorthand used while text messaging or IMing. Ninja looters often become very lonely players.

Before you begin using any abbreviations from our list look through the chat history. If you find that only reaction abbreviations appear in the chat flow lol, omg, or such graphical symbols as and — etc. Most importantly, do not operate with acronyms or abbreviations having a formal chat with your CEO in a corporate chat room. E-mail is already registered on the site. Please use the Login form or enter another. You entered an incorrect username or password.

What Makes People abbreviate? Internet abbreviations list for chatting Basically, millennials were those who created and popularized the use of internet chat abbreviations. AYMM — Are you my mother? NSFL — Not safe for life It refers to even more offensive and shocking content which can possibly cause mental harm. DAE — Does anyone else? Candice Candice Benjamin is a specialist English teacher with more than 5 years of online teaching experience. We are de best! Newbs sometimes announce "Ding! No one gives a hoot if you make level 2.

No one gives a hoot if you make level Above level 15, if you are fighting in a group, it is appropriate to announce a "ding! When achieving a particularly important landmark such as Level 60, 70, or 80 in WoW, it is appropriate to announce a "ding!

  1. Top 10 Text Abbreviations.
  2. Glossary of Online Gaming Acronyms, Abbreviations and Slang;
  3. Huge List of Texting and Online Chat Abbreviations.
  4. Glossary of Online Gaming Acronyms, Abbreviations and Slang.

When achieving the ultimate level of the current expansion, it is permissible to announce your "ding! Everyone will be entirely pleased for you and will respond with:. Gratz is an easy abbreviation to decode; it is simply a contraction of "Congratulations". Use it often, make friends, play nice. It has been overused to the point that people who play online games are using it in everyday speech. Please note the question mark included in this expression. You can basically fool people into thinking you speak leet by attaching a "z" to the front or back of every English word.

Occasionally, you will need to leave your computer to perform a variety of RL tasks mainly, getting another beer, mug of coffee, paying the pizza delivery person, changing the baby's diaper, or reassuring your partner that you are still aware of their existence. It is courteous to inform your groupmates of your absence: Other courtesies when coming or going, or in general chit chat include:. Additionally, sometimes in group play, you need to rest and recoup your resources. Depending on your character class, you might use these abbreviations: OOE - "out of endurance".

You must rest in order to perform the fighting styles inherent in your class. In some games, tanks and stealthers use a lot of "end" endurance. OOP - "out of power". Your healer or caster class teammate is pooped and must sit down for awhile. OOC - "out of concentration" Some classes require "concentration" to do their stuff, usually when it comes to buffing themselves or other characters. When a player says he or she is OOC, it means their concentration pool is all used up.

OOC part two - Actually in use longer than "out of concentration," this acronym is also used by role-players when they need to say something that is "out of character. Crapola, guys, the cat just barfed on my mouse - brb. As a side note, we have a great admiration for our role-playing brothers and sisters. They are a breed apart from we casual - translated "lazy" - players. Insert speech - Double brackets are also used by role-players to indicate they are saying something out of character. GTG can also mean "got to go" no, not that.

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As in time to log, leave the game. For example, someone asks "Where do I find the elite green and purpled speckled hahabird? FWIW - "for what it's worth" - an expression of false modesty when stating your flawless opinion. BoP - "bind on pickup" - the moment you pick it up, it becomes bound soulbound in WoW to you.

In groups, if you pick up a BoP item which you cannot personally use and without asking first, you will die and go to the deepest, coldest hell ever imagined by any gamer anywhere.


Ninja Looting - grabbing loot from a slain monster, chest, etc. Ninja looting is very, very bad form, and - if you do it consistently - can get you labeled by other players as a "ninja looter. Ninja looters often become very lonely players. Online gamers have a variety of slang terms for the various character classes and their abilities: Tank - One of the heavily armored fighting classes, usually without magical ability or with limited magical ability, such as armsmen, paladins, warriors, champions, heros, etc. Caster - Any of the wide variety of magical spell-casting classes such as mages, wizards, cabalists, shamans, enchanters, etc.

Casters have their very own set of expressions describing the important work they do. Some common terms include:. Stealther - Any of a class that can become literally invisible. Assassins sneak up on the foe, and slice their throats with a single stroke. Healers - Duh, the classes that heal.

The most beloved, yet most maligned, of any class in group play. When the group lives, the healer is the greatest thing since sliced bread. When the group dies, the healer takes the blame. You need a thick skin to be a healer. Rezzers - Those classes with the ability to rez resurrect the dead. The wonderful thing about playing games is that you never really die. You get to come back for more, over and over again.

If you learn from your karmic mistakes, you will eventually reach the highest level and never, never have to worry about losing experience ever again. In RL, a pug is a small, wheezy dog that looks like it had its face smashed in by brick wall. In online gaming, the acronym PUG stands for "Pick-Up Group," which is a group of players who've gotten together or been thrown together in order to accomplish a goal, a quest, or whatever. PUGs are oftentimes mix-and-match, hit-or-miss groups that are less than optimum for achieving a goal.

The opposite of a PUG is a:.