Once Upon Another World (Book One of the Salakpatan Series 1)

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This book is not yet featured on Listopia. Jul 06, J. Once I dove in feet first it was more like Zelazny's Amber series and Farmers Tier series rolled together and given a special Shiva Winters touch. Raven Sinclair is a powerful character well matched by his counterpart LeShana, who is not only lovely but also as powerful and kick-ass as Raven.

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Suffice it to say, I loved this book, and there is only one reason I give it 4 stars instead of five. There are so many errors in spelling, grammar, and questionable usage of some words and missing words- sometimes extra words that just don't belong there. I can live with some of this in dialogue- no one speaks perfectly all the time. But it leaks heavily into the narrative portion and that gets me to believing that maybe those characters don't really speak that way either.

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This book is offered free, but as a representative of self publishing it could have used a bit of polish. Another couple of pairs of eyes. A number of people I know might toss this book down after the first 50 pages and that's their loss.

One thing I disagree with other people about is that an editor could have pared it down some. I'm not a fan of muting the authors voice. An edit will help the spelling grammar and other but the author's work should stand unless the author decides some portions might not be necessary or should be reworked.

I did not see anything that just jumped out at me and said I don't belong here. As it stands Once Upon Another World is a well packed novel with a fairly tight plot that has plenty of twists to keep the reader guessing. It also demonstrates some skill in world making that Shiva should be proud of.

Shiva Winters

She has a writing style that I was comfortable with, though I'll need to read more of her work to see if the style changes as she becomes more polished. If this book ever goes to paper print copy I would suggest a strong look at some editing and a signed copy for me. For an awesome first novel. Dobias Author of Cripple-Mode: I deeply enjoyed this book and would recommend it to anyone who enjoys fantasy novels.

The story never stood still for long and threw lots of unexpected twists at me when I least expected them. The world was strange, wonderful, and amazingly huge offering all manner of possibilities for my wandering thoughts. While there were certain twists I did not like, I was hooked by the story early on and captivated by it throughout. The characters were odd and wonderful at the same time, and the consisten I deeply enjoyed this book and would recommend it to anyone who enjoys fantasy novels.

The characters were odd and wonderful at the same time, and the consistent sarcasm and strangeness of the main character provided for a great deal of laughter.

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A new path seems ready to open up before him leading towards all that yet remains unknown. Destined to be a classic. In as few words as possible that is what my books are about. Thanks for telling us about the problem. In this series View all Book 2. As it stands Once Upon Another World is a well packed novel with a fairly tight plot that has plenty of twists to keep the reader guessing.

The book was deeply enjoyable and there was a sense that the author did not take herself or her story too seriously like so many others. Keith Childress rated it it was amazing Jan 16, Elizabeth Mast rated it it was ok Feb 23, Greg rated it really liked it Mar 20, Jolie rated it really liked it Apr 28, Oren rated it it was ok Aug 02, Danita Williams rated it really liked it Feb 27, Pinkforink rated it really liked it Nov 14, Nathan Lorne Adcock rated it did not like it Sep 03, Nikki rated it liked it Jun 29, Linda rated it really liked it Apr 29, Sam Point rated it really liked it Aug 29, Doreen rated it really liked it Nov 08, Jean rated it it was amazing Feb 04, Karen rated it really liked it Jun 30, But with that peace comes the knowledge of all the things left unfinished, the knowledge of all that has been left unsaid and unseen.

The knowledge of all those things that remained untouched that could end his peaceful world once for all, bringing death and destruction to all that he loved. This time he decides that if his world is at risk of being shattered once more, than his is the hand that shall break it. And if he is spend a lonely eternity as destiny's plaything than he must step forward and take control of the game. Or else there is no way to know what might happen to those he cares about. With these thoughts in mind, his imagination begins to stir and the need for a new journey begins to call to him.

Thoughts of the Rim and all the untouched worlds still waiting out there begin to whisper to him. A new path seems ready to open up before him leading towards all that yet remains unknown.

  1. Memoria: 1933-1966 (Spanish Edition).
  2. Once Upon Another World (Book One of the Salak'patan Series 1).
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Only this time the path he feels compelled to follow is not one he must travel alone. It has been said that the more one fights the forces of destiny, the stronger destiny becomes when it choose to fight back.

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And Monorth is about to discover how true these words truly are, as destiny strikes back.. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about At the Gates of the Worlds' Rim , please sign up. Be the first to ask a question about At the Gates of the Worlds' Rim.

Lists with This Book. This book is not yet featured on Listopia. Aug 03, J. Dobias rated it it was amazing Shelves: What I like about Shiva is that not only is there no end to her imaginings but each book gets much better. This is not one of those series where the second book is less than the first and the third is having trouble getting up to par. She makes each one better than the previous and they read quite well so that you might shuffle them up while reading and not get too confused.

This installment begins to add to the already large dynamic family o At the Gates of the World's Rim by Shiva Winters.

Once Upon an Apocalypse Book 1 The Journey Home Chapter 60

This installment begins to add to the already large dynamic family of Monorth. He and his sister now share a daughter through her partner. This is no ordinary young girl, its Monorth's offspring after all. We'll be seeing a lot more of her. Monorth's name basis relationship with the gods is growing as the gods seem to be drawn into his life as though he's some sort of spiritual lightning rod.

Nix and Monorth are getting into the serious business of visiting and mapping out the gates to all the worlds beyond the rim. Monorth is still an outcast from the Salak'Patan so he's playing it all close to the vest but he's collecting such a vast library of knowledge that it's becoming evident that he shouldn't keep it to himself. You can download Apple Books from the App Store. Overview Music Video Charts.

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Do you already have iTunes? Click I Have iTunes to open it now. View More by This Author. Other Books in This Series. Of Forgotten Days and Lost Worlds At the Gates of the Worlds' Rim