Where the Community Gathers: A Tour of Our Church

We are glad you found us and we warmly welcome you to worship with us. Whether you visit us on occasion, attend regularly, or formally make BUCC your church home by joining as a member, we hope that you will take advantage of the many opportunities to share in fellowship, serve our community, and grow in your spiritual journey. This is an informal gathering for anyone who has questions about our congregation, the United Church of Christ , or even what it means to be a member of a church.

Alexandria Presbyterian Church - Community at APC

It is an opportunity for us to get to know you better as well as for you to meet other newcomers to BUCC. For those who choose to become members of BUCC, we have a brief welcoming ceremony during Sunday worship.

  • Desde el silencio (Spanish Edition);
  • Les Pompiers - Tome 8 - La ligue des sapeurs-héros (French Edition).
  • Friendship: Handle With Care;
  • Der Nordirlandkonflikt: Ursachenanalyse der Auseinandersetzung in den Jahren 1968-1972 (German Edition).

Our community gathers for worship in the sanctuary each Sunday morning. Our time together is filled with music, prayers, regular communion, and a message or sermon.

  • ;
  • Il mio amico lo spirito (Italian Edition).
  • Energy for a Warming World: A Plan to Hasten the Demise of Fossil Fuels (Green Energy and Technology)!

Listed below are some of the ways our church family gathers together for fellowship. If you see an area below where you would like more information or would like to volunteer, please contact the church office. Learn more about the importance of "communities of a few" on our Covenant Fellowship Groups page.

Pastor Tom Holliday leads this class three times each year: February, June and October. It begins with a meal on Friday evening, and continues through Saturday with opportunities to fellowship and learn together.

Kitchen Table Disciples

A special Newcomers' Fellowship Time is offered the fourth Sunday of every month, immediately following the worship service, for those who have been visiting three months or less. Please feel free to join APC staff and leaders in the Room to fellowship and learn more about the life of our church. Additionally, three times each year we hold a Newcomers' Dinner in the home of one of our members.

The pamphlet begins with a walking tour of a Catholic church building. First, it examines various common symbols and objects found in our worship space. There's something pretty unique about Thursday nights at Hillsong Church. It's the night that our creative community gathers, first in Australia and then slowly as .

One Hope is committed to loving serving supporting celebrating praying for our Gig Harbor community. Alpha Explore the core Christian beliefs in a fun and respectful environment.

Church Tour

Prayer We believe in the power of prayer. But we also pray.

Quick Overview

Worship Our community gathers for worship in the sanctuary each Sunday morning. The Eucharist is reserved in the Tabernacle, which is to Christians what the Ark of the Covenant was to the Israelites, namely the place where the presence of God is experienced. Sonship is a week study that goes a step beyond the adult Sunday School classes. Because the rites of initiation of the Church begin with baptism and are completed by the reception of the Eucharist, the baptismal font and its location reflect the Christian's journey through the waters of baptism to the altar" Built of Living Stones , We are excited that you are interested in knowing more about our church. When we gather together we find ourselves united around a common goal, we are able to articulate why we do what we do and Who we do it for.

Care We place a high value on caring for the needs of our church family. Outreach We seek to love and serve our community - meeting needs and speaking truth.

Liguori Publications

Kids The call of Jesus to make disciples begins with our kids! Thrive Our partner ministry for ages which we support alongside other area churches.

Missions We don't just financially support missions. We gather each Sunday at 9: