A Disagreement In Idaho

A further look into the landowner/firefighter disagreement in Idaho

Christians are called to lead the way out of the deep mud of incivility in our communities.

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I pray more of us do so. If there is to be civility among people — even those with whom we have strong disagreements — much depends upon us. No one of us can control what our president does with his Twitter account. The tone of our public conversations and our use of social media either helps, or hinders, the cause of restoring civility. Not too long ago, a fellow called my office and wanted to know if I was that conservative religious SOB who wrote about such and such in the newspaper. Turns out, I am.

He went on to ask how I would like it if someone came to my neighborhood or church with a bullhorn and declared me to be a you-know-what. Sometimes this is an appropriate way to deal with a situation, but it is not always the best way. Collaboration happens when all people involved in a conflict work together to satisfy the needs of everyone. This will take work to accomplish, but it is the best outcome in most situations. If you want healthy relationships, it is important to understand how important collaboration is.

Being willing to collaborate will benefit you throughout your entire life. How you manage yourself during a conflict will directly affect how you work through that conflict. Ask yourself the following questions to help yourself gauge where you are at with your conflict resolution skills. Are you able to be aware of and respectful of the differences expressed between you and the others involved?

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One of the most important things that I have learned is that opinion is opinion. It is not fact. This will cause other people to not feel free to share their opinions. If we are willing to listen to the opinions of other people, it will help us to be able to avoid conflict and it will help us to become people who appreciate others at a deeper level. I hope this has helped to give you some ideas on how to manage conflict.

She can be reached at or rlrhoades nic. This week we are going to discuss conflict resolution skills.

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Conflict involves strong feelings when people disagree over issues such as: The first conflict style is avoidance. Admittedly, this is from the view of someone who was a full time wildland firefighter for 33 years, but is trying to understand both sides of what could be categorized, at this stage, as a he-said, she-said situation. The Walters obviously wanted to protect their property which generates income from people being charged to shoot the elk they raise on their property. They probably felt that if any of the land burned it would diminish the esthetic appeal, appearance, grazing, the number of shooters they hosted, and water quality.

By insisting on aggressive fire suppression tactics they may have thought that if there were any safety concerns by employing those tactics, that it was worth the risk to the firefighters. They apparently thought that there was a strong possibility that the fire would continue to spread significantly and burn their property. The firefighters may have analyzed the fire conditions, the weather forecast, and the predicted fire behavior and decided that with the weather and the time of the year, there was little chance that the fire in that area would burn additional acres on the property.

After working full time in wildland fire for 33 years, he continues to learn, and strives to be a Student of Fire.

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www.farmersmarketmusic.com: A Disagreement in Idaho (): Holt E. Glenn: Books. The Paperback of the A Disagreement in Idaho by Holt E. Glenn at Barnes & Noble. FREE Shipping on $ or more!.

Even if they sent them.. Who would be giving them target direction on the ground?

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There are so many things wrong with that.. The Federal agent on the other end was properly professional in his exchange with a very concerned landowner who owns land being threatened by this blaze. He was also being respectful of a taxpayer who provides his wages. He was not in a comfortable position yet he maintained his composure.

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I agree with you Mr. According to police, the incident began with a disagreement between Olson and a male and female employee in front of the Sprint store. There will always be these types that HATE authority, or sometime they are just nut bars. In the municipal fire world, we have to watch out for people who want to kill or injure us. Dogs help students cope with stress at local school. Here are links to two articles in the High Country News that document threats and attacks on federal land management agency employees: This is a lose-lose style.

They display zero empathy towards anyone else displaced by an emerging catastrophic wildfire literally tripling in size, causing evacuations, and mayhem. Their actions speak volumes; ignoring others safety, valuing property over people, assigning blame, while shucking responsibility for their actions. These owners were absolutely not interested in learning, accepting, or participating in safe work practices that are time tested procedures, repeatedly placing themselves and others in compromising positions.

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Intimidating unarmed firefighters with sidearms, then labeling them lazy money hungry opportunists. The only problem I see from the Feds is their absolute capitulation when confronted by angry, gun toting sage brush rebels. The standard response to armed rebels should be to completely pull out all firefighting resources when confronted with these types.

15 thoughts on “A further look into the landowner/firefighter disagreement in Idaho”

Corrective action by senior agency officials should be to give Incident Commanders and Division Supervisors the authority to completely disengage fire operations when confronted by self entities, armed or angry rebels. Sensationalizing the situation does not help either party involved. Time to slam these folks down and treat them like the criminals that they are. Here are links to two articles in the High Country News that document threats and attacks on federal land management agency employees:. Public-land employees are easy targets for a violent, government-hating fringe.

New data released on violent threats to federal employees. The two Bureau of Land Management law enforcement rangers were scouting for signs of illegal activity related to the Mexican border, among other things. Suddenly, a man in a civilian pickup roared past them, leaning out the window and angrily flipping them off. The BLM rangers pulled over and got out their binoculars to watch the man for any further indications of trouble. The man stopped as well, climbed out of his truck —— and then opened fire with a high-power rifle.