Le Professeur de mensonge (Littérature étrangère) (French Edition)

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To what extent does this autobiography spread the truth? Comment on the pictures. Do they reinforce or modify the vision of slavery as developed in the document? The pictures show a coloured man on the run, trying to escape an unknown danger on p. The pictures seem to reinforce the vision of slavery as developed in the document.

However, upon closer examination, the pictures reveal some differences: The picture on p. Here also, the relativity of things has to be highly taken into account. Making history and settling scores. Frederick Douglass — Reading on your own manuel p. What was the world like? How could the world be at war? Memories about her childhood: Memories about her adolescent years: She has had a passion for reading and writing and is determined and enthusiastic in her ambition to become a poet.

However, memory is a selective process: She was looking for role models so as to form her own identity. While she writes from the vantage point of adulthood and maturity: She quotes from memory some of the things that were said at the time. As we see in the case of Janet, creating oneself is a process involving imagination, especially if one is to become an artist. Her reading and her imagination fuelled her taste for literature and her ambition. The book cover is a good illustration of this phrase because it suggests that the same person can be viewed in different ways, from a variety of angles.

She looks alternately smiling or laughing, cheerful, merry, thoughtful, meditative, enigmatic or calm, composed, serene. Making meaning out of the past Manuel p. Yet, once he had come out with the lie, he became collected and secretly prided himself on being able to lie shamelessly. He probably would not have expected his pupil to lie effortlessly. Kett must have been thinking at the time. You will see it many times. It acted as a turning point and was decisive: Indeed, he then realized how good a liar he could be, that he was actually gifted when it came to lying shamelessly and he has since become an experienced liar.

Fry implicitly compares himself to Narcissus and Mr. Although it is expressed in the past tense with no introductory phrase to suggest so, it must be Mr. The paragraph conjures up Mr. They have completely different recollections of the event. The incident has had an altogether different impact on Fry. It was not that memorable; he must have been used to such events. To Fry, however, the event was somewhat blown out of proportion as the phrase l.

Both can be viewed as artistic devices aimed at capturing or recapturing the identity of a character whether it be a character to write about or to embody through acting , conjuring up feelings and attitudes, etc. In order to do so, a writer or an actor cannot rely on facts alone but must endow them with a new life, so to speak.

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This suggestion seems paradoxical, truth and lying being seem to be hard to reconcile. The problem of remembering Manuel p. Du Bois also points out the difference between what he is and what he thinks he is, showing that how he conceives himself does not necessarily correspond to what he really is. The subjectivity that is inherent in any autobiography prevents any objective, realistic, reliable presentation. Focus on the painting above: If it is a self-portrait, what does it suggest?

Relate it to the questions of self-representation, time, memory as developed in the text. Many elements may strike one when focusing on this painting; among them, a few can be mentioned: The missing part may allude to his impending disappearance, or it may point to the problems of memory: The peculiar use of colours may signal that it is his own vision, personal interpretation of himself that he wants to convey: The streaks of blue paint draw attention to the very process of painting, as if one could see the patches of colour still dripping from the canvas.

Do the lines try to deface the face? Why are they linear and vertical? Does the blue patch try to cover up something? To what extent is self-representation a matter of creation, recreation? The stress is laid on the notions of imagination —dream— and invention, maybe even distortion. Self-life writing is elusive as its very material, the self, is elusive, changing and enigmatic: La consigne de la task 2 devient: One of you will be the host, the others will be the guests.

To prepare his programme, the host will submit a series of questions to the guests before the show, for them to anticipate their answers. The interviewees will then confront their perceptions of that episode. The episodes of a life it generally contains are: Some may check data and facts to offer a realistic vision of their past, in order to be true. Some writers try to be as complete as possible in their writings. Truth may not be reached through a list of facts and details, it may be different from reality. Is it still apposite to talk about autobiography if everything is a matter of creation, production and not reproduction?

Their idea is to recapture and present their former selves without any interference coming from their more mature selves.

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All this implies that the reader plays an active part, playing the part of a critic. Self-life writing is a recreation of that life, as well as the creation of oneself as a writer. Autobiographies therefore seem to be a matter of creation, of invention rather than repetition, imagination rather than duplication. They may not necessarily be romantically involved or even married but they are viewed as a couple because they are closely associated. Moreover, a couple does not always include a man and a woman.

Odd means strange or unlikely. You usually tend to become friends or involved with people you share common features or interests with. It is usually easier to strike a friendship and pair up with someone whom you can relate to or identify with. They are both standing in the street the man is leaning on a pole. They are both staring at something the young boy is pointing at: They may well be father and son but we cannot tell for sure what their relationship is based on. Maybe the boy is an orphan and the man has taken him under his wing. He discovers a baby on the street and takes responsibility for him.

The boy becomes his partner in minor crime, breaking windows that the Tramp can then repair. The people involved in odd couples can be: They become friends, team up, or are brought together for various reasons. In The Odd Couple, two friends become roommates following breakups with their wives. Ralph Waldo Emerson suggests that friendship is a dynamic process that brings together personalities that may not be alike but rather opposite.

William Blake also underlines that opposition lies at the core of friendship. He deems it positive. There is a gap between the two characters as far as age and appearance are concerned. In Up, the enthusiastic young boy scout is poles apart from the grumpy old man he pairs up with. Yet they are bound up, as the rope that ties them to the house suggests, because they share the same spirit of adventure, however different their characters may be.

Dynamic opposition was also the essence of the friendship between artists Andy Warhol and JeanMichel Basquiat. Besides being physically radically different as the picture highlights , they complemented each other. The Help emphasizes that friendship is about sharing humanity and thus can bring people together beyond barriers such as the colour line. Eliot et Groucho Marx. Read the text 1. Mutual warmth and respect Manuel p. Bones was a pup. Although he is unable to speak properly, he understands human speech.

Bones against human malevolence. It may seem odd that a dog and such an eccentric man should have become inseparable and come to a complete understanding. Yet, if we are to judge from the example of Mr. Bones and Willy, characters in an odd couple can be on the same wavelength. Their own oddities or peculiar circumstances can bring them together.

A mesmerizing bond Manuel p. George pense, Lennie agit. I never get no peace. Lennie may have behaved badly as usual and accidentally killed a mouse by petting it too hard: Lennie seems eager to appease George. Once they have saved enough money, they will have a place of their own: They hope to own their own land, settle down, farm and tend rabbits and have enough to live on.

George tells most of the story as an experienced story-teller l. George pretends to be reluctant to go on, saying there is no point telling a story Lennie knows by heart l. Colloquial, direct language characteristic of the uneducated, omit or simplify words, break the rules of grammar. The story delights Lennie. It seems as though it soothes and comforts him just as a bedtime fairy story comforts a child. We can guess that their lives are hard, insecure and unrewarding.

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Les Enfants de Dynmouth (Littérature étrangère) (French Edition) - Kindle edition by William Trevor. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC. Graveney Hall (Littérature étrangère) (French Edition) eBook: Linda Newbery: £ · " Arrête avec tes mensonges " - Prix Maison de la presse (French Edition Linda Newbery a commence sa carriere comme professeur d'anglais.

The vivid intensity of their dream offsets the misery of real life and their loneliness. Lennie provides the real driving force behind the dream and being his keeper gives George the role and direction in life that keeps him from wasting money on transient good times l. As they are migrant workers, probably displaced from families broken up by the need to travel for work, their friendship is unusual.

Yet there is mutual dependency in their couple, which is the basis for sharing their dream. They are alone in the world and their lives are bound up together. Understanding the fact 1. She is full of empathy towards her, eager to please her, to get more intimately and closely acquainted with her, so much so that her own personality appears self-effacing. Their relationship is therefore based on alternating proximity and distance. Yet some distance between them is created due to a lack of understanding: All this stresses the fact that for Genna, nothing is certain or clearly stated.

She can only express suppositions and hypotheses. I think I laughed. The epanorthosis shows the doubts she has, obliging her to modify each statement she gives, while the anadiplosis brings into relief the ambivalence of their relation: Genna seems to be the only one making all the efforts to strike up a friendship with Minette: Yet, though she appears to the reader as being quite lonely in that couple, she does not seem to fully realize or acknowledge it.

Racial relationship in the United States is a very complex issue. Even after the victory of the Civil War and the abolition of slavery in the second. Still, the relationship between the two girls shows that the racial issue is far from being a thing of the past in the s in America. Her attitude may be the result of what her community underwent for many years, and is in that sense, understandable yet it is hard to approve of or sympathise with such disdainful behavior on her part.

What personality does she really have, then? As a consequence, the former victim has thus become a kind of bully, while the former bully now turns into a meek, sheepish character. It might be interesting to develop this discussion and relate it to the election of Barack Obama, who, as the son of a black man from Kenya and a white woman from Kansas, integrates both communities and has relatives scattered across three continents.

The issue of racial relationships in America has reached another dimension with his presidency. The picture is a faithful representation of Minette: She stands out against a background of rather mundane, banal students which is here illustrated by their being blurred. She looks kind, while Minette is described as disdainful. It takes one strange god to know another Manuel p. Estragon sounds disappointed and pessimistic, not wanting to go anywhere else. Yet they do not leave the stage and stand still.

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Both are tramps, waiting for the same thing: Their similitude is reinforced by the echoes to be found in their cues: This theme of repetition is one of the features of the Theatre of the Absurd. Moreover, the optimist as played by Vladimir, and the pessimist, as performed by Estragon are nothing else than the two sides of the same coin. Put together, they form but one human being, one single identity.

What is interesting in the way they communicate is the repetitions they use cf. What seems important is not so much the meaning of their words as the fact that they utter words to keep contact, to establish and maintain connection. This is what Roman Jakobson calls the phatic function of language, when words are used for the sake of interaction, regardless of the meaning of the conversation.

What is striking in the link between cues and stage directions is that there is a gap between what the characters say and what they do. This discrepancy between words and action may show that words have become meaningless as they do not impact reality. Yet they are what is left to people, that is why people still resort to them. The audience does not know why he is being expected, yet the spectators understand that his presence is greatly needed. Godot may represent hope, some change for the better, God The place does not point to a particular country.

The scene could take place anywhere in the world.

The setting as well as the characters thus acquires a universal dimension, which leads any spectator to identify with what happens on stage. Both characters may represent mankind. The moon may allude to the cycle of Nature and Life. It is to be related to the theme of repetition that was previously developed. The fact that the moon stands still is an echo to what happens on stage, where the characters do not move. They end up looking more alike, using the same words, repeating the same things, having fallen victim to habits, routine, yet still feeling that deep inside, they are irreducibly different.

Why they stay together is never clearly explained, it remains mysterious 7. Many elements relate this extract to the Theatre of the Absurd: To what extent does it take one strange god to know another? This sentence is polysemous: Other interpretations may obviously be developed. Exploring or exploding the canon: How Fans Rewrite Fiction. Shaking Shakespeare alludes to the various rewritings, adaptations, transformations, etc. They are a way to shake what has come to be seen as tradition, canon. Canon Types of transformation Derivative work Canon A: Harry Potter Canon B: Conversely, as the texts suggest, if people are already given some elements about characters, plots, it may help them get rid of whatever inhibition they may have when confronted to a blank page.

A new time period and location Manuel p. Tony serenades his lover on the fire escape. There is a tension between danger of being found with the enemy and passion. Romeo serenades his lover from the orchard. The previous table shows the many similarities between both texts. The change from the nurse to the father makes the situation appear even more dangerous as a father is more directly related to his child than a nurse, hence heightening the risk run by the two lovers. The back alley creates an urban, hence maybe more dynamic setting, than the bucolic location of the orchard in Romeo and Juliet.

Resetting the play in the s also allows Laurents to change the language and style. TONY I love you. When will I see you?


In West Side Story text 1 , the text is based on repetitions: Presence of natural elements: Some metaphors are also to be mentioned: In Romeo and Juliet text 2 , the resort to repetitions is also an important feature: The text is fraught with metaphors and similes: Texte de West Side Story: Inventing new characters manuel p. The emphasis laid on the cosmic dimension of love, echoes the vision Elizabethans had of the world The Elizabethan World Order , whereby correspondences were established between what happened at a personal level and what happened at other levels universal, natural, social, animal….

Mainly the settings differ: Last but not least, one should bear in mind that Shakespeare did not invent the story of Romeo and Juliet. The play is also quite similar in plot, theme, and dramatic ending to the story of Pyramus and Thisbe, told by Ovid, the Roman poet in his Metamorphoses. This shows that the process of rewriting and adapting is not a new one, and that in the past, people did not pay as much attention to the concept of intellectual property as they do now.

The language of love is often assimilated to poetry, and this passage from Romeo and Juliet bears its characteristics: Using a musical to adapt this play is thus quite apposite as a musical also resorts to the same devices. Using music to speak the language of love is thus relevant to be compared with the use of other artistic means like painting, sculpture: Imagining offstage events Manuel p. Her relationships with adults: She is also very close to the armourer: Fearless, daring, bold, dauntless, intrepid: This is why she wants complete darkness.

If she is to commit murder, she has to get rid of these supposedly womanly characteristics. She speaks as if she needed some external help to commit her crime. This assistance takes the form of spirits helping her to execute her murderous plan. The imperative mode may in fact address no one else but herself.

Lady Macbeth is an ambitious character as she wants her husband to become king which will lead her to the throne too.

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The lies the men spread about Animal Farm show how afraid they are of losing their power and their property. In most cases, this is done by adding the suffix -ment "-ly" to the adjective's feminine singular form. Only Ralph, Jack and Piggy can be seen and heard. Set in an environment where money is no problem. Exceptions Note that there are four verbs above that are followed by a star sortir, descendre, monter, passer. Indeed, he felt even more spirited than usual.

She appears very determined, authoritative use of the imperative mode , ruthless, violent, and yet by insisting so much on getting rid of any feeling of guilt and compassion, she may betray her inner sensitivity. As an adult the charming features seem to have disappeared or at least they do not seem present here 5. It announces the future development of her criminal temper. It is a prolepsis. The text on p. It contains all the germs of character that one recognizes in Lady Macbeth when she reaches maturity. The painting on p. She seems very inquisitive, self-assertive, giving us a piercing look.

The lady on p. Lady Macbeth is an important character, a noble woman, who means murder and death. What would happen if… Manuel p. Relationship between the characters Topic of their discussion Tone of their discussion Portraits of the characters that are referred to Text 1 Mother and son: Gertrude and Prince Hamlet Brothers: King Hamlet and Claudius Husband and wife: Text 2 Mother and son: Text 1 Text 2 Metaphors: Hyperion, Jove, Mars, Mercury, god physical appearance: She gives indication as to what Hamlet is doing while she speaks.

Indeed, in the original tragedy, the style is lofty and noble with the use of metaphors, similes, etc. She looks very detached, self-assured and even proud of her deed: Learn more about Amazon Prime. Get fast, free shipping with Amazon Prime. Amazon Hot New Releases. Our best-selling new and future releases.

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