700 blagues (French Edition)

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The people whose sole exposure to the French is television and movies have almost no choice but to hate us. I can hardly blame them since they have literally never seen a nice and brave Frenchman in their lives. Barney 14 , Good point, well written. My best guess is that it stopped after the Vietnam War.

158 Replies to “South Park Bashes The French”

Having lost and being humiliated like they never had been before, some americans needed a scapegoat, and we were a convenient target as they said in the british show Ultimate Force: They really have to dig for it, dig up their copy of The Longest Day or — God forbid! They all spoke with horrible, stereotypical French accents.

So, even when brave, the French get the dumbass accent. It took a little while with the time difference and everything. Miquelon suggested you see can more of our conversation over on reddit. The conversation got more civil and Miquelon even joked with me towards the end. Believe me…, I have harsher remarks for some of the stupid ass people here in America. They think the things they say are really offensive and they sure as hell are. But more times than not, they are bagging on the people that are bagging on other people.

So some of the characters are very bigoted but they use put them in situations where they show just how stupid and ignorant their bigotry is. I think nothing bad about the French. I just love a good joke and a good debate.

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Please send me some good American jokes…, I loved to hear some. I love to hear from you all. In the meantime…, Be happy, be well and keep laughing. Unfortunately, South Park fell in lock and step with this current. Wayne, there are consequences to this type of constant attacking of one specific people and culture: I am not joking here, each one of these occurrences happened during the height of Anti-French propaganda between and and some of these still occur today. Back to South Park. The purpose of this type of joke was to ridicule the anti-French attitudes of people like Cartman who view all foreigners as identical.

But episode 7 of season 13, the joke is radically different in nature and purpose. The French are portrayed as cowards, readily surrendering to children. This is a very different type of joke as it paints an entire people and culture with a despicable character trait. This is what we are focused on, and we will not accept this from South Park any more than we would from anybody else.

This was a lazy, pathetic and cheap shot, pure and simple.

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The actual answer to that question would be about 1. Your sense of humor is much more developed than ours after all. Maybe we should make a South Park parody of animated GI soldiers running away from Vietnam, Somalia, Beirut … But the idea of mocking any dead soldiers of any army is simply too disgusting for me to bear. Are the Americans who died on the Bataan Death March also fair game in such case? In episode — Make Love, Not Warcraft. You know who those people were?

Are you French, Clyde? In episode — You got F in the A. They could simply make a charactor that is French and the hero in an episode. Since the writers are very creative, they should have no problem making up for this display of very poor taste.

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Miquelon — I could animate that. To be fair, they were two french characters who were portrayed as heroes one even gave up his life in the South Park movie. Besides, giving the French a positive role model is not a license to trash us ten years later. True — I get physically ill when I hear the Simpsons intro music. Before I say anything that might piss you off I just wanted to say how fun it is to debate you guys. We obviously disagree on some things but we can do it on a civil level.

I think since they can say anything they want without any chance of reprecussions, they let it all out. See…, Americans are the real pussies. I thought I was getting through to you about some stuff. If I could get one thing through to you is that you take this stereo-type you think exist of you over here, much too seriously. This notion that everytime we hear something French over here we think of surrender is proposterous. Not an accurate view of the French, but not a negative one either. You know I will defend South Park to the death. Anyway…, I want to thank you for allowing me to debate you guys.

I love getting different views; especially from somewhere other than some of the redneck cultures that exists here. I could also name you a couple of other episodes where countries were insulted on the level that France was based. The main point is making sure people still know the difference between jokes and reality…. You people must think we are deaf and blind…. I loved your rendition. Do you draw those yourself? If so…, you should consider getting a job with the show.

The whole basis of the show is to show idiot and ignorant behavior such as bigotry and then expose it for what it really is; all in an entertaining and hilarious way. They have been merciless to Canadians; even making a full-length motion picture about them. That movie, by-the-way has to hold the record for most cuss words ever in a single motion picture. They also have, like you say poked fun at Germans, Iranians, Iraqis, Mexicans, and every aspect of the American culture.

They have tore apart many of the current and pat fads that come in go in this country. No one is safe! But they do so to show just how ridiculous those views are. And Barney, of course I consider your points valid. It seems you Frenchmen are open-minded and actually take the time to consider what the other person says. American conversation is much more pig-headed and much of the time seems a waste of time to me. But no one more than America itself. Well they do pretty heavy satire on Kim Jong Ill too. It appears on Comedy Central every few months or so or you can rent it.

The opening seen is in France.

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A good many of the jokes are puns based on the fact that a widespread Chinese syllable written as "hui" in pinyin looks very similar to the obscene Russian word for penis. Back to South Park. These often revolve around the supposition that the vast majority of Russian and Soviet militsioners policemen, now called politzia accept bribes. Can we imagine a French cartoon that would mock any of the following subjects pertaining to American history? But the US military chain of command had issued orders: I also know that schools are a lot better in Iowa than they are in Texas, better in Oregon than in Alabama. The French are sick and tired of being labeled cowards and pussies by the American media.

Please see this one. You will love it. Problem with satire is the thin line that separates it from the crass and the vulgar. Airplanes fly over Manhattan, scares the crap out of people, hundreds come running out of buildings…. The Electorate-Archbishopric of Andrewernessonia has withdrawn its ambassador from the newly constituted state as a consequence.

Government has opened relations with the PRM, with President Obama paying a casual visit a few hours after the surrender.

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Now, you understand why the first casualties among the coalition of the willing forces in Iraq were victims of American panic fire…. How about garbage-eating fear junkies? The above are simply inverted French-bashing jokes. But I bet more than one American found them distasteful, right? Same the other way round.

I think of it as someone pinching himself. De nuict soleil penseront avoir veu, Quand le pourceau demi-homme on verra: Bruict, chant, bataille, au ciel battre aperceu: Need I say more…? Oh yes, a parting shot. How many Americans does it take to bomb a wedding? Hey guys…, I would have written sooner but I was too busy running from low flying airplanes. Well I see you have regained your sense of humor. You should hear this news media created panic being caused by pigs. Now the airplane thing to me is funny because that was caused by actual people panicking over something they saw.

But the swine flu thing is all media! Slow news days are the most dangerous times around here because the irresponsible media has to create something to report on. If you are ever looking for something to laugh at the Americans about, just look at our news. Never in all my years has 40 people getting a cold been considered a pandemic.

Hey but leave it to the U. Anyday now they should start pig burnings and people will start looting and hording food. Well at least the pharmacutical stocks should go up. You see there are some Americans who can take a joke. There are two kinds of people: Those that are a joke. By the way, the how many Americans does it take to defend the a skyscraper joke was great. I told it to a few people here and it cracked them up. Explain a little further for me, will ya. You know around here sophistication is on the level of somewhere around Dancing with the Stars.

Or maybe you gotta work on your delivery a little more. I think I have been a good sport here and have done my best to have an open-minded conversation. I believe it has been fun and enlightening for all. But what started this whole conversation, was a few of you thought someone from America was wrongly making a joke at your expense. I invited you to share some American jokes and a couple were quite funny.

I realize you are saying Ameicans, especially our military, are stupid. But bomb a wedding?

La blague la plus drole du monde!

You could tell it to me twenty times and it still is not going to make me laugh. That is one stereo-type that exist about the French. But be civil and respectful. Air Force thinking it was a concentration of militiamen. Not remotely very polite or respectful, if you see what I mean…. Wayne, I think there is a slight misunderstanding here. The French can laugh at themselves, no problem. What we have a problem with here is the perpetuation of a very offensive and unfair stereotype; i. The French being cowards has become an undisputed and widely accepted fact by many. About a month ago I returned home from a 3 month French teaching assistantship program at a public high school in California and I was appalled at the replies I got from those kids when I asked them what they knew about French history.

And it was no joke to those kids I assure you. Those guys wanted to hurt the French. Do not insult our intelligence. Barney, your point is elegantly presented. I might add that it is outrageous to insult survivors of Rwanda, Cambodia, Armenia, etc. You are overly sensitive and apparently only think the French matter. You are a hypocrite who does not deserve their goal. These so-called jokes were made to prove a point: I do not approve of these jokes, and as clearly stated above the comment section, all coments are the responsbility of their respective authors, but I fully understand the point that is being made here.

Take any so-called joke that was told about the French or France by State Governors, Columnists, Congressmen, Senators, Journalists, Comedians, Writers and change it around to an Anti-American joke, and will immediately see things differently. But then I thought to myself, the reason I do this in the first place are many. Sometimes you will encounter some negative discussions but I try to avoid them for the most part.

Hillblogger has done to me. Even after your explanation, in fact especially after your explanation, I still thought it barely qualified as humor. There are stereotypes associated with every group and it is easy to see if the context is hateful or humorous. In all my comments I have tried to point that out. I think a few of you have seen that and have been quite enjoyable to talk with ever since.

Everytime you try poke fun or make a joke, you add the comment that this would have the Americans would be reeling if we said this or see how they like this. You definately add an obvious hateful aura with your supposed humor. Please go back and read all my previous comments. I have not told a single joke about you.

I have tried to be nice and offered some humor at my own expense.

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The comments with the negatively charged aura have all come from you. If I wanted to make you feel bad…, oh boy! As for your reputations of being cowards that Barney spoke about, up until now I had never heard much about it. I think you believe it more than anyone else does. You are so insecure about it, you think everyone is thinking it about you, when nobody is.

Sure someone might make a joke or even believe it to be true. So be mad at them. Not at people like me who was just trying to be friendly with you. Though there is one negative stereotype I have heard about French. People say they are condescending. But as I said in the beginning…. And when it ceases to be, so do I. I will continue to write. Thank You for that Miquelon and Jane. Regardless,…, Good tidings, long life, and happiness to all!

Hey Miquelon…, I just posted another comment and I saw you had too. I wanted to respond to the last thing you siad:. They change their jokes to match the audience they are performing for. When they are in the west they say those people from the east are so dumb that…. Anyway, I hope these conversations turn more pleasant. But I do hope they can continue. But I made my point. You found them distasteful. As Barney points out, the problem we have is that these jokes, if told sufficiently, could pervade popular culture and become common knowledge. At least, most people would. The same kind of mediatic bashing could go the other way around.

Should kids in school draw Americans jumping off the World Trade Center? Would you find this tolerable? Just think of it this way. Most columnists and pundits have certainly got that point, and are applying it to great effect. Heck, but that was the idea… to rile you and to see how American jokes against the French are crap…. Thank you both for illustrating our point so perfectly. How does it feel to be in our shoes? Now imagine feeling what you felt last night every single day for the past 6 years. As if Americans thought for a minute that the French would not be offended at being called cowards.

The Italian, the Poles? You think they enjoyed being called cowards when the joke was on them? As I said, if the resurgence of those French surrender jokes coincided with the French refusal to participate in the Iraq War, it is certainly no coincidence. The aim of those jokes left the mere field of humor a long time ago and if even South Park innocently joked about the French being cowards this time, it helps perpetuate an ugly stereotype that is detrimental to the French people and South Park or no South Park we will still protest against that process.

Jokes that are anti-french or anti-American or any other anti-nationality fall in the same bucket as racist jokes, homophobic jokes, and others. They are incredibly offensive. Are you suggesting that I should stifle my thoughts to spare your sensitivities? And if you think we will take the shit lying down, you got another thing coming. Carton Jaune — On se calme! I applaud people for sticking up for their country and place of origin.

You however are a hypocrite. How do two wrongs make a right? I never condoned french bashing, I am not a french basher, and do not appreciate being labeled by you semi-camoflauged insults. Keep digging that hole of bigotry. Hillblogger, I suggest you lecture to your fellow Frenchmen first and when they stop being foolish, we will stop riling you. You understand anti-french sentiment in America very little for spouting such nonsense.

Most Americans have an indifference towards France, as with most countries, neither having a negative or positive view. The people who do have unfavorable opinions are the idiot republicans that mainstream Americans feel are out of touch with the rest of us. It offends me even more that you use the word American to describe us all, I am an American, and there are millions of other Americans, the majority, who do not feel that way.

There are many effective anti-French bashing techniques. You possess none of them, you fuel the fires. You remind me of a republican who blabs about how America is perfect and can do no wrong, only adding fuel to the fire of Anti-Americanism. Again you widely overestimate French bashing, like I said most Americans are indifferent towards France.. If you only knew how many republicans I have attacked with actual aggressiveness who are the cause for all this ignorance on your behalf, who give people such as you justification in your stereotypes.

I could picture her literally frothing at the mouth. I stayed out of the conversation for a couple days to let it calm down some. I am still laughing at the picture of the yellow card Miquelon submitted.

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To be honest, I was again planning to make this my last entry and was not going to be too nice about it. But some comendable diplomacy supplied by Miquelon has once again changed my mind. If you go way back up to the top and re-read some of my comments, you will see I was trying to communicate to you all that inspite of a joke you obviously took personally, the world as I know it does not think bad of the french.

In fact…, I have great respect for them. She is a smart woman and has a great sense of humor. In fact it was pretty damn funny. Anyway, back to why I started writing on this blog to begin with. After hearing rebuttal I found out this is a touchy subject f0r you. So there was good back-and-forth that seem to be creating some comrodary between representatives of out individual countries. I did try at every turn to always include some compliments and some recognition of your feelings. That would have been a mistake on my part.

I now realize it was just one French person that was being over represented on this site. I even laughed at the one good American joke the skyscraper one. Some found it a little distasteful but I thought it was funny and said so.

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Méga blagues, histoires % drôles (French Edition) - Kindle edition by Dominique DUFOREST. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, . blagues (French Edition) eBook: Divers Auteurs, Editions ASAP: www.farmersmarketmusic.com uk: Kindle Store.

The one joke I said sucked was just a shitty joke. I neither dished any jokes out or became upset about accepting any. Any joke is going to offend somebody. In his reply to comments I previously made, Hillblogger made a reference that I went all epileptic. It was meant as a put down of me personally. My point is Hillblogger did not purposely insult epileptics. The events happened in America but we can laugh about them without upsetting anyway if we do it for fun…, not to demean or hurt anyone.

Two things that happened yesterday that were funny as hell and deserve to be made fun of. I challenge you to come up with a joke without being mean about it. The first one is a low flying plane in New York which caused people to panic like we were be invade by aliens.

Now I can see why it scared them but you have to admit afterwards it was kind of funny. They made it sound like the black plague had arrived but at the end of the report practically shouted: Now see if between us we can make some funny jokes about this without being mean, demeaning, or hurtful. I think it would be a good exercise to help us communicate and laugh with each other in a way the brings Americans and the French closer…, not further apart.

One thing I just noticed at the top of the page is the Frech Bashing levels of certain people and programs. I saw that Fox News level was at orange elevated. Could I please ask you…, no beg you not use Fox news as a gage for how you judge America. They are the channel of the most right-wing extremist and have no scruples or regard for the truth. I am truely ashamed to have them be an example of anything that comes from America. They offend me more than they ever could offend you.

To call them American news…, actually to call them news at all is an insult to intelligence world-wide. And right you are! It was not meant to put down epileptics and actually after I wrote it I knew it was in poor taste. It also so happens that a cousin is epileptic. Once again Wayne fails to acknowledge, obviously purposefully, that is only with a certain stereotype we have a problem with.

The one that spits on our dead and makes use of the worst tragedy in our history to make a point. It shows how the defeat of the French in was not due to cowardice but to poor leadership by showing some of the truly heroic if unsuccessful moments of the Battle of France.

So, lo and behold! That led to some pretty absurd choices…. For instance, the author chooses three napoleonic battles. Would the brilliant Austerlitz be there? No… Trafalgar, Leipzig and Waterloo. How stupid is that?!? Once again, the choice is stupid: Would it not be wiser to introduce, for instance, Agincourt and Formigny, which are opposite versions?

But no — no French victories. And then, they try to place the insignificant, minor battle of Bannockburn Scots vs. Andre 81 , How absolutly correct you are. There are, however, some honest efforts by some British academics to be more evaluative. Those efforts should be encouraged. Allez faire un tour sur les fan site de south park style southpark-tv.

Les precedentes allusions a la france ne me genaient pas , mais la je suis un peu colere …. Here is an issue I think that disturbs me and I think will disturb you more. I think it is something you probably have not seen and definately needs to be brought to your attention.

The very website which made me aware of your concerns in the first place is called reddit. It is open to anyone to post political arguements, usually backed with a link to an article which prompted their comment in the first place. There are certain people on there that are totally pigheaded and say things that are so one-sided that only a partisan extremist can even begin to think might be true.

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