La mela è pronta e altri racconti (Italian Edition)

In questo caso si tratta di un restyling HD DTS equamente distribuito senza troppi fronzoli su una traccia stereo. Sperando di esservi stato utile auguro a tutti un ottimo acquisto. Sul film ed il suo valore artistico e culturale non aggiungo nulla alle tante parole spese nel tempo per celebrare questa opera. Una persona l'ha trovato utile. Sicuramente un film che non deve mancare in una cineteca personale e da rivedere ogni tanto https: A volte un minutaggio minore non significa per forza uno scempio. Ma su questo sospendo il giudizio.

E, ultimo ma non ultimo, regala a Henry Fonda un ruolo da bastardo che nessuno aveva mai osato dargli. La malinconia di un regista che ha amato il mito del cinema western e dell'America, e prova a rivisitarlo con cinismo ma senza rinnegare quel senso di leggenda e di emozione che trasmetteva prima che, con Peckinpah e Leone stesso, venisse demolito.

Sul film niente da dire e ci mancherebbe altro.

Canzoni contro la guerra - Le Déserteur

Otima edizione questa con un booklet interno alla confezione. Ottimo rivenditore ma consegna molto lenta. Pacco integro ed in perfette condizioni. Un capolavoro senza tempo, uno dei pochi film che guardo e riguardo da anni. Consigliato non solo a chi ama il western, ma a chi ama il cinema.

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Dear sirs who rule the earth this war of yours is not for me For the deaths of other men can't be the purpose of my birth. I1 Cassiere sviene, quando vede il mitra che spunta dalla porta, e entra, seguito da un mostro giallo coi denti rossi — un Satana colorato male, sulla faccia del Gobbo. Ci scusiamo per l'errore. Dalla stessa pagina si poteva scaricare un frammento della canzone. In any case, she deserved it. Amazon Second Chance Pass it on, trade it in, give it a second life. Hermann stamped his feet, wrung his hands, and cursed, looking aimlessly here and there when, suddenly, Usinger ap- peared.

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Acquista un Buono Regalo. Visita le pagine di aiuto. Amazon Music Streaming di milioni di canzoni. Amazon Warehouse Deals I nostri prodotti usati e ricondizionati. Book Depository Libri con spedizione gratuita in tutto il mondo. One should not be too proud of having fought, and, rather, regret it. Better than any other, a veteran knows that war should be only disdained.

Almost all true deserters are veterans who were not feeling up to fighting to the death. Who will then throw the first stone at them? Should there ever be anyone who is annoyed by my song, it is not certainly a veteran, Mr Faber. Tutti gli interpreti del testo originale francese: The original French version has been performed by the following interpreters: Bojkov la riprendano volutamente.

E' seguita da una traduzione letterale in italiano e in inglese.

Sofia si veste sempre di nero

Negli ultimi tempi era stata messa in dubbio l'esistenza di tale "chiusa originaria", facendola quasi passare per una sorta di leggenda metropolitana. The following is the original final stanza of the song, which was later removed by Boris Vian and Marcel Mouloudji. Vian himself thought it was inappropriate, so it has never been recorded or broadcast, though a number of versions of the song f. Boykov deliberately use it. It i followed by an Italian and English translation.

In recent times, the existence of this "original final verse" has been questioned and even presented as a sort of metropolitan legend. However, its existence has been documentally confirmed. Se mi perseguite dite ai vostri gendarmi: If you go after me warn your policemen that I shall be armed and that I can shoot well. The following is the version as originally performed by Marcel Mouloudji, with all the changes Boris Vian and Marcel Mouloudji themselves had been constantly making to get through the censorship imposed by French authorities; it was all in vain.

Un brano della lettera inviata da Boris Vian al consigliere municipale parigino Paul Faber, che l'aveva fatta censurare vedi Introduzione. Italian translation of the excerpt from Boris Vian's open letter to Paul Faber:. No, signor Faber, non cerchi l'insulto dove non esiste e, se lo trovate, sappiate che siete voi ad avercelo messo. Dico chiaramente quel che voglio dire; e mai ho voluto insultare gli ex combattenti delle due guerre, i resistenti tra i quali conto numerosi amici e i morti in guerra tra i quali ne contavo molti altri. Quando insulto e non mi succede mai , lo faccio francamente, mi creda.

Chi, come me, aveva vent'anni nel , ha ricevuto proprio un bel regalo di compleanno. Non faccio finta di inserirmi tra i coraggiosi: Oggi ho trentaquattro anni, e le dico: Se si tratta di morire di napalm per una guerra ignobile, come oscura pedina in una mischia guidata da interessi politici, mi rifiuto e mi do alla macchia. No, Mr Faber, you should not look for an insult where it does not exist and, if you should find it, it is you who have put it there, I tell you. What I exactly mean does not allow misunderstanding: I have never wished to offend the veterans from both world wars, the Partisans I have many friends among them and the Victims of the war and, among them, I had many friends, too.

My insults are always frank and open-hearted, though very rare. I shall never insult people like myself, civilians who have been given a uniform only to be killed as things, and nothing more, and who have had their heads filled with empty words and pointless excuses. Only an idiot, not a hero, fights without knowing what is the fight for; a hero is he, who accepts death if he knows that it will be useful to the values he is defending.

The Deserter of my song does not know why; who will explain it to him? I do not know from which war you are a veteran; but, if you are a veteran from the First world war, so you must admit that you have more talent for war than for peace. Those, who, just like me, were twenty years old in , have been given a nice birthday present indeed.

I do not pretend to be counted among the brave: I have been rejected for a heart disease, I have not fought, I have not been deported, I have not collaborated; and I have remained four years a poor, half-starved idiot in the crowd, and I could not understand why one needs explanations to understand what is perfectly clear. I am thirty-four today, and I want to tell you: But should I be ordered to die by napalm in an ignoble war, as an obscure pawn in a fight the true reasons of which are merely political interests and manoeuvres, so I will desert and take to the bush.

I will make my own war. I do grieve for them. Among them, who knows, there were great painters or great musicians and, no doubt, a lot of good people. De deux choses l'une: Ou alors vous aimiez la guerre - et vous vous battiez pour le plaisir? Ainsi cette chanson qui combat ce contre quoi vous avez combattu, ne tentez pas, en jouant sur les mots de la faire passer pour ce qu'elle n'est pas: D'ailleurs mourir pour la patrie, c'est fort bien: Ce ne sont pas les soldats: Et voudriez-vous m'expliquer ce que vous entendez, vous, par ancien combattant?

Malheureusement, il en est d'autres. C'est bien leur tour. Je dis clairement ce que je veux dire: Je ne pose pas pour les braves: J'ai trente-quatre ans aujourd'hui, et je vous le dis: D'ailleurs, je pourrais vous chicaner. Je ne demande pas mieux que de le croire - encore faudrait-il que je vous connusse. Je veux bien suivre Faber, moi. C'est plus dangereux que d'attaquer Vian. Et ne me dites pas qu'Einstein est un idiot: Ils vont chercher leurs recettes chez lui et s'empressent d'en oublier le mode d'emploi: Je suis une cible commode ; vous ne risquez pas grand-chose.

Et vous voyez, pourtant. Bien cordialement, Boris Vian.

The first Italian version by Santo Catanuto. It is kept in the "International Proletarian Archive", in Milan. Santo Catanuto is a songwriter and the author together with Franco Schirone of an important study and survey of Italian Anarchist songs. Ho appena ricevuto la carta di chiamata per guerra dichiarata non so da chi e per chi. Illustre Presidente io non la voglio fare: Le devo dichiarare, sia detto senza offesa, la decisione presa: Rifiuta d'obbedire, non andare alla guerra, rifiuta di farla, rifiuta di partir.

Luigi Tenco et Dalida. Luigi Tenco and Dalida. La versione italiana di Luigi Tenco. It was left unperformed for a very long time, until it was performed for the first time in Sanremo on August 30, , by Enrico de Angelis kindly supported by Luigi Tenco's brother, Valentino , on an evening performance in memory of Boris Vian in the sphere of the 6th "Songwriter Show Festival" Rassegna della Canzone d'Autore organised every year by Club Tenco. The lyrics of Luigi Tenco's version had already been published in a magazine edited by the "Club Tenco" of Venice, so far as in Thanks to Enrico de Angelis.

La version italienne de Luigi Tenco. I file audio del sito luigi-tenco. Luigi Tenco e Lucio Dalla.

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La "prima ballata contro la globalizzazione"!!!! Ho qui davanti a me il foglio di richiamo: Da quando sono nato dei figli son partiti, dei padri son caduti davanti agli occhi miei. Al prigioniero poi han rubato la vita, han rubato la casa e tutto quel che ha. E se mi troverete, con me non porto armi: Versione italiana di Giorgio Calabrese [].

Cantata, tra gli altri. Ho avuto solo guai da quando sono nato e i figli che ho allevato han pianto insieme a me. E dica pure ai suoi, se vengono a cercarmi, che possono spararmi, io armi non ne ho. Marmaja e Tupamaros - Il disertore B. Le loro storie in musica raccontano di desideri e di speranze, di emarginati e di emigrati, di sogni e di carovane in viaggio, con atmosfere sospese fra danze e umori di festa e il dolore della strada e della vita, con atmosfere sospese fra danze e umori di festa e il dolore della strada e della vita.

Con altri gruppi e artisti italiani hanno partecipato alla compilation contro la guerra "Not in my name" del quotidiano "Liberazione" dove hanno interpretato una loro versione del brano-simbolo "Il disertore" di Boris Vian. Per contatti e info: Paolo Predieri , da Boris Vian, storia di un disertore. I loro progetti vengono sviluppati alla luce del server, passo dopo passo, coordinati nel loro sito internet. Sostanzialmente, Terminale X non esiste. Per contatti, info o per suonare con loro: In guerra non andate, di farla rifiutate all'ordine di partire rifiutarsi d'obbedire!

Signor Presidente, non voglio farlo non sono sulla terra per uccidere povera gente. Non per farvi arrabbiare, ma devo dirlo ho preso la mia decisone: Se si deve versare sangue vada a versare il Suo caro "buon apostolo", signor Presidente. Se mi fa perseguire avverta i suoi gendarmi che non ho armi e che possono sparare. Ci dormono mio padre mia madre e i miei fratelli caduti pure quelli per cosa non si sa. Firmando questa mia avverto anche i gendarmi che io non porto armi: Ho avuto solo guai da quando sono nato e i figli che ho allevato han pianto accanto a me.

E dica a tutti i suoi, a tutti i suoi gendarmi, che vengano a spararmi: Egregio Presidente, vi scrivo questa mia, che forse leggerete, oppure forse no. Ho avuto solo guai da quando sono nato e i figli che ho allevato hanno pianto insieme a me. Achille Millo e Milly in L'amore, la guerra. Mentr'ero prigionier, la donna m'han rubato; il cuore m'han strappato dal petto tutto inter. Nessuno ha da partire, nessun deve morire e andar la guerra a far!

His best-known works are a novel about race prejudice, "J' Irai Cracher sur vos Tombes" I will Spit on your Graves ' from which an extremely bad movie was made just before his death, and this song, a protest against the Algerian war. It was recorded very successfully by the Algerian singer Mouloudji, but was banned by the French government and withdrawn in both printed and recorded versions; we first heard it in Sweden translated very well, I'm told , and then on discovering its origin attempted without success to locate a copy in France, Belgium or Britain. The French text was eventually supplied to us by some pacifists in Lyons; I prepared the translation and my wife Marjorie transcribed the tune and harmonies from memory.

A slight folk process may consequently have overtaken it, but I believe not. Boris Vian English version: The Deserter This letter, gentlemen, is to you politicians, You men in high positions - please read it when you can. When I woke up today orders were waiting for me To go and join the army, at once without delay. I shall not, gentlemen! That's why I write this letter, To say that men had better refuse to fight again. I don't want to upset you; I simply want to let you know that we're sick of war. I've seen for many years how they have killed the others, Seen brothers snatched from brothers, and children lost in tears.

Nothers with swollen eyes weep while the rich, not hearing,- Too busy profiteering! I've seen the prisoners: Tomorrow I'll be gone; I'll slam the door behind me On all that might remind me of cruelty and wrong. When I will take my way, around the world I'll travel To speak out against evil, and everywhere I'll say: It's Good to be alive, for all mankind are brothers, In this land and all others, so help your brothers thrive.

If blood is to be shed, shed yours, you politicians, You men in high positions, and be it on your head! Unarmed, I'm safe to kill. Peter, Paul and Mary. In inglese Peter Paul and Mary cantarono solo un brevissimo brano iniziale, passando poi al testo francese molto simile, seppure leggermente diverso, a quello della versione di Mouloudji trasmessa dalla radio Europe 1 il 4 marzo , data della prima storica trasmissione della canzone. It was just this version that, after long time of banishment and oblivion, allowed the song to be rediscovered and to gain all the celebrity it deserves.

It soon became a symbol on the wings of the protest move against the war in Vietnam and, generally speaking, of the antimilitarist and pacifist world movement. As it has already been stated in the introduction to the original French lyrics, it is the version as originally sung by Marcel Mouloudji, with all the changes Boris Vian and Marcel Mouloudji themselves had been constantly making to get through the censorship imposed by French authorities; it was all in vain.

Peter, Paul and Mary used to sing in English only the first four verses, then singing the modified French lyrics. The following lyrics are slightly different from the version performed by Marcel Mouloudji and broadcast by the station Europe 1 on March 4, , the historic date on which the song was transmitted for the first time.

Signori dai grandi nomi, vi scrivo una lettera che forse leggerete se ne avete il tempo. Signori dai grandi nomi io non voglio farla, non sono sulla terra per uccidere la povera gente. Non dovete adirarvi ma bisogna che vi dica, le guerre sono delle idiozie il mondo ne ha abbastanza. Da quando sono nato ho visto morire dei fratelli, ho visto partire dei padri e i bambini piangere Le madri hanno troppo sofferto quando altri se la spassano e vivono a proprio agio malgrado la melma di sangue. Se occorre versare il sangue andate a versare il vostro, o voi signori ipocriti, signori dai grandi nomi.

E se mi cercherete avvertite i vostri gendarmi che io non porto armi e che potranno sparare, e che potranno sparare. I have just received my military papers To go to war before Wednesday evening. Sirs, you who are called "great," I don't want to do that.

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I am not on earth to kill poor people. This is not meant to annoy you, but I must tell you: The world has enough of them. Since I was born, I have seen brothers die. I have seen fathers leave, and children cry. Mothers have suffered too much while others prosper And live at their ease in spite of mud and blood. There are prisoners whose souls have been stolen, Whose wives have been stolen, and all their loved ones gone. Tomorrow, first thing in the morning, I will close the door On the past.

I will go on the road. I will beg for my livelihood on land and sea, From the old to the new world, and I will say to people: All men are brothers. People of all countries: If it is necessary to spill blood, go spill your own. Sirs, you good apostles sirs, you who are called "great": If you pursue me, inform your police That I will be unarmed, and they can shoot, And they can shoot. Essendo contenuta anche in numerosi altri siti, finora era stata attribuita erroneamente a Jerome Swans. Ci scusiamo per l'errore. It is not made for singing. President I'm writing you a letter that perhaps you will read If you have the time.

I've just received my call-up papers to leave for the front Before Wednesday night. President I do not want to go I am not on this earth to kill wretched people. It's not to make you mad I must tell you my decision is made I am going to desert. Since I was born I have seen my father die I have seen my brothers leave and my children cry.

My mother has suffered so, that she is in her grave and she laughs at the bombs and she laughs at the worms.

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When I was a prisoner they stole my wife they stole my soul and all my dear past. Early tomorrow morning I will shut my door on these dead years I will take to the road. I will beg my way along on the roads of France from Brittany to Provence and I will cry out to the people: Refuse to obey refuse to do it don't go to war refuse to go. If blood must be given go give your own you are a good apostle Mr.

If you go after me warn your police that I'll be unarmed and that they can shoot. English translation by James Prescott [], from This page. A very British singable adaptation in which the French president is replaced by His Majesty the King. There just came through my door, my army papers warning, We leave on Monday morning, we march away to war.

Well, I don't fit your plan, I must refuse the shilling, For I'm no longer willing to kill my fellow man. Your Majesty, I say, with due consideration, It's my determination, I will desert today. I've seen my father die, I've seen my sisters grieving, My older brothers leaving, my younger brothers cry. My mother knew such wrongs, she lies beneath her tombstone, She cares no more for tombstones, she cares no more for songs.

While I was in the hole, they stole away my good wife, They stole away my good life, they stole away my soul. So now I'll slam my door, on all those years of sorrow, And starting from tomorrow, I'll sleep at home no more. I'm off to beg my way, to tramp the roads and islands, From Cornwall to the Highlands, and this is what I'll say: You'd be a fine example, Your Majesty the King.

If you would hunt me down, tell Tom and Dick and Harry, No weapon will I carry, and they may gun me down. Da Questa pagina Une autre version anglaise, par Davide Turcato. C'est donc la version anglaise de la version italienne. Further English version by Davide Turcato. As the author himself clearly states, it is based upon Ivano Fossati's Italian version , rather than on the French original. It's so an English version of the Italian version. The draft card here plainly tells me that I have to go make war this coming Monday.

However, I am not here, Dear President, to kill people more or less like me. I am not annoyed with you, by the way, but I feel I have decided and I will desert. I only had trouble since I was born and the children I brought up have cried with me. My mom and my dad are buried now and about the war they won't give a damn. When I was a prisoner someone stole my wife and my past, my best age. Tomorrow I am going to get up I am going to close the door on the dead season and set off.

I'll live on charity on the streets of Spain, of France and Britain and I'll call on everyone not to leave anymore and not to obey just to end up dead for no matter who. Therefore if you need blood at all costs, go give yours, if this amuses you. And, please, tell your men, if they come for me, that they can shoot at me, weapons Andreas Hilmo Teig's Website.

For I've received with fright a letter from the army Informing that they need me in the trenches Wednesday night. But Mister President, my heart was never willing I wasn't made for killing, you'll never have me bent.

I hope you don't feel hurt by reading my confession I've made a firm decision: I'm going to desert. I've felt the pains of war: My kids I hardly saw. My mother's suffering ended and where she is resting No bombs and no molesting upon her may descend. When I a captive was they took away my wife That woman was my life, and all that's left is loss. Tomorrow I will rise and close my front door silently At dawn, and leave behind me the dead years of my life.

I now will spend my time a pilgrim on a voyage So all can hear this message, be told about this crime: Do not accept that hate, refuse to obey their orders, Do not commit their murders, be not a soldier made. If blood must now be shed you should give some of yours For, President, your laws like apostles' words us led. If my arrest you plot, please tell the guards that catch me That I no arms will carry, and safely can be shot.

English version by John Hayday, a folk songwriter from New Zealand. John was busking in France with Ralph McTell in the 60s and he apparently asked someone to translate it for him to sing. Men whose names are great, I'm writing you this letter That you will read, perhaps, If you have the time. This morning through my door there fell the orders telling me Where I must go, where I must be to serve you in your war. Dear sirs who rule the earth this war of yours is not for me For the deaths of other men can't be the purpose of my birth. I bear you no ill will but you should know that men like me Think war is just stupidity and man has had his fill.

The days of all our lives have just seen husbands dying And little children crying, and the misery of wives. And mothers in their tears, while others just grow fat on war And do not grieve a moment for those wasted wasting years. And prisoners of war who prison robs of heart and mind Of youth, of joy and all that's kind and all that's gone before.

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Tomorrow I will go, I'll turn my back upon the past And try to find some peace at last but where I do not know. I'll beg my way around and tell all people that I find Until I've told all human kind that life is ours to live. And if you have lust for blood then let the blood be yours For yours are all the bloody wars, dear sirs who rule the earth.

If you send your police to hunt and catch me as I go Tell them I am unarmed and so they can shoot me in peace. Unarmed I'm safe to kill. President I'm writing you a letter I hope that you can read it if you spared the time 'Cause I have just received a call to active duty to leave my home and fight your war this Wednesday night at 9 Mr. President I don't think I should go I don't think I was put on Earth to kill no poor people Don't mean to get you mad at all I'm informing all of you that my decision's final I plan to go AWOL Since I've been alive I've seen my father die brothers and sisters going too many children cry My mama has suffered so that from beyond the grave I know she's President Go get me if you will and tell the Texas ranges I'll be unarmed and dangerous and they shoud shoot to kill.

NOTICE From the following version onwards, all versions and translations of the song will be ordered alphabetically by the language. Maynery Versione in lingua aleutina di Elmett R. Maynery, trascritta dagli "Exercises to R. Aleut version by Elmett R.

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Maynery, transcribed from the "Exercises to R. Arabic version by Yassir, Fribourg, July 8 Version arabe de Yassir, Fribourg, 8 Juillet Kindly contributed by site owner and administator Gorka Arrese. Kantu antimilitarista oso ezaguna egin zen, lehendabizikoz Marcel Mouloudjik abestua ko maiatzean Harold Berge-ren musikarekin. Boris Vianek berak kantatua entzun dezakezu. Duela 50 urte, gaurkoa bezalako egun batez hil zen Parisen Boris Vian idazle frantsesa.

Ramon Etxezarretak ekarri zuen euskarara Egunen aparra , Elkar eta Juantxo Zigandak Ttu eginen dut zuen hilobietan , Igela nobela. Aldizkarietan irakurriko dituzu poema bat eta bi narrazio ere: Boris Vianen Desertorea kantuaren itzulpena kendu diogu Koldo Izagirreri orain. Boris Vianek berak kantatua entzun dezakezu hemen. Gerran behar dut lehia 'ta nadila gertu Jaun txit bihotzeko Ez dut gerrarik gura Ez naiz jaio mundura Inoren hiltzeko Ez zaitez haserra Baina jakin ezazu Desertore noazu Ez dut maite gerra Sortu naiz aidanez Aita lurperatzeko Senideak uzteko Haur denak negarrez Amak zenbat malko Bonben beldurrik gabe Harren beldurrik gabe Hilobian dago Preso nintzelarik Neska zidaten kendu Nire arima irendu Ez dut iraganik Bihar goizaldean Hementxe ate joka Urte ustelen tropa Baina ni bidean Banoa eskeko Limosna baten galde Frantzian aldez alde Ozen esateko: Egiozu uko Gerrara ez joan inora Ez hadila enrola Ez zaik damutuko Odolik behar bada O jaun gerrazalea Emantzazu zeurea Lehendakari jauna Hona azken nota: Ez daramat armarik Jendarmek beldur barik Nazaten tiroka.

Le rovine di Brest. Pa oan prizoniad diganin o deus laerezhet ma gwrag ha ma ene ha ma holl vuhez ger. Traduce, come variante, anche la chiusa originale non pacifista. Also the "non-pacifist" original final stanza has been translated. Casatenovo Brianza, Lecco, Italy: Jo tinc entre els meus. Senyor governador li dic que em nego a fer-la no tinc raons ni em tenta matar cap enemic. Negueu-vos a obeir digueu no, a les ordres no aneu pas a la guerra. La version manque d'un couplet.

This version lacks one stanza. Si tratta in alcuni punti di una versione molto libera. It is a definitely free version, particularly in some points. M'acaben d'arribar Uns documents militars, Que se'm porten a la guerra Dimarts en clarejar. Ma mare va patir tant Que ara en el lloc de les tombes Es burla de vostres bombes, I del mot altisonant. I si cal la sang donar, Aneu-hi i vesseu la vostra. Us dic, oh Gran Senyor! Signori Superiori, dicono che siete grandi e questo non cambia assolutamente nulla. E' opera di una persona che ha voluto restare anonima, abitante a Valenciennes.

La ringrazio per la sua gentilezza e rispetto il suo desiderio. Censurata e dimenticata malgradu a versione addulcita di Mouloudji, a canzona fubbe riscoperta durante l'ondata di e canzone di prutesta di i anni ' Su questa versione, e sulla susseguente serba sono state apportate alcune modifiche di carattere "locale" che ben si adattano alla situazione: La version n'est pas chantable.

This version and the following Serbian version show a number of modifications of "local" nature to better fit the peculiar situation of relevant countries: This is no singable version. Jeg har lyst til at synge det, som rager folk i dag. Nu synger jeg kun mine egne viser. Igen fik jeg et brev med ordre til at stille men da jeg ikke ville jeg disse linier skrev.

Un'altra versione in lingua danese, di Kjeld Ingrisch, da questa pagina. Alternative Danish version by Kjeld Ingrisch, from This page. Jeg flygter nu i nat. Avraham 'Oz, the author of this version first published by the magazine Ha'olam Haze -"This World" is a teacher of English language and literature at the Haifa University, Israel and one of their recognized leaders. Romanized Hebrew version by Riccardo Venturi. A word-for-word translation of the French original lyrics into Hebrew, from yossik. Alvenis jen paper' kun la ordon-invito foriri al milito mekrede je l'vesper' Mi diras sen rezon' ke tion mi ne faros mi sur la ter' ne staros por murdo de la hom'.

En almozpeta viv' mi iros tra la mondo mi estos vagabondo kaj diros re al vi: Se fluu nun la sang' la propran do vi donos, jen kion mi proponos, Sinjor' de alta rang'.

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Ci tiu rekrutkarto al mi rekte ordonas foriri al milito venontan lundon. Miaj patro kaj patrino nun jam estas subgrunde kaj pri la milito ili nepre ne zorgos. La unua estis de Georges Lagrange, rekte bazita sur la originala teksto de Boris Vian kaj eble entute la unua traduko de la kantoteksto al alia lingvo La tria, alternativa versio estas traduko de Franko Luin.

Ricevis mi ordonon eniri la armeon, akcepti la ideon, ke pafi estas bon'. Mi tion ne obeos! Ne estas mi sur tero por ies ajn konkero nek pafo de kunhom'! Dum miaj dudek jaroj mi vidis patrojn morti, patrinojn nigron porti, infanojn en la plor'. Suferas la patrinoj, dum kelkaj sin amuzas kaj la militon uzas por gajno kaj profit'. Ne estas vi pajaco! Vi estas frato, hom'! Ne estu vi pajaco! Vi estu frato, hom'! Ma eile kutse sain armeesse aastaks minna Passi che ci piacerebbe poter riportare.

Riccardo Venturi, Friburgo, 10 gennaio Word-for-word Italian translation of the Classical Greek version. Mi avete infatti ordinato espressamente, in quanto cittadino ateniese, di partire da casa per andare a fare la guerra. Ma io, signori Arconti, sulla guerra ci sputo sopra: E bisogna una buona volta dire queste cose agli Arconti, seppure irati verso di me: Se infatti occorre versare il sangue, allora versate il vostro, signori: The version is fully singable.

La version est chantable. Si tratta della sua "lingua privata e personale", con tutta una sua storia ed una sua evoluzione, che egli usa rigorosamente con se stesso. In kelartico non esistono dittonghi. Mu me kuzua mikanda ya munu ya ki soda Samu mu kuenda na mvita bilumbu ke kuiza. Ya kele ve samu nge fuema, Mu zona zabisa nge ti mu me zua lukanu: Banda mu butukaka Mu monaka lufua ya tata ya munu Mu monaka ku kuenda ya bampangi ya munu Na lelaki mpe bana na nga.