Riemann Solvers and Numerical Methods for Fluid Dynamics: A Practical Introduction

Riemann Solvers and Numerical Methods for Fluid Dynamics: A Practical Introduction.

The equations of fluid dynamics.

Notions on hyperbolic partial differential equations. Some properties of the euler equations.

The riemann problem for the euler equations. Notions on numerical methods.

The method of godunov for non-linear systems. Random choice and related methods.

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Brno University of Technology

High resolution upwind and centred methods are today a mature generation of computational techniques applicable to a wide range of engineering and scientific disciplines, Computational Fluid Dynamics CFD being the most prominent up to now. This textbook gives a comprehensive, coherent and practical presentation of this class of techniques.

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The book is designed to provide readers with an understanding of the basic concepts, some of the underlying theory, the ability to critically use the current research papers on the subject, and, above all, with the required information for the practical implementation of the methods. Direct applicability of the methods include: For this third edition the book was thoroughly revised and contains substantially more, and new material both in its fundamental as well as in its applied parts.

Mathematical Methods in Fluid Dynamics (FSI-SMM)

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Considerable emphasis will be placed on the inviscid compressible flow: Methods for computations of viscous flows will be also studied, namely the pressure-correction method and the spectral element method. Students ought to realize that only the knowledge of substantial physical and mathematical aspects of particular types of flows enables them to choose an effective numerical method and an appropriate software product.

The development of individual semester assignement constitutes an important experience enabling to verify how the subject matter was managed. Learning outcomes and competences: Students will be made familiar with basic principles of the fluid flow modelling: Students will demonstrate the acquinted knowledge by elaborating semester assignement. Evolution partial differential equations, functional analysis, numerical methods for partial differential equations.

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Basic physical laws of continuum mechanics: Theoretical study of hyperbolic conservation laws, particularly of Euler equations that describe the motion of inviscid compressible fluids. Numerical modelling based on the finite volume method. Numerical modelling of incompressible flows: Navier-Stokes equations, pressure-correction method, spectral element method.

Teaching methods and criteria: The course is taught through lectures explaining the basic principles and theory of the discipline.