Sagt Supermäh zu Spidermäh: Die 444 besten Kinderwitze (German Edition)

This was a wonderful devotional book.

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This makes thinking about God's attributes both more concrete and worshipful at the same time. Mail Order Brides List. We leave feedback first Detailed product descriptions. Tozer in his The Knowledge of the Holy have covered in more depth and with more theological and Biblical support, but it worked well as a springboard for discussion in the Bible study I attend. We offer a huge range of over 8 million books; bestsellers, children's books, cheap paperbacks, baby books, special edition hardbacks, and textbooks. Chapter 5 - EternalThis is about Time. Those are moments when life in this world feels more like a bet made against you than anything else, and you wonder how you're supposed handle it.

I think Jen Wilkin has a very Biblical view of God and a right understanding of the Bible there was only one statement in the whole book that might have given me pause, but it wasn't even serious enough that I remember what it was now. Her reflections of God and our relation to Him was really insightful. I can see myself coming back to this book soon, and I really want to get a physical copy for myself so I can take better advantage of the mediation and reflection questions at the end of the chapters.

I love Jen Wilkin and have been very blessed by many of her Bible studies, so I was excited to read this! It is definitely something to read slowly and contemplate though it technically didn't take me 5 months to read I set it aside for a few months before picking it back up this winter and I'm glad I took the time to consider the extra Scripture and discussion questions at the end of each chapter. Each character quality was wonderfully explained and I found each chapter to both convict me and inspire worship. Excellent breakdown of some theological words Christians use but don't take the time to ponder.

Wilkin unearths our humanness and depravity by showing us glimpses of God's awe-inducing character. I'm buying one of these for all of my daughters. I want to buy it for my sons, but it's so obviously written to women, I wonder what they'll think. But I think I'll try it, anyway. It's a doctrine book!

Like Arthur Pink's bookThe Attributes of God, it goes through each of God's attributes using their grown-up titles, like "Omniscience," without being dry. It's so not dry! The writing is refreshing With each peek at God, the author gives us a bigger, corresponding peek at ourselves, or rather, she helps us to look at some rather unsavory elements of human behavior and invites us to apply them to ourselves.

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I feel further down the road of Sanctification. I'm going to go through the chapters now and list the things that hit me, but these are spoilers, so don't read it all unless you've read the book for yourself. It's much more fun to get it that way. Chapter 1 - InfiniteLimits We are capable of bearing his image We are not experts on others, on God, not even of ourselves. Chapter 3 - Self-existentOn creativityChapter 4 - Self-sufficiency"Sanctification is the process of learning increasing dependence, not autonomy.

I'm all about my desperate need for God in every bit of life, but I don't know how to depend on people. I need to learn how to take Feedback, that's what I learned. Seeing it as autonomy helps. If I see it as needing help from others, I could probably do it better.

Chapter 5 - EternalThis is about Time. Humans being bound by time. Using your gifts for things of eternal significance.

About the author

Chapter 6 - Immutable "Just as my assurance of salvation rests in the fact that God cannot change, my hope of sanctification rests in the fact that I can. I want to be fully present where I am.

The age we live in is a terrible temptation. Taking our curiosity in hand. We have been given so much mental capacity and no more. But has our information gluttony done anything to relieve our anxieties or increase our certainty?

About the author

This has really challenged and changed my thinking. People give me power because I am relatively attractive and charismatic. We strive to be attractive so people will treat us well. If I didn't have these, I'd not be helped as readily at the sales counter.

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Humans give people power for wealth, beauty, strength, and charisma. I'm thankful to be aware. The Christians duty is to look out for those the world give no power to. Churches are to see the inner beauty, to respect the lame, the blind, etc. Many grow more beautiful upon further acquaintance - I want the beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit. Chapter 10 - SovereignIf you have the gift of a magnetic personality I know You will. This book was a quicker, easier read than I expected. It was rich, but not academic.

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This book contains many good reminders that we are not God, and thus should not act like we are. There is tremendous freedom in acknowledging that we have human limitations. The ultimate goal is to put God back on the throne of our hearts. If your prayer life has grown stagnant, your worship routine, or your passion for God and His Word has grown cold — this book is for you.

Brief and to the point, Jen extols 10 attributes of God. The tone of her writing falls somewhere between a personal conversation and a sermon warm, yet resolute. Every chapter was applicable to this reader, particularly chapter 4, which addressed our my desire to be self-sufficient, and chapter 10, that speaks of God's sovereignty and our my desire for control. These chapters were so convicting that I've already read them a second time.

This book could easily be adapted for a co-ed book study. Furthermore, the Verses for Meditation and Questions for Reflection at the end of each chapter encourage refection and application — a great reason to read it with a friend or an accountability partner. I did receive a sample of the product in exchange for this review and post. This was the lie in the Garden, the root of our sin pride and Wilkin shows the many ways this is manifested in our lives today and how we get into so much trouble, as a result.

Great questions and verses at the end for further reflection, if you wanted to do this with your quiet time. The chapter on His immutability probably changed my thinking the most. Grateful for this book and excited to read it with college women this fall! A beautiful introduction and summarization of the attributes of God.

If you've never studied His attributes, this is an excellent beginning! I would have liked it to go a tad deeper perhaps. But for a small quick read, it's well worth it and very sound! Loved everything about this book. Highly recommend for both women and men desiring to grow in their knowledge of God.

I read this book slowly and with contemplation. Refine more Format Format. Items in search results. Other Books, Comics, Magazines 2. Format see all Format. All listings filter applied. Fishing Technique see all Fishing Technique. Fish Species see all Fish Species. Number in Pack see all Number in Pack. Fishing Type see all Fishing Type. Amelia Peabody may sound like the name of a meek, proper, Victorian female, but very litte about Amelia is typical of women of her time.

Amelia Peabody Emerson is actually a stubborn, headstrong, highly intelligent Egyptian archaeologist, with an unfortunate tendency to clumsiness. So is her husband. And her young son. And each of the three Emersons is convinced that they are correct, and the others incorrect.


In their unique manner, this little family bumbles their way to the heart of both a pyramid and a mystery, both of which are fraught with danger. And let's not forget the help of the cat Bastet Amelia Peabody, the viewpoint character, is a head-strong, decisive woman, despite her Victorian origins. As the entire family is fascinated with Egyptology, it is only natural that the adventure takes place during an archaeological dig.

This is Amelia's first encounter with the Master Criminal.