Where the West Wind Blows

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Green River Ordinance

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Non mi interessa tutto questo, effettua il logout. But there was such a thing as too much power. Especially when you had youkai friends and your particular brand of power was purification-purification that now surged and ebbed like some great tide almost beyond her control. Some days were worse than others. On good days, everything proceeded much as it had for the first three years she'd spent in the past. On bad days, purification crackled like static electricity between her and any youkai who drew too near. Kagome wasn't optimistic enough to hope that Chiaki-sama hadn't noticed her uncontrollable power spikes.

She was optimistic enough to hope that it would be a very good reason for the lady to send her home. In a gesture eerily reminiscent of her son, a silver brow had risen imperiously. You will stay, until I discover what is so appealing about humans.

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Kagome was fairly certain she could be given a hundred years and three tutors and she still wouldn't find inu culture anything less than bizarre. Whereas curiosity was generally regarded as a childish attitude in everyday life in modern culture, especially the kind of over-bearing and invasive curiosity the inu practiced, not only was it accepted in inu-youkai culture, it was actively encouraged and cultivated among the long-lived creatures.

This, unfortunately, did not bode well for Kagome's future freedom, as their casual curiosity might well last for the rest of her life. But she had come to the Court of the Moon in an official diplomatic position. If Chiaki-sama wanted to make her a permanent attachment to her entourage, Inuyasha didn't have enough political sway to stop her.

And in order to keep head and body of her best friend together, Kagome had managed to convince him that storming the castle in the clouds with its elite guards was not a good course of action. And so she had become Chiaki-sama's miko, a designation more literal than a free-minded modern was really comfortable with. While Sesshomaru was the occasionally contested ruler of the Western Fortress and its attached lands, Chiaki-sama was undisputed alpha of her estate.

The advantage of a floating castle, Kagome supposed, was that you really could throw people you disliked over the edge of the world. Everything and everyone within belonged to Chiaki-sama. None of her retainers had done more than raise a few well-groomed brows at their lady's pronouncement. She'd thought sourly that they might be curious as well, given the infamous nature of the Inu no Taisho's choice of concubine. But it was a reciprocal relationship-for undivided loyalty and obedience, Chiaki-sama made certain her subordinates were well provided for. In one of her innumerable pronouncements, she'd set aside an unused garden and pavilion for Kagome's use.

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Later, she would find both garden and pavilion had a colorful history, belonging as they had to the favorite concubine of the previous occupant, who Chiaki-sama had dispatched handily when she'd left her husband's estate in a snit when he first came home smelling of human in places that couldn't be explained even by his glib tongue. This particular Court of the Moon had a very short history by youkai standards, being less than a century old, but the line of the Moon itself was old and distinguished. It was explained to her later that this castle could technically be more accurately called the "Lesser Court of the Moon," the "Greater Court of the Moon" being ruled by Chiaki-sama's older brother from a castle somewhere to the north, which by description Kagome couldn't tell if it was on a mountain or it was a mountain.

Then they destroyed both garden and most of the pavilion and built a shrine in the expansive courtyard they had created. Chiaki-sama had looked on with satisfaction, having sent envoys to the famous shrines to investigate the architecture. When Kagome had tentatively asked her which kami she intended to enshrine, Chiaki-sama had huffed. Kagome, baffled, because it was counter-intuitive to the whole of Shinto make a shrine without a god, had been left with little option to continue as she'd been doing.

Which was trailing in Chiaki-sama's wake. Chiaki-sama was as good as her word-practitioners of every faith, from the length and breadth of Japan, suddenly found themselves apt to be "borrowed" for a few sessions. Luckily, the journey into the clouds and back was surreal enough and short enough most dismissed it as a dream or vision. Or the people they told looked on it as a spiritual journey full of metaphor, rather than a "ningen-napping" as the progressively more amused guards began referring to it.

She was aggressively non-discriminating, though it might be more accurate to say that Chiaki-sama, being one of the beings they were debating about, cared very little for the trappings of human religion. And she was aggressively, intrusively curious about seeing spiritual powers in action. It was she, in fact, who insisted on Kagome's first shiki, after an unlucky practitioner of onmyou had tried to subdue one of the servants.

Which brought her to the present, more or less, if she ignored the strange happenings that just seemed to dog her. Kinakihiko, better known to Chiaki-the-Great-and-Heinous-Bitch as shikigami no. There were not many dogs who could pull the wool over the eyes of a kitsune as old and powerful as he, but the old bitch had certainly gotten him good.

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Part some inborn disgust, part exceptional power that he hadn't had such control over when young, and part, Kagome suspected, some complex over his father, everyone agreed that Sesshomaru was peculiar in the way that great men are peculiar and no one thought much about it. In a gesture eerily reminiscent of her son, a silver brow had risen imperiously. Slipping a comb from his sleeves, he deftly pulled her hair back and secured it in the traditional low tail of a Shinto miko. While Sesshomaru was the occasionally contested ruler of the Western Fortress and its attached lands, Chiaki-sama was undisputed alpha of her estate. Then, perhaps, he could went his freedom from Kagome-sama.

Unlike the inu, he didn't suffer from overweening pride: She, at least, had an expiration date, something not always guaranteed with the tetchy inu, who didn't take thievery lightly, even when it was only as a joke, from one daiyoukai to another. Surely having eight tails should grant him some leniency; but no, there were only the lady's words: I should increase your sentence for rank stupidity.

So had Kinakihiko met Higurashi Kagome, the girl who'd been less interested in him and more interested in watching Chiaki-sama warily.

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His soon-to-be-mistress had been taller than the usual human female, though not so tall as a youkai, lending her a certain air of vulnerability that was increased by her slender mortal body. What she was was a vast reservoir of power, hidden poorly once the unfortunate youkai made contact with her skin. As Aki had been kneeling at the time, courteously aiding her in subduing himself in a kind of formal play Chiaki-sama was attempting to standardize the process of collecting voluntary shiki, they would find out later, with metaphoric attempts to escape and rote lines-if there wasn't a ceremony for it, the lady could and would invent one there hadn't been far to fall, but he was still tempted as her first, accidental touch sent lightning arcing across his skin.

She'd winced as well, almost fumbling the elegant jade beads Chiaki-sama had provided for the occasion. But over his head the double strands had went and the binding had proceeded apace. Aki had needn't an actual conversation with Chiaki-sama to anticipate the "more fool you" tone she would take, so he hadn't even bothered. Until about a week later, when he couldn't take it anymore. Aki consoled himself with the thought that in thirty years he'd have his ninth tail.

Then, perhaps, he could went his freedom from Kagome-sama. He'd made it his business to ingratiate himself with his new mistress, which wasn't terribly difficult. If Kagome-sama didn't have the dormant power to erase a citadel from the map, she would have been eaten long ago. She was just so terribly nice , though of late she'd grown a backbone, probably a defense mechanism to the damn pushy inu that populated the Court of the Moon.

But she still chronically underutilized her shiki-if anything, there were times when he was fit to perish of boredom. She didn't have enough demands for one servant, let alone three. But three she had, until it pleased Chiaki-sama to make another prisoner. Not that Seiichi or Karakurenai seemed to have the same sensitivity he possessed. Though Nai-chan did get to leave the Court more often-as he was absent now. Not that he wanted much to do with the vicious, sharp-toothed oni, but still, if he had to suffer, they should all suffer alike. Kagome's snarling finally brought Aki's attention back to his mistress.

Aki chuckled, ire dissipating. Slipping a comb from his sleeves, he deftly pulled her hair back and secured it in the traditional low tail of a Shinto miko. Then, because he knew it would exasperate her, he made Kagome-sama stand with her arms outstretched, so that he could make certain her costume was unwrinkled, with the folds falling as they should.

When she'd first come to the Court of the Moon, Kagome-sama had possessed a strange aversion to the clothes of her calling, but little things like that had never stood in the way of Chiaki-sama's will for long. When he was satisfied, he smiled at Kagome-sama as she inspected her appearance in a small, round mirror. The compliment, as usual, left her unmoved. She'd flushed at every small kindness for weeks, but after three years, Aki had to do something truly outrageous to make her blush.

Where The West Wind Blows

Once Kagome-sama had exhausted her complaints about her hair, she strode across the room and slid open the screen, opening it to the winter waiting outside. Just the sight of the snow blanketing the ground made him wish for a warm brazier, hot drinks, and small games indoors.

But Kagome-sama, despite being far more prone to take cold than her youkai servants, was of a hardy, outdoors sort of disposition. Or, at least, she was prone to an outdoors disposition when inclement weather drove the more courtly youkai inside with fewer distractions. Aki pulled the waiting fur from atop the chest of Kagome-sama's clothes, draping the heavy bear pelt across her shoulders, her dark hair blending perfectly into the shining fur. If he hadn't been there himself when she killed it, he would have sworn it was a demon from the size of the pelt, which had made not only the cloak she now wore, but also thick gauntlets and fur-edged boots.

Now Kagome-sama came at last to the real reason for her preoccupation with the state of her hair: I hope nothing is wrong. This summons sounded unusual. Once one accumulated so much reiki that it became imperative to spend it in endeavors like subduing shiki and still having enough left over to purify a platoon with a single arrow, human was a term in some dispute.

Her first shiki looked up from where he'd been kneeling outside the door, quite at ease in the cold. Seiichi was the son of an old enemy, now dead, who nonetheless had posed some risk to Chiaki-sama's interests. But a consideration for how he might serve her in the future had kept him among the living, just as that same foresight had saved Aki. Both shiki shared another thing in common-they were tremendously powerful, but neither had land nor retainers to protest, if Chiaki-sama usurped their freedom.

It had been a trend only broken by Karakurenai, better known as Nai-chan, whom Kagome had subdued for her own protection-the oni had been trying to eat her at the time. Sei's look of thoughtful consideration emphasized the fine, pearlescent patterns of scales still visible on the edge of his eyes and the back of his hands. His coloration, which included crystalline blue hair that ended abruptly before it touched his shoulders, with the exception of two floor length sections that were probably the manifestation of his whiskers, made him seem at home in the weather.

the west wind blows

Aki shivered as the dragon thought. Eventually, he said, "There have been rumors of disturbances to the north, but I have heard nothing specific. If something has happened, Chiaki-sama is keeping it close. Aki shivered again, this time with something other than the cold. The north was the domain of the dragons. Any trouble coming from that direction would be something serious-if he had his choice, they would spent the duration of the disturbance far to the south. By far and large, the ryuu were peaceful and philosophical, born of the rains of spring, summer, and autumn.

But the dragons of winter were fierce and ambitious enough to account for all their brethren. With breath like a blizzard and a heart to match, Aki would as soon spent a summer with the sly neko to the south or the eternally warring wolves of the east. Kitsune were far too intelligent to bother with interference in the politics of their youkai brethren. They preferred to meddle in the affairs of the weak-minded and short-lived humans. While he was considering the implications of the northern troubles, Sei had risen in a strangely boneless movement, ready to accompany Kagome-sama.

With a sigh, his mistress began the journey along the covered halls, her expression carefully neutral. Several times, they were stopped by courtiers who'd heard of her summons and perhaps the same rumors, but Kagome-sama was too wise now to offer them incomplete information or news she didn't have Chiaki-sama's leave to spread.

The guards outside Chiaki-sama's current room of residence nodded greetings as Kagome knelt before the doors and was granted admittance. It was a small room, Aki's quick eyes saw, the doors to the garden outside left open, the flowers there in full bloom, as if it was high spring, but encased in a delicate layer of ice.

A large square brazier kept the room temperature steady, the orientation of the room sheltering it from the winter winds. The great dog herself was seemingly paying great attention to the flowers outside, but the slight tilt of her lips downward indicated more serious thoughts. But then Aki was obliged to sit with his eyes cast down, being the lowest of the low-shiki to a human.

Even when said human was the court spiritual advisor, bizarre as that situation would seem. Kagome could almost hear Aki's complaints in her head, which was a dangerous situation when she needed her full attention to devote to Chiaki-sama and her demands. The eight-tails vacillated between being hilariously funny and almost unbearably whiny. Now, she loved Shippou with all her heart, but she was beginning to think it was a species trait. It was no wonder that most of the stories that had survived into her time pictured them as females.

Compared to the much rougher ideal of manhood that survived in this era, they were almost effeminate. She was a little surprised when Chiaki-sama didn't answer immediately. As an immortal youkai with inordinate wealth and the almost slavish devotion of a whole host of retainers, she still despised waste, whether it was of resources or time, but she could be surprisingly generous. Chiaki-sama was a whole host of contradictions: There was only one thing not in doubt; Chiaki-sama was most pleased when she was confusing people.

Her jumble of convoluted thought dissipated when the lady fixed her with a stare that still reminded her eerily of Sesshomaru. Kagome bowed her head, confused. I was surprised when you didn't rebel against them. When she did, everyone tried to be very far from the bloodbath that would ensue. It helped that her court was generally composed only of trusted retainers—guests of high rank were few and far between. If Chiaki-sama wanted to see someone, she generally imposed on them, not the other way around. Not to mention actually locating half of her companions to deliver the letters took half a season.

Inuyasha's letters were left at Edo in the care of Kaede, but the dog never bothered to write back. Miroku sent some rather polite but usually very informative letters every few months. Sango, for all her skill with any weapon that found its way into her hand, was barely literate and Kagome always felt bad when she imagined the proud headwoman struggling through a letter written with the modern idioms and characters that hadn't quite disappeared from her writing, no matter how good she'd been at classical Japanese in school.

So Kagome usually asked Miroku to deliver her news to Sango, solving both the communication problem and doing her own not-so-subtle matchmaking in one fell swoop. Though she wouldn't live to see it, Kagome was looking forward to the invention of the telephone.

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If there'd been trains when they'd been looking for the Shikon, the quest might have taken a few weeks instead of years. Kagome regarded the question warily, like one might a spider or snake. It sounded like a leading question. Chiaki-sama had shown no indication of being bored with Kagome, but it was hard to tell.

Good, strong teeth for ripping out the hearts of her enemies, Kagome supposed. She bowed her head again. She was uncertain how many years she needed to be in the youkai's court before she became one of the ornaments. Kagome rather hoped not to be here long enough to find out. Though it wasn't like she was a bird trapped in a cage here—in the warmer months, Kagome typically found herself "patrolling" the inuyoukai's territory, though she had yet to discover what she was patrolling it for.

Mostly she went around doing standard miko duties. Benevolence and aid to the sick and suffering, ceremonies to invoke rain in times of drought, purification of especially destructive youkai. The last sometimes gave her the impression that Chiaki was using her as some kind of miko assassin for trouble-making youkai, but Kagome hadn't been able to let her reservations about Chiaki-sama's motives stop her from helping the people whose homes, lands, and lives were being destroyed by the demons.

And despite being Tokyo-born and bred, Kagome had some useful tricks up her sleeve when it came to farming and irrigation that had earned her praise as a kind of low-grade land kami from the humans she imparted them to.

Green River Ordinance:Where The West Wind Blows Lyrics

She thanked the kami for television and all those science classes she'd had to suffer through, just as she reassured herself that she wasn't changing the timeline, because everything she'd done here had already happened in her future. And it wasn't like she was teaching them genetic manipulation or anything. Just helpful hints here and there. I have heard they have gathered in Edo. Apparently, that child that my son is so fond of has somehow gotten herself involved with Ryuryo's troubles up north.

My mate's other brat has claimed that territory as his own and does not bother to send me news. She was not disappointed. You may interfere if you cannot help yourself, but it would be best if you do not help my son. Who has tried to kill you on several occasions, which you should keep in mind if he is foolish enough to find himself in need of your aid. Chiaki-sama's castle wasn't exactly accessible, but if she rode Sei she could be in Edo in no time at all. And frozen half-to-death, but that was the cost of quick travel in the winter.

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