Wholly For God [article]

Wholly God Part II (1:19, 2:9)

Third, don't miss the little word "for" with which v. It is "for" or "because" Jesus Christ is fully and wholly and exclusively God in bodily form, 2: If he were not truly and wholly God he would not be either of the two. The Fathers of the early church fought and sacrificed their lives for the truth of Christ's deity not because it served political or personal agendas but because of statements like this in Colossians 1: Fourth, and finally, in light of what we have seen in Colossians 1: There he prays that we would come to know the love of Christ so that WE "may be filled with all the fullness of God"!

It renders Paul's prayer this way: Similarly, the NIV has "that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God. That is why Paul now prays as he does. If that doesn't raise your expectations of what is available and possible for us in this life, nothing will. So, how do you pray? Do you long for and labor by means of intercession that the "fullness" of God himself, as was and is and ever will be present in Christ, may fill you now so that by his grace and empowering presence you may accomplish what mere human flesh never could? What will I find here?

Wholly God Part II 1: Everyone knows that already, and putting the title "god" on it is like sticking a label on a can of food that says "Food. It could be rotten, poison, or it could be nutritious. The task of apologetics, therefore, is to defend the Christian faith. In that way, it is inextricably related to the communication of the gospel to the lost. Apologetics, then, is the twin brother of evangelism. Maybe the twins are not identical, but they are, without question, fraternal. Oftentimes, therefore, it is quite helpful, if there is a question in apologetics, to set that question within the context of evangelism and see how it might be answered in that context.

In many cases, the same basic answer can be given for apologetics as well. Two of the three crucial ideas related to Scripture and apologetics can be clearly and concisely articulated, because they are found in the Westminster Confession of Faith and, verbatim , in the Savoy Declaration and the London Baptist Confession. So let's consider these three central ideas. The authority of the Holy Scripture, for which it ought to be believed, and obeyed, depends not upon the testimony of any man, or Church; but wholly upon God who is truth itself the author thereof: Note that the topic in this section is the authority of Scripture.

With respect to authority, the Confession first gives us the negative.

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Romanists would affirm that Scripture's authority depends on God, but not wholly. Similarly, the NIV has "that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God. O righteous Father, the world has not known thee, but I have known thee; and these know that thou hast sent me. The Refuting Unionism Pages. Technology can be used for good, or for evil. Are Catholics Saved, by having been Born Again?

It tells us on what that authority does not depend. It does not depend on the testimony of any man or Church. The Confession, of course, since it was written in the middle of the seventeenth century, is thinking specifically about the Roman Catholic church.

It is declaring, we could say, the Protestant principle, as that principle is set in diametrical opposition to Romanism. So, according to this section, to be a Romanist is to deny the underived authority of Scripture. That has substantial and significant consequences for anyone in the Romanist church. The inferred reason why the authority of Scripture cannot be dependent on someone s external to it is crucial to see.

If it were so dependent, then Scripture's authority would be derived ; it would be what it is because it was determined by someone s else to be authoritative.

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And, if someone s external to Scripture determines its authority, that same someone s can determine it to be not authoritative, or partially authoritative, or It would be necessary, in such Romanist circumstances to place one's trust in the one s who determined Scripture's derived authority. This leads to the "implied trust" in the church fides implicita that the Romanist church requires. The positive aspect of Scripture's authority is then affirmed in section 4; its authority depends "wholly upon God who is truth itself the author thereof. Scripture's authority depends wholly , not partially, upon God.

Romanists would affirm that Scripture's authority depends on God, but not wholly. This is not a minor difference of opinion; it is all-determinative with respect to the object of our trust. After stating what Scripture's authority is not dependent upon, we are then directed to the relationship of this authority to God's character and to His action. With respect to his character, God is truth itself which means, at least, that God himself is the primary "truth-bearer.

If there were "time and space" in this article, it would be fascinating to explore the myriad implications of this one statement. If we consider that truth pertains primarily to what reality is, the primary implication of this affirmation is that God alone is real. This does not mean that everything other than God is illusion.

It only means that whatever else is real, is so due only to God's own character and activity. So, whatever else there is besides God is derivatively real, and it does not have reality as one of its essential characteristics. You and I are real people. But we are that only insofar as God, who is truth reality itself, gives us reality. And, this God, who is truth, is the author of Scripture.

The Confession is showing us that there are two options available to all people when it comes to the question of authority - either I am my own authority, or God is my authority. The authority we rely on is basic to everything else that we claim to know, believe and live. But in either case, there needs to be a rationale for the authority we choose, and that rationale has to have some relationship to truth.

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"Wholly Upon God"

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Intersection of Life and Faith

Scripture's authority depends wholly, not partially, upon God. If there were "time and space" in this article, it would be fascinating to explore the myriad. 6 days ago Read Letting God be Our Shepherd - Wholly Loved - Dec. 12 from Wholly Loved. Be encouraged and grow your faith with daily and weekly.

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