Do Ato Infracional à Luz dos Direitos Humanos (Portuguese Edition)

High-resolution magneto stratigraphic of the Eocene-Oligocene boundary in the Umbria-Marche sequence; Stratigrafia magnetica ad alta risoluzione del limite Eocene-Oligocene nella successione Umbro-Marchigiana. High-resolution magneto stratigraphy across the Eocene-Olicene boundary has been employed in a detailed investigation of the nature of low-amplitude, short-wavelength oceanic magnetic anomalies. To evaluate the situation, mensurations of vibrationsand noise were to carried out, wich allowed to quantify the levels of these parameters, as well as to identify the mainsources that generate them.

A possible problem of structural. Os trigonum tarsi syndrome. Magnetic Resonance features; Sindrome dell'os trigonum tarsi. Ruolo della Risonanza Magnetica. Forced plantar flexion acquisitions are particularly useful in this condition because can demonstrate the mechanism of injury. In particolari condizioni, che comportano sollecitazioni o microtraumi ripetuti nel tempo a livello del retropiede puo' essere responsabile di talalgia posteriore realizzando la cosidetta sindrome dell'os trigonum tarsi. Il dolore e' localizzato nella sede preachillea.

La diagnosi tuttavia risulta particolarmente complessa i quanto numerose altre forme patologiche si manifestano con la medesima sintomatologia clinica. Con la radiologia tradizionale e' possibile dimostrare la presenza dell'os trigonum e le sue eventuali alterazioni morfo-strutturali. La RM Risonanza Magnetica di contro consente non solo di identificare le alterazioni strutturali dell'osso ma anche di riconoscere le lesioni associate dei tessuti molli.

Sono stati studiati con RM nove pazienti affetti da sindrome dell'os trigonum tarsi. I pazienti sono stati esaminati nella posizione supina con il piede in posizione indifferente e successivamente bloccato nella flessione plantare. Lo studio e' stato condotto con magnete superconduttivo da 0,5 T impiegando una bobina dedicata per le estremita'. In tutti i pazienti esaminati sono state valutate: Non sono state osservate anomalie di sede ne' di forma dell'os trigonum. Dobutamine cine magnetic resonance imaging after myocardial infarction; Cine Risonanza Magnetica con dobutamina dopo infarto del miocardio.

Cattedra di Cardiologia; Rossi, R. Scopo dello studio e' quello di verificare la validita' diagnostica della cine RM con stimolo farmacologico in confronto con l'ecocardiografia con stimolo farmacologico nella valutazione della vitalita' del miocardio e di proporre un nuovo metodo d'analisi delle immagini di cine RM mediante la sottrazione elettronica d'immagine al fine di ridurre gli elementi soggettivi nella valutazione quantitativa dell'ispessimento parietale.

Ventisei pazienti 21 maschi, 5 femmine con pregresso infarto del miocardio in attesa di intervento di rivascolarizzazione sono stati sottoposti a ecocardiografia con stimolo farmacologico mediante dobutamina e a esame cine RM con dobutamina al fine di verificare la ripresa contrattile dei segmenti giudicati acinetici o ipocinetici all'esame ecocardiografico di base.

Per ogni paziente sono stati considerati 16 segmenti del ventricolo sinistro. Nel totale di segmenti miocardici considerati l'analisi qualitativa del movimento parietale con ecocardiografia con dobutamina ha dimostrato segmenti normocinetici, 64 cicatriziali e 45 vitali mentre con la cine Rm sono stati osservati rispettivamente segmenti come normocinetici, 83 cicatriziali e 31 vitali.

Tre mesi dopo l'intervento di rivascolarizzazione 15 pazienti sono stati rivalutati per verificare la ripresa contrattile dei segmenti giudicati vitali. Nei pazienti con infarto anterosettale l. NMR was used as chemical instrumental technique for the analysis. Results are presented 15 refs.

Comparative study between the Spin-echo and 3-D fast imaging techniques in the Knee evaluation with magnetic resonance. Estudio comparativo entre las tecnicas de Spin-Eco ecogradiente 3D, en la evaluacion de la rodilla con resonancia magnetica. Hospital Civil de Bilbao. We have carried out a retrospective analysis of the results of magnetic resonance MR studies in 20 patients, comparing two different sequences. We compared a 2-D spin-echo SE2D sequence with a 3-D fast imaging with steady-state precession FISP3D sequence in the attempt to compare the reliability of each in the detection of knee injuries.

Arthroscopy was employed as a control technique. Our study revealed no statistically significant difference between the two sequences, although the overall sensitivity for the detection of meniscal lesions was slightly greater with the FISP3D sequence; however, the reliability in the detection of ruptures of the posterior cruciate ligament is less with this sequence than with the SE2D sequence.

Both sequences showed very low sensitivity in the detection of hyaline cartilage injuries. El objetivo del presente trabajo es determinar la estructura de una fitohormona. Full Text Available Conflict and violence was the destructive reality that showed reduction and alienated of existence humanity. Because of that condition, the basic need to create a culture of peace as constructive reality that connected relationship between all of people is urgently. Other informant like a King of negeri, Kapitan negeri and all of people also involve in this research.

The result of this research showed that culture of peace can be found in local wisdom as pela tradition. Lesao pulmonar induzida pela ventilacao em recem-nascidos prematuros. Pesquisou-se na base de dados PubMed, incluindo artigos relevantes, os unitermos "ventilator induced lung injury preterm", "continuous positive airway pressure", "preterm" e "bronchopulmonary dysplasia".

Guia de receitas brasileiras: In the article she disputes with Vladimir Mau, a political scientist, now Rector of the referred School, about the results of the Russian systemic transformation of the 90's and suggests, on the basis of these results, a different path for the future development of the country. Para ello se han acudido a las fuentes originales: En 7 casos los ligamentos colaterales pudieron ser evaluados correctamente. Role of magnetic resonance imaging in predicting injury morbidity. La gravedad de las lesiones fue: Magnetic resonance imaging is a useful tool for stress fractures SF diagnosis, allowing the estimation of injury severity.

The aim of this study was to determine the relation between the severity of SF in athletes determined by magnetic resonance imaging and the morbidity estimated as the time to return to sport. Thirty-four cases of stress fractures, 29 athletes; 12 female, 17 male; age The electromagnetic properties that present hydrogen and other nucleus of agroalimentary products, have allowed widely use of Magnetic Resonance MR to study the composition and internal structure of these biological materials in a micro and macrocospic scale, in a nondestructive way. In this paper the physical principles, basic equipment to measure the MR signals and the MR.

T2-weighted MR imaging of liver lesions: The authors evaluated prospectively 89 liver lesions in 73 patients using a 1. The quantitative parameters were: The qualitative analysis was performed by two observers in consensus who examined four parameters: Repeated measures analysis of variance was utilized to compare the quantitative variables and Friedman's nonparametric test for the qualitative parameters.

Resonance absorption of nuclear gamma radiation; Absorption par resonance des rayons gamma; Rezonansnaya absorbtsiya i rasseyanie yadernogo gamma-izlucheniya; Absorcion por resonancia de las radiaciones gamma en los nucleos. L'intensite de l'absorption, la configuration des raies spectrales et leurs deplacements ont ete observes en fonction de la temperature. La polarisation des rayonnements a ete examinee au cours d'experiences effectuees a l'aide de sources et absorbeurs magnetises. Le spectre hyperfin des rayonnements de resonance a ete analyse avec et sans polarisation.

Ces etudes ont conduit a une interpretation de la structure hyperfine en fonction des proprietes des etats nucleaires et de l'interaction hyperfine dans le fer. On a egalement etudie l'effet d'un champ magnetique externe sur la structure hyperfine. Des observations detaillees ont ete faites sur le spectre des rayonnements de resonance filtres, en fonction du temps, sous toute une serie de conditions. Han observado la intensidad de la absorcion, asi como la configuracion y el desplazamiento de las lineas espectrales en funcion de la temperatura.

Examinaron la polarizacion de las radiaciones mediante experimentos realizados con ayuda de fuentes magnetizadas y de absorbentes, y analizaron el espectro hiperfino de la. Resonances and Tides in Natural Satellites Systems. Magnetic resonance imaging allows to investigate morphological and functional aspects of the brain, something extremely useful to diagnose neurological diseases, including the cerebrovascular diseases and, of course, the cerebral ischemia in the first hours of its ocurrence, so it facilitates to follow the clinical course of ictus, to reduce the necrosis area and to guarantee a better life quality of patients.

Contrary to tomography and angiography it doesn't use ionizing radiations. In this article it is concluded, among other things, that its high sensibility overcomes the number of confirmations obtained through computarized axial tomography. Realizou-se um estudo transversal com jovens adultos do sexo masculino. Comparative study of fast T 2-weighted images using respiratory triggered, breath-hold, fat suppression and phased array multi coil for liver evaluation by magnetic resonance imaging; Estudo comparativo das sequencias rapidas ponderadas em T2, utilizando-se sincronizacao respiratoria, apneia, supressao de gordura, bobina de corpo e bobina de sinergia para a avaliacao do figado pela ressonancia magnetica.

The objective of this study was to compare both qualitatively and quantitatively six T 2-weighted turbo spin-echo sequences varying the respiratory compensation technique, associating or not fat tissue suppression and using different types of coils. We performed a prospective study of 71 consecutive patients that were submitted to MRI of the liver using a 1. The six following pulse sequences were used: Images were analyzed quantitatively by measuring the signal-to-noise ratios and qualitatively by evaluating the sharpness of hepatic contours, visibility of intrahepatic vessels and other segmental landmarks, and the presence of artifacts.

The respiratory-triggered sequences were better than the breath-hold sequences in both qualitative and quantitative analysis p A imagem das adolescentes na web: Trata-se de imagens detalhadamente trabalhadas para apresentarem uma corpo O presente estudo buscou compreender o grande interesse dos adolescentes pela filmografia de horror na atualidade.

Optou-se por realizar o estudo com alunos de uma escola estadual do interior do estado do Rio Grande do Sul, a qual promove um projeto que objetiva o desenvolvimento de oficinas sobre cinema com os alunos, se Medicina complementar e alternativa: CE-Magnetic Resonance mammography for the evaluation of the contralateral breast in patients with diagnosed breast cancer; Ruolo della Risonanza Magnetica con Gd-BOPTA nella valutazione della mammella controlaterale in pazienti con tumore recentemente diagnosticato. Dipartimento di scienze chirurgiche. To evaluate the role of contrast-enhanced Magnetic Resonance Mammography MRM in the evaluation of the contralateral breast in patients with recently diagnosed breast cancer.

Fifty patients with proved unilateral breast cancer, with a negative contralateral breast at physical examination, ultrasound and mammography, were studied with a 1. A bilateral breast surface coil was used. Dynamic 3D Flash T1-weighted sequences were acquired in the axial plane before and 0, 2, 4, 6 and 8 minutes after the administration of 0. The level of suspicion was reported on a scale from 0 to 5 following the BI-RADS classification, based on lesion morphology and kinetic features. The results were compared with the histological findings after biopsy or surgery.

Histology diagnosed three fibroadenomas, 5 ductal carcinoma in situ, 2 lobular carcinomas in situ, 3 invasive ductal carcinomas and 1 invasive lobular carcinoma. Contrast enhanced MRM yielded no false negative and three false positives. Our results demonstrate a very good accuracy of Magnetic Resonance Mammography in the detection of synchronous contralateral cancer in patients with newly diagnosed breast cancer. Therefore, contrast-enhanced MRM could be introduced to screen patients with proven breast cancer before they under-go surgery. Definire il ruolo della Risonanza Magnetica nella valutazione della mammella contro laterale in pazienti con tumore della mammella recentemente diagnosticato.

Cinquanta pazienti con tumore monolaterale della mammella e mammella controlaterale. A descriptive and cross-sectional study of patients with discal hernia assisted in "Dr. Juan Bruno Zayas Alfonso" Teaching General Hospital in Santiago de Cuba was carried out from December, to the same month of , to determine the clinical and imaging characteristics of this disorder by means of magnetic resonance. The age group from 30 to 49 years, male sex, obesity as the main risk factor in the women and the excessive physical load in the men prevailed in the case material, as well as the pain, the lumbar localization and the right posterior centro-lateral and lateral hernias.

It was found that the focal and diffuse protrusions turned out to be more common, associated with bony edema in the terminal plates, that the medullary compression and the secondary myelopathies were caused by cervical focal protrusions and the stenosis of the channel was mainly presented in the lumbar segment. Full Text Available This paper investigates the influence of gender, age, income, and possession of a credit card on the impulsivity in e-commerce.

The impulse buying is a type of unplanned purchase, defined as a consumer tendency to buy spontaneously, without reflection, in an immediate way, dominated by emotional attraction and absorbed by the promise of instant gratification. The impulse buying phenomenon, associated to the online retail is still relatively new and extremely important. According to the results analysis, the unique variable that showed influence on impulsive behavior in online retail is personal income. This outcome was not noticed in the other variables studied.

The impulsivity mean score of the sample was 24,84 points, which could vary between 11 and This suggests that the buying behavior on internet of analyzed students is guidance predominantly non-impulsive. Os resultados indicaram um a Miguel Santos Silva, Profa.

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  • pela resonancia magnetica: Topics by!
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El estudio se ha realizado con 96 paci Resonancias de ondas electromagneticas. We describe in this paper a set of experiments designed to make qualitative and quantitative measurements on electromagnetic resonances of several simple systems. The experiments are designed for the undergraduate laboratory of Electricity and Magnetism in Physics. These experiments can help the students understanding the concept of resonance, which appears in different fields of Physics. This study examines the effectiveness of Post-Entry English Language Assessment PELA as a predictor of international business students' English writing performance and academic performance.

An intervention involving the implementation of contextualised English writing workshops was embedded in a specific business subject targeted at students who…. Como essa coautoria, caso exista, se configura nos discursos documentais participativos?

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Full Text Available http: Full Text Available Resumo: Para analise dos resultados foi realizado o lavado broncoalveolar. Os riscos podem ser classificados em: Finance-led capitalism always has had a propensity for financial crises at key moments of its territorial expansion when bringing hitherto state-run economies into the orbit of market regulation. The current crisis, however, is different.

Not only has it emanated from the center rather than hit somewhere at the periphery, but it also has revealed deep structural flaws in the institutional architecture of contracts, funds, and markets that have made up the new, deregulated system of finance. We are facing a systemic crisis, always an event of epic proportions and lasting impact. We want to shed light on this significant moment. Confiabilidade da medida de espessuras musculares pela ultrassonografia Reliability of muscle thickness measurements using ultrasound. To determine the reliability of muscle thickness measurements of elbow and knee flexors and extensors using ultrasound, and to quantify the typical error associated to the measurements TEM.

Muscle thickness between the adipose tissue and bone interfaces were measured at anatomical landmarks previously identified and recorded to assure the exact site for the retest. ANOVA did not identify any significant differences between the repeated measurements. To determine whether the presence of late gadolinium enhancement LGE by cardiovascular magnetic resonance CMR predict adverse cardiac events in patients with ventricular arrhythmia.

LGE, systolic function and volumes of both ventricles were analyzed. At follow-up was assessed a combined end point: In this consecutive series of patients with ventricular arrhythmia we demonstrate a strong association between myocardial LGE and adverse cardiac events; this supports the hypothesis that myocardial fibrosis is an important arrhythmogenic substrate. In addition, almost all individuals without LGE were free of events during follow-up suggesting that it is possible to identify through the CMR low-risk individuals who can be treated conservatively.

Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy in biomedicine. Nuclear magnetic resonance is a powerful technique that can be used in a wide range of applications, such as the structural characterization of high molecular weight molecules, conformational studies on enzymes in solution, enzyme-substrate or DNA-protein interactions, monitoring of cell metabolism in vivo, and for diagnostic purposes, employing spectroscopic and imaging techniques.

This course was organized in order to introduce the participants to the fundamentals of NMR spectroscopy, and offer practical advice on performing NMR experiments on cell systems, cell and tissue extracts and animal models. The main implications regarding human experiments were also discussed. Finally the quantification of information and the interpretation of data were considered with regard to the main nuclei observed. As respostas variaram bastante. Dentro das respostas oferecidas o resultado foi: Acreditamos que novas pesquisas envolvendo metodologia. Os sujeitos foram 16 alunos e dois tutores envolvidos na disciplina.

In a different move began.

As colheitas foram feitas nos seguintes momentos: Foram analisados os processos julgados entre fevere Foram empregados 19 animais adultos, sadios, separados em dois grupos, sendo um de 10 G1 e outro de 09 G2. Os resultados obtidos permitiram concluir que a levomepromazina e a acepromazina minimizam a arritmia ventricular induzida pela adrenalina, nas doses empregadas. Full Text Available Este trabalho tem como objetivo identificar a quantidade de gases causadores de efeito estufa emitidos anualmente pela bovinocultura no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul.

Formicedae em veredas impactadas pela monocultura de Eucaliptus. Regulation of expression of pectate lyase genes pelA , pelD, and pelE in Erwinia chrysanthemi. These three genes are clustered on a 5-kilobase DNA fragment in the order pelD-pelE-pelA and constitute three independent transcriptional units. We localized the pelDEA cluster near the pro-1 marker on the genetic map of B by chromosomal mobilization with RP Three classes of regulatory mutations responsible for constitutive pectate lyase synthesis have been described kdgR, gpiR, and cri.

We studied the effects of each mutation on pelE, pelD, and pelA expression independently. The mutations kdgR and gpiR mainly affect the expression of pelE and pelD, although PLa synthesis is slightly increased. The cri mutation results in a low level of constitutive expression of the three pel genes, but it is a pleiotropic mutation since other genes not involved in pectinolysis are also affected.

In addition, we demonstrated that exuR, a negative regulatory gene governing the catabolism of hexuronates, does not modify the expression of pel genes.

Prefeito de Santa Inês é preso por estupro

The frequency of gpiR or cri mutations about 10 -8 and the resulting constitutivity of pectate lyase synthesis suggest that these genes act as negative regulatory genes in addition to kdgR, which is already known to encode a repressor. Moreover, we found that expression of pel-lac fusions carried on pBR derivatives was higher in E. Foram realizadas entrevistas semi-estruturadas com 75 moradores. Asteraceae, Fabaceae e Lamiaceae. Scanlan, Staubli e Rauschning e Bernard. Estenose degenerativa do canal lombar: Dor lombar foi a queixa mais frequente em ambos os grupos.

Characterization and functional assay of a fatty acyl-CoA reductase gene in the scale insect, Ericerus pela Chavannes Hemiptera: Ericerus pela Chavannes Hemiptera: Coccoidae is an economically important scale insect because the second instar males secrete a harvestable wax-like substance. We predicted a aa protein with the FAR family features from the deduced amino acid sequence. The EpFAR protein was localized by immunofluorescence only in the wax glands and testis.

S CoA and to its corresponding alcohol. The data illuminate the molecular mechanism for fatty alcohol biosynthesis in a beneficial insect, E. Nesse sentido, a responsabilidade do professor, por sua abordagem do texto, tem um papel central. Pela igualdade For equality.

The paper will discuss the new politics of identity that are been proposed in order to combat racism. It will also reflect on the racialization of public policies and of our costumes. The question raised in the paper is what is the real purpose of these new policies? Describing the myth of racism and also the myth of the combat of racism in Brazil the recent history of the introduction of policies based on "race" will be analyzed.

The question is what is the aim of introducing "race" in our juridical system? What is the aim of such a radical change in our concept of nation? The modulus value of bituminous materials is a key factor in the design of road pavements and the estimation of their life service. This parameter can be measured in laboratory but, unfortunately, this requires the deterioration of the pavement so as the consumption of time and resources. Therefore, this study analyses the feasibility of using impact resonance frequency tests as an alternative to traditional methods for determining the dynamic modulus of bituminous mixtures.

The sensitivity of this technique has been studied by analyzing its repeatability and reproducibility, studying the variations in the values measured by modifying the dimensions of the specimens, test temperatures and types of mixture tested. In addition, this non-destructive technique has been compared with other traditional tests used to determine the elastic properties of bituminous materials. The results show that this test could be an interesting tool to characterize the properties and damage state of asphalt layers.

Los resultados muestran este ensayo como una herramienta interesante para caracterizar. Observou-se uma mesma produtividade com o uso de 20 kg ha-1 de S0 no solo ou de 6 kg ha-1 via foliar. The objective of this work was to evaluate the elementary sulfur S0 assimilation applied on soybean leaves, and its efficiency compared to the fertilization done in the soil, according to the dose and nature of the nutrient source. The S0 applied to leaves, independently of the dose and source, was assimilated by the plant, what resulted in increase of total protein content in the leaf.

All S sources applied to leaves increased the grain yield, similarly to the application to the soil. The same productivity was observed with the use of 20 kg ha-1 of S0 in the soil or 6 kg ha-1 applied to leaves. The elementary S application efficiency on leaves, based on the content of total soluble protein, was superior to application efficiency on soil. Alguns resultados da pesquisa "Responsabilidade e garantias ao adolescente autor de ato infracional: Since its approval, The Child and Adolescent Act has been attacked for several critics in the public debate.

However neither the specialized dogmatic nor jurisprudence have presented effective efforts to the comprehension of the law or its principles, especially related to internment measures applied to young offenders. A iniciativa deu-se em virtude da vontade de prover estimulo a alunos, em sua maioria trabalhadores, os quais, cansados da jornada de trabalho, acabam perdendo interesse pelos estudos.

Se han observado cuatro sistemas de lineas. La parte central del espectro puede tambien producirse por irradiacion gamma pura. Se exponen brevemente los resultados de la regeneracion por recocido termico y por irradiacion, estudiada por electroforesis. Predprinimaja popytku ustanovit' i dat' harakteristiku jetim defektam s. The Amazon Rainforest is one of the most important topics of transnational activism. Based on the assumption that the consumption of timber in the Northern hemisphere is largely responsible for deforestation, campaigners have focused on the global timber trade.

From a strategy of boycotting tropical timber in the s. Para tanto, foi realizado uma estudo quantitativo, com corte During the FHC government there was an attempt to substitute the reactive Brazilian foreign policy agenda, dominated by the logic of autonomy via distance, by a new proactive international agenda, determined by the logic of autonomy through integration.

According to this agenda, the country should increase its power over the control of its destiny and sort out its problems by actively adhering to the elaboration of norms and guidelines for the conduct of the administration of global order. However, this integration, adhesion and participation policy was not fully followed up by the taking of standpoints that implied practical responsibilities because of structural disabilities.

The responsibilities would prepare both government and civil society for an international insertion at a higher level, in the post-Cold War era. The gains achieved during the FHC terms in office were not sufficient to significantly alter the Brazilian position within the world context. As doses aplicadas ao solo variaram de 0 a 4 kg ha-1 para Zn, de 0 a 4,4 kg ha-1 para B e de 0 a 15,6 kg ha-1 para Mn. Todos os pacientes ficaram satisfeitos com o resultado.

Measurement of resonance parameters of cross-sections affecting fast-neutron propagation in various media; Mesure des parametres de resonance de sections efficaces lies a la propagation des neutrons dans differents milieux; Izmerenie parametrov rezonansnoj struktury sechenij, vliyayushchikh na rasprostranenie bystrykh nejtronov v sredakh; Medicion de los parametros de resonancia de las secciones eficaces que afectan a la propagacion de los neutrones rapidos en distintos medios.

Actuellement, les donnees dont on dispose sur les parametres de resonance dans le domaine des neutrons rapides ne sont pas suffisantes pour calculer ces moyennes avec la precision necessaire. Les donnee recueillies montrent que les effets de resonance influent fortement sur les caracteristiques de diffusion de la matiere. El intervalo energetico dentro del cual la resonancia ejerce una influencia decisiva sobre la. This article seeks to analyze, within the recent history of social movements that struggle for agrarian reform in Brazil today, the build of the land rights as a human right. Since the s, the interaction between peasant movements, the progressive church and the transnational network of human rights has converged into this idea that the land rights are a human right, which not only has marked the character of the struggle for land in Brazil, but has also influenced the way in which the human rights movement has been constructed in the country and how it has taken its place within the transnational network of human rights activism.

Saussure e o discurso: Uma abordagem discursiva da censura no Brasil em tempos de ditadura: Fazendo uso da palavra cantada, falou, apesar da censura. The article examines, in the light of the historical experience of the U. Addresses the tension between national security and civil liberties and how the Democrat did an option for safety, repeating the pattern of previous presidents.

Verificou-se que a TI Verde pode ser mensurada: Between and the occurrence of murders increased continuously in the Northeast of Brazil, with all the states of the region except Pernambuco reporting expressive growth in this crime rate. Foram feitos a soma dos investimentos anuais dos indicadores sociais de ambiente interno destas empresas, o quanto as empresas, investiram por ano, em seu ambiente interno.

A literature review is conducted on the solitary pulmonary nodule, to determine the diagnostic methods and specific characteristics. The diagnostic methods used have been: The radiological features are defined: Los metodos de diagnostico utilizados han sido: Las caracteristicas radiologicas son definidas: The objective of this study was to analyze, on the national level, the process of. As condutas adotadas foram: The aim was to describe the profile of postpartum women attended to at the physical therapy service in a public maternity house in Betim, MG, as well as the treatment they received.

The study drew on a total of medical charts of postpartum women, contaning personal, clinic and physical therapy data. Most women were young, married, housewives, multiparous, and from Betim. As to breast evaluation, most women had simetric and secretive breast, protruded nipples, few nipple traumas or breast-feeding difficulty having. Full Text Available The response to B in agricultural systems of sugar cane is still an unexplored issue; B application has however recently been widely publicized and used with a certain degree of frequency.

The use of 10B-labeled fertilizers may further contribute to clarify this practice. The experiment consisted of the installation of microplots 2 x 1. The solution was applied to the soil on both sides of the plant row at a distance of 20 cm. Foram comparados os dois grupos: Rectopexy is the most common technique used to correct rectal prolapse. Perineal procedures such as the Delorme technique and others are employed for older frail patients with significant comorbidity because of the higher recurrence rate.

This study evaluated results of the Delorme technique and. To identify women's perceptions on men's participation in contraception. Home interviews in the southern region of the city of S. Paulo, SP, Brazil, were carried out. The participant sample was of female users of reversible contraceptive methods, who claimed to have sexual partners at moment of the interview. Statistical analysis of the demographic variables and. This study estimates for the Brazilian fruit trees, mainly banana, orange, apple, melon and grape, the relative demand for chemicals, considering total expenses and quantity demanded for active principle per hectare, from to It is also established a comparative analysis among this demand with ones made by the main Brazilian crops soybean, maize, sugar cane and coffee, that are predominating in terms of grown area and dominating, in absolute terms, of chemicals total expenses and consume of active principle volume in Brazil.

Yet, determines, in absolute terms, the importance of fruit trees in chemicals total expenses and active principle consume, especially acaricides and fungicides. It concludes, about the importance of estimated relative demand for fruit trees, that it is higher than the ones by the mainly commercial crops in the country, offering indicators for the demand and market behavior to chemicals different classes by.

For this reason, we carried out a bibliographical investigation as well as a field research whose data were analyzed according to the quantitative and qualitative approaches. The results pointed out a balance in relation to the amount of women in management tasks. As concerns the use of information. A qualitative study was performed to: A structured form was used to collect social, economic, and demographic data. The content analysis technique was used for data analysis. The majority of couples opted for vasectomy as a last resort after attempting numerous other contraceptive methods, not always successfully.

Estudos anteriores por outros autores mostraram que as toxalbuminas de A. Interface Botucatu ; 18 Rev Saude Publica ; 41 Supl. Rev Saude Publica ; 42 6: Interface Botucatu ; 9 Rev Percurso ; 12 1: Cogitare Enferm ; 18 1: Psicol Estud ; 13 3: Psicol Soc ; 26 1: Cien Saude Colet ; 15 Supl. Enferm Glob ; 11 Rev Saude Publica ; 46 5: This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Services on Demand Journal.

How to cite this article. De acordo com o documento intitulado Segura Este Abacaxi! A velha, sem nem mesmo olhar para o lado, interpretando a pergunta como uma grosseira intimidade, respondeu-lhe secamente:. Mas havia chegado a vez do padre…. A Lei Estadual 2. A solenidade foi na Igreja da Matriz. Quase cem anos depois, o Senado analisa uma proposta que pode criminalizar outro ritmo musical brasileiro, o funk. A proposta diz apenas: Funcionava como um salvo-conduto. O funk foi por um caminho esquisito, de sexo precoce, pedindo para que as pessoas matem policiais , diz Marcelo.

Fabio Luis de Jesus, 37, conhecido como MC Koringa, foi um dos funkeiros que mais criticaram a proposta. Tenho de colocar esses funkeiros no lugar deles. A Rota do FNO contribuiu com 4. Cerca de mil pessoas se suicidam anualmente por causa dela. Observar um eclipse solar, no entanto, exige cuidados redobrados.

Dos 32 pacientes analisados com os sintomas, 29 voltaram para serem acompanhados pelos especialistas no estudo. Antes caminhava todos os dias. Voos regionais podem decolar ainda neste semestre. O ano foi bom para o mercado, com crescimento no total de bilhetes vendidos, e especialmente marcante para o cinema brasileiro. O ano encerrou com 3. Da janela do meu apartamento acompanho mais um ano passar.

Fogoa de todos oa tipos pipocam aqui e ali.

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  • Alerte rose, la possibilité dun IL (French Edition).

Prega constantemente suas traquinagens, por vezes boas, por vezes ruins. Nada vai bem, todos sabem. MEC antecipa 1,25 bi para pagamento de professores de nove estados. Renato Archer, de 73 anos. Em , candidata-se a deputado federal pelo PSD, que Vitorino reconquistara, sendo um dos mais votados. Pelo convincente desempenho, reelege-se deputado em Em , se elege pela terceira vez deputado federal.

Benedito Buzar nasceu em Itapecuru-MA, a 17 de fevereiro de Agraciado com as medalhas: A cada ano, o Brasil registra 30 mil novos casos de hansebiase, enfermidade controlada em grande parte do mundo. No Brasil, perde apenas para o estado do Mato Grosso. A cena passa-se em Acabou de comer como um abade.

O senhor Rodrigues fecha os olhos imediatamente para fingir que dorme. O senhor Rodrigues volta-se para dona Bernardina, que continua muito ocupada com a gaiola: A menina toma a palavra: Zangou-se logo depois do jantar! Duas pessoas que se estimam tanto zangaram-se por causa do plebiscito! O negociante esperava a deixa. A porta abre-se imediatamente. A mulher e os filhos aproximam-se dele. E querem introduzi-la no Brasil! Em toda sua obra campeia um fino e gracioso humorismo. Membro fundador da Academia Brasileira de Letras, em que ocupou a cadeira n. O novo presidente do TCU deixou a Casa quando tinha, oficialmente, 61 anos.

Gullar descobriu a poesia moderna aos 19 anos, a partir de poemas de Carlos Drummond de Andrade e Manuel Bandeira. Foi processado e preso na Vila Militar. Voltou para o Brasil em , quando foi preso e torturado.

De acordo com o ministro, o MEC vai funcionar normalmente nesta quarta-feira. Blog do Clodoaldo Correa. Em seguida, deve-se registrar a legenda no TSE. Logo, os jornais liberais do Rio abriram-lhe as portas, e ele mergulhou com desassombro e talento no movimento que ganharia unidade em De nada valeram os depoimentos dos amigos abolicionistas.

E assim era Rosa com seu bonito visual, sempre preparada para uma festa que nunca houve porque os parentes tinham inveja dela por ser bonita e desinibida. Impacto de usina sobre rio tocantins na mira de deputados. Quatro anos depois, Roseana emplacou 48, dois a mais do que os 46 do partido de Dino. Nem todos neocomunistas se engajaram na campanha de Dino como o dirigente comunista diz. Em , foi eleito pelo PSC com forte apoio de Roseana.

O PDT, outro aliado antigo do governador, venceu em 28 prefeituras. O governador enfrentou duras derrotas em cidades grandes como Imperatriz, a segunda maior do Estado, e em Caxias, onde fez parcerias e destinou recursos. Com isso, organizadores e participantes de vaquejadas podem ser punidos por crime ambiental de maus tratos a animais.

Muitos colocaram a candidatura e, em abril, deixaram as fileiras do partido por causa desse momento. Em terceiro lugar, aparece o PMDB que ganhou conseguiu o terceiro maior montante: Sem utilidade, o bicho foi sendo abandonado. Ficamos, assim, espremidos entre dois crimes: A partir de passou a viajar pelo Brasil para colher imagens do cotidiano e festas religiosas.

Foi o que declarou o ministro do Desenvolvimento Social sobre o Pronatec, uma das vitrines do governo deposto. Seria esse o termo mais apropriado para definir o que historicamente ocorreu em nosso estado? Rio de Janeiro, No Brasil, mais especificamente, Cochrane foi crucial nos trabalhos prestados ao imperador D. O prefeito Francisco Nunes PV creditou as dificuldades financeiras a disputas judiciais em torno dos limites territoriais de Senador La Rocque. Presidente do TSE defende rigor em contas.

Segundo Gilmar, o Brasil tem O enredo do bumba-meu-boi gira em torno de Catirina e pai Francisco, negros escravizados de uma fazenda. Pai Francisco atende o desejo. O senhor fica enfurecido com os negros que mataram seu boi. E para assentar a ideia, repita: No Brasil, a ideia a respeito de cultura popular esteve sempre acompanhada da ideia de identidade nacional. O poder de fala na disputa de narrativas sempre foi do Estado. Possui seus agentes comunicadores. Fazem de suas toadas uma forma de protesto.

Hoje eles podem ser vistos em palcos, mas por muito tempo foram perseguidos e marginalizados. Levam nos jeitos do corpo as suas mensagens. O motivo era a sigatoka negra. Procon notifica faculdade em Barra do Corda por causa de curso superior irregular. Deve-se ser capaz de simular diferentes carreiras e o impacto financeiro disso para cada ente.