Geschichte der Welt 1945 bis heute: Die globalisierte Welt (German Edition)


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Registration is free and requires only your email address. Password required Remember me? Please enter your email address and click on the reset-password button. Journal of Economic History 66 , H. Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv 2 , H. A Historiographical Concept, in: German History 24 , H. Weltwirschaftliches Archiv 3 , H.

Geschichte Der Welt 1945 Bis Heute: Die Globalisierte Welt

A Global History, New York Weltverkehr und Weltwirtschaft 1 , S. Arbeit an der Moderne — deutsche und britische Verkehrsexpertise im On the Interdependence of Capitalism and Communications, —, in: Journal of Global History, 10 , H.

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Depeschenbureaus und internationales Nachrichtenwesen, in: Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv 3 , H. Journal of Military History 73 , H.

Millennium Dawn (Hearts of Iron IV): Deutschland #01 [deutsch/german] "Das Erbe des Kaisers"

Hutton, Will; Giddens, Anthony Hgg. Der Baumwolle folgten bald andere Massenstoffe: Aber umgekehrt sind die letzteren, wie leicht ersichtlich, vielfach nicht die Ursache, sondern die Folge des ersteren. Recht bezeichnend sagt Harms: Der Weltverkehr und die Ausbreitung des Kapitalismus um Literaturhinweise Krajewski, Markus, Restlosigkeit. The Telegraph and Globalization, Cambridge Media Markets, and Globalization, —, Durham u. Der Weltverkehr und die Ausbreitung des Kapitalismus um , in: Copyright c by Clio-online, and the author, all rights reserved.

Also, what is missing is the search for connections with synchronic diverse non-European anti-imperial rebellions such as those in Haiti , India , Cuba and, above all, the independence wars in Latin America. Chapter 4 — Weltkrisen und Weltkriege bis - deals with the disintegration of the imperial order. In the age of proper globalization, Southeast Europe was integrated into the world capitalist market economy, resulting in modernization but also dependence.

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A growing cleavage separating few winners and many losers of this process is exemplified in the intermezzo dedicated to Belgrade in Nationalist liberal thinkers became attracted to internationalist politics, notably in the League of Nations, while others contributed to a radicalization of nationalism leading to WWI and its tense aftermath. This era also marks the emergence of socialism and anarchism, but a more successful synthesis of nationalism and collectivism in the region was agrarianism; peasants parties played an important role above all in Bulgaria and Croatia.

Mass overseas emigration from some parts of Southeast Europe is touched upon but might have deserved a more detailed scrutiny. The decade of warfare from to represents the culmination of violent ethnic homogenization of the territory. New borders established after WWI exacerbated further irredentist claims as well as paranoias against minorities and internal enemies.

The climate of cultural fervor, technical innovations, economic inequalities, and antisemitism is projected on everyday life in Bucarest in , the most passionating city portrait of the book.

M.J. Calic: Südosteuropa. Weltgeschichte einer Region

Finally, WWII is discussed after a brilliant analysis of the economic exploitation of the region following Nazi Germany economic penetration in the s. The last chapter — Globalisierung and Fragmentierung bis heute - starts with the Cold War period, when supranational cultural and political boundaries ran across the region.

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This is indeed quite a contrast to the triumphalism of the Berlin literati who christened the term modernity Moderne in Einige der besten Historiker schreiben eine Geschichte der Welt. It is therefore worth taking a closer look at them. Like their killed or driven-out visitors, they left an unfilled gap in society and culture. Aus dem amerikanischen Englisch von Margot Fischer.

Countries of the NATO neighbored Warsaw Pact members, while the leader of the non-aligned movement, Tito's Yugoslavia, acquired a previously unseen international recognition. Sarajevo hosted the Winter Olympics in , and the city embodies both the global visibility and the decline of the Socialist Yugoslav statehood after Tito's death.

Within the state socialist bloc, subalternity to the Soviet Union was negotiated differently in each country, and long distance political connections existed for example between Albania and China. The decolonization of the global south is integrated into the narrative, and the author proposes the engaging thesis that it resulted in a growing connectivity of Southeast Europe in world politics and transcultural encounters.

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New media and forms of socialization in the region also contributed to making critical moments such as and occasions of global communication and transnational political commitment. Especially the influence of NGOs increased during and after the wars of the s, which shaped a new approach in international penal justice. Moreover, consumerism and pop culture are important prisms through which circulation of goods and people, as well as lifestyles, can be analyzed on both sides of the Iron Curtain. Finally, the book discusses the uncertainty of the most recent developments of European integration and the heritage of economic scarcity, also deriving from a deregulated privatization in the s.

In general, the region is now part of a multipolar world.

Actors like Russia, the US, Turkey, and other states project on the region their being part of sometimes overlapping transnational institutions as well as private organizational networks, although Western Europe remains the main political and economic partner of the region p.