Intelligente Netzwerke - Von skalenfreien Netzen und Small Worlds (German Edition)

Fur die Untersuchung irrelevante Unterschiede werden eliminiert und interessierende potentielle Gemeinsamkeiten werden vergleichbar. Auf diese Weise wird deutlich, dass viele Netze ganz bestimmte Eigenschaften aufweisen. Die mathematisierte Netzwerkforschung konnte eine Pluralitat von Strukturmustern feststellen, manche Prinzipien liegen vielen komplexen Systemen zugrunde.

Besonders interessant sind dabei aber die skalenfreien Netze. Sie zeichnen sich dadurch aus, dass sie durch eine relativ geringe Zahl von sehr grossen Knoten beherrscht werden, die mit sehr vielen andern verbunden sind. In der Wissenssoziologie geht es um die Seinsverbundenheit jeglichen Wissens und um die prozessualen und strukturellen Entstehungsbedingungen von Wissen. Diese Untersuchungsgebiete wurden grundlegend und unabhangig voneinander von Karl Mannheim und von Alfred Schutz gepragt und erforscht.

Die Wissenssoziologie von Karl Mannheim setzt zwar, wie die historische Ideologiekritik, beim Ideologiebegriff an, weitet diesen aber zu einem totalen Ideologieverdacht gegen alles Denken und der Seinsverbundenheit allen Wissens aus. Alfred Schutz fokussiert dagegen die soziale und gesellschaftliche Entstehung von Wissen und das Wissen der Alltagswelt. In beide wissenssoziologischen Konzepte soll nacheinander eingefuhrt werden. Zunachst soll dabei auf die Konzeption von Alfred Schutz naher eingegangen werden, um dann die wissenschaftliche Perspektive von Karl Mannheim zu erlautern. Schliesslich werden dann beide Ansatze in den Grundzugen miteinander verglichen.

Die Systemtheorie will eine Universaltheorie sein. Eine Universaltheorie, die universal anwendbar und selbstreflexiv ist, insofern sie auch sich selbst als Gegenstand ihrer Theorie behandeln konnen muss. Da eine Universaltheorie ein koharentes Theoriegebaude zum Ziel hat, kommt sie nicht darum herum, auch ihre eigene Erkenntnistheorie zu stellen.

Luhmanns erkenntnistheoretische Position kann als Grundlage und zugleich als formgebend fur seine Gesellschaftstheorie gesehen werden. Sie verhilft die Systemtheorie zu einer selbstreferentiellzirkularen Universaltheorie zu machen, die sich also selbst mit einbezieht und damit uber das Auseinanderfallen von Erkenntnis und Gegenstand - wie noch in der Erkenntnis klassischer Erkenntnistheorien - hinausgeht. Gesellschaft wird in der Gesellschaft beobachtet, Gesellschaft beobachtet sich somit selbst. Es gibt keine Superposition der Beobachtung mehr, keinen archimedischen Punkt fur die Entscheidung fur Unterscheidungen, keine beobachtungsunabhangige Beobachtung.

Es kann immer nur das beobachtet werden, was beobachtet wird. Die dem zugrundeliegende bzw. Dem kann auch die Systemtheorie nicht entgehen, aber sie ist sich dieser Begebenheit bewusst und kann sie reflektieren. How to Change the World shows, as its title suggests, that with determination and innovation, even a single person can make a surprising difference. For anyone seeking to make a positive mark on the world, this will be both an inspiring and an invaluable book. It will change the way you see the world. Entrepreneurs are essential drivers of innovation and progress.

In the business world, they act as engines of growth, harnessing opportunity and innovation to fuel economic advancement. Social entrepreneurs act similarly, tapping inspiration and creativity, courage and fortitude, to seize opportunities that challenge and forever change established, but fundamentally inequitable systems. Distinct from a business entrepreneur who sees value in the creation of new markets, the social entrepreneur aims for value in the form of transformational change that will benefit disadvantaged communities and ultimately society at large.

Social entrepreneurs pioneer innovative and systemic approaches for meeting the needs of the marginalized, the disadvantaged and the disenfranchised populations that lack the financial means or political clout to achieve lasting benefit on their own. Throughout history, such individuals have introduced solutions to seemingly intractable social problems, fundamentally improving the lives of countless individuals by changing the way critical systems operate. Florence Nightingale and Maria Montessori offer two prominent historical examples.

Muhammad Yunus, recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize, is a more recent example. He began offering micro loans to impoverished people in Bangladesh in , thereby empowering them to become economically self-sufficient and proving the micro credit model that has now been replicated around the world. With this heightened visibility, social entrepreneurs at the forefront of the movement are distinguishing themselves from other social venture players in terms of ultimate impact.

One example is social entrepreneur Bunker Roy, who created the Barefoot College in rural communities in India to train illiterate and semiliterate men and women, whose lack of educational qualifications keeps them mired in poverty. Today Barefoot College graduates include teachers, health workers and architects who are improving communities across India, including "barefoot" engineers who have installed and maintain solar-electrification systems in villages that reach nearly , people.

By establishing a sustainable model that provides community support for girls to go to school, start businesses and return to their communities as leaders, CAMFED has broken the cycle of poverty for hundreds of thousands of young women in Zimbabwe, Ghana, Zambia and Tanzania. They recognize the extraordinary potential in the billions of poor people who inhabit the planet, and they are absolutely committed to helping them use their talents and abilities to achieve their potential.

Social entrepreneurs use inspiration, creativity, courage, fortitude and, most importantly, direct action, to create a new reality, a new equilibrium that results in enduring social benefit and a better future for everyone. A social entrepreneur is an entrepreneur who works to increase social capital, often by founding humanitarian organizations. Mahatma Gandhi described him as his mentor. Forest Service, serving as its first chief. Quakers to voluntarily emancipate all their slaves between and , his work also influenced the British Society of Friends, a major force behind the British decision to ban slaveholding.

Quakers, of course, became a major force in the U. Senso Ltd, the Pledge a Book movement and active advocate for Asian entrepreneurs in incorporating volunteerism and social enterprise into their lives and businesses. He was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. Like many young tourists from Europe, Sebastien Marot arrived in Cambodia in the early s with a backpack and a dream of continuing on to find work in Tokyo, Japan. What he found when he arrived in Phnom Penh altered the direction of his life, and his subsequent work as a social entrepreneur has improved life for hundreds of thousands of children and family members.

The capitol city of Cambodia, ravaged by years of conflict, revealed to Sebastien a community with little internal structure, thousands of children struggling daily for survival, and seemingly ineffective efforts by foreign NGOs to help. Wolff, Text Mining , A. An International Handbook , R. Perspektiven und Anwendungen , H. Lobin and Lemnitzer Lothar, Eds. Themenheft Internetbasierte Kommunikation , vol.

Workshop Multimedia-Informationssysteme , , pp. Peter Lang, , pp. Peter Lang, , vol. Evolving a Science of Information Systems , K. Please see my current classes and seminars.

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He aims at a quantitative theory of networking in linguistic systems to enable multi-agent simulations of their life cycle. Alexander Mehler integrates models of semantic spaces with simulation models of language evolution and topological models of network theory to capture the complexity of linguistic information systems. Currently, he is heading several research projects on the analysis of linguistic networks in historical semantics. Most recently he started a research project on kinetic text-technologies that integrates the paradigm of games with a purpose with the wiki way of collaborative writing and kinetic HCI.

His research interests include but are not limited to the following topics: In this paper, we study the limit of compactness which is a graph index originally introduced for measuring structural characteristics of hypermedia. Applying compactness to large scale small-world graphs Mehler, observed its limit behaviour to be equal 1.

The striking question concerning this finding was whether this limit behaviour resulted from the specifics of small-world graphs or was simply an artefact. This result can be applied to many well-known classes of connected graphs.

Here, we illustrate it by considering four examples. In fact, our proof-theoretical approach allows for quickly obtaining the limit value of compactness for many graph classes sparing computational costs. We present Resources2City Explorer R2CE , a tool for representing file systems as interactive, walkable virtual cities.

R2CE visualizes file systems based on concepts of spatial, 3D information processing. For this purpose, it extends the range of functions of conventional file browsers considerably. Visual elements in a city generated by R2CE represent relations of objects of the underlying file system. The paper describes the functional spectrum of R2CE and illustrates it by visualizing a sample of files. We introduce nnDDC, a largely language-independent neural network-based classifier for DDC-related topic classification, which we optimized using a wide range of linguistic features to achieve an F-score of To show that our approach is language-independent, we evaluate nnDDC using up to 40 different languages.

We derive a topic model based on nnDDC, which generates probability distributions over semantic units for any input on sense-, word- and text-level. Unlike related approaches, however, these probabilities are estimated by means of nnDDC so that each dimension of the resulting vector representation is uniquely labeled by a DDC class.

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BIOfid is a specialized information service currently being developed to mobilize biodiversity data dormant in printed historical and modern literature and to offer a platform for open access journals on the science of biodiversity. Our team of librarians, computer scientists and biologists produce high-quality text digitizations, develop new text-mining tools and generate detailed ontologies enabling semantic text analysis and semantic search by means of user-specific queries.

In a pilot project we focus on German publications on the distribution and ecology of vascular plants, birds, moths and butterflies extending back to the Linnaeus period about years ago.

  • Prof. Dr. Alexander Mehler?
  • Prof. Dr. Alexander Mehler – TTLab – Text Technology Lab!
  • Hes God;

The three organism groups have been selected according to current demands of the relevant research community in Germany. The text corpus defined for this purpose comprises over volumes with more than , pages to be digitized and will be complemented by journals from other digitization projects, copyright-free and project-related literature. Our poster describes the general workflow of our project ranging from literature acquisition via software development, to data availability on the BIOfid web portal http: In this chapter we introduce a multidimensional model of syntactic dependency trees.

Our ultimate goal is to generate fingerprints of such trees to predict the author of the underlying sentences. The chapter makes a first attempt to create such fingerprints for sentence categorization via the detour of text categorization. We show that at text level, aggregated dependency structures actually provide information about authorship. At the same time, we show that this does not hold for topic detection. We evaluate our model using a quarter of a million sentences collected in two corpora: As a second finding of our approach, we show that quantitative models of dependency structure do not yet allow for detecting syntactic alignment in written communication.

We conclude that this is mainly due to effects of lexical alignment on syntactic alignment. We present the Stolperwege app, a web-based framework for ubiquitous modeling of historical processes.

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Senso Ltd, the Pledge a Book movement and active advocate for Asian entrepreneurs in incorporating volunteerism and social enterprise into their lives and businesses. In this paper, we present an approach to language d etection in streams of multilingual ancient texts. Our newsletter keeps you up to date with all new papers in your subjects. This paper presents an approach of two-level categorization of web pages. Hd, Box Satchel Bag, Pink. In this paper, we describe how ColLex.

Starting from the art project Stolpersteine of Gunter Demnig, it allows for virtually connecting these stumbling blocks with information about the biographies of victims of Nazism. According to the practice of public history, the aim of Stolperwege is to deepen public knowledge of the Holocaust in the context of our everyday environment. Stolperwege uses an information model that allows for modeling social networks of agents starting from information about portions of their life.

The paper exemplifies how Stolperwege is informationally enriched by means of historical maps and 3D animations of historical buildings. The paper deals with characteristics of the structural, thematic and participatory dynamics of collaboratively generated lexical networks. This is done by example of Wiktionary.

Starting from a network-theoretical model in terms of so-called multi-layer networks, we describe Wiktionary as a scale-free lexicon.

Systems of this sort are characterized by the fact that their content-related dynamics is determined by the underlying dynamics of collaborating authors. This happens in a way that social structure imprints on content structure. According to this conception, the unequal distribution of the activities of authors results in a correspondingly unequal distribution of the information units documented within the lexicon. The paper focuses on foundations for describing such systems starting from a parameter space which requires to deal with Wiktionary as an issue in big data analysis.

Der Beitrag thematisiert Eigenschaften der strukturellen, thematischen und partizipativen Dynamik kollaborativ erzeugter lexikalischer Netzwerke am Beispiel von Wiktionary. Ausgehend von einem netzwerktheoretischen Modell in Form so genannter Mehrebenennetzwerke wird Wiktionary als ein skalenfreies Lexikon beschrieben. Der Beitrag thematisiert Grundlagen zur Beschreibung solcher Systeme ausgehend von einem Parameterraum, welcher die netzwerkanalytische Betrachtung von Wiktionary als Big-Data-Problem darstellt. This chapter develops a computational linguistic model for analyzing and comparing multilingual data as well as its application to a large body of standardized assessment data from higher education.

The approach employs both an automatic and a manual annotation of the data on several linguistic layers including parts of speech, text structure and content.

Measuring the Success of a Wiki for Small Organizations

The respective analysis involves statistics of distance correlation, text categorization with respect to text types questions and distractors as well as languages English and German , and network analysis as a means to assess dependencies between features. The results indicate a correlation between correct test results of students and linguistic features of the verbal presentations of tests indicating a language influence on higher education test performance. It is also found that this influence relates to special language.

Thus, this integrative modeling approach contributes a test basis for a large-scale analysis of learning data and points to a number of subsequent more detailed research. The paper presents Wikidition, a novel text mining tool for generating online editions of text corpora. It explores lexical, sentential and textual relations to span multi-layer networks linkification that allow for browsing syntagmatic and paradigmatic relations among the constituents of its input texts.

In this way, relations of text reuse can be explored together with lexical relations within the same literary memory information system. Beyond that, Wikidition contains a module for automatic lexiconisation to extract author specific vocabularies. Based on linkification and lexiconisation, Wikidition does not only allow for traversing input corpora on different lexical, sentential and textual levels.

Intelligente Netzwerke - Von skalenfreien Netzen und Small Worlds (German Edition) [Daniel Dorniok] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Buy Intelligente Netzwerke - Von Skalenfreien Netzen Und Small Worlds online, free Published by Grin Verlag | Language - German | Binding - Paper Back.

Rather, its readers can also study the vocabulary of authors on several levels of resolution including superlemmas, lemmas, syntactic words and wordforms. We exemplify Wikidition by a range of literary texts and evaluate it by means of the apparatus of quantitative network analysis.

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We introduce a new text technology, called Wikidition, which automatically generates large scale editions of corpora of natural language texts. Wikidition combines a wide range of text mining tools for automatically linking lexical, sentential and textual units. This includes the extraction of corpus-specific lexica down to the level of syntactic words and their grammatical categories. To this end, we introduce a novel measure of text reuse and exemplify Wikidition by means of the capitularies, that is, a corpus of Medieval Latin texts.

The analysis of longitudinal corpora of historical texts requires the integrated development of tools for automatically preprocessing these texts and for building representation models of their genre- and register-related dynamics. In this chapter we present such a joint endeavor that ranges from resource formation via preprocessing to network-based text representation and classification.

As a first test case for showing the expressiveness of these resources, we perform a tripartite classification task of authorship attribution, genre detection and a combination thereof. To this end, we introduce a novel text representation model that explores the core structure the so-called coreness of lexical network representations of texts. Our experiment shows the expressiveness of this representation format and mediately of our Latin preprocessor.

Comment on 'Modelling language evolution: Readability classification is an important application of Natural Language Processing. It aims at judging the quality of documents and to assist writers to identify possible problems. This paper presents a readability classifier for Bangla textbooks using information-theoretic and lexical features. All together 18 features are explored to achieve an F-score of Zahurul and Rahman, Md. HCI systems are often equipped with gestural interfaces drawing on a predefined set of admitted gestures.

We provide an assessment of the fitness of such gesture vocabularies in terms of their learnability and naturalness. This is done by example of rivaling gesture vocabularies of the museum information system WikiNect. In this way, we do not only provide a procedure for evaluating gesture vocabularies, but additionally contribute to design criteria to be followed by the gestures. This paper provides a theoretical assessment of gestures in the context of authoring image-related hypertexts by example of the museum information system WikiNect.

To this end, a first implementation of gestural writing based on image schemata is provided Lakoff in Women, fire, and dangerous things: University of Chicago Press, Chicago, Gestural writing is defined as a sort of coding in which propositions are only expressed by means of gestures.

In this respect, it is shown that image schemata allow for bridging between natural language predicates and gestural manifestations. Further, it is demonstrated that gestural writing primarily focuses on the perceptual level of image descriptions Hollink et al. By exploring the metaphorical potential of image schemata, it is finally illustrated how to extend the expressiveness of gestural writing in order to reach the conceptual level of image descriptions. In this context, the paper paves the way for implementing museum information systems like WikiNect as systems of kinetic hypertext authoring based on full-fledged gestural writing.

Currently, a large number of different lexica is available for English. However, substantial and freely available fullform lexica with a high number of named entities are rather rare even in the case of this lingua franca. Existing lexica are often limited in several respects as explained in Section 2.

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What is missing so far is a freely available substantial machine-readable lexical resource of English that contains a high number of word forms and a large collection of named entities. In this paper, we describe a procedure to generate such a resource by example of English. This lexicon, henceforth called ColLex. EN for Collecting Lexica for English , will be made freely available to the public 1. In this paper, we describe how ColLex. EN was collected from existing lexical resources and specify the statistical procedures that we developed to extend and adjust it.

No manual modifications were done on the generated word forms and lemmas. Our fully automatic procedure has the advantage that whenever new versions of the source lexica are available, a new version of ColLex. EN can be automatically generated with low effort. We provide a new, theoretically motivated evaluation grid for assessing the conversational achievements of Artificial Dialog Companions ADCs. The grid is spanned along three grounding problems. Firstly, it is argued that symbol grounding in general has to be instrinsic. Current approaches in this context, however, are limited to a certain kind of expression that can be grounded in this way.

Secondly, we identify three requirements for conversational grounding, the process leading to mutual understanding. Finally, we sketch a test case for symbol grounding in the form of the philosophical grounding problem that involves the use of modal language. Im Zentrum ihres Interesses stehen Untersuchungen zum Zusammenhang zwischen sozialen und sprachlichen Netzwerken und ihrer Dynamiken, aufgezeigt an empirischen Beispielen aus dem Bereich des Web 2. This paper presents a classifier of text readability based on information-theoretic features.

The classifier was developed based on a linguistic approach to readability that explores lexical, syntactic and semantic features. For this evaluation we extracted a corpus of articles from Wikipedia together with their quality judgments. We show that information-theoretic features perform as well as their linguistic counterparts even if we explore several linguistic levels at once. There are many languages considered to be low-density languages, either because the population speaking the language is not very large, or because insufficient digitized text material is available in the language even though millions of people speak the language.

Bangla is one of the latter ones. Readability classification is an important Natural Language Processing NLP application that can be used to judge the quality of documents and assist writers to locate possible problems. This paper presents a readability classifier of Bangla textbook documents based on information-theoretic and lexical features. This is done to get measurable evidence for the existence of speech-and-gesture ensembles.

Thus, there is evidence for a one-way coupling — going from words to gestures — that leads to speech-and-gesture alignment and underlies the constitution of multimodal ensembles. We introduce WikiNect as a kinetic museum information system that allows museum visitors to give on-site feedback about exhibitions. Our aim is to develop kinetic technologies as a new paradigm of HCI.

They dispense with classical interfaces e. In this paper, we introduce the notion of gestural writing as a kinetic text-technology that underlies WikiNect to enable museum visitors to communicate their feedback. The basic idea is to explore sequences of gestures that share the semantic expressivity of verbally manifested speech acts.

Our task is to identify such gestures that are learnable on-site in the usage scenario of WikiNect. This is done by referring to so-called transient gestures as part of multimodal ensembles, which are candidate gestures of the desired functionality. The eHumanities Desktop is a system which allows users to upload, organize and share resources using a web interface.

Furthermore resources can be processed, annotated and analyzed in various ways. Registered users can organize themselves in groups and collaboratively work on their data. The eHumanities Desktop is platform independent and runs in a web browser. This paper presents the system focusing on its service orientation and process management. TiTAN series capture the formation and structure of dialog lexica in terms of serialized graph representations.

The dynamic update of TiTAN series is driven by the dialog-inherent timing of turn-taking. The model provides a link between neural, connectionist underpinnings of dialog lexica on the one hand and observable symbolic behavior on the other. On the neural side, priming and spreading activation are modeled in terms of TiTAN networking. On the symbolic side, TiTAN series account for cognitive alignment in terms of the structural coupling of the linguistic representations of dialog partners. This structural stance allows us to apply TiTAN in machine learning of data of dialogical alignment.

In previous studies, it has been shown that aligned dialogs can be distinguished from non-aligned ones by means of TiTAN -based modeling. Now, we simultaneously apply this model to two types of dialog: We ask whether it is possible to separate aligned dialogs from non-aligned ones in a type-crossing way. This hints at a structural fingerprint left by alignment in networks of linguistic items that are routinely co-activated during conversation. Currently, the area of translation studies lacks corpora by which translation scholars can validate their theoretical claims, for example, regarding the scope of the characteristics of the translation relation.

In this paper, we describe a customized resource in the area of translation studies that mainly addresses research on the properties of the translation relation. Our experimental results show that the Type-Token-Ratio TTR is not a universally valid indicator of the simplification of translation. The Naming Game NG has become a vivid research paradigm for simulation studies on language evolution and the establishment of naming conventions. Recently, NGs were used for reconstructing the creation of linguistic categories, most notably for color terms.

We recap the functional principle of NGs and the latter Categorization Games CGs and evaluate them in the light of semantic data of linguistic categorization outside the domain of colors. This comparison reveals two specifics of the CG paradigm: Firstly, the emerging categories draw basically on the predefined topology of the learning domain. Secondly, the kind of categories that can be learnt in CGs is bound to context-independent intersective categories. This suggests that the NG and the CG focus on a special aspect of natural language categorization, which disregards context-sensitive categories used in a non-compositional manner.

Ancient corpora contain various multilingual patterns. This imposes numerous problems on their manual annotation and automatic processing. We introduce a lexicon building system, called Lexicon Expander, that has an integrated language detection module, Language Detection LD Toolkit. The Lexicon Expander post-processes the output of the LD Toolkit which leads to the improvement of f-score and accuracy values.

Furthermore, the functionality of the Lexicon Expander also includes manual editing of lexical entries and automatic morphological expansion by means of a morphological grammar. Currently, some simulative accounts exist within dynamic or evolutionary frameworks that are concerned with the development of linguistic categories within a population of language users. Although these studies mostly emphasize that their models are abstract, the paradigm categorization domain is preferably that of colors.

In this paper, the authors argue that color adjectives are special predicates in both linguistic and metaphysical terms: The restriction of categorization simulations to the color paradigm systematically leads to ignoring two ubiquitous features of natural language predicates, namely relativity and context-dependency. The authors develop a three-dimensional grid of ascending complexity that is partitioned according to the semiotic triangle. They also develop a conceptual model in the form of a decision grid by means of which the complexity level of simulation models of linguistic categorization can be assessed in linguistic terms.

In this article, we test a variant of the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis in the area of complex network theory. This is done by analyzing social ontologies as a new resource for automatic language classification. Our method is to solely explore structural features of social ontologies in order to predict family resemblances of languages used by the corresponding communities to build these ontologies.

This approach is based on a reformulation of the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis in terms of distributed cognition. Starting from a corpus of Wikipedia-based social ontologies, we test our variant of the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis by several experiments, and find out that we outperform the corresponding baselines. All in all, the article develops an approach to classify linguistic networks of tens of thousands of vertices by exploring a small range of mathematically well-established topological indices.

Checking for readability or simplicity of texts is important for many institutional and individual users.