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Suicide is very often a direct result of financial victimization. That is hardly victimless. There is a level of anger, shame, guilt and pain that is experienced by victims. Yet, with all the illicit financial victimization there is another form that is totally legal and perpetrated against the average American. Every homeowner is a victim, as are automobile owners, student loans and credit cards. All are forms of amortized payments which are nothing other than the spending of future unearned dollars.

This is much like the unfunded future liabilities of the government. It allows us to create the lifestyle and life experience we enjoy in the present, by bringing forward dollars we have yet to earn. The cost for that is interest. Thus interest payments are also payments of future dollars and as such it is compounding losses.

These future dollars paid in interest are never recovered and never used for your own personal wealth accumulation. The best solution is to pay the least amount of interest possible. In order to stop future losses which are compounded through amortization, you must have the mathematical ability to understand the best use of every dollar that passes through your household. Look, the odds are stacked against you.

If you truly wish to tilt the odds in your favor you need to rely on the Prospio Leveraged Banking system. This is the first step to achieving financial independence. Kindly watch this brief preview and then go to www. Most would say freedom and independence are the same. Freedom simply is a sense of having the ability to come and go, mover freely through society. Independence is the individual freedom of action, freedom of creativity, freedom of financial lifestyle and life experience. An individual can be free and still be dependent.

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Yet no individual can be truly independent and have any concern about freedom. An entrepreneurial spirit is independent. Self-reliance helps make an individual practice selflessness. A desire to create and produce for the welfare and betterment of society. The great gift our founding fathers provide us was true independence, that should never be confused with freedom.

Ok, so how does this relate to money. Well, freedom will not be in direct proportion to wealth creation.

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Thus interest payments are also payments of future dollars and as such it is compounding losses. For the last 50 years the insurance industry has been telling the man story. This is much like the unfunded future liabilities of the government. Credit repair is a great financial fitness tool when you are able to use it properly. The growth of wisdom in this cause and effect develops the desire to help others through a sense of selflessness. As we enter scams and fraud are already off to a fast start.

Independence on the other hand is directly proportionate to wealth creation. Independence is a state of mind which produces thought in the power of abundance. The independent person does not find themselves in a state of limitation. Your independence provides you with a clean canvas each day to paint your own success, that which you truly desire. Nothing can stop a burning desire that is correlated with personal integrity, honesty and strong moral compass. These are the traits that will manifest wealth and riches which are to be used. One of the great misunderstood principles is the law of cause and effect.

Too many have determined that the ends justify the means and thus competition is a zero sum focus. Nothing could be further from the truth of cause and effect. Your beliefs about money have been ingrained from your socialization, mostly this is learned and passed won within the family. Possibly you were taught that money is evil, or that money is scarce, worse yet money is only available for others. All of these beliefs directly impact your ability to create wealth for you and your family.

This is usually reinforced by the thoughts of those things you wish to avoid. Whatever your thoughts create is what your environment and circumstances will look like. Presently you are the sum total of all your thoughts to date. This is the essence of independence. No one else is responsible or accountable to your circumstances, that ownership belongs to you. Many who have accepted freedom have denied true independence as they need security.

Any sense of security causes dependence. Regardless of what you are dependent upon any such dependence limits your ability to enjoy the power of limitlessness. All limitations are personally inflicted. Sadly we all fall victim to our own sense of limitation.

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CREDIT REPAIR TACTICS EXPOSED By CHARLES DICKENS I applied these legal-loopholes tactics and improved my credit score by over points in less. Legal Loopholes: Credit Repair Tactics Exposed [Charles Dickens] on Amazon. com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. It is estimated that over 80 million.

The really successful people are those who embrace independence with a comfort of self-reliance and self-sufficiency. The growth of wisdom in this cause and effect develops the desire to help others through a sense of selflessness. The full circle then closes with wealth accumulation. Compensation is in direct proportion to the amount of service you provide. A sense of independence allows for you to embrace a continued level of service to others with the confidence that you will enjoy ever increasing compensation in direct proportion to the service you provide.

Hopefully you will gain a sense of awareness as to the difference between freedom and independence and how that difference will impact your ability to become financially independent. All the staples of American Independence. We do an immense amount of research here at the Advocacy Network. My email box receives approx. We are connected closely with the daily happenings in the insurance industry as well as those who market services to the agents in the industry. One of the major reasons we have a financial concierge program is so we work closely on education and training for insurance agents without having the conflict of interest in being compensated via the sales of insurance.

Today I wanted to give you a brief example of why the financial services industry has left most of the nation without any source of financial literacy education of financial advice. The evidence is all around us and yet no one seems to recognize the leaks in the hull of the financial services industry ship. Thus the entire concept of having a financial advisor is exactly why?

As they have ceded the professional responsibility of financial literacy education we begin with a starting point of a financial advisor being in malpractice. There is a battle on the hallowed halls of Wall Street and all financial institutions between the brokerage world and the financial advisory planners etc. This debate goes as such: This is followed through logically by the Advisor only taking a fee and never a commission. Now the Brokers are supposedly evil because they at times can act both as a fiduciary and a standard known as suitability. This is followed by the Broker earning commissions and quite often selling only proprietary products which pay a higher commission and thus not always in the best interest of the client.

And so the debate rages on, yet sadly I have to propose that neither of these professionals possess the moral or ethical high ground. And here is the proof taken directly from the fore-mentioned article:. Everyone deals with money.

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This eventually leads to consumers making less-than-ideal money decisions. I would not dispute this premise at all, what is dubious however is how the so called financial services professional has no responsibility for this. Unsurprisingly, the more confident consumers fee, the better are the financial choices they make. Evidently, financial planning and education are keys to feeling confident about your financial decisions and ensuring that you have the best financial future possible.

Now here is where that last statement becomes sadly self-serving to the financial services professional. Only the wealthy classes can afford fees that make any financial advisors practice profitable. So, what happens to the masses? Well they are predominantly left to the brokers and agents who get paid via commissions. In the end most are sadly under-served due to the basic lack of responsibility for financial literacy education.

I want to clarify that the vast majority of the insurance agents and financial brokers provide an important service for their clients and do so with compassion, care and concern. And here is the last piece to the puzzle of funny money. The most prolific class of financial victims are those who have the money, in short they are the same wealthy who afford the financial professionals who are supposed to be protecting them. How does that sound for irony? Check out the benefits of joining us through the Advocacy Network. We provide vital services for the public, including financial literacy education and the first step solution to financial independence.

This entire story is one of incredible non accountability, sheer ignorance on behalf of the SEC, FINRA and every other level of regulator in the industry. The Bernie Madoff story is one that is an outlier to the typical Ponzi schemes. The sheer length of his ongoing fraud is a massive indictment on the selectivity of the regulators on Wall St. The red flags and warning shots across the bow were available for any prudent regulator to see, it was however conveniently ignored with regularity.

It is easy to make the statement of how no one will ever be able to promulgate a fraud on the level Madoff did.

Legal Loopholes Credit Repair Tactics Exposed

Yet, as we speak there are probably at least 3 ongoing Ponzi schemes that have the red flags and warning bells going off, and are actively being ignored by regulators for any number of rationales. Will any ever reach the dollar amounts that Madoff did? Possibly not, but I am never surprised by anything that happens in the world of scams, fraud and predatory sales practices. Would anyone have believed the level of predatory sales manipulations and direct fraud committed by management at Wells Fargo? As long as there is hope, desire and greed in the world there will be scams, fraud and sales manipulations.

Whatever story lines you see built on the Ponzi-schemes, stock frauds and other major frauds there is always a strong sympathetic bias towards victims. Sadly, all this does is help create more victims. As long as the financial victim continues to be a sympathetic soul we are simply enabling them to become systematically victimized with regularity and impunity. They have culpability and with each Madoff or Stanford who comes along and pilfers their money the victim focuses on the poor me aspect of their shattered lives.

My job is to work with victims on a regular basis and our work is to help clarify why victimization occurs. When you are aware of the psychological triggers that occur in the process of being victimized you will be forever insulated from being a victim. As long as the people around you sympathize they will forever enable you. This enablement will directly lead to future financial victimization and you will be forever in the vicious cycle of being a victim. The Madoff story displays the basic human behavior of those who are victimized.

The vast majority never confront or discuss it as they suffer from pain, anger, embarrassment, shame and want to be forever anonymous. Then there is the minority who are driven by pain and anger while constantly seeking revenge. This group is not seeking to balance the books or find closure, they are purely motivated through anger, hatred and bitterness.

They ultimately destroy all the good around them while pursuing their blinded hatred. This is displayed in the HBO version of Madoff. It does no one any good and when you see how those people are impacted by their own hatred and bitterness you see the continuation of their victimization. The psychology of victimization is a fairly complicated process, without identification and healing the cycle of victimization will never end. A very sad reality exists in that both the perpetrator and the victim have a sick connection.

That connection is that neither is a sympathetic character. Both are perpetrators in the process of financial victimization. The painful reality is every financial victim had many, many opportunities to avoid involvement in the investment, purchase or business agreement. Each victim voluntarily participated, and many times they gleefully ignored every red flag or 6th sense call to walk away. When interviewed those who are willing to work through the psychology of the process all admit they heard that tiny voice in the back of their mind saying this is too good to believe.

They also admit that they could have done more complete due diligence but simply relied upon a certain level of trust.

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This is how it always happens. Trust can never be taken in consideration of complete due diligence. Proof to this point is the fact in the Madoff deal where the regulators never made a simple call to the DTC to confirm that his investment advisory had an account. This was 2 years prior to the final fall of the Ponzi scheme. Why did the regulators ignore making a simple confirmation call that would have taken a couple of minutes?

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No one will ever have that answer, but it probably had to do with trust and credibility. For everyone we are able to help the others are being exponentially multiplied. What is most aggravating is the fact that almost ALL financial victimization could be eliminated with simple awareness, financial literacy education and consistently taking some self audits on personal beliefs, habits and values as to money.

Kindly know that the Advocacy Network is committed to eliminating all forms of financial victimization through creating awareness, providing financial literacy education and helping people achieve financial independence. Sadly, the entire victimization could be avoided. For the last 50 years the insurance industry has been telling the man story.

It goes like this: This story was responsible for selling billions of dollars in life insurance over that timeline. And while the life insurance solution was and is still a viable and important piece of becoming financially independent it is not solving the primary cause of the financial victimization. The genesis of the problem is the amortization of debt. These losses are hidden and painless so we never see it until its too late. Just like placing a frog in a pot of boiling water, the frog would resist, but when you put a frog in a nice warm pot of water he gladly takes to the environment, and then its simply a matter of slowly turning up the temperature while the life is slowly ebbed from the frog and ultimately the frog is fully boiled.

Financially we are frogs, and the amortization of debt is our warm comfortable environment. Slowly all opportunity is slowly ebbed out of our future. The money we lose is never in our possession to create future wealth with through the magic of compound interest and therefore we have a negative compound interest result which assures the resulting financial dependence. This cycle will continue to impact one generation at a time because the banks, financial institutions, hedge funds and all lending organizations thrive on the long term amortization of debt service payments.

And we are willing participate because the financial literacy education we have received is a simple story of work to earn, spend, borrow and make your payments on time. Spend and pay on time.

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We have decided to gleefully take all of our future earnings to prepay today for material things. Take a 30 year mortgage for example. In the first 19 years of a 30 year mortgage you will prepay the majority of the interest, with a small fraction of the principal paid down, the last 11 years will pay off the vast majority of the principal.

In the end you will have paid approx. Talk about a magic trick, its not the interest that robs you its the timeline you pay the interest over. When time is factored in with money that creates the magic known as compound interest and this magic can either bring you great wealth or it can rob you of any chance for the accumulation of wealth. Its a double edged sword and we have been indoctrinated and trained to use it against our best interests at all times in every financial decision we make. My point for you here is while life insurance, annuities, retirement planning, investment vehicles are all very important financial solutions they become moot when you ignore the core principle of economic loss.

The first solution is to STOP all losses and capture the money you willingly give away to the banks and financial institutions. That money is the capital you get to use to create the future wealth you need to be financially independent. Sure you save some money, then you invest some money, you set up retirement plans and yet you continue to make debt service payments which over time lose incredible sums of money that never get into your plans, its comparable to having internal bleeding, you are slowly bleeding to death and never know it until you cease to be.

You took all the right steps to pursue financial independence but you never knew you were bleeding and thus unknown to you death was your only result. Stop the bleeding and then take the next steps in the strategy. We have a financial solution that will stop the financial bleeding, open the door to a pathway for financial independence. This solution is the preventative medicine that makes financial independence achievable.

You will still need to take additional steps along the pathway which will then assure you of becoming financially independent. After go to www. Then use the calculator to find out just how much you and your family will save and how much wealth you can create through that savings. Then you can call me with any questions or concerns. Is Credit Repair Illegal.

The Damage of Compounding Losses. Painful Psychology of Financial Victimization. Falling Victim to Opportunity Cost. Financial Independence is a Thought Process. Self-Talk Your Way to Failure. Debt By the Numbers. Secret To Financial Independence: Scams and Frauds are Big Across the Globe! Senior Financial Empowerment Act. Under the Radar Scams for Best Way to Become a Millionaire!

Many Scams are Legal! Advantage of Financial Concierge Relationship. Turo's website offers the promise of cars that are better than the big rental companies. Jewel Brangman was talented, beautiful, and only 26 years old when she was killed by an unrepaired recalled Takata airbag. Dealers like CarMax sell cars with this lethal safety defect, putting their customers' lives in danger. CarMax victim Angela Davidson protests CarMax's selling her family an unsafe recalled pickup that fell apart on the freeway and caught on fire, nearly killing her year-old daughter.

CarMax sold safety advocate Sean Kane this dangerous Jeep without repairing the safety recall defects -- catching on fire, bad brakes, and stalling in traffic. Tesla with autopilot technology collided with a parked fire truck in the fast lane of the freeway in Los Angeles. Tennessee's new law makes it easier for car dealers to get away with selling recalled used cars with this life-threatening safety defect. Wells Fargo protects their profit and interests, but not yours.

Well, it's like this: A Takata facility in Tianjin. Showdown between California car dealers and consumers over e-contracting Benzinga. A super-rich major car dealer in his district who is very active politically owns Keyes Lexus, which is being sued for allegedly cheating low-income Spanish-speaking consumers by overcharging them for unwanted, expensive add-ons.

The consumer is seeking a permanent injunction to prohibit the dealer from engaging in similar practices in the future. Letter from the consumer attorney who is representing the Spanish-language consumers. Could you be seeing this car in your neighborhood soon? New York Attorney General Schneiderman's settlements allow dealers to continue selling unsafe recalled deathtrap cars with "disclosure.

Assemblymember Matt Dababneh D-Van Nuys is pushing legislation that would make it easier for crooked dealers and lenders to cheat consumers. FTC would allow dealers to advertise recalled cars with lethal safety defects, including catching on fire, as "safe. FTC would allow dealers to advertise cars are "safe" when they have killer safety defects that have not been repaired. Jewel Brangman was just 26 years old when she was killed by a recalled Honda Civic with an unrepaired Takata airbag. More innocent people will die unless we stop the FTC and keep dealers from advertising these cars as "safe.

Everyone else in this fender-bender walked away. Jewel Brangman bled to death because she was driving a Honda Civic with an unrepaired Takata airbag. The rental car company, like many dealers, failed to get it repaired before handing her the keys. CARS sues to stop dealers from advertising cars with defects, like this Honda with a recalled Takata air bag, that blinded Stephanie Erdmann, as "safe.

Ford allows its dealers to sell cars with killer Takata airbags as "certified" and charge extra for them. VW refused to provide a safe loaner car to its customers, after leasing them a VW Golf with an unsafe recalled Takata air bag. Buying at a Used Car Auction? Toyota case tests warranty limits for military families Automotive News.

Toyota sues military family, after selling them unsafe lemon RAV4. Ford expands recall over faulty door latches that can fly open. Roger Williams, a Texas car dealer, faces House ethics investigation. What happens when you can't get your car registered? NBC Bay Area report. NBC Bay Area report: Roger Williams submitted amendment that would benefit his business" Center for Public Integrity.

Rosemary Shahan, the founder and president of Consumers for Auto Reliability and Safety, is concerned that autonomous cars are not ready for the road. Consumer advocates warn consumers with recalled cars to insist on a rental car, pending repairs to their own cars. It's too risky to accept a random loaner car from a dealer. What if the loaner is also under a safety recall? Dealers with fleets of 35 or fewer cars got themselves exempted from the federal rental car safety act.

What you need to know about state lemon laws" Car and Driver Magazine. Injury claim costs on the rise despite safer roads, vehicles Auto Insurance Center. NEWS for immediate release: December 1, Contact: Raechel and Jacqueline Houck were killed by a recalled rental car.

The rental car industry, including Enterprise, Hertz, Avis, Dollar-thrifty, Alamo, National, and the American Car Rental Association, as well as many smaller rental car companies, helped persuade lawmakers to vote for the bill.