The War Within:Poems & Essays:Poems & Essays

Responding to poetry

They tend to be oblique, equivocal, painfully self-questioning.

Or, The decline of American verse

The War Within: Poems & Essays [Ruby C. Bowen] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. I couldn't put it down!! Never before has any book. Herbert Asquith wrote "The Volunteer" which was one of the most romanticised war poems of all time. It was about a young boy in a "city grey" with "no lance.

They not only talk to themselves in their poems; they frequently talk to themselves about talking to themselves, as Merwin does here. Their poetry is not heard but overheard, and sometimes is too hermetic even to overhear with anything like comprehension. Contemporary American poets now seem to put all their energy into one task: They strive to sound like no one else.

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And that often means poets end up pushing what is most singular and idiosyncratic in themselves and in the language to the fore and ignoring what they have in common with others. The current poet may give a certain sort of pleasure by his uniqueness, but no one reading him will say what Emerson hoped to say when he encountered a poet who mattered: Previous Page Next Page 1 of 7 You are currently viewing this article as a guest.

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Poetry Slam

Collection — From the September issue. As a weapon in the hands of the restless poor.

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Poem about horrors of war - direct and hard hitting. Surprising as it's about waiting and effects of cold, not fighting itself. Title can be read in different ways - exposure to cold, to terrifying war situation for soldiers or exposing truth to people at home.

Florida: Essays and Poems

Keep it short, show overall understanding and direction of essay. Owen is showing horror of war not glory.

Content and detail - mention of cold, feelings of men, how all hope has left them, they feel they are dying. Strong, insistent language throughout. Focus on specific powerful language and overall effect. Use of figurative language to convey horrors, use of different senses.

Link to effect, eg similes convey horror - helps reader to feel this. Link structure to effect - reality of war is stark and unrelenting. Many realities of war shown, some are surprising - nothing happens but still mem feel they are dying. May not need more references in conclusion.