Things For Granted

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In the midst of your daily routine it can be easy to forget the little things , but those little things may be pretty big after all.

  1. Insieme, così felici (Omnibus) (Italian Edition).
  2. What do you think?.
  3. Do You Take It for Granted?;
  4. Remember to not take things for granted, good or bad.

Nothing in life guaranteed, so we should all take the time and make the effort to appreciate what we have right now. Some things that are overlooked during the most hectic days are:. Most of us understand the struggle of living in a cubicle for the better part of the day.

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And it was Tania. I am fortunate to come home to my understanding wife who knows what it is that modern workers go through. But hidden blessings are available right now, if you can take a step back and notice where you are. Our minds run around unchecked all the time, either waiting for a better future or regretting the past. This is your real life. And, of course — then we react with panic.

This situation can be particularly sad during the summer, when Instagram is filled with pictures of sand and drinks garnished with pineapples. Even though every day cannot be a beach day, or day-drinking fiesta, you can always spend a few minutes in the beauty of the outdoors! Being healthy enough to commute to work, walk from that parking space in the back of the lot, or complete the other mundane tasks of the day are absolutely reasons to be thankful. Health can change at any given moment, so the ability to hear your favorite song or watch the sunset from the grass in your backyard should not be taken lightly, even though it seems like they will always be possible.

One day we should take a moment and listen to ourselves. We complain about not having enough while we lose sight of the wonderful things that we have.

take (someone or something) for granted

take something for granted definition: to never think about something because you believe it will always be available or stay exactly the same. Learn more. In the 2nd sense, "take [someone, something] for granted" means to underestimate the value of that person or thing. In other words, to expect someone or.

That happens because we get restless, things become too routine, or perhaps because we enjoy the hunt for something new. The problem is, when we take stuff for granted, things eventually go south.

Why It’s So Important That We Stop Taking Things for Granted

And, of course — then we react with panic. Truth is, you knew exactly what you had.

  • Don’t Take the Little Things in Life for Granted.
  • Do You Take It for Granted?.
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  • take for granted?
  • take for granted?

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Click your favorite option top right. Frank Sonnenberg is an award-winning author. He has written seven books and over articles.

Frank has served on several boards and has consulted to some of the largest and most respected companies in the world. So many articles out there sbout taking it for granted that we start reading and lose interest. This article touched me in the way it was written and for the astonishly basic truths of life it brings up. Your email address will not be published.

5 Things People Take for Granted

What Do You Take for Granted? Comments We count our blessings every day. Click here to read more. Instead, I immediately hone in on my to-do list and all the mini fires I plan to avoid. A busy, cynical mind is more apt to find problems than solutions.

The little things that usually go right: Have anything to add to the list? See a typo, an inaccuracy, or something offensive? Please contact us so we can fix it! Did you enjoy this post? Please share the wisdom: You may also enjoy: Get wisdom in your inbox Join the Tiny Buddha list for daily or weekly blog posts, exclusive content, and promotions.

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What Do You Take For Granted?

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