Broken (Wolves Among Us Book 2)

Broken Circle

Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. Preview — Broken by A. Broken Wolves Among Us 2 by A. A tough enough assignment under normal circumstances, but Dr. Immoral werewolves have victimized every girl under his care. As if that is not difficult enough, he also must insure that the very existence of we Dr. As if that is not difficult enough, he also must insure that the very existence of werewolves is kept secret from the general public. However, when Lily White is brought in, a girl who suffered some of the worst abuses imaginable, Dr. Blythe must not only help her heal, but also convince her that not all werewolves are horrible, uncaring, vicious beasts.

He has to show her that some werewolves can be trusted because this time he has a personal stake in the outcome. Kindle Edition , 69 pages. Wolves Among Us 2.

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All this can be well understood because of the times in which she lived. You really need to read this series people. He refuses to wear a tracking device, because, you know, there's no way he might ever get kidnapped or anything crazy like that but what ever happened to the one the doctor put in him in the first book? First, you absolutely must read the first book to get the full story. Apart from that if you like book 1 then you'll most likely enjoy this too. There was tenderness and caring in their touches. Considering a neighboring group of wolves also seem to have found themselves with a messy romance brewing.

To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Broken , please sign up. Lists with This Book. This book is not yet featured on Listopia. Jan 03, Kristy rated it really liked it Shelves: This is another cute little story about wolf shifters. This one was about a doctor that helped human girls deal with abuse from the hands of other wolf shifters.

Lily was one of his patients, but as soon as Ian met her his wolf claimed her as his mate. Now Ian needs to help heal Lily's emotional wounds so he can claim his mate. Aug 29, Sue rated it liked it. Frankly I didn't like the ending. I'm not a writer but it left me hanging.

He would like to see Harry suffer all the things he had suffered. In the following two years a million words of anti-semitic hatred poured out — scheming financiers, parasites, crooked noses, dirty fingernails.

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Ada and Ben take refuge in France; under different circumstances, Harry and his wealthy family settle there, too. Ada and Ben marry; Ben pursues money and "deals". Harry marries an upper-bourgeoise Frenchwoman, and thus enters the portals of la vraie France. Ada becomes an artist whose mystical paintings portray the essence of the Jewish soul. She has an irresistible talent for creating character and incident which makes this story as much a page-turner as anything she has written.

Can't they just fire that one up? Plus, the grammatical errors and typos were worse, and Aden "dropped a kiss on Beth's head" at location even though they didn't pick her name until location I was super excited about this series, and now I'm just disappointed. View all 3 comments. Please, see Erica's review. She said it all: Feb 05, Christy rated it it was amazing Shelves: Somehow I wasn't surprised that book two was going to show a struggle within my favorite foursome.

It's not realistic to think that everything is going to be perfect, no matter that these men love each other. The seven months that Aden has been pregnant has been tough on them all, particularly Blaze, as it seems nothing he says or does is right, and he has spent more than one night sleeping in the forest in his wolf form. Now little Beth has been born, and you'd think life would be perfect, but Somehow I wasn't surprised that book two was going to show a struggle within my favorite foursome. Now little Beth has been born, and you'd think life would be perfect, but no, there are still many challenges waiting.

He fought for it every day. He tried to keep as much of the harshness of being a grown-up away from us as long as he could.

However, the whole concept of Orion's Circle, the werewolf council for all North American weres, is to bring balance between humans and shifters. This is what their foursome was created to do. Unfortunately, as they are in critical negotiations with the American government to look at having werewolves join the military in special werewolf and human soldiers groups, a terrorist cell of werewolves calling themselves The Winter Circle is hard at work to ruin everything. Of course there's plenty of drama with the guys, too, but adding in everything else makes it a great read.

I really hated that doctor from Aden's former pack - the one they discovered had been secretly doing gene therapy in a lab to try for eternal life - but now I know he disgusts me and I'd like to wrap my hands around his neck and throttle him. I can't believe you just did this, Victoria! No, I don't believe it.

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I was, however, very happy to see the doctor get what he deserved. But I'm not forgiving you, Ms. I'm holding on to hope, and thinking Sirius might have another trick up her sleeve. I didn't think it was possible but this book was even more exciting than the first one. So many revelations, so much pain and hurt. And, dang it, the author made me cry. Now I have to jump into the third installment, because even though the doctor is dead, The Winter Circle is still causing problems, and my guys are going to have to work very hard to ensure a war doesn't break out between humans and werewolves.

This book was provided by the publisher for the purpose of a review on Rainbow Book Reviews This book left me with a bittersweet feeling. I did not like everything that happened and how it all played out. That made it hard for me to write this review and most likely flavored it a bit. Blaze seemed to be the focus of this book. He had several things he needed to work through. The first is being a father. He has no idea how to do it and makes mistakes along the way when the child is born that alienates Aden.

To lead this even farther events occur that leads him to hurt one of his mates. H This book left me with a bittersweet feeling. He goes off by himself and while distracted by his own emotional issues, gets captured himself in trouble with no way out.

Let me just say Madden is totally bat shit crazy. The things he plans to do to reach his goals are really sickening. Hell the things he does manage to do are sickening. Anyway, enough to say he left me feeling icky. I do love the way Victoria Sue writes. There is so much descriptive wording that really allows me to visualize things as they happen. I really feel like I get pulled into the story as I read them. Even if I hate what is happening, I can still feel the characters emotions.

  • Broken (Wolves Among Us, #2) by A.M. Reed.
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The sexual elements were very well done. And it was actually beautiful at times the love the mates show to each other. There was tenderness and caring in their touches. I really love how they all are together. Throughout the book I never got the feeling of how everything was going to end. And I was totally shocked. It left me reeling. I so did not see it coming.

It left me feeling heartbroken. Even after it was all said and done and good things come of it, I still felt like something was missing. I do appreciate the fact that I was left with the feeling that there is more to come.

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Broken (Wolves Among Us Book 2) - Kindle edition by A. M. Reed. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like. Broken (Wolves Among Us Book 2) and millions of other books are available for on orders over $25—or get FREE Two-Day Shipping with Amazon Prime.

And that this is perhaps not the final ending. I really hope so. I will be looking forward to the next book in the series. I loved this sequel to Orion's Circle. Things are getting a bit more complicated as someone is throwing a wrench into Blaze's plans to unite werewolves and humans.

Not only does Blaze have to battle that but also that he feels a bit out of control with the new addition of his and Aden's daughter. Blaze doesn't like to feel out of control and ends up pushing Aden away. I won't give that fully away bu Spoilers! I won't give that fully away but one of the main characters, who I adored, died and it was heartbreaking to say the least.

One good thing is that a gift is left to Aden through the passing of this character and that was so very touching. I had to ask if there would be another in this series and thankfully that answer is yes. Well done again Victoria!

Even a little bit better than the first book in this series I devoured "Broken Circle" in one sitting. Starting right where the first book ended you don't miss anything about the sstory of sweet Aden and his Alpha-mates Blaze, Darric and Connor.

Wolves Among Us Series

This book is more intense and touching I've ever could guess, just awesome. But Blaze isn't just fighting those enemies, no, his own deep feelin Even a little bit better than the first book in this series I devoured "Broken Circle" in one sitting. But Blaze isn't just fighting those enemies, no, his own deep feelings of guilt are weighing hard on his shoulders. At a point in this book I couldn't hold my tears any longer, damn, that was touching. Really great job and well done.

Can't wait to read on. I can't think of anyway to describe this other than convoluted. Not to mention Blaze is an arrogant ass that needs his ass kicked so hard it pops his head out of there. Severe case of cranial rectitus. I'll continue with the series but hope it improves.

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Hi - so obviously this isn't exactly a review because this is my book. I just wanted to add a note because I have had a lot of readers asking. This is the first part of three. I don't end any of them on a cliffhanger, but there are three parts to this story. The third part should be out in September - so for those of you that I made cry with book two - hang in there! Blaze, as usual, has his head up his ass and is making everything about himself, but Conner and Darric are on hand to smooth things over between their other two mates.

Both of these storylines are furthered in this book and actually, I should probably note at this point that you would find it very frustrating to attempt these books as standalones. This series has been written to be read in order. For the most part, I enjoyed this book more than the first. While the relationship between Blaze and Aden continued to annoy the ever-living heck out of me, there was a lot more forward movement plot wise to distract me from their dramatics. While at least one of the plot arcs appears to have ended with this book, others continue on into the third, and from what I understand, final book.

Considering a neighboring group of wolves also seem to have found themselves with a messy romance brewing. I did also say that I enjoyed this second book more than the first. Am I going to read the next book?