Second Shot (Charlie Fox)

Probably my least favorite of the series to date. Charlie is guilt ridden and Simone is a train wreck. Of course, I also didn't honk she needed redemption, either Aug 21, Karen Ford rated it it was amazing. This is the second Charlie Fox novel I have read and it's quickly shot it's way near to the top of my favorite series.

This one takes place shortly after the first book I dive into, First Drop. Charlie's boss and on again off again lover Sean's protection firm is engaged by the solicitors to use the British term of a lottery winner, Simone. Charlie's task is to be bodyguard for Simone and Ella, her four year old daughter. The main threat seems to come from Simone's estranged husband, Matt, wh This is the second Charlie Fox novel I have read and it's quickly shot it's way near to the top of my favorite series.

The main threat seems to come from Simone's estranged husband, Matt, who is trying to get back into the lives of the suddenly rich women by any means necessary. Simone is also engaged in an active search for her long lost father, a quest that sends Charlie with the women to Boston and eventually northern New Hampshire where the threats to Simone and Ella double and triple.

It's no spoiler to reveal that Charlie takes a bullet in fact a pair as it happens in the very first chapter and the next third of the book details Charlie's journey until that point. The book moves along quickly, even though Charlie is hobbled by the shooting and comes to a climatic showdown. I like the character of Charlie, who has doubts about herself but can still dig deep for that inner reserve of steel when the chips are down.

Highly recommended for both fans of mysteries and action novels. I can't wait to dig into the next book! Feb 01, Sarah rated it really liked it Shelves: Poor Charlie just keeps getting shot! She still hadn't fully recovered from her last trip to America in the previous book and now she's back to working as security for a mother and child. Supposed to be an easy protection gig--how hard is it to keep away the press and an ex-boyfriend? But Charlie ends up shot and severely wounded, and her security team is threatened. The mystery is big--people aren't telling the truth, and, of course, Charlie ends up saving the day.

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Probably my least favorite of the series to date. Ms Fox is a character I enjoy reading about. I wish Sharp would just let her get on with it. She finds herself in a bad situation and grits it out. Since I know the non-fiction Frances Neagley this was great fun for me. Charlie is the Master,cracking ch Charlie reluctantly heads across the pond again and she's still so not impressed. As usual Sean Meyer her boss is around to watch her back, and their ongoing relationship is one that keeps my interest too.

While being a complete bada Poor Charlie just keeps getting shot! While being a complete badass. Aug 31, Mad Leon rated it liked it. Charlie Fox has got to be the dumbest and most lax body guard out there.

Second Shot: A Charlie Fox Thriller

Anyone this careless in reality wouldn't last a month. Evidently her 'principals' don't make it very long on her watch either. Plus evidently when she is involved in a crime or death there is no inquest and the police are bumblers also.

Hardback Editions

Second Shot (Charlie Fox) [Zoe Sharp] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. America and Charlie Fox: It's not a good mix. Her first trip to the. Second Shot has ratings and 62 reviews. RachelW (BamaGal) said: Stars. Satisfying enough read, but my least favorite of the series so far. The en.

Just too ridiculous for me. Another page turner with the complex, heroic Charlie Fox. This time she saves a child. Oh, and against unbelievable odds, too! She never gives up. Better and Better Zoe Sharpe continues to develop her Charlie Fox character and create complex, thrilling stories. The relationships take on a deeper meaning also. Charlie Fox Rides again! Another shoot-em-up page turner. A good read although Charlie's whining gets to be a little much at times. I couldn't stop reading. From the first sentence - which should be a classic gripping opening sentence- I was hooked and couldn't put the book down.

Didn't even see coming what happened at the end. Dec 19, Maddy rated it really liked it Shelves: Involved in a personal and professional relationship with her boss, Sean Meyer, she agrees to protect a recent lottery winner, Simone Kerse, and her 4-year old daughter, Emma, from her obsessed ex-boyfriend.

Simone decides to use some of her newfound wealth to mount a search for her father, with whom she lost contact during her childhood. Charlie is naturally skeptical of the man who claims to be Simone's father; however, Simone is determined that Greg Lucas is indeed her father and will not allow herself to be persuaded otherwise.

Greg and his current wife, relate fairly well to Emma. But Lucas definitely doesn't show any of the military skills that he should have after a career in the SAS. Simone stubbornly refuses to acknowledge that she and Ella may be in danger, even after a kidnapping attempt that goes awry.

Charlie is put in the position of either agreeing to Simone's terms or walking away. Since Ella has won her heart, she doesn't find the latter to be a viable option. Her worst fears come true; and ultimately, Charlie is shot twice and left for dead in a snow-covered ditch.

Even as she struggles to recover, she is on the trail of those who have been targeting the group. Charlie is tough on the outside and a bit soft on the inside, which may make her career choice problematic. There are times when Sean questions her choices and motives. If she's going to be a bodyguard, she has to follow a rather rigid line and not allow her emotions to come into play—that vulnerability could get her or her principals killed.

The two men in Charlie's life, Sean and her father, are both demanding and hard to get along with. There's not enough development of either one of them to get a real handle on the dynamics of the relationships. Sean does care about Charlie. Her father probably does as well, but he masks it in sarcasm and arrogance. Paradoxically, some of the things that I liked best about the book also were the elements that didn't work quite as well as they should have.

Sharp has arguably written the best description of what it feels like to be shot that I have ever read. However, that scene was part of the prologue and involved the death of one of the book's main characters. Knowing of that death decreased the dramatic tension of the narrative, in that I knew that this character was going to be killed and never expected otherwise.

If the book had been written in a linear time progression, that event would have been a real shock. Along the same lines, Sharp also portrays the effect of Charlie's grievous injuries in a very realistic way. However, the fact that she is not operating in top form leads to several situations where she is not able to resolve them as satisfactorily as she would have had she been healthy. It's not exactly easy to be a kick-ass heroine when you're using a crutch! Although there are several books in this series available in the UK, it is only now being released in the US.

With excellent plotting and some skillfully executed red herrings, a tough female protagonist and a knack for suspense, the Charlie Fox series should be a big hit with thriller fans. Mar 03, Michael Sova rated it really liked it. Helpless, vulnerable, insecure, fragile--these are not words we'd generally use to describe a literary hero. Too often, our heroes are larger than life. They never take a punch. We love them for their strength, and willingly overlook their total lack of any weakness. Such heroes are inspiring if not always entirely convincing. Sh Helpless, vulnerable, insecure, fragile--these are not words we'd generally use to describe a literary hero.

She has weaknesses and she does make mistakes. The woman she's hired to protect is already dead, and Charlie herself has been shot twice. She clings to life, and doesn't know if she has the will or the courage to press on.

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  7. Second Shot (Charlie Fox, book 6) by Zoë Sharp.

Second Shot is the sixth book in the Charlie Fox series. Like in First Drop, Charlie has been sent to the States to look after a child. And once again, the situation gets more complicated than expected. She is still battling with previous failures, and wonders if self doubt is preventing her from doing her job properly. Meanwhile, enemies with no such qualms are quickly closing in. While struggling with her own demons, dealing with weaknesses both physical and mental, a child's welfare is still at stake and Charlie realizes she's still the only one who can truly make things right.

The world of fiction has produced a lot of Charlie Fox type heroes. Most of them are men. Oh sure; we've seen plenty of female detectives, from Kinsey Milhone to V.

Second Shot

Warshawski to Precious Ramotswe. Charlie does her share of detecting as well, but she's primarily a bodyguard, a stereotypically male occupation, not just in literature but in life. She's also British but working in America. That too gives her, and by extension the reader, a slightly different perspective on things. I applaud Zoe Sharp for giving all of us something new, different and a little daring. She also crafts some great stories. If you're not familiar with Sharp yet, I suggest you give her and Charlie Fox a try.

Sep 03, LJ rated it did not like it Shelves: Take it from me, getting yourself shot hurts like hell. Simone Kerde won multi-millions in the lottery and her greatest wish is to get to know the father that left them when she was very young. She is being hounded by the press and feels threatened by her ex-boyfriend, the father of her 4-year-old daughter. What should have been a joyous reunion turns deadly with Charlie a target. However, exciting though it may be, opening the story with a climatic scene and then telling the main story in flashback is not a technique of which I am particularly fond.

Sharp also used foreshadowing, which I find unnecessary and annoying.

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I prefer to have the story build as it otherwise seems a bit of a cheat. There were many more things which bothered me about this book than that. For me, the best thing was the sense of place when the book was in Boston and North Conway, New Hampshire. These are locations I know well and it was fun to visit them with Charlie. That, however, was not enough to make up for, what was otherwise, an over-the-top plot that left me almost as cold as a New England winter. Aug 04, Harry rated it really liked it Shelves: I admit, reading the reviews I was skeptical as to whether or not I'd like this book for the simple reason that I'm interested in a particular type of hero principled but tempted by physical violence, alone in the world by choice but always tempted to abandon this lifestyle.

Female main characters usually do not fit this model if my previous reads are any indication. And so I considered that books written from the viewpoint of Charlie Fox, a female protagonist, might or might not interest me. Having said that, the character of Sean Meyer did interest me. Sharp did a nice job of incorporating my particular interest, not just in the character of Sean Meyer, but also in the female protagonist. Charlie Fox is in the business of security, protection, and self-defense. That too went a long way into my choosing to read this series.

Constantly weighing her principles against Sean Meyer vs. As with all series books, read them in order! And if you've read this review of Charlie Fox than you've read them all. Sharp remains consistent in terms of interesting plots, depth of character to warrant a blanket review of the entire series. May 13, Silverblue rated it really liked it. Second shot is another of Charlie Fox's stories. The "principal" and her daughter come to a large sum of money which makes them a target of tabloids, an ex, bankers and so on. The easy "job" was to keep the principal and her daughter to keep them safe from elements while in US in search of her long missing father, which turns into a nightmare upon their arrival to the USA what with the principal Second shot is another of Charlie Fox's stories.

The easy "job" was to keep the principal and her daughter to keep them safe from elements while in US in search of her long missing father, which turns into a nightmare upon their arrival to the USA what with the principal acting like an idiot by making herself vulnerable to her enemies by defying Charlie's orders to stay close together. As the story develops, Charlie continues her stubborn I-want-my-revenge-now-no-matter-what-the-cost attitude to solve the kidnapping of the 4yr old, the principals daughter.

Charlie's character somehow reminds me of Nathan from the movie The Last Samurai. Like Nathan, Charlie couldn't see herself suited for any job but soldiering and she kills whenever she has to yet suffers the guilt of killing people and tries to philosophizes the merits. Dec 17, Ed rated it really liked it Shelves: This novel is the second in the series to be published in the U. The four published in England may be more difficult to locate and the British slang is sometimes obscure but the series about a female self-defense expert and bodyguard is well worth making the effort.

Charlie Fox is fast becoming the must-read heroine of mystery. The writing is a joy, immediate, sassy and very moving One of the very best crime fiction sagas out there. Read more Read less. Countdown to Christmas Sale. Sale ends on 24 December at Customers who bought this item also bought. Page 1 of 1 Start over Page 1 of 1.

Product description Review "Scarily good. Today's best action heroine is back with a bang. See all Product description. Kindle Edition File Size: Amazon Australia Services, Inc. Customers who viewed this item also viewed. Share your thoughts with other customers. Write a customer review.

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Showing of 4 reviews. Top Reviews Most recent Top Reviews. There was a problem filtering reviews right now. Please try again later. Kindle Edition Verified Purchase. These books keep me totally engrossed from start to finish. Charlie's character is very believable and I'd love to be as brave as her. I love Charlie Fox, great character with just the right balance of traits to make her totally believable. Well written and constructed tales.

Hats off to Zoe Sharp. Same as Third shot, totally engrossing. I have purchased more of her books as I enjoyed the read. See all 4 reviews. Most helpful customer reviews on Amazon. This is not my favorite of the Charlie Fox series, mainly because I didn't care much for the secondary character, Simone. I had a difficult time believing that as a mother who is so protective of her daughter she would walk outside away from her with a stranger and leave her behind. Also, the grandmother character didn't ring true for me. However, I did enjoy this book. Once again, it was fast paced, filled with dramatic tension, and it placed Charlie back in the US in what is essentially her second body-guarding assignment.

Once again, she grows as a character, and her closest relationships deepen and become ever more complicated. There is plenty to love about this series and this particular novel in the series. This was a page-turner, and at the end, I could not wait to start the next book. The Kindle versions are good value for the money, and I'm eagerly awaiting the release in the US of Fourth Day, which I've pre-ordered.