Preparing Your Child for the Journey Through Adolescence : A Handbook for Parents

Adoption Books & Films

You cannot read this book without being changed. Are Those Kids Yours?: American Families With Children Adopted From Other Countries Cheri Register, A guide to becoming a visibly international family and answering the usually well-intentioned questions of others. Black Baby White Hands: A View from the Crib By Jaiya John, Here is a brazenly honest glimpse into the mind and heart of that child, a true story for the ages that flows like a soulful river—separated from his mother at birth, placed into foster care, adopted, and finally reunited with his biological family in adulthood—an astounding journey of personal discovery.

Jaiya John has opened the floodgates on his own childhood with this piercing memoir. Magically, this book finds a way to sing as it cries, and to exude compassion even as it dispels well-entrenched myths. This story is sure to find itself well worn, stained by tears, and brushed by laughter in the lap of parents, adolescents, educators, students and professionals. Bonds of Fantasy and Reality in Adoption Selma Kramer, This book addresses the impact of adoption on biological parents, adoptive parents, adopted children, and siblings. Message From an Unknown Chinese Mother Xinran, This book tells the stories of Chinese mothers whose daughters have been wrenched from them, and also brings us the voices of some adoptive mothers from different parts of the world.

These are stories which Xinran could not bring herself to tell previously — because they were too painful and close to home. Ten chapters, ten women and many stories of heartbreak, including her own: Xinran once again takes us right into the lives of Chinese women — students, successful business women, midwives, peasants, all with memories which have stained their lives.

Whether as a consequence of the single-child policy, destructive age-old traditions or hideous economic necessity… these women had to give up their daughters for adoption, others were forced to abandon them — on city streets, outside hospitals, orphanages or on station platforms — and others even had to watch their baby daughters being taken away at birth, and drowned.

The book sends a heartrending message from their birth mothers to all those Chinese girls who have been adopted overseas at the end of there were over , registered adoptive families for Chinese orphans, almost all girls, in 27 countries , to show them how things really were for their mothers, and to tell them they were loved and will never be forgotten. Adopted by an American family at age four, Jaclyn goes to her new home with a great burden. Her new family had to leave behind a little boy who had been under her charge at the Chinese orphanage.

Wanting a Daughter, Needing a Son: Those who have been touched by adoption from China often speak those very words. This book provides the most thorough answer to date. Lost Daughters of China: This book explores the emotional and political complexities that create families across the boundaries of culture and geography. Adopting a Daughter from China Denise Harris Hoppenhauer, Written for first time parents, the practical advice offered here combines the challenging aspects of parenthood, with personal experience and the unique needs of adoptive families.

Preparing Your Child for the Journey Through Adolescence

This easy to read, book covers every aspect of adopting from China: Moore, A manifesto calling Christians to adopt children and to equip Christian families going through the process. Offers biblical foundations for adoption and identifies adoption as a Great Commission priority in evangelical churches. After the Dream Comes True: Post Adoption Support for Christian Families Michelle Gardner, As families lovingly and obediently welcome adopted children into their hearts and homes, there are many issues with which they need to deal.

This book helps families consider these issues from a scriptural perspective and challenges families to see adoption as an opportunity to learn to trust and obey. Denise Harris Hoppenhauer, This book covers all aspects of toddler adoption and the immediate requirements for raising a toddler. A Passage to the Heart: Mei Mei Little Sister: Portraits from a Chinese Orphanage Richard Bowen, The Chinese believe an unseen red thread joins those in this life who are destined to connect. Mei Mei presents a poignant glimpse of just a few of these remarkable children.

The images show an almost endless range of expressions: When that unique human being comes into focus, the connection is made and the red thread becomes visible. And once seen, the bond can never be broken. The story is told from the point of view of the toddler and touches on many of the concerns and fears that a child might be experiencing when their family decides to adopt.

I Wished For You: Barley asks Mama the questions many adopted children have, and Mama lovingly answers them all. A nice introduction to adoption for any child, adopted or not. This is a story of a mother with an unfulfilled heart longing to love a child. Finally, her prayers and dreams come true, and Little Fox comes into her life. It is a story he loves to hear over and over about the day he came home. She tells him how she waited and prayed for him, how he would look, and how he would smell.

This is a charming story about adoption, when faith and hope are given free reign and the timing is given to God, whose timing is always perfect. Three Names of Me Mary Cummings, A gentle, sensitive story of international adoption told through the eyes of a Chinese-American girl. Ada Lorane Bennett explains how she came to have several names—the first was from her birth mother and is buried deep in her heart, another she received at the orphanage, and the third came from her adoptive parents.

This is a warm and simplistic story, with a positive message on adoption. The delicate watercolors perfectly complement this charming text, a celebration of the love and joy a baby brings into the world.

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For transracial and transcultural adoptees, celebrating the differences within their families as well as the similarities that connect them is the foundation for belonging. Each child will have their own story and their own special place to belong.

While others may notice the physical differences between us on the outside, inside we are the same. Borya and the Burps — An Eastern European Adoption Story B y Joan McNamara, A good introduction for young, recently adopted children, and a conversation starter for slightly older children ready to talk what adoption has meant in their lives. The book illustrates some of the confusion children feel when they are removed from multiple caretakers and groups of children and are moved into a loving family with a sensory-enriched home environment.

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With their whole world turned upside down, children struggle to make sense of these changes and ultimately blossom within a family who will be theirs forever. Families who have adopted from other regions of the world will also find this story valuable. Comments while reading about what was the same and what was different for their child can personalize this story. The foster parents are pictured. Choco believes that physical similarity is a prerequisite for family relationships. He asks a series of animals who bear a resemblance to him if they might be his mother, but all turn him away.

Choco is pleasantly surprised when Mrs. Bear takes an interest in him, plays with and cuddles him, and ultimately offers him a home. A multicultural message may also be read into this satisfying story with appealing illustrations and a very happy ending. Eager to pick up their new baby, the parents-to-be describe their preparations and purchases: The responses are loving and reassuring as well as instructive. Kroll carefully selects children from a variety of backgrounds and it is respectful and never condescending.

This is an agreeable reminder that happy families come in all colors and combinations. B y John and Jane Sardos, Born in the year of the dragon, little Jaynie embarks on a journey of self-discovery and learns from her mother how she became a special part of her very unique family. To purchase, go to http: Provides sections for parents discussing the unique practical and emotional dimensions of adoptive children and their families, and offers many suggestions.

Drawing Out Feelings Marge Eaton Heegaard, This art therapy book helps children cope with the emotional impact of adoption. It is full of helpful suggestions to promote discussion between the adoptive parents and the child. It effectively describes and empowers a young girl looking for acknowledgement, empathy and emotional validation.

It also enables pre-teen readers to put their early lives into perspective, while emphasizing the supportive love that encircles them within their own families. A Survival Guide to Adolescence Danea Gorbett, All adopted teens have questions, but not every adopted teen knows how to approach these questions or how to handle the intense emotions and high stress often associated with them.

This book offers confirmation that what you feel, think, wonder, and worry about as an adopted teen is normal and important, and helps you acknowledge and celebrate the unique gifts and many advantages of growing up adopted. How to Deal with the Questions of your Past Anne Lanchon, Written in a style attractive to teens, this book deals with issues of self-identity, family relationships, biological roots, and relationships with peers.

The Secret of Me: The Face in the Mirror: Written for both teenagers and adults, it is a frank discussion of the issues surrounding adoption, and in particular what adoptees, adoptive parents, and birth parents should know when adopted teens want to discover their past. Somewhere Between — This film profiles Chinese adoptees in contemporary America.

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It explores how women think about their children, their families, and themselves as mothers as they labor to construct or resist ethnic identities for their children, who may be perceived as birth children because they are white or who may be perceived as adopted because of racial difference. American Families With Children Adopted From Other Countries Cheri Register, A guide to becoming a visibly international family and answering the usually well-intentioned questions of others. Therapists and clinicians will discover: But more importantly, it is a source of valuable information, hope and inspiration for adoptive and foster parents, therapists, teachers, social workers, and all others whose lives interact with these children. How to Answer Questions from Family, Friends, and Community Amy Coughlin, Caryn Abramowitz, Written as a guidebook for adult relatives and friends of adoptive families, this book puts the power of information where kids seek it most—in the mouths of their parents and caregivers. She deals with racism, problems around the holidays, disabled and special-needs children, and international adoptees.

It is a deeply moving documentary illustrating that even the most specific of experiences can be universally relatable. Of the roughly 80, girls who have been adopted from China since —a decade after China implemented its One Child Policy—the film intimately follows four teenagers.

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In their own ways, all attempt to make sense of their complex identities. Issues of belonging, race, and gender are brought to life through these articulate subjects, who approach life with honesty and open hearts.

Through her eyes, we witness her struggle with a new identity as she transforms from a timid child into someone that no one — neither her new family nor she — could have imagined. Lin has a facial deformity that discourages her from ever showing her face, but her friendship with Katie helps her to start to see life in a new way.

Family Resources

The Official Story — A story about adoption and Argentina. Orphaned at an early age and compelled to claw his way to adulthood alone, Tsotsi has lived a life of extreme social and psychological deprivation.

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The film is a psychological thriller in which the protagonist is compelled to confront his own brutal nature and face the consequences of his actions. It puts a human face on both the victims and the perpetrators of violent crime and is ultimately a story of hope and a triumph of love over rage. This documentary about the reunion between a Vietnamese born adoptee and her birth family. This documentary about a Korean-born adoptee who unites her biological and adoptive families.

Crash — A provocative, unflinching look at the complexities of racial tolerance in contemporary America. She knew she was not.


So began a year deception for a Korean adoptee who came to the United States in Told to keep her true identity secret from her new American family, the 8-year-old girl quickly forgot she had ever been anyone else. But why had her identity been switched? And who was the real Cha Jung Hee? For those whose children have already reached the stage of adolescence the Handbook offers parents guidance as to how to stay involved in their adolescents lives, and how to identify problems the adolescent may be experiencing.

An interesting list of Principles for life and a comprehensive list of South African resources are provided to facilitate access to professional help. This book provides all the information needed to teach your children wholesome, Godly principles. It is a fantastic resource. I highly recommend this book to all parents. It would most definitely assist you during the difficult, adolescent years.

With today's increasing emphasis on the problems of teenagers, this book could hardly have been more timely and important. I know Indira Gilbert personally as a motivated and knowledgeable individual, whose qualities could not help but be reflected in her book. Read on your iOS and Android devices Get more info. Capabilities Text to speech. Additional information Publisher Xlibris UK. Content protection This content is DRM free. Additional terms Terms of transaction.